11 research outputs found

    Wnt/Dkk Negative Feedback Regulates Sensory Organ Size in Zebrafish

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    SummaryCorrect organ size must involve a balance between promotion and inhibition of cell proliferation. A mathematical model has been proposed in which an organ is assumed to produce its own growth activator as well as a growth inhibitor [1], but there is as yet no molecular evidence to support this model [2]. The mechanosensory organs of the fish lateral line system (neuromasts) are composed of a core of sensory hair cells surrounded by nonsensory support cells. Sensory cells are constantly replaced and are regenerated from surrounding nonsensory cells [3], while each organ retains the same size throughout life. Moreover, neuromasts also bud off new neuromasts, which stop growing when they reach the same size [4, 5]. Here, we show that the size of neuromasts is controlled by a balance between growth-promoting Wnt signaling activity in proliferation-competent cells and Wnt-inhibiting Dkk activity produced by differentiated sensory cells. This negative feedback loop from Dkk (secreted by differentiated cells) on Wnt-dependent cell proliferation (in surrounding cells) also acts during regeneration to achieve size constancy. This study establishes Wnt/Dkk as a novel mechanism to determine the final size of an organ

    Generating libraries of iTol2-end insertions at BAC ends using loxP and lox511 Tn10 transposons

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) have been widely used as transgenes in vertebrate model systems such as mice and zebrafish, for a variety of studies. BAC transgenesis has been a powerful tool to study the function of the genome, and gene regulation by distal <it>cis-</it>regulatory elements. Recently, BAC transgenesis in both mice and zebrafish was further facilitated by development of the transposon-mediated method using the Tol2 element. Tol2 ends, in the inverted orientation and flanking a 1 kb spacer DNA (iTol2), were introduced into the BAC DNA within the bacterial host using recombination of homologous sequences. Here we describe experiments designed to determine if a simpler and more flexible system could modify BACs so that they would be suitable for transgenesis into zebrafish or mouse embryos using the Tol2 transposase.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new technique was developed to introduce recognition sequences for the Tol2 transposase into BACs in <it>E. coli </it>using the Tn10 transposon vector system. We constructed pTnloxP-iTol2kan and pTnlox511-iTol2kan to introduce the loxP or lox511 site and iTol2 cassette, containing the Tol2 cis-sequences in the inverted orientation, into BACs that have loxP and lox511 sites flanking genomic DNA inserts by Tn10-mediated transposition. The procedure enables rapid generation of a large collection of BACs ready for transgenesis with the iTol2 cassette at the new end of a progressively truncated genomic insert via lox-Cre recombination. The iTol2 ends are efficiently recognized by the Tol2 transposase, and the BACs readily integrate into zebrafish chromosomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The new technology described here can rapidly introduce iTol2 ends at a BAC end of choice, and simultaneously generate a large collection of BACs with progressive deletions of the genomic DNA from that end in a single experiment. This procedure should be applicable to a wider variety of BACs containing lox sites flanking the genomic DNA insert, including those with sequence repeats. The libraries of iTol2 inserted BACs with truncations from an end should facilitate studies on the impact of distal <it>cis</it>-regulatory sequences on gene function, as well as standard BAC transgenesis with precisely trimmed genes in zebrafish or mouse embryos using Tol2 transposition.</p

    zTrap: zebrafish gene trap and enhancer trap database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have developed genetic methods in zebrafish by using the <it>Tol2 </it>transposable element; namely, transgenesis, gene trapping, enhancer trapping and the Gal4FF-UAS system. Gene trap constructs contain a splice acceptor and the GFP or Gal4FF (a modified version of the yeast Gal4 transcription activator) gene, and enhancer trap constructs contain the zebrafish <it>hsp70l </it>promoter and the GFP or Gal4FF gene. By performing genetic screens using these constructs, we have generated transgenic zebrafish that express GFP and Gal4FF in specific cells, tissues and organs. Gal4FF expression is visualized by creating double transgenic fish carrying a Gal4FF transgene and the GFP reporter gene placed downstream of the Gal4-recognition sequence (UAS). Further, the Gal4FF-expressing cells can be manipulated by mating with UAS effector fish. For instance, when fish expressing Gal4FF in specific neurons are crossed with the UAS:TeTxLC fish carrying the tetanus neurotoxin gene downstream of UAS, the neuronal activities are inhibited in the double transgenic fish. Thus, these transgenic fish are useful to study developmental biology and neurobiology.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>To increase the usefulness of the transgenic fish resource, we developed a web-based database named <it>z</it>Trap <url>http://kawakami.lab.nig.ac.jp/ztrap/</url>. The <it>z</it>Trap database contains images of GFP and Gal4FF expression patterns, and genomic DNA sequences surrounding the integration sites of the gene trap and enhancer trap constructs. The integration sites are mapped onto the <it>Ensembl </it>zebrafish genome by in-house Blat analysis and can be viewed on the <it>z</it>Trap and <it>Ensembl </it>genome browsers. Furthermore, <it>z</it>Trap is equipped with the functionality to search these data for expression patterns and genomic loci of interest. <it>z</it>Trap contains the information about transgenic fish including UAS reporter and effector fish.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>z</it>Trap is a useful resource to find gene trap and enhancer trap fish lines that express GFP and Gal4FF in desired patterns, and to find insertions of the gene trap and enhancer trap constructs that are located within or near genes of interest. These transgenic fish can be utilized to observe specific cell types during embryogenesis, to manipulate their functions, and to discover novel genes and <it>cis</it>-regulatory elements. Therefore, <it>z</it>Trap should facilitate studies on genomics, developmental biology and neurobiology utilizing the transgenic zebrafish resource.</p

