14 research outputs found

    Uso del juego como instrumento evaluador en estudios superiores de ciencias de la salud

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    L'ús del joc com innovació docent millora la motivació dels estudiants i és una metodologia poc desenvolupada com procés d'avaluació en l'àmbit universitari. Objectius. 1. Determinar el grau d'adquisició de coneixements dels estudiants d'infermeria en les matèries incloses en l'activitat avaluativa «Escape Room» i 2. Conèixer el nivell de satisfacció dels estudiants d'infermeria amb l'activitat avaluativa. Mètodes. Estudi observacional, descriptiu i transversal. Es van avaluar els coneixements, habilitats i l'actitud dels estudiants amb l'activitat mitjançant una nota numèrica de 0 a 10. Es va avaluar la taxa de rendiment i el grau de satisfacció amb un qüestionari específic autoadministrat.Resultats. Els coneixements adquirits pels estudiants de primer va obtenir una puntuació de 8,6 i les habilitats i actituds dels estudiants de segon van aconseguir una nota de mitjana de 8,5. La satisfacció amb l'activitat avaluativa va obtenir puntuacions de 9,2 per primer i 7,2 per segon. Es van obtenir taxes de rendiment de 9,1% per primer i del 100% pels estudiants de segon.Conclusions. L'ús del joc com sistema d'avaluació per als estudiants del grau en infermeria ofereix bons resultats en la valoració de coneixements, habilitats i actituds. Els nivells de satisfacció dels estudiants amb l'activitat i les taxes de rendiment obtingudes són excel·lents.Use of play as a pedagogical tool can improve the motivations of students and is an underdeveloped methodology for the evaluation process in university settings.Objective. 1. To determine the level of knowledge attained from the students in the evaluated activity Escape Room 2. To measure the level of satisfaction of the students participating in the evaluated activity.Methods. Observational, descriptive and transversal study. The knowledge, attitudes and skills of the students were evaluated using the activity through a numeric grade from 0 to 10. The performance rate and degree of satisfaction were evaluated with a specific self-administered questionnaire.Results. For Knowledge Acquired, 1st grade students obtained a grade of 8.6. For Skills and Attitudes, 2nd grade students achieved an average grade of 8.5. The Level of Satisfaction for the evaluated activity was 9.2 for the 1st grade and 7.2 for the 2nd grade. The performance rate obtained was 9.1% for 1st grade students and 100% for 2nd grade students.Conclusions. The use of play as an evaluation tool for nursing degree students offers good results for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes. The level of satisfaction of the students participating in the evaluated activities that include play is good or very good and the performance rates are excellent.El uso del juego como innovación docente mejora la motivación de los estudiantes y es una metodología poco desarrollada como proceso de evaluación en el ámbito universitario.Objetivos. 1. Determinar el grado de adquisición de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería en las materias incluidas en la actividad evaluativa «Escape Room»  y 2. Conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes de enfermería con  la actividad evaluativa. Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se evaluaron los conocimientos, habilidades y la actitud de los estudiantes con la actividad mediante una nota numérica de 0 a 10. Se evaluó la tasa de rendimiento y el grado de satisfacción con un cuestionario específico autoadministrado.Resultados. El conocimiento adquirido por los estudiantes de 1º obtuvo una puntuación de 8,6 y las habilidades y actitudes de los estudiantes de 2º consiguieron una nota promedio de 8,5. La satisfacción con la actividad evaluativa obtuvo puntuaciones de 9,2 para 1º y 7,2 para 2º. Se obtuvieron tasas de rendimiento de 9,1% para 1º y del 100% para los estudiantes de 2º. Conclusiones. El uso del juego como sistema de evaluación para los estudiantes del grado en enfermería  ofrece buenos resultados en la valoración de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes. Los niveles de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la actividad y las tasas de rendimiento obtenidas son excelentes.

    Quality of life and well-being from the perspective of patients on opioid agonist maintenance treatment : study protocol for a systematic review of qualitative research and a scoping review of measures

