141 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Se'i (Rotenesse Smoked Meat) Treated with Coconut Shell Liquid Smoked and Citrus Aurantifolia Extract

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Citrus aurantifolia extract (CAE), coconut shell liquid smoke (CSLS) and the combination of CAE and CSLS (CACS) on se'i characteristics. A completely randomized design was assigned in this experiment. Treatments used were: se'i treated with 5% (v/v) CAE, CSLS 5% (v/v), (CAE : CSL 1:1) )/ (CACS) and untreated se'i as a control (C). Parameters measured were: aroma, color, taste, pH, residual nitrite, total bacterial count, Coliform, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella. The data of aroma, color, and taste were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Mann-Whitney test. The pH, residual nitrite, and bacterial data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by least significant differences test. Results showed that CAE caused the highest score at both aroma and taste (P<0.05). CSLS caused the lowest residual nitrite (27 ppm) (P<0.05). Application of CAE and CACS could reduce total bacteria (P<0.05) at least 1 log. Color, pH, and Coliform number were not significantly different. S. aureus, E. coli, and Salmonella were negative in all se'i samples. CAE gives the best organoleptics and bacteriological characteristics while CSLS is more effective in reducing nitrite

    Influence of skin-layer microstructure in ultrafast laser surface treatment

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    In this work, the morphology of AISI 316L stainless steel surfaces, textured with ultrafast laser machining, was studied by scanning probe microscopy. In particular, correlations between the morphology and the polycrystalline microstructure of the material were searched. Topographic maps of the treated surfaces revealed a transition from small-sized to larger size and rather irregular features, driven by increase in laser fluence and depending on process parameters. In addition, a metrological analysis of the material grains demonstrated a shape and size similarity with laser-induced features attained for certain process parameters, suggesting that surface texture turns influenced by the microstructure of the skin-layer

    Evaluation of Using Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyces in the Production of Rotenesse Smoked Beef (Se’i)

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    Aims of this experiment were to evaluate the use of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract on the production of se’i (Rotenesse smoked beef). A completely randomized design was used in this study. Treatments include: Po = se’i was without Hibiscus sabdariffa extract as control, P1 = se’i given Hibiscus sabdariffa extract 1% (w/v); P2 = se’i was given Hibiscus sabdariffa extract 2% (w/v); P3 = se’i was given Hibiscus sabdariffa extract 3% (w/v); P4 = se’i was given Hibiscus sabdariffa extract 4% (w/v); and P5 = se’i was given Hibiscus sabdariffa extract 5% (w/v), each treatment had three replication. Variables for this experiment include: flavour, color, taste, tenderness, pH, total plate count, Coliform, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Result showed that Hibiscus sabdariffa extract was not significantly affected the flavour, color, tenderness and pH. However, Hibiscus sabdariffa extract enhanced the taste of se’i (P0.05). Also, the extract significantly reduced both total plate count and Staphylococcus aureus numbers (P 0.05). As a matter of fact, Coliform, Escherichia coli and Salmonella were not detected in all se’i. In conclusion Hibricus sabdariffa was able to enhanched the taste of se’i  and inhibit the growth of bacteria

    Screening And Tlc-bioautography Analysis Of Antimicrobial Compounds From Some Sponge Extracts Originated From Barrang Lompo Sea Island, South Sulawesi

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    Sponges is one of the invertebrate Porifera phyla that produce active compounds with various structures and one of the biological activity as antimicrobial. The purpose of this research was to find out the sponge extracts that can inhibit microbial growth and potential of antimicrobial active compounds from sponge at Barrang Lompo Island. The microbes used were Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhii, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. The sponge extracts were obtained by maceration 14 sponge samples with methanol, followed by partition using chloroform and methanol, then TLC-bioautography toward the active extract. The results showed that methanol extracts of sponge with code BRLP-009 and 010 have the most potential effect as antimicrobial agent

    Sinergitas Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Kelopak Bunga Rosella Dan Kitosan Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus: Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Roselle Calyx and Chitosan Against Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Currently, the antibacterial research is increasingly promoted primarily from natural materials, due to the increasing number of pathogenic bacteria that have been resistant to existing antibiotics. One of the pathogenic bacteria that has been much resistant to antibiotics is Staphylococcus aureus. Rosella calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa  L.) and chitosan are known to have antibacterial activity. The aim of this study to find out the antibacterial synergy of the  roselle calyx extract and chitosan against. S.aureus ATCC 33592. Rosella calyx was extracted by maceration using 80 %  ethanol, while chitosan is obtained from deasetilation chitin of shrimp husk. Test antibacterial synergism using checkboard assay method by calculating the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)  using microdilution assay. The results showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of roselle calyx extract and chitosan were 1250 ppm and 50 ppm, respectively.  MIC value of rosella calyx extract in the presence of chitosan was 625 ppm, while the value of MIC chitosan in the presence of rosella calyx extract was < 0.19 ppm. Fractional Inhibition Concentration Index (FICI) was < 0.5 which concluded that the combination of roselle calyx extract with chitosan has a synergistic antibacterial effect on S.aureus ATCC 33592

    Formal to Casual- Usage of Laptop Among Students- An Eye Opener

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    The number of college students using laptops is on the rise so is the musculoskeletal disorders reported. This research tries to understand whether university students in India have the same discomfort level as reported in prior studies. The study tries to evaluate the role of parameters like postural adaptation, time related parameters like duration of laptop usage, frequency of rest breaks and the predisposition of MSD among the students. And it is found that neck pain is the most common pain among Indian college students. And that MSD is caused by poor postural adaptation, time spent on the laptop as well as lack of proper ergonomic knowledge

