2,619 research outputs found

    Predicting Net Joint Moments During a Weightlifting Exercise with a Neural Network Model

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and train a Neural Network (NN) that uses barbell mass and motions to predict hip, knee, and ankle Net Joint Moments (NJM) during a weightlifting exercise. Seven weightlifters performed two cleans at 85% of their competition maximum while ground reaction forces and 3-D motion data were recorded. An inverse dynamics procedure was used to calculate hip, knee, and ankle NJM. Vertical and horizontal barbell motion data were extracted and, along with barbell mass, used as inputs to a NN. The NN was then trained to model the association between the mass and kinematics of the barbell and the calculated NJM for six weightlifters, the data from the remaining weightlifter was then used to test the performance of the NN – this was repeated 7 times with a k-fold cross-validation procedure to assess the NN accuracy. Joint-specific predictions of NJM produced coefficients of determination (r2) that ranged from 0.79 to 0.95, and the percent difference between NN-predicted and inverse dynamics calculated peak NJM ranged between 5% and 16%. The NN was thus able to predict the spatiotemporal patterns and discrete peaks of the three NJM with reasonable accuracy, which suggests that it is feasible to predict lower extremity NJM from the mass and kinematics of the barbell. Future work is needed to determine whether combining a NN model with low cost technology (e.g., digital video and free digitising software) can also be used to predict NJM of weightlifters during field-testing situations, such as practice and competition, with comparable accuracy

    Reactive Strength Index Modified Is a Valid Measure of Explosiveness in Collegiate Female Volleyball Players

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    Kipp, K, Kiely, MT, and Geiser, CF. Reactive strength index modified is a valid measure of explosiveness in collegiate female volleyball players. J Strength Cond Res 30(5): 1341–1347, 2016—The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of the reactive strength index modified (RSImod) as a measure of lower body explosiveness. Fifteen female, National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I volleyball players performed vertical countermovement jumps (CMJs) while standing on a force plate. Each player performed 3 CMJs. The vertical ground reaction forces collected during each jump were used to calculate jump height, time to take-off, time to peak force, peak force, peak rate of force development, and peak power; the latter 3 variables were all normalized to body mass. Reactive strength index modified was calculated as the ratio between jump height and time to take-off. All variables, except for jump height, were then entered a factor analysis, which reduced the input data into 2 factors: a force factor and a speed factor. Although RSImod loaded more strongly onto the force factor, further analysis showed that RSImod loaded positively onto both force and speed factors. Visual analysis of the Cartesian coordinates also showed that RSImod loaded into the quadrant of greater force and speed abilities. These results indicate that the construct of RSImod, as derived from CMJ force-time data, captures a combination of speed-force factors that can be interpreted as lower body explosiveness during the CMJ. Reactive strength index modified therefore seems to be a valid measure to study lower body explosiveness

    Effects of Isolated Hip Abductor Fatigue on Frontal Plane Knee Mechanics

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    Purpose: Anterior cruciate ligament injuries and patellofemoral pain syndrome are both common and significant injuries to the knee that have been associated with hip weakness. Prospective studies have linked the risk of experiencing either injury to alterations in the frontal plane knee angle and moment during activity. These components of knee mechanics are theorized to be affected by hip abductor weakness. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of isolated hip abductor fatigue-induced weakness on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics in recreationally active women

    Anticipatory Effects on Lower Extremity Neuromechanics During a Cutting Task

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    Context: Continued research into the mechanism of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury helps to improve clinical interventions and injury-prevention strategies. A better understanding of the effects of anticipation on landing neuromechanics may benefit training interventions. Objective: To determine the effects of anticipation on lower extremity neuromechanics during a single-legged land-and-cut task. Design: Controlled laboratory study. Setting: University biomechanics laboratory. Participants: Eighteen female National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I collegiate soccer players (age = 19.7 ± 0.8 years, height = 167.3 ± 6.0 cm, mass = 66.1 ± 2.1 kg). Intervention(s): Participants performed a single-legged land-and-cut task under anticipated and unanticipated conditions. Main Outcome Measure(s): Three-dimensional initial contact angles, peak joint angles, and peak internal joint moments and peak vertical ground reaction forces and sagittal-plane energy absorption of the 3 lower extremity joints; muscle activation of selected hip- and knee-joint muscles. Results: Unanticipated cuts resulted in less knee flexion at initial contact and greater ankle toe-in displacement. Unanticipated cuts were also characterized by greater internal hip-abductor and external-rotator moments and smaller internal knee-extensor and external-rotator moments. Muscle-activation profiles during unanticipated cuts were associated with greater activation of the gluteus maximus during the precontact and landing phases. Conclusions: Performing a cutting task under unanticipated conditions changed lower extremity neuromechanics compared with anticipated conditions. Most of the observed changes in lower extremity neuromechanics indicated the adoption of a hip-focused strategy during the unanticipated condition

