85 research outputs found

    Interleukin (IL)-1 promotes allogeneic T cell intimal infiltration and IL-17 production in a model of human artery rejection

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    Interleukin (IL) 1α produced by human endothelial cells (ECs), in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or to co-culture with allogeneic T cells in a TNF-dependent manner, can augment the release of cytokines from alloreactive memory T cells in vitro. In a human–mouse chimeric model of artery allograft rejection, ECs lining the transplanted human arteries express IL-1α, and blocking IL-1 reduces the extent of human T cell infiltration into the artery intima and selectively inhibits IL-17 production by infiltrating T cells. In human skin grafts implanted on immunodeficient mice, administration of IL-17 is sufficient to induce mild inflammation. In cultured cells, IL-17 acts preferentially on vascular smooth muscle cells rather than ECs to enhance production of proinflammatory mediators, including IL-6, CXCL8, and CCL20. Neutralization of IL-17 does not reduce T cell infiltration into allogeneic human artery grafts, but markedly reduces IL-6, CXCL8, and CCL20 expression and selectively inhibits CCR6+ T cell accumulation in rejecting arteries. We conclude that graft-derived IL-1 can promote T cell intimal recruitment and IL-17 production during human artery allograft rejection, and suggest that targeting IL-1 in the perioperative transplant period may modulate host alloreactivity

    Endothelial cells present antigens in vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Immune recognition of vascular endothelial cells (EC) has been implicated in allograft rejection, protection against pathogens, and lymphocyte recruitment. However, EC pervade nearly all tissues and predominate in none, complicating any direct test of immune recognition. Here, we examined antigen presentation by EC in vivo by testing immune responses against E. coli β-galactosidase (β-gal) in two lines of transgenic mice that express β-gal exclusively in their EC. TIE2-lacZ mice express β-gal in all EC and VWF-lacZ mice express β-gal in heart and brain microvascular EC. RESULTS: Transgenic and congenic wild type FVB mice immunized with β-gal expression vector DNA or β-gal protein generated high titer, high affinity antisera containing comparable levels of antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes, suggesting equivalent activation of T helper cell subsets. The immunized transgenic mice remained healthy, their EC continued to express β-gal, and their blood vessels showed no histological abnormalities. In response to β-gal in vitro, CD4(+ )and CD8(+ )T cells from immunized transgenic and FVB mice proliferated, expressed CD25, and secreted IFN-γ. Infection with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding β-gal raised equivalent responses in transgenic and FVB mice. Hearts transplanted from transgenic mice into FVB mice continued to beat and the graft EC continued to express β-gal. These results suggested immunological ignorance of the transgene encoded EC protein. However, skin transplanted from TIE2-lacZ onto FVB mice lost β-gal(+ )EC and the hosts developed β-gal-specific antisera, demonstrating activation of host immune effector mechanisms. In contrast, skin grafted from TIE2-lacZ onto VWF-lacZ mice retained β-gal(+ )EC and no antisera developed, suggesting a tolerant host immune system. CONCLUSION: Resting, β-gal(+ )EC in transgenic mice tolerize specific lymphocytes that would otherwise respond against β-gal expressed by EC within transplanted skin. We conclude that EC effectively present intracellular "self" proteins to the immune system. However, antigen presentation by EC does not delete or anergize a large population of specific lymphocytes that respond to the same protein following conventional immunization with protein or expression vector DNA. These results clearly demonstrate striking context sensitivity in the immune recognition of EC, a subtlety that must be better understood in order to treat immune diseases and complications involving the vasculature

    MyD88-dependent, superoxide-initiated inflammation is necessary for flow-mediated inward remodeling of conduit arteries

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    Vascular remodeling normalizes abnormal hemodynamic stresses through structural changes affecting vessel size and wall thickness. We investigated the role of inflammation in flow-mediated vascular remodeling using a murine model of partial outflow reduction without flow cessation or neointima formation. Common carotid arteries decreased in size after ipsilateral external carotid artery ligation in wild-type mice, but not in myeloid differentiation protein-88 (MyD88)–deficient mice. Inward remodeling was associated with MyD88-dependent and superoxide-initiated cytokine and chemokine production, as well as transient adventitial macrophage accumulation and activation. Macrophage depletion prevented flow-mediated inward vascular remodeling. Expression of MyD88 by intrinsic vascular cells was necessary for cytokine and chemokine production and changes in vessel size, whereas MyD88 expression by bone marrow–derived cells was obligatory for changes in vessel size. We conclude that there are at least two distinct roles for MyD88 in flow-mediated inward remodeling of conduit arteries. Our findings suggest that inflammation is necessary for vascular adaptation to changes in hemodynamic forces

    ABO blood group does not impact incidence or outcomes of surgery for acute type A aortic dissection

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    Objectives. To evaluate the distribution and impact of ABO blood groups on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). Design. A total of 1144 surgical ATAAD patients from eight Nordic centres constituting the Nordic consortium for acute type A aortic dissection (NORCAAD) were analysed. Blood group O patients were compared to non-O subjects. The relative frequency of blood groups was assessed with t-distribution, modified for weighted proportions. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify independent predictors of 30-day mortality. Cox regression analyses were performed for assessing independent predictors of late mortality. Results. There was no significant difference in the proportions of blood group O between the study populations in the NORCAAD registry and the background population (40.6 (95% CI 37.7-43.4)% vs 39.0 (95% CI 39.0-39.0)%). ABO blood group was not associated with any significant change in risk of 30-day or late mortality, with the exception of blood group A being an independent predictor of late mortality. Prevalence of postoperative complications was similar between the ABO blood groups. Conclusions. In this large cohort of Nordic ATAAD patients, there were no associations between ABO blood group and surgical incidence or outcomes, including postoperative complications and survival

