452 research outputs found

    CCS Networks for the UK: Benefits, Impacts and Regulation

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    What benefits might be offered by developing well planned CCS networks? A review of the drivers for and barriers to the coherent development of CCS networks in the UK is used to synthesise a limited set of possible network topologies. The benefits offered by each topology for UK carbon dioxide and other atmospheric emissions are estimated. Other potential benefits are considered qualitatively, and a range of uncertainties identified. The complexity of CCS networks means that addressing these uncertainties is a challenging task, and the need for a whole systems approach is evaluated. Finally, implications for CCS regulation and policy are highlighted


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    Our study involved 305 patients with skin diseases hospitalized in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical University of Varna, for a 6-month period (April-September, 1998). In 40 (13,1 %) of them onychomycoses of toe nails (1-10) nails as an attendant disease were established. The group included patients aged 45 to 73 years; 22 males and 18 females. Diagnosis of dermatophyte nail invasion was proved by the isolation and identification of the fungi from the affected nails. Onychomycoses accompanied several skin diseases such as erysipelas - 9, psoriasis vulgaris - 8, chronic venous insufficiency of lower extremities - 5, skin diseases with autoimmune genesis and prolonged immunosupressive therapy - 5, and other -13. That gavs reason to consider onychomycoses as predisposition factors in some dermatoses but in patients with decreased immune defense as predisposition factors for the appearance of the disease

    Quantitative determination of ochratoxin A in wine after the clarification and filtration

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    Through the use of the analytical method known as HPLC-FD and previously used the method for extraction of ochratoxin A by immunoaffinity columns, we have analyzed the possible effect of the clarification and filtration process on 54 samples of 2013 newly fermented wine, which have finished alcoholic fermentation process and racking, without knowing in advance whether there and how is the amount of OTA in wine. The racking of the wine before clarification and filtration followed by adequate clarification and filtration process during winemaking seems to be crucial in the reduction or complete elimination of the analyzed mycotoxin (OTA).The results of all analyzed samples have been below the limit allowed by the EU for ochratoxin A i.e. 2 ng/ml, and as such does not represent a risk to human health

    Geochemistry and thermodynamic modelling of low-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Sakar-Strandja region, SE Bulgaria

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    Carbonate-silicate metasedimentary rocks of Triassic protolith age from the Sakar-Strandja region were affected by low-grade metamorphism in the frame of the Maritsa shear zone, which separates two first-order units of the Balkan orogenic system - Rhodopes and Srednogorie zones. The metamorphism was contemporaneous with strike-slip deformation and ductile shearing. We focus attention on whole-rock and mineral chemistry for better understanding of protoliths origin and metamorphic evolution. The major minerals assemblage comprises calcite, dolomite quartz and white mica in variable proportions, minor chlorite, feldspars and rarely biotite. The accessory phases are ilmenite, rutile, monazite and zircon. Most of the samples show well-defined foliation. The siliciclastic component corresponds to shale, wacke or arkose origin and suggests a quartzose sedimentary provenance. The majority of trace elements tend to incorporate in silicate minerals, while Sr shows pronounced preference for calcite. Chondrite normalized REE patterns correspond to continental crust. Immobile elements (La, Th, Sc, Zr, Ti) used for discrimination of tectonic regimes suggest continental island arc setting for the siliciclastic component origin. The P-T pseudosections (Perple_X 6.7.4, Connolly, 1990) combined with observed mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry isopleths of white mica, chlorite and plagioclase correspond to metamorphism in the range 200-400°C and 0.2-0.4 GPa. The results are supported by chlorite solid solution geothermometer. The thermodynamic modelling corroborates petrographic observations and confirms metamorphism at greenschist facies. Geochemical data suggest protoliths origin due to shallow marine terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation with a provenance of typical upper continental crustal composition at continental island arc tectonic setting

    Craniofacial morphology in individuals with increasing severity of hypodontia

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    Introduction: Tooth agenesis has an impact on craniofacial morphology. The aim of this study was to investigate the craniofacial morphology of individuals with increasing severity of hypodontia in Macedonian population. Materials and methods: The material comprised X - rays (OPG and profile) of 60 patients with congenitally missing teeth and 40 X- rays (OPG and profile) of patients, with normal occlusion and complete dentition, selected as the control group, aged 10-15 years, in both sexes. All subjects were evaluated cephalometrically. According to the number of missing teeth, subjects were subdivided into three groups: group A - mild (1-2), group B - moderate (3-6), and group C - severe (≄ 7 congenitally missing permanent teeth). Results: The results showed significant differences in the craniofacial size and morphology between the groups. Maxilla and mandible were retrognathic, and the maxillary length was significantly reduced in all three hypodontia groups compared to the controls. The ANB angle decreased as the number of missing teeth increased, and the patients with more severe hypodontia showed tendencies to a Class III skeletal relationship. The lower anterior face height was significantly reduced only in the severe hypodontia group. An important finding is also retroclination of the maxillary incisors in the mild and moderate hypodontia groups and greater anteriorinclination in the severe hypodontia group. The lower incisors displayed retroclination and the interincisal angle was increased in all three hypodontia groups. The incisor inclination was reflected by a reduction in the protrusion of the lips. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that agenesis has a negative influence on the craniofacial morphology according to the number of missing teeth and leads to aesthetic and functional disturbances