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    Opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) is a first-line treatment for heroin dependence, but its effectiveness has been assessed primarily through clinical outcomes with a limited attention to patient perspectives. Despite the increased use of patient reported outcome measures their patient-centeredness is highly questionable. This is the protocol of a systematic review of qualitative research on how OAMT users construct the meaning of their quality of life and well-being and a scoping review of instruments that measure these domains. We will conduct a systematic review of qualitative research exploring the views of quality of life of patients on OAMT (registration number CRD42018086490). According pre-specified eligibility criteria, we will include studies from a comprehensive search of bibliographical databases from their inception. We will extract data from included studies and assess their risk of bias with the CASP appraisal criteria, and will implement a thematic analysis to generate a set of interpretative analytical themes ascertaining their confidence using the CERQual approach. We will implement similar methods to conduct a scoping review to assess to what extent the existing measures of these domains were focused on user's views, assessing their validity using the COSMIN methodology, and summarizing their characteristics and level of patient centeredness. The findings from the reviews will contribute to obtain a genuine understanding of the perspective from users on OAMT regarding their perception of well-being and quality of life and will likely lead to greater patient centeredness when assessing such variables, which in turn may contribute to a more patient-centered care

    Pain distress : the negative emotion associated with procedures in ICU patients

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    The intensity of procedural pain in intensive care unit (ICU) patients is well documented. However, little is known about procedural pain distress, the psychological response to pain. Post hoc analysis of a multicenter, multinational study of procedural pain. Pain distress was measured before and during procedures (0-10 numeric rating scale). Factors that influenced procedural pain distress were identified by multivariable analyses using a hierarchical model with ICU and country as random effects. A total of 4812 procedures were recorded (3851 patients, 192 ICUs, 28 countries). Pain distress scores were highest for endotracheal suctioning (ETS) and tracheal suctioning, chest tube removal (CTR), and wound drain removal (median [IQRs] = 4 [1.6, 1.7]). Significant relative risks (RR) for a higher degree of pain distress included certain procedures: turning (RR = 1.18), ETS (RR = 1.45), tracheal suctioning (RR = 1.38), CTR (RR = 1.39), wound drain removal (RR = 1.56), and arterial line insertion (RR = 1.41); certain pain behaviors (RR = 1.19-1.28); pre-procedural pain intensity (RR = 1.15); and use of opioids (RR = 1.15-1.22). Patient-related variables that significantly increased the odds of patients having higher procedural pain distress than pain intensity were pre-procedural pain intensity (odds ratio [OR] = 1.05); pre-hospital anxiety (OR = 1.76); receiving pethidine/meperidine (OR = 4.11); or receiving haloperidol (OR = 1.77) prior to the procedure. Procedural pain has both sensory and emotional dimensions. We found that, although procedural pain intensity (the sensory dimension) and distress (the emotional dimension) may closely covary, there are certain factors than can preferentially influence each of the dimensions. Clinicians are encouraged to appreciate the multidimensionality of pain when they perform procedures and use this knowledge to minimize the patient's pain experience.Peer reviewe

    Uso del juego como instrumento evaluador en estudios superiores de ciencias de la salud

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    L'ús del joc com innovació docent millora la motivació dels estudiants i és una metodologia poc desenvolupada com procés d'avaluació en l'àmbit universitari. Objectius. 1. Determinar el grau d'adquisició de coneixements dels estudiants d'infermeria en les matèries incloses en l'activitat avaluativa «Escape Room» i 2. Conèixer el nivell de satisfacció dels estudiants d'infermeria amb l'activitat avaluativa. Mètodes. Estudi observacional, descriptiu i transversal. Es van avaluar els coneixements, habilitats i l'actitud dels estudiants amb l'activitat mitjançant una nota numèrica de 0 a 10. Es va avaluar la taxa de rendiment i el grau de satisfacció amb un qüestionari específic autoadministrat.Resultats. Els coneixements adquirits pels estudiants de primer va obtenir una puntuació de 8,6 i les habilitats i actituds dels estudiants de segon van aconseguir una nota de mitjana de 8,5. La satisfacció amb l'activitat avaluativa va obtenir puntuacions de 9,2 per primer i 7,2 per segon. Es van obtenir taxes de rendiment de 9,1% per primer i del 100% pels estudiants de segon.Conclusions. L'ús del joc com sistema d'avaluació per als estudiants del grau en infermeria ofereix bons resultats en la valoració de coneixements, habilitats i actituds. Els nivells de satisfacció dels estudiants amb l'activitat i les taxes de rendiment obtingudes són excel·lents.Use of play as a pedagogical tool can improve the motivations of students and is an underdeveloped methodology for the evaluation process in university settings.Objective. 1. To determine the level of knowledge attained from the students in the evaluated activity Escape Room 2. To measure the level of satisfaction of the students participating in the evaluated activity.Methods. Observational, descriptive and transversal study. The knowledge, attitudes and skills of the students were evaluated using the activity through a numeric grade from 0 to 10. The performance rate and degree of satisfaction were evaluated with a specific self-administered questionnaire.Results. For Knowledge Acquired, 1st grade students obtained a grade of 8.6. For Skills and Attitudes, 2nd grade students achieved an average grade of 8.5. The Level of Satisfaction for the evaluated activity was 9.2 for the 1st grade and 7.2 for the 2nd grade. The performance rate obtained was 9.1% for 1st grade students and 100% for 2nd grade students.Conclusions. The use of play as an evaluation tool for nursing degree students offers good results for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes. The level of satisfaction of the students participating in the evaluated activities that include play is good or very good and the performance rates are excellent.El uso del juego como innovación docente mejora la motivación de los estudiantes y es una metodología poco desarrollada como proceso de evaluación en el ámbito universitario.Objetivos. 1. Determinar el grado de adquisición de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería en las materias incluidas en la actividad evaluativa «Escape Room»  y 2. Conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes de enfermería con  la actividad evaluativa.Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se evaluaron los conocimientos, habilidades y la actitud de los estudiantes con la actividad mediante una nota numérica de 0 a 10. Se evaluó la tasa de rendimiento y el grado de satisfacción con un cuestionario específico autoadministrado.Resultados. El conocimiento adquirido por los estudiantes de 1º obtuvo una puntuación de 8,6 y las habilidades y actitudes de los estudiantes de 2º consiguieron una nota promedio de 8,5. La satisfacción con la actividad evaluativa obtuvo puntuaciones de 9,2 para 1º y 7,2 para 2º. Se obtuvieron tasas de rendimiento de 9,1% para 1º y del 100% para los estudiantes de 2º.Conclusiones. El uso del juego como sistema de evaluación para los estudiantes del grado en enfermería  ofrece buenos resultados en la valoración de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes. Los niveles de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la actividad y las tasas de rendimiento obtenidas son excelentes