    ABO blood group does not impact incidence or outcomes of surgery for acute type A aortic dissection

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    Objectives. To evaluate the distribution and impact of ABO blood groups on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). Design. A total of 1144 surgical ATAAD patients from eight Nordic centres constituting the Nordic consortium for acute type A aortic dissection (NORCAAD) were analysed. Blood group O patients were compared to non-O subjects. The relative frequency of blood groups was assessed with t-distribution, modified for weighted proportions. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify independent predictors of 30-day mortality. Cox regression analyses were performed for assessing independent predictors of late mortality. Results. There was no significant difference in the proportions of blood group O between the study populations in the NORCAAD registry and the background population (40.6 (95% CI 37.7–43.4)% vs 39.0 (95% CI 39.0–39.0)%). ABO blood group was not associated with any significant change in risk of 30-day or late mortality, with the exception of blood group A being an independent predictor of late mortality. Prevalence of postoperative complications was similar between the ABO blood groups. Conclusions. In this large cohort of Nordic ATAAD patients, there were no associations between ABO blood group and surgical incidence or outcomes, including postoperative complications and survival

    CXCR3-dependent accumulation and activation of perivascular macrophages is necessary for homeostatic arterial remodeling to hemodynamic stresses

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    Sustained changes in blood flow modulate the size of conduit arteries through structural alterations of the vessel wall that are dependent on the transient accumulation and activation of perivascular macrophages. The leukocytic infiltrate appears to be confined to the adventitia, is responsible for medial remodeling, and resolves once hemodynamic stresses have normalized without obvious intimal changes. We report that inward remodeling of the mouse common carotid artery after ligation of the ipsilateral external carotid artery is dependent on the chemokine receptor CXCR3. Wild-type myeloid cells restored flow-mediated vascular remodeling in CXCR3-deficient recipients, adventitia-infiltrating macrophages of Gr1low resident phenotype expressed CXCR3, the perivascular accumulation of macrophages was dependent on CXCR3 signaling, and the CXCR3 ligand IP-10 was sufficient to recruit monocytes to the adventitia. CXCR3 also contributed to selective features of macrophage activation required for extracellular matrix turnover, such as production of the transglutaminase factor XIII A subunit. Human adventitial macrophages displaying a CD14+/CD16+ resident phenotype, but not circulating monocytes, expressed CXCR3, and such cells were more frequent at sites of disturbed flow. Our observations reveal a CXCR3-dependent accumulation and activation of perivascular macrophages as a necessary step in homeostatic arterial remodeling triggered by hemodynamic stress in mice and possibly in humans as well

    Role of mechanotransduction in vascular biology: focus on thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections

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    Thoracic aortic diseases that involve progressive enlargement, acute dissection, or rupture are influenced by the hemodynamic loads and mechanical properties of the wall. We have only limited understanding, however, of the mechanobiological processes that lead to these potentially lethal conditions. Homeostasis requires that intramural cells sense their local chemo-mechanical environment and establish, maintain, remodel, or repair the extracellular matrix to provide suitable compliance and yet sufficient strength. Proper sensing, in turn, necessitates both receptors that connect the extracellular matrix to intracellular actomyosin filaments and signaling molecules that transmit the related information to the nucleus. Thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections are associated with poorly controlled hypertension and mutations in genes for extracellular matrix constituents, membrane receptors, contractile proteins, and associated signaling molecules. This grouping of factors suggests that these thoracic diseases result, in part, from dysfunctional mechanosensing and mechanoregulation of the extracellular matrix by the intramural cells, which leads to a compromised structural integrity of the wall. Thus, improved understanding of the mechanobiology of aortic cells could lead to new therapeutic strategies for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections

    Combining in vivo and in vitro biomechanical data reveals key roles of perivascular tethering in central artery function.

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    Considerable insight into effectors of cardiovascular function can be gleaned from controlled studies on mice, especially given the diverse models that are available. Toward this end, however, there is a need for consistent and complementary methods of in vivo and in vitro data analysis, synthesis, and interpretation. The overall objective of this study is twofold. First, we present new semi-automated methods to quantify in vivo measurements of vascular function in anesthetized mice as well as new approaches to synthesize these data with those from in vitro biaxial mechanical characterizations. Second, we contrast regional differences in biomechanical behaviors along the central vasculature by combining biaxial strains measured in vivo with data on the unloaded geometry and biaxial material properties measured in vitro. Results support the hypothesis that the healthy ascending aorta stores significant elastic energy during systole, which is available to work on the heart and blood during diastole, particularly during periods of physical exertion, and further suggest that perivascular tethering allows arteries to work at lower values of wall stress and material stiffness than often assumed. The numerous measurements of vascular function and properties provided herein can also serve as reference values for normal wild-type male and female mice, to which values for myriad genetic, surgical, and pharmacological models can be compared in future studies