    The Association of Dorsiflexion Flexibility on Knee Kinematics and Kinetics during a Drop Vertical Jump in Healthy Female Athletes

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    Purpose While previous studies have examined the association between ankle dorsiflexion flexibility and deleterious landing postures, it is not currently known how landing kinetics are influenced by ankle dorsiflexion flexibility. The purpose of this study was to examine whether ankle dorsiflexion flexibility was associated with landing kinematics and kinetics that have been shown to increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in female athletes. Methods Twenty-three female collegiate soccer players participated in a preseason screening that included the assessment of ankle dorsiflexion flexibility and lower-body kinematics and kinetics during a drop vertical jump task. Results The results demonstrated that females with less ankle dorsiflexion flexibility exhibited greater peak knee abduction moments (r = −.442), greater peak knee abduction angles (r = .355), and less peak knee flexion angles (r = .385) during landing. The range of dorsiflexion flexibility for the current study was between 9° and 23° (mean = 15.0°; SD 3.9°). Conclusion Dorsiflexion flexibility may serve as a useful clinical measure to predict poor landing postures and external forces that have been associated with increased knee injury risk. Rehabilitation specialists can provide interventions aimed at improving dorsiflexion flexibility in order to ameliorate the impact of this modifiable factor on deleterious landing kinematics and kinetics in female athletes

    Hip External Rotator Strength Is Associated With Better Dynamic Control of the Lower Extremity During Landing Tasks

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    Hip external rotator strength is associated with better dynamic control of the lower extremity during landing tasks. J Strength Cond Res 30(1): 282–291, 2016—The purpose of this study was to determine the association between hip strength and lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks in collegiate female soccer players. Twenty-three National Collegiate Athletic Association division I female soccer players were recruited for strength testing and biomechanical analysis. Maximal isometric hip abduction and external rotation strength were measured using a hand-held dynamometer and expressed as muscle torque (force × femoral length) and normalized to body weight. Three-dimensional lower extremity kinematics and kinetics were assessed with motion analysis and force plates, and an inverse dynamics approach was used to calculate net internal joint moments that were normalized to body weight. Greater hip external rotator strength was significantly associated with greater peak hip external rotation moments (r = 0.47; p = 0.021), greater peak knee internal rotation moments (r = 0.41; p = 0.048), greater hip frontal plane excursion (r = 0.49; p = 0.017), and less knee transverse plane excursion (r = -0.56; p = 0.004) during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks. In addition, a statistical trend was detected between hip external rotator strength and peak hip frontal plane moments (r = 0.39; p = 0.06). The results suggest that females with greater hip external rotator strength demonstrate better dynamic control of the lower extremity during unanticipated single-leg landing and cutting tasks and provide further support for the link between hip strength and lower extremity landing mechanics

    Biomechanical Determinants of the Reactive Strength Index During Drop Jumps

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    The Reactive Strength Index (RSI) is often used to quantify drop-jump (DJ) performance; however, not much is known about its biomechanical determinants. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between the RSI and several biomechanical variables calculated from DJ performed with different initial drop heights. Twelve male NCAA Division I basketball players performed DJs from drop heights of 30, 45, and 60 cm. Force plates were used to calculate DJ performance parameters (ie, DJ height, contact time, and RSI) and DJ biomechanical variables (ie, vertical stiffness and eccentric/concentric energetics). Regression analyses were used to assess the correlations between variables at each drop height, and ANOVAs were used to assess the differences of all variables across drop heights. Follow-up analyses used 2 neural networks to determine if DJ performance and biomechanical data could accurately classify DJ trials by drop-height condition. Vertical-stiffness values were significantly correlated with RSI at each height but did not change across drop heights. Surprisingly, the RSI and other DJ parameters also did not vary across drop height, which resulted in the inability of these variables to accurately classify DJ trials. Given that vertical stiffness did not change across drop height and was highly correlated with RSI at each height, the RSI appears to reflect biomechanical behavior related to vertical stiffness during DJ. However, the inability of the RSI to accurately classify drop-height condition questions the use of RSI profiles established from DJs from different heights


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    The ISBS is an international society totally dedicated to biomechanics in sports, whose primary purposes are: To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas for sports biomechanics researchers, coaches and teachers. To bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners. To gather and disseminate information and materials on biomechanics in sports. Papers underwent a double blinded review process. Each paper in these proceedings has been reviewed by at least two members of the scientific committee


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    Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) has been defined as a form of joint laxity that affects an individual systemically, with 5-43% of individuals in the population affected. These individuals experience injuries at a higher frequency and severity than the normal population. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if female collegiate division I lacrosse players with GJH demonstrated different muscle forces than matched controls during a demanding athletic-like task. EMG, kinematic, and kinetic data were collected as participants performed a single leg land and cut task. The GJH group demonstrated overall similar muscle forces in the lower extremity to controls. This is unexpected given the need for joint stability in the lower extremity of those individuals with greater generalized joint laxity
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