434 research outputs found

    Psicopompós o El juego de las alegorías

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    El Psicopompós o juego de las alegorías es un juego que resulta mezcla de varios elementos y disciplinas. Sus pautas se encuentran entre un juego de mesa estilo Tarot y un teatro de marionetas. Funciona como un "generador de historias". El proyecto artístico es la invención del juego en sí y todo lo que contiene. La estética, el diseño y la realización técnica de los elementos: espacio teatral, personajes, fondos, tablero, y cartas. También el hecho de jugarlo forma parte de la obra ya que se basa en la capacidad imaginativa, la interpretación y la expresión de quienes los usen. La fuente de inspiración es la iconografía universal presente en la historia del arte y la búsqueda propia del arquetipo por parte de la autora. La función a la que aspira la obra es diseñar un juego con fines lúdicos y de terapia a través del arte. Para ello a lo largo del marco teórico realizaremos un acercamiento a las líneas de análisis de la psicología en la actualidad.ABSTRACT: The Psicopompós or game of allegories is a game that come as result of combinig several elements and artistic disciplines. Its guidelines are halfway a table game, tarot styled, and a puppet theater. It works as a "story generator" The artistic proyect is the invention of the game itself, and everything that it implies. Aesthetics design and technical realization of the different elements: theatrical space, characters, background, the board and the cards. The act of playing is also part of the theatrical play, as it's based on the imaginative ability, the interpretation competence and the expression of the players. The source of inspiration is the "universal iconography" present in the History or Art and the search of the author's personal archetype. The funcion to which the play aspires to is the design of a game ment to be both ludic and therapeutic through art. To that end, the conceptual state of todays psicology is developed through out the theoterical frame.Universidad de Granada. Máster Oficial Universitario en Dibujo: Creación, Producción y Difusió

