162 research outputs found

    Be my (little) partner?! - Universities' role in regional innovation systems when large firms are rare

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    Structural differences regarding the presence of large firms are likely to influence the performance of Regional Innovation Systems. Regions lacking large firms to act as brokers of knowledge and coordinators of regional (R&D) collaboration may have to rely on other actors to form internal and external links. We investigate whether, in this case, universities can fulfill the needs of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with regard to coordination and knowledge flows. Using a data set of subsidized R&D collaborations, we compare universities' network positions in four model regions in Germany. Applying a Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model approach, we examine link formation and network structure with a focus on university–SME ties and their development over time. Results indicate that SMEs profit from connections to the university in all regions. Nevertheless, universities take more central roles in regions where the economic surrounding does contain fewer large firms as sources for knowledge exchange

    2008,14: The origins of entrants and the geography of the German laser industry

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    Entry into an industry often clusters in regions where the industry is already concentrated, which is suggestive of agglomeration economies. Regional public research activities may exert another attracting force on entrants into science-based industries. Empirically these proximity effects are confounded by other influences on where entrants originate and locate. This paper begins to disentangle the effects of agglomeration, public research, and the supply of capable entrants for the German laser industry. Our findings indicate that the industry's geography was shaped by the local availability of potential entrants rather than localization economies. The impact of public research increased over time. -- Industry clusters ; agglomeration economies ; public research ; entry ; heritag

    2009,20: Not invented here : technology licensing, knowledge transfer and innovation based on public research

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    Using a new dataset encompassing more than 2,200 inventions made by Max Planck Society researchers from 1980 to 2004, we explore how licensee and technology characteristics affect the licensing and commercialization of technologies from public research. We find no evidence that spin-offs and external licensees systematically differ in their likelihood of successful commercialization. Technologies licensed to foreign firms are less often commercialized, which may reflect selection effects. Patented technologies and inventions by senior scientists are more likely to be licensed, but patent protection is related to lower commercialization odds and lower royalty payments. -- Licensing ; public research ; cognitive distance ; entrepreneurship ; Max Planck societ

    Intraoperative endoluminal pyloromyotomy for reduction of delayed gastric emptying after pylorus preserving partial pancreaticoduodenectomy (PORRIDGE trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (ppPD) is a standard surgical procedure for the treatment of resectable neoplasms of the periampullary region. One of the most common postoperative complications after ppPD is delayed gastric emptying (DGE) which reduces quality of life, prevents a timely return to a solid oral diet and prolongs the length of hospital stay. In a retrospective analysis, intraoperative endoluminal pyloromyotomy was associated with a reduced rate of DGE. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of intraoperative endoluminal pyloromyotomy on postoperative DGE after ppPD in a randomised and controlled setting. METHODS: This randomised trial features parallel group design with a 1:1 allocation ratio and a superiority hypothesis. Patients with a minimum age of 18 years and an indication for ppPD are eligible to participate in this study and will be randomised intraoperatively to receive either endoluminal pyloromyotomy or atraumatic stretching of the pylorus. The sample size calculation (n=64 per study arm) is based on retrospective data. The primary endpoint is the rate of DGE within 30 days. Secondary endpoints are quality of life, operation time, estimated blood loss, length of hospital stay, morbidity and mortality. DISCUSSION: DGE after ppPD is a common complication with an incomplete understood aetiology. Prevention of DGE could improve outcomes and enhance quality of life after one of the most common procedures in pancreatic surgery. This trial will expand the existing evidence on intraoperative pyloromyotomy, and the results will provide additional data on a simple surgical technique that could reduce the incidence of postoperative DGE. TRIAL REGISTRATION: German Clinical Trials RegisterDRKS00013503. Registered on 27 December 2017

    DX5+NKT cells display phenotypical and functional differences between spleen and liver as well as NK1.1-Balb/c and NK1.1+ C57Bl/6 mice

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    These results show that DX5+NKT cells are a heterogeneous population, depending on the dedicated organ and mouse strain, that has diverse functional capacity

    Mesenchymal stromal cell and bone marrow concentrate therapies for musculoskeletal indications: a concise review of current literature

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    The interest on applying mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in orthopedic disorders has risen tremendously in the last years due to scientific successes in preclinical in vitro and animal model studies. In a wide range of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, MSCs are currently under evaluation, but so far have found access to clinical use only in few cases. The current assignment is to translate the acquired knowledge into clinical practice. Therefore, this review aims at presenting a synopsis of the up-to-date status of the use of MSCs and MSC related cell products in musculoskeletal indications. Clinical studies were included, whereas preclinical and animal study data not have been considered. Most studies published so far investigate the final outcome applying bone marrow derived MSCs. In fewer trials the use of adipose tissue derived MSCs and allogenic MSCs was investigated in different applications. Although the reported results are equivocal in the current literature, the vast majority of the studies shows a benefit of MSC based therapies depending on the cell sources and the indication in clinical use. In summary, the clinical use of MSCs in patients in orthopedic indications has been found to be safe. Standardized protocols and clear definitions of the mechanisms of action and the mode and timing of application as well as further coordinated research efforts will be necessary for finally adding MSC based therapies in standard operating procedures and guidelines for the clinicians treating orthopedic disorders