    Uso del juego como instrumento evaluador en estudios superiores de ciencias de la salud

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    El uso del juego como innovación docente mejora la motivación de los estudiantes y es una metodología poco desarrollada como proceso de evaluación en el ámbito universitario. Objetivos. 1. Determinar el grado de adquisición de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería en las materias incluidas en la actividad evaluativa «Escape Room» y 2. Conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes de enfermería con la actividad evaluativa. Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se evaluaron los conocimientos, habilidades y la actitud de los estudiantes con la actividad mediante una nota numérica de 0 a 10. Se evaluó la tasa de rendimiento y el grado de satisfacción con un cuestionario específico autoadministrado. Resultados. El conocimiento adquirido por los estudiantes de 1º obtuvo una puntuación de 8,6 y las habilidades y actitudes de los estudiantes de 2º consiguieron una nota promedio de 8,5. La satisfacción con la actividad evaluativa obtuvo puntuaciones de 9,2 para 1º y 7,2 para 2º. Se obtuvieron tasas de rendimiento de 9,1% para 1º y del 100% para los estudiantes de 2º. Conclusiones. El uso del juego como sistema de evaluación para los estudiantes del grado en enfermería ofrece buenos resultados en la valoración de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes. Los niveles de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la actividad y las tasas de rendimiento obtenidas son excelentes

    Exploring home births in Catalonia (Spain): A cross-sectional study of women's experiences and influencing factors

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    Aim The study explores the experiences of women with low-risk pregnancies and no complications who planned a home birth. Design A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire. Methods The questionnaire included socio-demographic, obstetric and perinatal variables. Birth satisfaction was evaluated via the Spanish version of the childbirth experience questionnaire. The study group comprised home-birthing women in Catalonia, Spain. Data were collected from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Results A total of 236 women responded. They reported generally positive experiences, with professional support and involvement being the most highly rated dimensions. Better childbirth experiences were associated with labour lasting less than 12 h, no perineal injuries, no intrapartum transfers to hospital, euthocic delivery and the presence of a midwife. Conclusions Women's positive home birth experiences were linked to active participation and midwife support. Multiparous women felt safer. Medical interventions, especially transfers to hospitals, reduced satisfaction, highlighting the need for improved care during home births. Implications for the Profession and Patient Care Home births should be included among the birthplace options offered by public health services, given the extremely positive feedback reported by women who gave birth at home. Impact Home birth is not an option offered under Catalonia's public health system only as a private service. The experience of home-birthing women is unknown. This study shows a very positive birth experience due to greater participation and midwife support. The results help stakeholders assess home birth's public health inclusion and understand valued factors, supporting home-birthing women. Reporting Method The study followed the STROBE checklist guidelines for cross-sectional studies. Public Contribution Women who planned a home birth participated in the pilot test to validate the instrument, and their contributions were collected by the lead researcher. The questionnaire gathered the participants' email addresses, and a commitment was made to disseminate the study's results through this means.Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana II Call for Nursing R&D&I Grants. 2020Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana UGP-20-24

