11 research outputs found

    The Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Caulerpin, a Bisindole Alkaloid Isolated from Seaweeds of the Genus Caulerpa

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    The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of caulerpin was investigated. This bisindole alkaloid was isolated from the lipoid extract of Caulerpa racemosa and its structure was identified by spectroscopic methods, including IR and NMR techniques. The pharmacological assays used were the writhing and the hot plate tests, the formalin-induced pain, the capsaicin-induced ear edema and the carrageenan-induced peritonitis. Caulerpin was given orally at a concentration of 100 μmol/kg. In the abdominal constriction test caulerpin showed reduction in the acetic acid-induced nociception at 0.0945 μmol (0.0103–1.0984) and for dypirone it was 0.0426 μmol (0.0092–0.1972). In the hot plate test in vivo the inhibition of nociception by caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) was also favorable. This result suggests that this compound exhibits a central activity, without changing the motor activity (seen in the rotarod test). Caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) reduced the formalin effects in both phases by 35.4% and 45.6%, respectively. The possible anti-inflammatory activity observed in the second phase in the formalin test of caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) was confirmed on the capsaicin-induced ear edema model, where an inhibition of 55.8% was presented. Indeed, it was also observed in the carrageenan-induced peritonitis that caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) exhibited anti-inflammatory activity, reducing significantly the number of recruit cells by 48.3%. Pharmacological studies are continuing in order to characterize the mechanism(s) responsible for the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory actions and also to identify other active principles present in Caulerpa racemosa

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activity from Algae of the Genus Caulerpa

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    Marine natural products have been the focus of discovery for new products of chemical and pharmacological interest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive activity of the methanolic (ME), acetate (AE), hexanic (HE) and chloroform (CE) extracts obtained from Caulerpa mexicana, and ME, CE and HE obtained from Caulerpa sertularioides. These marine algae are found all over the world, mainly in tropical regions. Models such as the writhing test, the hot plate test and formalin-induced nociception test were used to evaluate antinociceptive activity in laboratory mice. In the writhing test, all the extracts were administered orally at a concentration of 100 mg/kg, and induced high peripheral antinociceptive activity, with a reduction in the nociception induced by acetic acid above 65%. In the hot plate test, treatment with extracts from C. sertularioides (100 mg/kg, p.o.) did not significantly increase the latency of response, although the ME, AE and HE from C. mexicana showed activity in this model. This result suggests that these extracts exhibit antinociceptive activity. In the formalin test, it was observed that ME, AE and HE obtained from C. mexicana reduced the effects of formalin in both phases. On the other hand only CE from C. sertularioides induced significant inhibition of the nociceptive response in the first phase. To better assess the potential anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts, the carrageenan-induced peritonitis test was used to test Caulerpa spp. extracts on cell migration into the peritoneal cavity. In this assay, all extracts evaluated were able to significantly inhibit leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity in comparison with carrageenan. These data demonstrate that extracts from Caulerpa species elicit pronounced antinociceptive and anti-inflamatory activity against several nociception models. However, pharmacological and chemical studies are continuing in order to characterize the mechanism(s) responsible for the antinociceptive action and also to identify the active principles present in the Caulerpa species

    Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Caulerpa mexicana Suppress Cell Migration and Ear Edema Induced by Inflammatory Agents

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    The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintaining homeostasis. Several studies have investigated new drugs that may contribute to avoiding or minimizing excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexicana on models inflammation. In mice, the inflammatory peritonitis model is induced by zymosan. Previous treatment of mice with aqueous and methanolic extracts of C. mexicana was able to suppress the cell migration to the peritoneal cavity, in a time-dependent but not in a dose-dependent manner. The treatment of mice with C. mexicana extracts also decreased the xylene-induced ear edema, exerting strong inhibitory leukocyte migration elicited by zymosan into the air pouch. We concluded that administration of the extracts resulted in a reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as a decrease in edema formation induced by chemical irritants. This study demonstrates for the first time the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from the green marine algae Caulerpa mexicana

    Protocolo de descontaminação da macroalga Bostrychia binderi Harvey (Rhodophyta) para culturas unialgais e estudos laboratoriais

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    This study aimed to test the effectiveness of physical and chemical procedures for surface decontamination of Bostrychia binderi Harvey. For this, thalli were washed and immersed in chemical solutions (5% liquid detergent, 1% povidone iodine and 0.2% sodium hypochlorite) at different times and combinations. After treatments the thalli were cultivated in laboratory to verify possible negative effects caused by the procedures to alga. Contaminating organisms in the algal culture medium were quantified at the end of cultivation. Washing, spraying, removing of macrofauna individuals with tweezers, thalli immersion in 5% liquid detergent for 60 seconds, after in 0.2% sodium hypochlorite for 2 minutes were effective procedures to eliminate all contaminants analyzed. Thalli immersion in 1% povidone iodine did not affect negatively the thalli growth, whereas immersion in 0.2% sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes affected. For establishment of Bostrychia’s unialgal cultures we recommend the proposed protocol in this study.Este estudo objetivou testar a eficácia de procedimentos físicos e químicos para descontaminação da superfície de Bostrychia binderi Harvey. Para isto, talos foram lavados e imersos em soluções químicas (detergente líquido 5%, iodopovidona 1% e hipoclorito de sódio 0,2%) em diferentes tempos e combinações. Após os tratamentos, os talos foram cultivados para verificar possíveis efeitos negativos causados ​​pelos procedimentos à alga. Contaminantes no meio de cultura dos talos foram quantificados no final do cultivo. Procedimentos de lavagem, remoção física de indivíduos da macrofauna, imersão de talos em detergente líquido 5% por 60 segundos, depois em hipoclorito de sódio 0,2% por 2 minutos, foram eficazes para eliminar os contaminantes analisados. Imersão de talos em iodopovidona 1% não afetou o crescimento dos talos, enquanto que imersão em hipoclorito de sódio 0,2% por 5 minutos afetou. Para estabelecimento de culturas unialgais de Bostrychia recomendamos o protocolo proposto neste estudo

    Identificação de itens alimentares constituintes da dieta dos peixes-boi marinhos (Trichechus manatus) na região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Os peixes-boi marinhos são considerados herbívoros oportunistas, consumindo uma grande variedade de itens alimentares. Objetivou-se com este trabalho identificar os itens alimentares constituintes da dieta dos peixe-boi marinhos em vida livre, na região Nordeste do Brasil. Para tanto  foram coletadas amostras de conteúdo estomacal, provenientes de seis carcaças de peixes-boi marinhos, além de amostras fecais de 11 animais nativos e cinco espécimes reintroduzidos. O material foi identificado ao nível de gênero e/ou espécie, através de aspectos morfo-anatômicos, sendo identificadas 21 espécies entre macroalgas, fanerógamas e cnidários. Através destas análi ses, foi possível observar que os peixes-boi marinhos alimentaram-se de uma grande diversidade de plantas aquáticas, com predominância das algas vermelhas

    Identification of alimentary components of Antillean manatee diet in the Northeast of Brazil

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    The manatees are considered to be opportunist herbivors, consuming a great amount of alimentary items. The aim of the present study was to identify the alimentary components of the diet of Antillean manatees in free life in the northeastern region of Brazil. Samples of stomach contents from six Antillean manatee carcasses were col¬lected, in addition to fecal samples from 11 native manatees and five that had been released. The material was identified at the genus and/or species level, based on its morpho-anatomic aspects, and 21 species of seaweeds, phanerogams and cnidarians were presented. Through these analyses it was possible to observe that Antillean manatees fed on a great variety of aquatic plants, with the predominance of red seaweeds