211 research outputs found

    Electrocaloric Cooling

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    The electrocaloric effect describes a reversible temperature change in dielectric materials submitted to an applied electric field. Adiabatic polarization raises their temperature, and adiabatic depolarization lowers it, analogous to temperature changes that occur when a gas is compressed or expanded. For refrigerator application, the reverse Brayton cycle is currently the most promising for practical implementation. The electrocaloric effect provides a large material efficiency. However, existing refrigerator prototypes lack from the absence of efficient heat switches for thermal linkage to the load and the heat sink. Cooling power densities of a few W/cm2 and temperature spans in the order of 20 K (in regeneration systems) are achievable at a cycle time of 100 ms

    Porosity Engineering of Dried Smart Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels for Gas Sensing

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    A recent study unveiled the potential of acrylamide-based stimulus-responsive hydrogels for volatile organic compound detection in gaseous environments. However, for gas sensing, a large surface area, that is, a highly porous material, offering many adsorption sites is crucial. The large humidity variation in the gaseous environment constitutes a significant challenge for preserving an initially porous structure, as the pores tend to be unstable and irreversibly collapse. Therefore, the present investigation focuses on enhancing the porosity of smart PNiPAAm hydrogels under the conditions of a gaseous environment and the preservation of the structural integrity for long-term use. We have studied the influence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a porogen and the application of different drying methods and posttreatment. The investigations lead to the conclusion that only the combination of PEG addition, freeze-drying, and subsequent conditioning in high relative humidity enables a long-term stable formation of a porous surface and inner structure of the material. The significantly enhanced swelling response in a gaseous environment and in the test gas acetone is confirmed by gravimetric experiments of bulk samples and continuous measurements of thin films on piezoresistive pressure sensor chips. These measurements are furthermore complemented by an in-depth analysis of the morphology and microstructure. While the study was conducted for PNiPAAm, the insights and developed processes are general in nature and can be applied for porosity engineering of other smart hydrogel materials for VOC detection in gaseous environments

    Specific immunoassays confirm association of <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> subsp. <i>paratuberculosis</i> with type-1 but not type-2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is a versatile pathogen with a broad host range. Its association with type-1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) has been recently proposed. Rapid identification of infectious agents such as MAP in diabetic patients at the level of clinics might be helpful in deciphering the role of chronic bacterial infection in the development of autoimmune diseases such as T1DM. Methodology/Principal Findings We describe use of an ELISA method to identify live circulating MAP through the detection of a cell envelope protein, MptD by a specific M13 phage – fMptD. We also used another ELISA format to detect immune response to MptD peptide. Both the methods were tested with blood plasma obtained from T1DM, type-2 diabetes (T2DM) patients and non-diabetic controls. Our results demonstrate MptD and fMptD ELISA assays to be accurate and sensitive to detect MAP bacilli in a large fraction (47.3%) of T1DM patients as compared to non-diabetic controls (12.6%) and those with confirmed T2DM (7.7%). Comparative analysis of ELISA assays performed here with 3 other MAP antigen preparations, namely HbHA, Gsd and whole cell MAP lysates confirmed comparable sensitivity of the MptD peptide and the fMptD based ELISA assays. Moreover, we were successful in demonstrating positive bacterial culture in two of the clinical specimen derived from T1DM patients. Conclusions and Significance The MptD peptide/fMptD based ELISA or similar tests could be suggested as rapid and specific field level diagnostic tests for the identification of MAP in diabetic patients and for finding the explanations towards the occurrence of type-1 or type-2 diabetes in the light of an active infectious trigger

