323 research outputs found

    The Collapse of the Wien Tail in the Coldest Brown Dwarf? Hubble Space Telescope Near-Infrared Photometry of WISE J085510.83-071442.5

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) near-infrared photometry of the coldest known brown dwarf, WISE J085510.83−-071442.5 (WISE 0855−-0714). WISE 0855−-0714 was observed with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) aboard HST using the F105W, F125W, and F160W filters, which approximate the YY, JJ, and HH near-infrared bands. WISE 0855−-0714 is undetected at F105W with a corresponding 2σ\sigma magnitude limit of ∼\sim26.9. We marginally detect WISE 0855−-0714 in the F125W images (S/N ∼\sim4), with a measured magnitude of 26.41 ±\pm 0.27, more than a magnitude fainter than the J−J-band magnitude reported by Faherty and coworkers. WISE J0855−-0714 is clearly detected in the F160W band, with a magnitude of 23.90 ±\pm 0.02, the first secure detection of WISE 0855−-0714 in the near-infrared. Based on these data, we find that WISE 0855−-0714 has extremely red F105W−-F125W and F125W−-F160W colors relative to other known Y dwarfs. We find that when compared to the models of Saumon et al. and Morley et al., the F105W−-F125W and F125W−-F160W colors of WISE 0855−-0714 cannot be accounted for simultaneously. These colors likely indicate that we are seeing the collapse of flux on the Wien tail for this extremely cold object.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    MOA-2016-BLG-227Lb: A Massive Planet Characterized by Combining Light-curve Analysis and Keck AO Imaging

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    We report the discovery of a microlensing planet—MOA-2016-BLG-227Lb—with a large planet/host mass ratio of q ≃ 9 × 10^(−3). This event was located near the K2 Campaign 9 field that was observed by a large number of telescopes. As a result, the event was in the microlensing survey area of a number of these telescopes, and this enabled good coverage of the planetary light-curve signal. High angular resolution adaptive optics images from the Keck telescope reveal excess flux at the position of the source above the flux of the source star, as indicated by the light-curve model. This excess flux could be due to the lens star, but it could also be due to a companion to the source or lens star, or even an unrelated star. We consider all these possibilities in a Bayesian analysis in the context of a standard Galactic model. Our analysis indicates that it is unlikely that a large fraction of the excess flux comes from the lens, unless solar-type stars are much more likely to host planets of this mass ratio than lower mass stars. We recommend that a method similar to the one developed in this paper be used for other events with high angular resolution follow-up observations when the follow-up observations are insufficient to measure the lens–source relative proper motion

    Three New Cool Brown Dwarfs Discovered with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and an Improved Spectrum of the Y0 Dwarf WISE J041022.71+150248.4

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    As part of a larger search of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data for cool brown dwarfs with effective temperatures less than 1000 K, we present the discovery of three new cool brown dwarfs with spectral types later than T7. Using low-resolution, near-infrared spectra obtained with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the Hubble Space Telescope we derive spectral types of T9.5 for WISE J094305.98+360723.5, T8 for WISE J200050.19+362950.1, and Y0: for WISE J220905.73+271143.9. The identification of WISE J220905.73+271143.9 as a Y dwarf brings the total number of spectroscopically confirmed Y dwarfs to seventeen. In addition, we present an improved spectrum (i.e. higher signal-to-noise ratio) of the Y0 dwarf WISE J041022.71+150248.4 that confirms the Cushing et al. classification of Y0. Spectrophotometric distance estimates place all three new brown dwarfs at distances less than 12 pc, with WISE J200050.19+362950.1 lying at a distance of only 3.9-8.0 pc. Finally, we note that brown dwarfs like WISE J200050.19+362950.1 that lie in or near the Galactic plane offer an exciting opportunity to measure their mass via astrometric microlensing.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    High Resolution Imaging of Very Low Mass Spectral Binaries: Three Resolved Systems and Detection of Orbital Motion in an L/T Transition Binary

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    We present high resolution Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics imaging of 43 late-M, L and T dwarf systems with Keck/NIRC2. These include 17 spectral binary candidates, systems whose spectra suggest the presence of a T dwarf secondary. We resolve three systems: 2MASS J1341–3052, SDSS J1511+0607 and SDSS J2052–1609; the first two are resolved for the first time. All three have projected separations <8 AU and estimated periods of 14–80 years. We also report a preliminary orbit determination for SDSS J2052–1609 based on six epochs of resolved astrometry between 2005 and 2010. Among the 14 unresolved spectral binaries, 5 systems were confirmed binaries but remained unresolved, implying a minimum binary fraction of 47_(-11)^(+12) for this sample. Our inability to resolve most of the spectral binaries, including the confirmed binaries, supports the hypothesis that a large fraction of very low mass systems have relatively small separations and are missed with direct imaging

    WISE J163940.83-684738.6: A Y Dwarf identified by Methane Imaging

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    We have used methane imaging techniques to identify the near-infrared counterpart of the bright WISE source WISEJ163940.83-684738.6. The large proper motion of this source (around 3.0arcsec/yr) has moved it, since its original WISE identification, very close to a much brighter background star -- it currently lies within 1.5" of the J=14.90+-0.04 star 2MASS16394085-6847446. Observations in good seeing conditions using methane sensitive filters in the near-infrared J-band with the FourStar instrument on the Magellan 6.5m Baade telescope, however, have enabled us to detect a near-infrared counterpart. We have defined a photometric system for use with the FourStar J2 and J3 filters, and this photometry indicates strong methane absorption, which unequivocally identifies it as the source of the WISE flux. Using these imaging observations we were then able to steer this object down the slit of the FIRE spectrograph on a night of 0.6" seeing, and so obtain near-infrared spectroscopy confirming a Y0-Y0.5 spectral type. This is in line with the object's near-infrared-to-WISE J3--W2 colour. Preliminary astrometry using both WISE and FourStar data indicates a distance of 5.0+-0.5pc and a substantial tangential velocity of 73+-8km/s. WISEJ163940.83-684738.6 is the brightest confirmed Y dwarf in the WISE W2 passband and its distance measurement places it amongst the lowest luminosity sources detected to date.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 20 September 201
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