1 research outputs found
Prediction of muscle fiber composition using multiple repetition testing
Direct determination of muscle fiber composition is invasive and expensive, with indirect methods
also requiring specialist resources and expertise. Performing resistance exercises at 80% 1RM is suggested as
a means of indirectly estimating muscle fiber composition, though this hypothesis has never been validated
against a direct method. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the number of
completed repetitions at 80% 1RM of back squat exercise and muscle fiber composition. Thirty recreationally
active participants’ (10 females, 20 males) 1RM back squat load was determined, before the number of consecutive
repetitions at 80% 1RM was recorded. The relationship between the number of repetitions and the percentage
of fast-twitch fibers from vastus lateralis was investigated. The number of completed repetitions ranged from
5 to 15 and was independent of sex, age, 1RM, training frequency, training type, training experience, BMI or
muscle fiber cross-sectional area. The percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers was inversely correlated with the
number of repetitions completed (r = –0.38, P = 0.039). Participants achieving 5 to 8 repetitions (n = 10)
had significantly more fast-twitch muscle fibers (57.5 ± 9.5 vs 44.4 ± 11.9%, P = 0.013) than those achieving
11–15 repetitions (n = 11). The remaining participants achieved 9 or 10 repetitions (n = 9) and on average
had equal proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers. In conclusion, the number of completed repetitions
at 80% of 1RM is moderately correlated with muscle fiber composition