    Proteomic and immunoproteomic characterization of a DIVA subunit vaccine against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protection of pigs by vaccination against <it>Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae</it>, the causative agent of porcine pleuropneumonia, is hampered by the presence of 15 different serotypes. A DIVA subunit vaccine comprised of detergent-released proteins from <it>A. pleuropneumoniae </it>serotypes 1, 2 and 5 has been developed and shown to protect pigs from clinical symptoms upon homologous and heterologous challenge. This vaccine has not been characterized in-depth so far. Thus we performed i) mass spectrometry in order to identify the exact protein content of the vaccine and ii) cross-serotype 2-D immunoblotting in order to discover cross-reactive antigens. By these approaches we expected to gain results enabling us to argue about the reasons for the efficacy of the analyzed vaccine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 75 different proteins in the vaccine. Using the PSORTb algorithm these proteins were classified according to their cellular localization. Highly enriched proteins are outer membrane-associated lipoproteins like OmlA and TbpB, integral outer membrane proteins like FrpB, TbpA, OmpA1, OmpA2, HgbA and OmpP2, and secreted Apx toxins. The subunit vaccine also contained large amounts of the ApxIVA toxin so far thought to be expressed only during infection. Applying two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) we showed different isoforms and variations in expression levels of several proteins among the strains used for vaccine production. For detection of cross-reactive antigens we used detergent released proteins of serotype 7. Sera of pigs vaccinated with the detergent-released proteins of serotypes 1, 2, and 5 detected seven different proteins of serotype 7, and convalescent sera of pigs surviving experimental infection with serotype 7 reacted with 13 different proteins of the detergent-released proteins of <it>A. pleuropneumoniae </it>serotypes 1, 2, and 5.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A detergent extraction-based subunit vaccine of <it>A. pleuropneumoniae </it>was characterized by mass spectrometry. It contained a large variety of immunogenic and virulence associated proteins, among them the ApxIVA toxin. The identification of differences in expression as well as isoform variation between the serotypes implied the importance of combining proteins of different serotypes for vaccine generation. This finding was supported by immunoblotting showing the induction of cross-reactive antibodies against several surface associated proteins in immunized animals.</p

    Development of hydrogel-based MEMS piezoresistive sensors for detection of solution pH and glucose concentration

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    Hydrogels are water-swollen polymeric materials that maintain a distinct three-dimensional structure. Manipulation of hydrogel structure has produced stimuli sensitive hydrogels, which change their swelling degree or undergo phase transition in response to minimal changes in environmental conditions. This paper presents the development of hydrogel-based sensors for measurement of solution pH and glucose concentration using commercial MEMS piezoresistive pressure transducers. pH-sensitive PVA/PAA and glucose-sensitive AAm/3-APB/BIS hydrogels are used in the experiments. Two types of sensor packaging, one is used as solution container and the other used to dip into solution have been performed. The measurements for different solutions having pH values between 1 to 11 and glucose concentrations between 2.5 mM and 15 mM have been carried out. The output characteristics of sensors have been demonstrated showing the long-term reproduction and relatively good sensitivity, namely approximately 20 mV/pH for pH sensor and 7 mV/1 mM of glucose concentration for glucose sensor


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    Whole-cell biosensors, which can be used in the environmental protection and process measuring technology, in the biotechnology, food and&nbsp;pharmaceutical industry for the on-line control and monitoring of chemical and biochemical processes and for the fast detection of small amounts of&nbsp;solutes, are of great interest. These kind of &nbsp;biosensors comprise microorganisms like genetically modified yeast cells, which react on a specific stimulus, e.g. a residual amount of drugs in the measurement medium with a dependent fluorescence. The receptors of the cells detect specific signal molecules and stimulate the organism to produce a fluorescent protein. In this work, a combined impedimetric-optical read out was used, which can provide the reliable and long-term stable detection of a fluorescence signal accompanied by impedance measurements monitoring cell vitality and activity. A new challenge thereby is a special sensor design which enables the integration of excitation source, &nbsp;photodetector, interdigitated electrodes, and the fluidic system with an effective and long-term-stable packaging.Biosensory pełnokomórkowe cieszą się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem. Mogą one być wykorzystywane w ochronie środowiska i technologii pomiaru procesów, w branży biotechnologicznej, spożywczej i farmaceutycznej do kontrolowania i monitorowania procesów chemicznych i biochemicznych on-line oraz do szybkiego wykrywania niewielkich ilości substancji rozpuszczonych,. Tego rodzaju biosensory obejmują mikroorganizmy, takie jak genetycznie zmodyfikowane komórki drożdży, które reagują na specyficzny bodziec, np. fluorescencją na resztkowa ilość leków w pożywce pomiarowej. Receptory komórek wykrywają określone cząsteczki sygnałowe i stymulują organizm do wytwarzania białka fluorescencyjnego. W pracy wykorzystano łączony odczyt impedancyjno-optyczny, który może zapewnić niezawodną i długotrwale stabilną detekcję sygnału fluorescencyjnego, któremu towarzyszą pomiary impedancji monitorujące żywotność i aktywność komórek. Nowym wyzwaniem jest specjalna konstrukcja czujnika, która umożliwia integrację źródła pobudzenia, fotodetektora, elektrod palcowych i układu płynowego w jednej obudowie