    Activation of the hypothalamic feeding centre upon visual prey detection

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    The visual system plays a major role in food/prey recognition in diurnal animals, and food intake is regulated by the hypothalamus. However, whether and how visual information about prey is conveyed to the hypothalamic feeding centre is largely unknown. Here we perform real-time imaging of neuronal activity in freely behaving or constrained zebrafish larvae and demonstrate that prey or prey-like visual stimuli activate the hypothalamic feeding centre. Furthermore, we identify prey detector neurons in the pretectal area that project to the hypothalamic feeding centre. Ablation of the pretectum completely abolishes prey capture behaviour and neurotoxin expression in the hypothalamic area also reduces feeding. Taken together, these results suggest that the pretecto-hypothalamic pathway plays a crucial role in conveying visual information to the feeding centre. Thus, this pathway possibly converts visual food detection into feeding motivation in zebrafish

    Exploring the origin of a unique mutant allele in twin-tail goldfish using CRISPR/Cas9 mutants

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    Abstract Artificial selection has been widely applied to genetically fix rare phenotypic features in ornamental domesticated animals. For many of these animals, the mutated loci and alleles underlying rare phenotypes are known. However, few studies have explored whether these rare genetic mutations might have been fixed due to competition among related mutated alleles or if the fixation occurred due to contingent stochastic events. Here, we performed genetic crossing with twin-tail ornamental goldfish and CRISPR/Cas9-mutated goldfish to investigate why only a single mutated alleleβ€”chdS with a E127X stop codon (also called chdA E127X )β€”gives rise to the twin-tail phenotype in the modern domesticated goldfish population. Two closely related chdS mutants were generated with CRISPR/Cas9 and compared with the E127X allele in F2 and F3 generations. Both of the CRISPR/Cas9-generated alleles were equivalent to the E127X allele in terms of penetrance/expressivity of the twin-tail phenotype and viability of carriers. These findings indicate that multiple truncating mutations could have produced viable twin-tail goldfish. Therefore, the absence of polymorphic alleles for the twin-tail phenotype in modern goldfish likely stems from stochastic elimination or a lack of competing alleles in the common ancestor. Our study is the first experimental comparison of a singular domestication-derived allele with CRISPR/Cas9-generated alleles to understand how genetic fixation of a unique genotype and phenotype may have occurred. Thus, our work may provide a conceptual framework for future investigations of rare evolutionary events in domesticated animals

    Flight feather development: its early specialization during embryogenesis

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    Abstract Background Flight feathers, a type of feather that is unique to extant/extinct birds and some non-avian dinosaurs, are the most evolutionally advanced type of feather. In general, feather types are formed in the second or later generation of feathers at the first and following molting, and the first molting begins at around two weeks post hatching in chicken. However, it has been stated in some previous reports that the first molting from the natal down feathers to the flight feathers is much earlier than that for other feather types, suggesting that flight feather formation starts as an embryonic event. The aim of this study was to determine the inception of flight feather morphogenesis and to identify embryological processes specific to flight feathers in contrast to those of down feathers. Results We found that the second generation of feather that shows a flight feather-type arrangement has already started developing by chick embryonic day 18, deep in the skin of the flight feather-forming region. This was confirmed by shh gene expression that shows barb pattern, and the expression pattern revealed that the second generation of feather development in the flight feather-forming region seems to start by embryonic day 14. The first stage at which we detected a specific morphology of the feather bud in the flight feather-forming region was embryonic day 11, when internal invagination of the feather bud starts, while the external morphology of the feather bud is radial down-type. Conclusion The morphogenesis for the flight feather, the most advanced type of feather, has been drastically modified from the beginning of feather morphogenesis, suggesting that early modification of the embryonic morphogenetic process may have played a crucial role in the morphological evolution of this key innovation. Co-optation of molecular cues for axial morphogenesis in limb skeletal development may be able to modify morphogenesis of the feather bud, giving rise to flight feather-specific morphogenesis of traits