76 research outputs found

    Assessment of Confounding Factors Affecting the Tumor Markers SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 in Serum

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    The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate if serum levels of potential tumor markers for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer are affected by confounding factors in a surveillance cohort of workers formerly exposed to asbestos. SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 concentrations were determined in about 1,700 serum samples from 627 workers formerly exposed to asbestos. The impact of factors that could modify the concentrations of the tumor markers was examined with linear mixed models. SMRP values increased with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.03) and serum creatinine concentration 1.32-fold (95% CI 1.20–1.45). Levels differed by study centers and were higher after 40 years of asbestos exposure. CA125 levels increased with longer storage of the samples. CYFRA21-1 values correlated with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.02), serum creatinine 1.21-fold (95% CI 1.14–1.30) and varied by study centers due to differences in sample handling. Tumor marker concentrations are influenced by subject-related factors, sample handling, and storage. These factors need to be taken into account in screening routine

    Assessment of mRNA and microRNA Stabilization in Peripheral Human Blood for Multicenter Studies and Biobanks

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    In this study we evaluate the suitability of two methods of RNA conservation in blood samples, PAXgene and RNAlater, in combination with variable shipping conditions for their application in multicenter studies and biobanking. RNA yield, integrity, and purity as well as levels of selected mRNA and microRNA species were analyzed in peripheral human blood samples stabilized by PAXgene or RNAlater and shipped on dry ice or at ambient temperatures from the study centers to the central analysis laboratory. Both examined systems were clearly appropriate for RNA stabilization in human blood independently of the shipping conditions. The isolated RNA is characterized by good quantity and quality and well suited for downstream applications like quantitative RT-PCR analysis of mRNA and microRNA. Superior yield and integrity values were received using RNAlater. It would be reasonable to consider the production and approval of blood collection tubes prefilled with RNAlater to facilitate the use of this excellent RNA stabilization system in large studies

    Revisions of the afrotropical genera of argidae and species of Pampsilota konow, 1899 (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinoidea)

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    Open Access JournalThe Afrotropical fauna contains five genera of Argidae. These are keyed. New subjective synonyms, followed by the valid name in brackets, are Calarge Enslin, 1911 [Arge Schrank, 1802], Calarge africana Enslin, 1911 [Arge congrua Konow, 1907], Clyparge Pasteels, 1963 [Scobina Lepeletier & Serville, 1828], Clyparge terminalis Pasteels, 1963 [Scobina poecila (Klug, 1834)], and Sterictophora [sic] afra Pasteels, 1963 [Sphacophilus afer comb. n., species inquirenda near S. monjarasi Smith & Morales-Reyes, 2015]. The type material of both C. terminalis and S. afra was probably collected in the New World, but labelled with the wrong locality “Kamerun”. An introduction of both species to Africa, not followed by long-term establishment, seems less likely. The removal of these taxa from the faunal list of the region is recommended. The nine known Afrotropical species of Pampsilota are revised, and an illustrated dichotomous identification key presented, with distribution maps for all species. Four species are here described as new to science: P. dahomeyanus Goergen, Koch & Liston, sp. n., P. nigeriae Liston & Koch, sp. n., P. tsavoensis Liston & Koch, sp. n., and P. zebra Liston & Koch, sp. n. Lectotypes are designated for Pampsilota afer Konow, 1899, and Cipdele africana Mocsáry, 1909. The immature stages and host plant of only one species are known: P. dahomeyanus on Lannea nigritana (Anacardiaceae). Its larval morphology strongly resembles that of European and North American species of Arge. We provisionally retain Pampsilota as a valid genus, although it could justifiably be treated as comprising merely a species group, or groups, within Arge

    Influence of head size on the development of metallic wear and on the characteristics of carbon layers in metal-on-metal hip joints

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    Background and purpose Particles originating from the articulating surfaces of hip endoprostheses often induce an inflammatory response, which can be related to implant failure. We therefore analyzed the metal content in capsular tissue from 44 McKee-Farrar metal-on-metal hip prostheses (with 3 different head sizes) and we also analyzed the morphological structure of layers located on articulating surfaces

    Performance of Survivin mRNA as a Biomarker for Bladder Cancer in the Prospective Study UroScreen

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    BACKGROUND: Urinary biomarkers have the potential to improve the early detection of bladder cancer. Most of the various known markers, however, have only been evaluated in studies with cross-sectional design. For proper validation a longitudinal design would be preferable. We used the prospective study UroScreen to evaluate survivin, a potential biomarker that has multiple functions in carcinogenesis. METHODS/RESULTS: Survivin was analyzed in 5,716 urine samples from 1,540 chemical workers previously exposed to aromatic amines. The workers participated in a surveillance program with yearly examinations between 2003 and 2010. RNA was extracted from urinary cells and survivin was determined by Real-Time PCR. During the study, 19 bladder tumors were detected. Multivariate generalized estimation equation (GEE) models showed that β-actin, representing RNA yield and quality, had the strongest influence on survivin positivity. Inflammation, hematuria and smoking did not confound the results. Survivin had a sensitivity of 21.1% for all and 36.4% for high-grade tumors. Specificity was 97.5%, the positive predictive value (PPV) 9.5%, and the negative predictive value (NPV) 99.0%. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective and so far largest study on survivin, the marker showed a good NPV and specificity but a low PPV and sensitivity. This was partly due to the low number of cases, which limits the validity of the results. Compliance, urine quality, problems with the assay, and mRNA stability influenced the performance of survivin. However, most issues could be addressed with a more reliable assay in the future. One important finding is that survivin was not influenced by confounders like inflammation and exhibited a relatively low number of false-positives. Therefore, despite the low sensitivity, survivin may still be considered as a component of a multimarker panel

    Lower limb function and quality of life after ILP for soft-tissue sarcoma

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    Abstract Background Isolated limb perfusion with TNF-alpha and melphalan (TM-ILP) in combination with complete tumor resection is an effective treatment option for non-resectable soft-tissue sarcoma of the extremities, with limb salvage rates greater than 80%. The aim of this study was to assess quality of life (QoL) after TM-ILP, also with regard to long-term survival. Methods We retrospectively examined 27 patients who had primarily non-resectable soft-tissue sarcoma of the leg and who had undergone TM-ILP and complete tumor resection (with limb-sparing intent) during their follow-up examinations using the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) and the German Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA-D). The results from the QLQ-C30 were compared to the reference values for the general population, to the “all cancer patients” reference values (both reference values published by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)), and to the reference values of a historical amputation group from the literature. The results of the SMFA were compared with those from a reference group of healthy individuals. Results Surprisingly, we found that the global health status/QoL in the TM-ILP group was not significantly different from the general population or from patients with amputation, but it was higher than that of patients with cancer in general. Concerning the SMFA, we did find functional impairments in patients after TM-ILP compared to the reference group. With regard to long-term survival, we found no time-dependent deterioration in QoL for longer time intervals after treatment. Conclusions These results support the use of TM-ILP in limb-sparing multimodal therapy settings from a quality-of-life perspective, but they also encourage further research on this matter