    Microfluidic patterning of miniaturized DNA arrays on plastic substrates

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    This paper describes the patterning of DNA arrays on plastic surfaces using an elastomeric, two dimensional (2D) microcapillary system (\u3bcCS). Fluidic structures were realized through hot embossing lithography using Versaflex\uae CL30. Like elastomers based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), this thermoplastic block co-polymer is able to seal a surface in a reversible manner, making it possible to confine DNA probes with a level of control that is unparalleled using standard microspotting techniques. We focus on \u3bcCSs that support arrays comprising up to 48 spots each being 45 \u3bcm in diameter. Substrates were fabricated from two hard termoplastic materials - poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and a polycyclic olefin (e.g., Zeonor\uae 1060R) - which were both activated with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester to mediate covalent attachment of DNA molecules. The approach was exemplified by using 0.25 to 32 \u3bcM solutions of amino-modified oligonucleotides labeled with either Cy3 or Cy5 fluorescent dye in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), allowing for a direct and sensitive characterization of the printed arrays. Solutions were incubated for durations of 1 to >48 h at22, 30 and 40\u2103 to probe the conditions for obtaining uniform spots of high fluorescence intensity. The length (l) and depth (d) of microfluidic supply channels were both important with respect to depletion as well as evaporation of the solvent. While selective activation of the substrate proved helpful to limit unproductive loss of oligonucleotides along trajectories, incubation of solution in a humid environment was necessary to prevent uncontrolled drying of liquid, keeping the immobilization process intact over extended periods of time. When combined, these strategies effectively promoted the formation of high-quality DNA arrays, making it possible to arrange multiple probes in parallel with a high degree of uniformity. Moreover, we show that resultant arrays are compatible with standard hybridization protocols, which allowed for reliable discrimination of individual stands when exposed to a specific ssDNA target molecule.Dans le pr\ue9sent article, on d\ue9crit la structuration de puces d\u2019ADN sur des surfaces en mati\ue8re plastique au moyen d\u2019un syst\ue8me \ue9lastom\ue8re microcapillaire \ue0 deux dimensions (\u3bcCS). Les structures des microcanaux ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9es par gaufrage lithographique \ue0 chaud avec du Versaflex CL30. Comme les \ue9lastom\ue8res \ue0 base de poly(dim\ue9thylsiloxane), ce copolym\ue8re thermoplastique s\ue9quenc\ue9 permet de sceller une surface de mani\ue8re r\ue9versible, rendant possible le confinement de sondes d\u2019ADN avec un niveau de contr\uf4le jamais atteint avec des techniques classiques de micropositionnement. On s\u2019est concentr\ue9 sur les \u3bcCS permettant l\u2019obtention de micropuces ayant jusqu\u2019\ue0 2 7 48 points, chacun de 45 \u3bcm de diam\ue8tre. Les substrats ont \ue9t\ue9 fabriqu\ue9s \ue0 partir de deux mati\ue8res thermoplastiques dures, du poly(m\ue9thacrylate de m\ue9thyle) et une poly(cyclool\ue9fine) (p. ex. Zeonor 1060R), qui ont toutes deux \ue9t\ue9 activ\ue9es avec du chlorhydrate de 1-\ue9thyl-3-[3-(dim\ue9thylamino)propyl]carbodiimide et du N hydroxysuccinimide pour m\ue9dier la liaison covalente aux mol\ue9cules d\u2019ADN. L\u2019approche a \ue9t\ue9 authentifi\ue9e au moyen de solutions 0,25 1232 \u3bcM d\u2019oligonucl\ue9otides modifi\ue9s avec un groupe amino et marqu\ue9s avec du Cy3 ou du Cy5 fluorescent dans un tampon phosphate salin, permettant une caract\ue9risation directe et sensible des puces imprim\ue9es. Les solutions ont \ue9t\ue9 incub\ue9es pendant des dur\ue9es allant de 1 \ue0 plus de 48 h \ue0 22, 30 et 40 \ub0C pour tester les conditions permettant d\u2019obtenir des points ayant une intensit\ue9 de fluorescence \ue9lev\ue9e et uniforme. La longueur (l) et la profondeur (d) des microcanaux d\u2019alimentation \ue9taient toutes deux importantes sur le plan de la diminution ainsi que de l\u2019\ue9vaporation du solvant. Bien qu\u2019une activation s\ue9lective du substrat se soit av\ue9r\ue9e utile pour limiter les pertes improductives d\u2019oligonucl\ue9otides le long des trajectoires, l\u2019incubation de la solution dans un environnement humide \ue9tait n\ue9cessaire pour pr\ue9venir le s\ue9chage incontr\uf4l\ue9 du liquide et ainsi conserver le processus d\u2019immobilisation intact pendant de longues p\ue9riodes. Lorsqu\u2019elles \ue9taient combin\ue9es, ces strat\ue9gies favorisaient efficacement la formation de micropuces d\u2019ADN de haute qualit\ue9, ce qui rend possible le placement de plusieurs sondes en parall\ue8le avec un haut degr\ue9 d\u2019uniformit\ue9. De plus, on a montr\ue9 que les puces obtenues \ue9taient compatibles avec les protocoles classiques d\u2019hybridation, qui permettent la discrimination fiable de brins individuels quand ils sont expos\ue9s \ue0 une mol\ue9cule cible sp\ue9cifique d\u2019ADN simple brin.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye