5,141 research outputs found

    Is the Mott transition relevant to f-electron metals ?

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    We study how a finite hybridization between a narrow correlated band and a wide conduction band affects the Mott transition. At zero temperature, the hybridization is found to be a relevant perturbation, so that the Mott transition is suppressed by Kondo screening. In contrast, a first-order transition remains at finite temperature, separating a local moment phase and a Kondo- screened phase. The first-order transition line terminates in two critical endpoints. Implications for experiments on f-electron materials such as the Cerium alloy Ce0.8_{0.8}La0.1_{0.1}Th0.1_{0.1} are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Importance of interorbital charge transfers for the metal-to-insulator transition of BaVS3_3

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    The underlying mechanism of the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in BaVS3_3 is investigated, using dynamical mean-field theory in combination with density functional theory. It is shown that correlation effects are responsible for a strong charge redistribution, which lowers the occupancy of the broader \a1g band in favor of the narrower EgE_g bands. This resolves several discrepancies between band theory and the experimental findings, such as the observed value of the charge-density wave ordering vector associated with the MIT, and the presence of local moments in the metallic phase.Comment: improved discussion, new figure, added reference

    Orbital selective Mott transition in multi-band systems: slave-spin representation and dynamical mean-field theory

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    We examine whether the Mott transition of a half-filled, two-orbital Hubbard model with unequal bandwidths occurs simultaneously for both bands or whether it is a two-stage process in which the orbital with narrower bandwith localizes first (giving rise to an intermediate `orbital-selective' Mott phase). This question is addressed using both dynamical mean-field theory, and a representation of fermion operators in terms of slave quantum spins, followed by a mean-field approximation (similar in spirit to a Gutzwiller approximation). In the latter approach, the Mott transition is found to be orbital-selective for all values of the Coulomb exchange (Hund) coupling J when the bandwidth ratio is small, and only beyond a critical value of J when the bandwidth ratio is larger. Dynamical mean-field theory partially confirms these findings, but the intermediate phase at J=0 is found to differ from a conventional Mott insulator, with spectral weight extending down to arbitrary low energy. Finally, the orbital-selective Mott phase is found, at zero-temperature, to be unstable with respect to an inter-orbital hybridization, and replaced by a state with a large effective mass (and a low quasiparticle coherence scale) for the narrower band.Comment: Discussion on the effect of hybridization on the OSMT has been extende

    The alpha-gamma transition of Cerium is entropy-driven

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    We emphasize, on the basis of experimental data and theoretical calculations, that the entropic stabilization of the gamma-phase is the main driving force of the alpha-gamma transition of cerium in a wide temperature range below the critical point. Using a formulation of the total energy as a functional of the local density and of the f-orbital local Green's functions, we perform dynamical mean-field theory calculations within a new implementation based on the multiple LMTO method, which allows to include semi-core states. Our results are consistent with the experimental energy differences and with the qualitative picture of an entropy-driven transition, while also confirming the appearance of a stabilization energy of the alpha phase as the quasiparticle Kondo resonance develops.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Stable fractal sums of pulses: the cylindrical case

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    A class of α-stable, 0\textlessα\textless2, processes is obtained as a sum of ’up-and-down’ pulses determined by an appropriate Poisson random measure. Processes are H-self-affine (also frequently called ’self-similar’) with H\textless1/α and have stationary increments. Their two-dimensional dependence structure resembles that of the fractional Brownian motion (for H\textless1/2), but their sample paths are highly irregular (nowhere bounded with probability 1). Generalizations using different shapes of pulses are also discussed

    Dynamical solutions of a quantum Heisenberg spin glass model

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    We consider quantum-dynamical phenomena in the SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2), S=1/2S=1/2 infinite-range quantum Heisenberg spin glass. For a fermionic generalization of the model we formulate generic dynamical self-consistency equations. Using the Popov-Fedotov trick to eliminate contributions of the non-magnetic fermionic states we study in particular the isotropic model variant on the spin space. Two complementary approximation schemes are applied: one restricts the quantum spin dynamics to a manageable number of Matsubara frequencies while the other employs an expansion in terms of the dynamical local spin susceptibility. We accurately determine the critical temperature TcT_c of the spin glass to paramagnet transition. We find that the dynamical correlations cause an increase of TcT_c by 2% compared to the result obtained in the spin-static approximation. The specific heat C(T)C(T) exhibits a pronounced cusp at TcT_c. Contradictory to other reports we do not observe a maximum in the C(T)C(T)-curve above TcT_c.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Robust self-trapping of vortex beams in a saturable optical medium

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    We report the first observation of robust self-trapping of vortex beams propagating in a uniform condensed medium featuring local saturable self-focusing nonlinearity. Optical vortices with topological charge m=1, that remain self-trapped over ~ 5 Rayleigh lengths, are excited in carbon disulfide using a helical light beam at 532 nm and intensities from 8 to 10 GW/cm^2. At larger intensities, the vortex beams lose their stability, spontaneously breaking into two fragments. Numerical simulations based on the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation including the three-photon absorption and nonpolynomial saturation of the refractive nonlinearity demonstrate close agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures,to be published in Phys. Rev. A (2016

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    The effect of load in a contact with boundary lubrication

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    The effect of the transition load on the wear in a contact with boundary lubrication was investigated. An experimental method was developed for this purpose, and parameters affecting the boundary lubrication under industrial operating conditions were identified. These parameters are the adsorbed boundary film, the contact microgeometry (surface roughness), macrogeometry, and hardness of materials used. It was found that the curve of the tops of the surface protrustion affect the transition load, and thus the boundary lubrication. The transition load also depends on the chemical nature of the contact and its geometrical and mechanical aspects
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