143 research outputs found

    Seasonality in Saharan Dust Across the Atlantic Ocean: From Atmospheric Transport to Seafloor Deposition

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    Saharan dust is transported in great quantities from the North African continent every year, most of which is deposited across the North Atlantic Ocean. This dust impacts regional and global climate by affecting the atmospheric radiation balance and altering ocean carbon budgets. However, little research has been carried out on time series of Saharan dust collected in situ across the open Atlantic. Here, we present a unique three-year time series of Saharan dust along a trans-Atlantic transect, sampled by moored surface buoys and subsurface sediment traps. Results show a good correlation between the particle-size distributions of atmospheric dust and the lithogenic particles settling to the deep ocean floor, confirming the aeolian origin of the lithogenic particles intercepted by the subsurface sediment traps, even in the distal western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Dust from both dry and wet deposition as collected by the sediment traps, shows increased deposition fluxes and coarser grain size in summer and/or autumn that coincides with increased precipitation at the sampling sites as derived from satellite data. In contrast, both buoys that sampled dust during transport at sea level show little seasonal variation in both concentration and particle size, as the large amounts of dust transported in summer and early autumn at high altitudes are far above their sampling range. This implies that wet deposition in summer and autumn defines the typical seasonal trends of both the dust deposition flux and its particle-size distribution observed in the sediment traps

    Chamber formation leads to Mg/Ca banding in the planktonic foraminifer <i>Neogloboquadrina pachyderma</i>

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    Many species of planktonic foraminifera show distinct banding in the intratest distribution of Mg/Ca. This heterogeneity appears biologically controlled and thus poses a challenge to Mg/Ca paleothermometry. The cause of this banding and its relation with chamber formation are poorly constrained and most of what we know about intratest Mg/Ca variability stems from culture studies of tropical, symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Here we present data on the non-spinose, symbiont-barren Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from the subpolar North Atlantic where wintertime mixing removes vertical gradients in temperature and salinity. This allows investigation of biologically controlled Mg/Ca intratest variability under natural conditions. We find that intratest Mg/Ca varies between <0.1 and 7 mmol/mol, even in winter specimens. High Mg/Ca bands occur at the outer edge of the laminae, indicating reduced Mg removal at the end of chamber formation. Our data thus provide new constraints on the timing of the formation of such bands and indicate that their presence is intrinsic to the chamber formation process. Additionally, all specimens are covered with an outer crust consisting of large euhedral crystals. The composition of the crust is similar to the low Mg/Ca bands in the laminar calcite in winter and summer specimens, indicating a tight biological control on crust formation and composition. Nevertheless, despite high intratest variability, the median Mg/Ca of summertime tests is higher than that of wintertime tests. This provides support for Mg/Ca paleothermometry, but to improve the accuracy of paleotemperature estimates biological effects on Mg incorporation need to be better accounted fo

    High‐resolution Mg/Ca and ή 18 O patterns in modern Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from the Fram Strait and Irminger Sea

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    Neogloboquadrina pachyderma is the dominant species of planktonic foraminifera found in polar waters and is therefore invaluable for paleoceanographic studies of the high latitudes. However, the geochemistry of this species is complicated due to the development of a thick calcite crust in its final growth stage and at greater depths within the water column. We analyzed the in situ Mg/Ca and ή18O in discrete calcite zones using LA‐ICP‐MS, EPMA and SIMS within modern N. pachyderma shells from the highly dynamic Fram Strait and the seasonally isothermal/isohaline Irminger Sea. Here we compare shell geochemistry to the measured temperature, salinity and ή18Osw in which the shells calcified to better understand the controls on N. pachyderma geochemical heterogeneity. We present a relationship between Mg/Ca and temperature in N. pachyderma lamellar calcite that is significantly different than published equations for shells that contained both crust and lamellar calcite. We also document highly variable SIMS ή18O results (up to a 3.3‰ range in single shells) on plankton tow samples which we hypothesize is due to the granular texture of shell walls. Finally, we document that the ή18O of the crust and lamellar calcite of N. pachyderma from an isothermal/isohaline environment are indistinguishable from each other, indicating that shifts in N. pachyderma ή18O are primarily controlled by changes in environmental temperature and/or salinity rather than differences in the sensitivities of the two calcite types to environmental conditions

    Carbonate accumulation rates of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean

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    More than 95% of the carbon lost from the "blue-ocean" reservoir to the sedimentary sink appears to be transferred as skeletal CaCO3, produced in the surface waters. This skeletal CaCO3 carries a productivity signal which is much better preserved in the underlying pelagic carbonate sediments than that of the refractory organic carbon accompanying it. Here, we develop a new method to quantify this signal in terms of organic carbon paleoproductivity, using the sedimentary mass accumulation rates of pelagic carbonate. These are converted into carbonate transit-paleofluxes, which are then translated into the corresponding transit-fluxes of organic carbon, via the carbonate to organic carbon ratios reported from deep-moored sediment trap experiments in modern blue-ocean environments. Paleoproductivity can then be estimated quantitatively by using published algorithms describing the relationship between the export production of particulate organic carbon at depth and primary productivity in the euphotic zone. Although our approach seems rather straightforward, it contains several pitfalls, the effects of which are highlighted by an example comprising three Paleocene/Oligocene to Recent pelagic carbonate sequences drilled during ODP Leg 121 in the eastern Indian Ocean. Although some extreme values are likely due to errors, such as poorly constrained datum levels and dissolution peaks, the results for the Quaternary and Neogene correlate well from site to site and are within the productivity range of present-day low to medium latitude open oceans. Our method may provide an opportunity to actually quantify blue-ocean primary productivity in sedimentary carbonate environments, but requires validation by other, more established ones