    Application of 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol for flotation-spectrophotometric determination of iron

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    Optimum conditions for flotation-spectrophotometric determination of iron with 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR) based on a 1:2 FeII-PAR complex were found to be as follows: flotation solvent (chloroform), shaking time (2 min), pH (4.5±0.5), concentration of PAR (2.0×10–4 mol L–1), reducing agent (hydroxylamine hydrochloride), solvent for the floated compound (dimethylsulphoxide, DMSO), wavelength for spectrophotometric measurements (718 nm), and volumes of the organic solvents (5 mL of chloroform and 3 mL of DMSO). Calibration graphs were compared for different volumes of the aqueous phase – 10 mL and 40 mL; the corresponding linear ranges were 0.30–1.3 mg mL–1 and 0.25–1.0 mg mL–1. The iron content was successfully determined in soil samples, reference standard materials (PS-1, COOMET No. 0001-1999 BG, SОD No. 310Đ°-98; PS-2, COOMET No. 0002-1999 BG, SOD No. 311Đ°-98; and PS-3, COOMET No. 0003-1999 BG, SOD No. 312Đ°-98) and zinc sulfide concentrates. KEY WORDS: Iron(II), Fe-PAR complex, Flotation, Spectrophotometry, Soils, Zinc sulfide concentrates Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2016, 30(3), 325-332.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v30i3.

    Drug Mass Transfer Mechanism, Thermodynamics, and In Vitro Release Kinetics of Antioxidant-encapsulated Zeolite Microparticles as a Drug Carrier System

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    The aim of the present study was to develop a new vitamin E-zeolite drug carrier system, and investigate the mass transfer mechanism of the antioxidant encapsulation and release on/from the mineral matrix by thermodynamic and kinetics sorption/desorption experiments and mathematical modelling of the experimental data. The surface, morphological and spectral characteristics of the vitamin and the zeolite were determined by Boehm titration, SEM, FTIR and UV/Vis spectrophotometric analyses. Intraparticle diffusion was not the only rate-limiting mechanism, as the mixed-order kinetics model gave the highest regression coefficient (R2) and lowest SSE, MSE, RMSE, and AICC values. The thermodynamic study confirmed the endothermic nature of the spontaneous encapsulation process and increased degrees of randomness at the solid-liquid interface. The in vitro release results were best modelled by the zero-order and sigmoidal models. The results obtained are essential for the development of innovative vitamin E-carrier systems for application in human and veterinary medicine

    Restoration of photosystem II photochemistry and carbon assimilation and related changes in chlorophyll and protein contents during the rehydration of desiccated Xerophyta scabrida leaves

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    Recovery of photosynthesis in rehydrating desiccated leaves of the poikilochlorophyllous desiccation-tolerant plant Xerophyta scabrida was investigated. Detached leaves were remoistened under 12 h light/dark cycles for 96 h. Water, chlorophyll (Chl), and protein contents, Chl fluorescence, photosynthesis–CO2 concentration response, and the amount and activity of Rubisco were measured at intervals during the rehydration period. Leaf relative water contents reached 87% in 12 h and full turgor in 96 h. Chl synthesis was slower before than after 24 h, and Chla:Chlb ratios changed from 0.13 to 2.6 in 48 h. The maximum quantum efficiency recovered faster during rehydration than the photosystem II operating efficiency and the efficiency factor, which is known to depend mainly on the use of the electron transport chain products. From 24 h to 96 h of rehydration, net carbon fixation was Rubisco limited, rather than electron transport limited. Total Rubisco activity increased during rehydration more than the Rubisco protein content. Desiccated leaves contained, in a close to functional state, more than half the amount of the Rubisco protein present in rehydrated leaves. The results suggest that in X. scabrida leaves Rubisco adopts a special, protective conformation and recovers its activity during rehydration through modifications in redox status

    Complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear ribosomal RNA operons of two species of Diplostomum (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda): a molecular resource for taxonomy and molecular epidemiology of important fish pathogens

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    © 2015 Brabec et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article