    Aplicacions especials dels materials compostos amb fibres vegetals

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    Actualmente, el impacto de la industria de la construcción está siendo una de las causas originarias del agotamiento de recursos no renovables además de la generación de grandes cantidades de residuos y de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera. En interés de una estrategia de construcción más sostenible, en los últimos años se ha investigado exhaustivamente el uso de fibras vegetales, residuos y materiales reciclados. Como una buena opción, las fibras de residuos textiles junto con fibras vegetales se pueden utilizar como refuerzo interno en materiales con una matriz de cemento con el fin de mejorar su ductilidad y resistencia a las fisuras. Sin embargo, todos los estudios llevados a cabo hasta ahora han sido para placas planas, así pues, también es necesario analizar cuáles son las características en piezas curvadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es definir las características mecánicas de piezas curvadas de cemento reforzadas con no tejidos de residuo textil y fibras vegetales. Además de determinar la influencia del número de capas de no tejido y el grado de curvatura en sus propiedades. También se ha analizado el comportamiento del material en simulaciones numéricas. Para lograr el objetivo se elaboraron piezas con cuatro diámetros diferentes: 9, 16, 20 y 32 cm; y un reforzamiento con cuatro o seis capas de no tejido. Posteriormente, se analizaron sus propiedades mecánicas con un ensayo de flexión. Por otra parte, se compararon las tensiones calculadas con las ecuaciones descritas para placas planas y los resultados obtenidos con simulaciones numéricas atendiendo a la geometría de las piezas. Los resultados indicaron que las piezas de cemento reforzadas con seis capas de no tejido presentan mejores propiedades mecánicas que las reforzadas con cuatro capas. Respecto al grado de curvatura, se han observado diferencias significativas; las piezas de diámetro de 20 cm con seis capas han dado las tensiones más altas de entre todo el conjunto. Por lo que respecta a la metodología de cálculo de las tensiones, los resultados en las simulaciones son superiores a los de las ecuaciones.Currently, the construction industry's impact is one of the causes of the exhaustion of non-renewable resources as well as the generation of large amounts of waste and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. For the sake of a more sustainable construction strategy, the usage of vegetal fibres, waste and recycled materials has been extensively researched in the recent years. As a good option, textile waste fibres along with vegetal fibres can be used as internal reinforcement in materials with a cementitious matrix to improve their ductility and crack resistance. However, all studies carried out so far have been for flat plates, so it is necessary to analyse the characteristics of curved pieces. The aim of this work is to define the mechanical characteristics of curved concrete pieces reinforced with textile waste nonwovens and vegetal fibres. Moreover, it also aims to determine the influence of the number of nonwoven layers as well as the degree of curvature on their properties. The behaviour of the material has also been analysed in numerical simulations. In order to reach the objective, there were prepared composites with four different diameters: 9, 16, 20 and 32 cm; and reinforced with four or six layers of non-woven. Subsequently, their mechanical properties were analysed with a bending test. On the other hand, stresses values were compared depending if they were calculated with the equations described for flat plates or with numerical simulations according to their geometry. The results indicated that concrete pieces reinforced with six nonwoven layers have better mechanical properties than those reinforced with four layers. Significant differences were observed in relation to the degree of curvature; the pieces with a diameter of 20 cm with six layers gave the highest stresses among all the pieces. Regarding the methodology of stress calculation, the results of the simulations were superior to those of the equationActualment, l’impacte de la indústria de la construcció està sent una de les causes originàries de l’esgotament de recursos no renovables a més de la generació de grans quantitats de residus i de les emissions de diòxid de carboni a l’atmosfera. En interès d’una estratègia de construcció més sostenible, als darrers anys s’ha investigat exhaustivament l’ús de fibres vegetals, residus i materials reciclats. Com a una bona opció, les fibres de residus tèxtils juntament amb fibres vegetals es poden utilitzar com a reforç intern en materials amb una matriu de ciment amb la finalitat de millorar la seva ductilitat i la resistència a les esquerdes. No obstant, tots els estudis duts a terme fins ara han estat per a plaques planes, així doncs, també cal analitzar quines són les característiques en peces corbades. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és definir les característiques mecàniques de peces corbades de ciment reforçades amb no teixits de residu tèxtil i fibres vegetals. A més de determinar la influència del nombre de capes de no teixit i el grau de curvatura en les seves propietats. També s’ha analitzat el comportament del material en simulacions numèriques. Per arribar a l’objectiu es van elaborar peces amb quatre diàmetres diferents: 9, 16, 20 i 32 cm; i un reforçament amb quatre o sis capes de no teixit. Posteriorment, es van analitzar les seves propietats mecàniques amb un assaig de flexió. D’altra banda, es van comparar les tensions calculades amb les equacions descrites per a plaques planes i els resultats obtinguts amb simulacions numèriques tenint en compte la geometria de les peces. Els resultats han indicat que les peces de ciment reforçades amb sis capes de no teixit presenten millors propietats mecàniques que les reforçades amb quatre capes. Respecte al grau de curvatura, s’han observat diferències significatives; les peces de diàmetre de 20 cm amb sis capes han donat les tensions més altes d’entre tot el conjunt. Pel que fa a la metodologia de càlcul de les tensions, els resultats en les simulacions són superiors als de les equacions.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producció i Consum Responsable

    La mediación: técnica de resolución de conflictos aplicada al sector asegurador

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    Màster de Direcció d'Entitats Asseguradores i Financeres, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Curs: 2011-2012, Tutor: Miquel Artigas MasEl objetivo de la presente tesis es analizar si, en España, la mediación puede llegar a ser un método alternativo al judicial para resolver, de forma efectiva y eficiente, los conflictos que se generan en el sector asegurador. Tras describir la mediación como un método alternativo de resolución de conflictos o ADR, se explican los antecedentes y el marco legislativo actual en España y en los distintos países de su entorno. Seguidamente, el estudio se centra en las ventajas y la aplicabilidad de la mediación en la resolución de los distintos tipos de conflictos más habituales en el sector asegurador en general y, más específicamente, en el seguro de defensa jurídica, donde la aplicación de la mediación presenta un importante reto. Asimismo, se ponen de relevancia determinados factores críticos que, si no reciben una gestión adecuada, pueden reducir los efectos positivos y dificultar, e incluso llegar a hacer fracasar, la aplicación de la mediación para la resolución de conflictos en España y, por tanto, en el ámbito asegurador

    Online oxygen monitoring using integrated inkjet-printed sensors in a liver-on-a-chip system

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    The demand for real-time monitoring of cell functions and cell conditions has dramatically increased with the emergence of organ-on-a-chip (OOC) systems. However, the incorporation of co-cultures and microfluidic channels in OOC systems increases their biological complexity and therefore makes the analysis and monitoring of analytical parameters inside the device more difficult. In this work, we present an approach to integrate multiple sensors in an extremely thin, porous and delicate membrane inside a liver-on-a-chip device. Specifically, three electrochemical dissolved oxygen (DO) sensors were inkjet-printed along the microfluidic channel allowing local online monitoring of oxygen concentrations. This approach demonstrates the existence of an oxygen gradient up to 17.5% for rat hepatocytes and 32.5% for human hepatocytes along the bottom channel. Such gradients are considered crucial for the appearance of zonation of the liver. Inkjet printing (IJP) was the selected technology as it allows drop on demand material deposition compatible with delicate substrates, as used in this study, which cannot withstand temperatures higher than 130 °C. For the deposition of uniform gold and silver conductive inks on the porous membrane, a primer layer using SU-8 dielectric material was used to seal the porosity of the membrane at defined areas, with the aim of building a uniform sensor device. As a proof-of-concept, experiments with cell cultures of primary human and rat hepatocytes were performed, and oxygen consumption rate was stimulated with carbonyl-cyanide-4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP), accelerating the basal respiration of 0.23 ± 0.07 nmol s-1/106 cells up to 5.95 ± 0.67 nmol s-1/106 cells s for rat cells and the basal respiration of 0.17 ± 0.10 nmol s-1/106 cells by up to 10.62 ± 1.15 nmol s-1/106 cells for human cells, with higher oxygen consumption of the cells seeded at the outflow zone. These results demonstrate that the approach of printing sensors inside an OOC has tremendous potential because IJP is a feasible technique for the integration of different sensors for evaluating metabolic activity of cells, and overcomes one of the major challenges still remaining on how to tap the full potential of OOC systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Differentiation of blood and environmental interfering stains on substrates by Chemometrics-Assisted ATR FTIR spectroscopy

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    Blood is the most common and relevant bodily fluid that can be found in crime scenes. It is critical to correctly identify it, and to be able to differentiate it from other substances that may also appear at the crime scene. In this work, several stains of blood, chocolate, ketchup, and tomato sauce on five different substrates (plywood, metal, gauze, denim, and glass) were analysed by ATR FTIR spectroscopy assisted with orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) models. It was possible to differentiate blood from the environmental interfering substances independently of the substrate they were on, and to differentiate bloodstains according to the substrate they were deposited on. These results represent a proof-of-concept that open new horizons to differentiate bloodstains from other interfering substances on common substrates present in crime scenes

    A comprehensive study of protein-mesoporous-macroporous silica interactions by extended canonical variate analysis of Raman spectra

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    Understanding the protein-support interactions is of major importance when manufacturing bionanomaterials to a certain application. These interactions can be the cause for enhanced properties or denaturation phenomena in the target protein. Raman spectroscopy was applied to a bionanomaterial comprehending the protein beta-galactosidase immobilized by physical adsorption into a mesoporous-macroporous silica material, with a nanoporous network consisting of 9-nm mesopores and 200-nm macropores. Raman spectra of the bionanomaterial evidenced a complex amount of differences related to the Raman shifts, intensities, band enlargement, appearance of new bands, and overlapping, in comparison with the silica support and the protein spectra. To help in the analysis of the Raman spectra and in the inspection of possible protein-support interactions, ECVA (extended canonical variate analysis) was used as a chemometric complementary tool, dividing the spectra into four segments: 1 (3,100 to 2,800 cm(-1)), 2 (1,800 to 1,500 cm(-1)), 3 (1,500 to 1,200 cm(-1)), and 4 (1,200 to 900 cm(-1)). Major alterations in the Amide I band (1,800 to 1,500 cm(-1)) and the amino acid band regions demonstrated possible structure alterations to a non-native form of the protein beta-galactosidase. Also, other minor alterations were observed in other spectral regions (3,100 to 2,800 cm(-1),1,500 to 1,200 cm(-1), and 1,200 to 900 cm(-1)) also representative of protein structure alteration due to protein-support interactions

    Classification of Various Marijuana Varieties by Raman Microscopy and Chemometrics

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    Fernando Ortega Ojeda desarrolló el procedimiento de tratamiento estadístico de datos y supervisó los cálculos multivariantes en The Unscrambler y SIMCA. The Raman analysis of marijuana is challenging because of the sample's easy photo-degradation caused by the laser intensity. In this study, optimization of collection parameters and laser focusing on marijuana trichome heads allowed collecting Raman spectra without damaging the samples. The Raman spectra of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN) standard cannabinoids were compared with Raman spectra of five different types of marijuana: four Sativa varieties (Amnesia Haze, Amnesia Hy-Pro, Original Amnesia, and Y Griega) and one Indica variety (Black Domina). The results verified the presence of several common spectral bands that are useful for marijuana characterization. Results were corroborated by the quantum chemical simulated Raman spectra of their acid-form (tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA), cannabidiol acid (CBDA)) and decarboxylated cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and CBN). A chemometrics-assisted method based on Raman microscopy and OPLS-DA offered good classification among the different marijuana varieties allowing identification of the most significant spectral bands.Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiales (IUICP), Universidad de Alcalá (UAH)

    Increment of spontaneous human biophoton emission caused by anger emotional states. Proof of concept

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    Humans spontaneously emit visible radiation from their skin, which is known as biophoton or ultra-weak photon emission (UPE). Up to date, UPE intensity changes according to different external and internal factors have been reported. However, the influence in the human UPE of negative emotional states has never been studied despite their clinic and forensic interest. In this work, an ad hoc system based on a high-sensitive CCD detector was developed to detect and image UPE from human's upper body. Then, the UPE emitted by the upper part of the body of nine volunteers was imaged in two different personal states: (i) when subjects were feeling relaxed; and (ii) when they were emotionally stimulated to feel anger. For all the volunteers, the relative measurement of UPE intensity was higher when feeling anger than when feeling relaxed. Due to the relevance of this disruptive idea and the horizon this knowledge can provide, this proof of concept must be followed by further experiments. An increase in the number of subjects will be accomplished in order to enhance these preliminary results and propose UPE as a new physiological parameter of negative emotional states.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN

    Durability of concrete with electric arc furnace slag aggregate

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    The durability of concrete mixes with EAF slag as aggregate (HS) is studied; mixes with limestone (HC) and barite (HAB) aggregates were used as reference for structural and heavy-weight applications, respectively. Compressive strength, elastic modulus, water penetration under pressure, wet-dry cycles, freeze-thaw cycles, influence of environmental condition and leaching tests were conducted. The results indicate that HS tends to present higher depth of water penetration under pressure, a slightly higher expansion, higher carbonation depth and similar compressive strength than reference HC. Should be payed attention to the formation of stain points on HS concrete surface subjected to wet-drying cycles.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Practical Beginner's Guide to Raman microscopy

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    Raman microscopy is a highly suitable and well settled down analytical techniquefor qualitative determination of chemical substances. However, many universityundergraduate chemical degrees do not incorporate its practical training in theexperimental laboratory practises that constitute their curricula. For this reason,this work aimed at designing a practical beginner's guide to Raman microscopyuseful for undergraduate students, teachers or practitioners who need to use it forthe first time. After a brief explanation of the main concepts about Ramanmicroscopy, the methodology development and results interpretation are mainlyexplained using paracetamol (acetaminophen) drugs as example. In addition, thisguide presents an application to the identification of different components withina mixture, which shows the instrumental potential and how to use it effectively.Finally, acetaminophen, ascorbic acid, and sucrose were positively detected usingRaman microscopy on a commercial drug whose major component wasacetaminophen. In fact, the guide shows the detection and unequivocalidentification of different components in the mixtures, even for those lowconcentration components (5-10 % mass ratio). This work clearly proposesdifferent pragmatic criteria at the laboratory for identifying substances in mixturesto promote an easy implementation of the Raman microscopy technique
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