    Effect of Appendectomy on ClinicalCourse of Diverticulosis

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    Diverticulitis is a common condition where inflammation seems to play a key role in all forms of the disease. Since diverticular disease, in some cases, exhibits clinical and histopathologic similarities with the idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, could have in common, with these some environmental risk factors, as appendectomy, that could interfere with the natural history of diverticular disease. Since the prevalence and the role of appendectomy in patients with colonic diverticula has not been defined, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of appendectomy, both in uncomplicated diverticular disease and in patients with diverticulitis. Two hundred and seven consecutive patients with verified diagnosis of diverticular disease of the colon were enrolled. Diagnosis of diverticulitis was defined by means of clinical, colonoscopic, and computerised tomography criteria. Logistic regression was used to describe the relation between the dependent variable (diverticulitis) and several covariates: sex, age (60), BMI (26), and history of appendectomy (emergency or elective appendectomy). We included the first order interactions in the model to assess the effect of each variable for a particular degree of the others covariates. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Results: The first order interactions did not show a relevant effect (p>0.10) and therefore were excluded from the logistic model. Sex (p=0.88), BMI (p=0.80), elective appendectomy (p=0.17), age (p=0,11), do not affect significantly, either as an independent variable or as a confounder, the risk of development of diverticulitis, and therefore were also excluded from the model. According to the final model the risk of diverticulitis is 4,94 fold higher (95% confidence interval: 1.98 to 12.37) in patients with history of appendectomy with emergency operative treatment, compared with patients without appendectomy or history of elective resection (p<0.001. Conclusions: The risk of diverticulitis does not increase in patients with elective appendectomy, therefore only patients with emergency appendectomy have an increased risk of diverticuliti

    Antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with cirrhosis: Current evidence for clinical practice

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    Patients with cirrhosis show an increased susceptibility to infection due to disease-related immune-dysfunction. Bacterial infection therefore represents a common, often detrimental event in patients with advanced liver disease, since it can worsen portal hypertension and impair the function of hepatic and extrahepatic organs. Among pharmacological strategies to prevent infection, antibiotic prophylaxis remains the first-choice, especially in high-risk groups, such as patients with acute variceal bleeding, low ascitic fluid proteins, and prior episodes of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Nevertheless, antibiotic prophylaxis has to deal with the changing bacterial epidemiology in cirrhosis, with increased rates of gram-positive bacteria and multidrug resistant rods, warnings about quinolones-related side effects, and low prescription adherence. Short-term antibiotic prophylaxis is applied in many other settings during hospitalization, such as before interventional or surgical procedures, but often without knowledge of local bacterial epidemiology and without strict adherence to antimicrobial stewardship. This paper offers a detailed overview on the application of antibiotic prophylaxis in cirrhosis, according to the current evidence

    The Impact of the Frequency of 7,12- Dimethylbenz [á] Anthracene (Dmba) Administration on the Formation of Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Skin of Albino Mice

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    Introduction: Dosage and frequency of 7,12-dimethylbenz[á] anthracene (DMBA) com- pound exposure suspected to affect the rapid growth of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in albino mice. Objective: find out the impact of DMBA exposure to dysplasia and SCC formation on albino mice. Methods: Twenty-five albino mice were divided into five groups, namely: Group 1 is the control (acetone), group 2 is 5 albino mice given four times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 3 is 5 albino mice were given eight times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 4 is 5 albino mice were given twelve times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, and group 5 is 5 albino mice were given sixteen times DMBA 100 µg exposure for eight weeks. Histopathological examination were conducted to assess histopathological feature including inflammation, dysplasia, and SCC. Results: There is a significant effect of the frequency of DMBA exposure to the clinical figure and against histopathological feature of the skin albino mice.Conclusions: Dosage and fre- quency of DMBA exposure affect the occurence of dysplasia and SCC, which are in- creasingly being DMBA exposure will accelerate the growth of SCC. The frequency of the most widely pose a SCC in DMBA 100 µg sixteen times exposure group, twice a week for eight weeks

    The Effect of Turmeric and Garlic Phytobiotic Addition with Different Duration Storage on the Fungal Colony in Feed

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    Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an antifungal. The study aims to determined to test the ability turmeric and garlic phytobiotic pressed fungal colonies in the feed with different storage time. The data were analyzed by a factorial experimental design with 5 treatments 4 replications and 2 repetitions. The first factor types phytobiotic and the second factor was storage duration. R0 = basal ration (without phytobiotic), R1 = basal ration + 0.3% synthetic antifungal, R2 = basal ration + 2.5% turmeric, R3 = basal ration + 5% garlic, R4 = (basal ration + 2.5% turmeric+ 5% garlic. W0, W1, W2 and W3 respectively with storage time 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Samples were taken from each experimental unit homogeneously. The results showed the average fungal colonies of garlic phytobiotic treatment (26.06±44.76 CFUx103/g) in 2-week storage time (25.20±22.52 CFUx103/g) lower than the provision of synthetic preservatives (57.75±52.03 CFUx103/g) and the control treatment (74.87±70.69 CFUx103/g). Fungal colonies increases rapidly with increasing length of time of storage. The conclusion of this study was that the additon of turmeric and garlic phytobiotic capable as an antifungal in feed
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