    Physiological responses and behavioural organization of very low birth weight infants during swaddled versus traditional weighing

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    Abstract Aim Despite the consequences of neonatal distress and agitation, preterm infants undergo stress owing to weighing procedures. The objective of this study was to enable very low birth weight infants to maintain adequate self‐regulation during weighing. Design This prospective crossover study utilizes a within‐subjects design, where intervention days were compared to control days. Method Infants were exposed to both swaddled and unswaddled weighing in an intensive care nursery setting. Nineteen very low birth weight infants were weighed on two consecutive days. Variables of heart rate, respiratory rate and ALPS‐Neo score were recorded. Results Stress score decreased significantly from 1.65 (pre‐weight) to 0.23 (weight measurement) in swaddled‐intervention periods; conversely, it increased significantly from 1.26 (pre‐weight) to 4.97 (weight measurement) in control periods. During weight measurement, heart and respiratory rate were significantly lower for swaddled‐intervention days when compared to control days. Given the significant impact of swaddled weighing in reducing stress, this method can be used as an appropriate weighing procedure in intensive care. This research has no patient or public contribution

    God, Suffering, and Belief [review] / Burkle, Howard R.

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    OBJETIVOS: analisar a relação entre o estado emocional pré-operatório e a prevalência e a intensidade da dor pós-operatória e explorar fatores preditivos de dor pós-operatória. MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo observacional, realizado com 127 pacientes adultos submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas e traumatológicas. A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada usando a escala numérica verbal e cinco variáveis do estado emocional: ansiedade, sudorese, estresse, medo e choro. Para a análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes do qui-quadrado, teste t de Student ou análise de variância e uma análise de regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de dor pós-operatória imediata foi de 28%. A ansiedade foi o fator emocional mais comum (72%) e fator preditivo de risco para dor pós-operatória severa (OR: 4,60, IC 95%: 1,38 a 15,3, pOBJETIVOS: analizar la relación entre el estado emocional preoperatorio y la prevalencia e intensidad de dolor postoperatorio inmediato y explorar los factores predictivos de dolor postoperatorio. MÉTODO: estudio observacional y retrospectivo realizado a 127 pacientes adultos de cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica. El dolor postoperatorio se evaluó con la escala verbal numérica y el estado emocional con 5 variables: ansiedad, sudor, tensión, miedo, lloros. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron las pruebas de χ2, t de Student o ANOVA y un análisis multivariado con regresión logística. RESULTADOS: la prevalencia de dolor postoperatorio inmediato fue del 28%. La ansiedad fue el factor emocional más frecuente (72%) y un factor de riesgo predictivo para el dolor postoperatorio moderado-intenso (OR: 4,60, IC95%: 1,38-15,3, pOBJECTIVES: to analyze the relationship between preoperative emotional state and the prevalence and intensity of postoperative pain and to explore predictors of postoperative pain. METHOD: observational retrospective study undertaken among 127 adult patients of orthopedic and trauma surgery. Postoperative pain was assessed with the verbal numeric scale and with five variables of emotional state: anxiety, sweating, stress, fear, and crying. The Chi-squared test, Student's t test or ANOVA and a multivariate logistic regression analysis were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: the prevalence of immediate postoperative pain was 28%. Anxiety was the most common emotional factor (72%) and a predictive risk factor for moderate to severe postoperative pain (OR: 4.60, 95% CI 1.38 to 15.3,

    Influence of preoperative emotional state on postoperative pain following orthopedic and trauma surgery

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    OBJECTIVES: to analyze the relationship between preoperative emotional state and the prevalence and intensity of postoperative pain and to explore predictors of postoperative pain. METHOD: observational retrospective study undertaken among 127 adult patients of orthopedic and trauma surgery. Postoperative pain was assessed with the verbal numeric scale and with five variables of emotional state: anxiety, sweating, stress, fear, and crying. The Chi-squared test, Student's t test or ANOVA and a multivariate logistic regression analysis were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: the prevalence of immediate postoperative pain was 28%. Anxiety was the most common emotional factor (72%) and a predictive risk factor for moderate to severe postoperative pain (OR: 4.60, 95% CI 1.38 to 15.3, p<0.05, AUC: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.62 to 0.83). Age exerted a protective effect (OR 0.96, 95% CI: 0.94-0.99, p<0.01). CONCLUSION: preoperative anxiety and age are predictors of postoperative pain in patients undergoing orthopedic and trauma surgery