- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 10/03/2014
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 15/10/2013
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 17/11/2014
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 28/11/2012
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 20/11/2013
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 21/03/2012
- Field of study
Program listing performers and works performe
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 19/11/2014
- Field of study
List of performers and performances
- Publication venue
- Digital Scholarship@UNLV
- Publication date
- 01/05/2013
- Field of study
List of performers and performances