433 research outputs found

    The Peculiar Periodic YSO WL 4 in ρ Ophiuchus

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    We present the discovery of 130.87 day periodic near-infrared flux variability for the Class II T Tauri star WL 4 (= 2MASS J16271848-2429059, ISO-Oph 128). Our data are from the 2MASS Calibration Point Source Working Database, and constitute 1580 observations in J, H and K_s of a field in ρ Ophiuchus used to calibrate the 2MASS All-Sky Survey. We identify a light curve for WL 4 with eclipse amplitudes of ~0.4 mag lasting more than one-quarter the period, and color variations in J-H and H-K_s, of ~0.1 mag. The long period cannot be explained by stellar rotation. We propose that WL 4 is a triple YSO system, with an inner binary orbital period of 130.87 days. We posulate that we are observing each component of the inner binary alternately being eclipsed by a circum-binary disk with respect to our line of sight. This system will be useful in investigating terrestrial zone YSO disk properties and dynamics at ~1 Myr

    Systematic misregistration and the statistical analysis of surface data.

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    Spatial normalisation is a key element of statistical parametric mapping and related techniques for analysing cohort statistics on voxel arrays and surfaces. The normalisation process involves aligning each individual specimen to a template using some sort of registration algorithm. Any misregistration will result in data being mapped onto the template at the wrong location. At best, this will introduce spatial imprecision into the subsequent statistical analysis. At worst, when the misregistration varies systematically with a covariate of interest, it may lead to false statistical inference. Since misregistration generally depends on the specimen's shape, we investigate here the effect of allowing for shape as a confound in the statistical analysis, with shape represented by the dominant modes of variation observed in the cohort. In a series of experiments on synthetic surface data, we demonstrate how allowing for shape can reveal true effects that were previously masked by systematic misregistration, and also guard against misinterpreting systematic misregistration as a true effect. We introduce some heuristics for disentangling misregistration effects from true effects, and demonstrate the approach's practical utility in a case study of the cortical bone distribution in 268 human femurs.This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Medical Image Analysis. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Medical Image Analysis, [Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2014] DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2013.12.007

    The Effects on the Femoral Cortex of a 24 Month Treatment Compared to an 18 Month Treatment with Teriparatide: A Multi-Trial Retrospective Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Teriparatide (TPTD) is an anabolic agent indicated for the treatment of severely osteoporotic patients who are at high risk of fragility fractures. The originally approved duration of TPTD treatment in several regions, including Europe, was 18 months. However, studies of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) showed additional benefit when treatment is continued beyond 18 months, and the drug is currently licenced for 24 months. Improvements in cortical structure at the proximal femur have already been shown in patients given TPTD for 24 months using quantitative computed tomography (QCT). Here, we investigate whether cortical and endocortical trabecular changes differ between an 18- and 24-month treatment. METHODS: Since an 18- versus 24-month TPTD study using QCT has not been conducted, we studied combined QCT data from four previous clinical trials. Combined femoral QCT data from three 18-month TPTD studies ('18-month group') were compared with data from a fourth 24-month trial ('24-month group'). Cortical parameters were measured over the entire proximal femur which allowed for a comparison of the mean changes as well as a visual comparison of the colour maps of changes after 18 and 24 months TPTD. RESULTS: For both the combined 18-month group and the 24-month group, overall cortical thickness and endocortical trabecular density increased, while overall cortical bone mineral density decreased. While the changes in the 24-month group were of greater magnitude compared to the 18-month group, the differences were only significant for the endocortical trabecular density (ECTD), corrected for age, weight, femoral neck T-score, total hip T-score and the baseline mean ECTD. CONCLUSION: Although the combination of data from different clinical trials is not optimal, these data support the concept that the duration of TPTD in the 18-24 month phase is of clinical relevance when considering improvement in hip structure.This study was funded by Eli Lilly. TW, GMT, AHG and KESP received research grants from Eli Lilly. KESP is also funded by the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical research Centre. The Evelyn Trust funded GMT. The funders had no role in study design, data analysis or decision to publish, but were involved in collection of data and had the chance to review the manuscript once written.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.014772

    Quantitative 3D analysis of bone in hip osteoarthritis using clinical computed tomography.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between proximal femoral cortical bone thickness and radiological hip osteoarthritis using quantitative 3D analysis of clinical computed tomography (CT) data. METHODS: Image analysis was performed on clinical CT imaging data from 203 female volunteers with a technique called cortical bone mapping (CBM). Colour thickness maps were created for each proximal femur. Statistical parametric mapping was performed to identify statistically significant differences in cortical bone thickness that corresponded with the severity of radiological hip osteoarthritis. Kellgren and Lawrence (K&L) grade, minimum joint space width (JSW) and a novel CT-based osteophyte score were also blindly assessed from the CT data. RESULTS: For each increase in K&L grade, cortical thickness increased by up to 25 % in distinct areas of the superolateral femoral head-neck junction and superior subchondral bone plate. For increasing severity of CT osteophytes, the increase in cortical thickness was more circumferential, involving a wider portion of the head-neck junction, with up to a 7 % increase in cortical thickness per increment in score. Results were not significant for minimum JSW. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that quantitative 3D analysis of the proximal femur can identify changes in cortical bone thickness relevant to structural hip osteoarthritis. KEY POINTS: • CT is being increasingly used to assess bony involvement in osteoarthritis • CBM provides accurate and reliable quantitative analysis of cortical bone thickness • Cortical bone is thicker at the superior femoral head-neck with worse osteoarthritis • Regions of increased thickness co-locate with impingement and osteophyte formation • Quantitative 3D bone analysis could enable clinical disease prediction and therapy development.TT acknowledges the support of an Evelyn Trust Clinical Training Fellowship award (RG65411). KP acknowledges support of an Arthritis Research UK Research Progression award (RG66087), and the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (RG64245). None of the funding sources had a role in study design, data handling, writing of the report, or decision to submit the paper for publication.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00330-015-4048-

    Targeted regeneration of bone in the osteoporotic human femur.

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    We have recently developed image processing techniques for measuring the cortical thicknesses of skeletal structures in vivo, with resolution surpassing that of the underlying computed tomography system. The resulting thickness maps can be analysed across cohorts by statistical parametric mapping. Applying these methods to the proximal femurs of osteoporotic women, we discover targeted and apparently synergistic effects of pharmaceutical osteoporosis therapy and habitual mechanical load in enhancing bone thickness

    Denosumab rapidly increases cortical bone in key locations of the femur: a 3D bone mapping study in women with osteoporosis.

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    Women with osteoporosis treated for 36 months with twice-yearly injections of denosumab sustained fewer hip fractures compared with placebo. Treatment might improve femoral bone at locations where fractures typically occur. To test this hypothesis, we used 3D cortical bone mapping of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis to investigate the timing and precise location of denosumab versus placebo effects in the hips. We analyzed clinical computed tomography scans from 80 female participants in FREEDOM, a randomized trial, wherein half of the study participants received subcutaneous denosumab 60 mg twice yearly and the others received placebo. Cortical 3D bone thickness maps of both hips were created from scans at baseline, 12, 24, and 36 months. Cortical mass surface density maps were also created for each visit. After registration of each bone to an average femur shape model followed by statistical parametric mapping, we visualized and quantified statistically significant treatment effects. The technique allowed us to pinpoint systematic differences between denosumab and control and to display the results on a 3D average femur model. Denosumab treatment led to an increase in femoral cortical mass surface density and thickness, already evident by the third injection (12 months). Overall, treatment with denosumab increased femoral cortical mass surface density by 5.4% over 3 years. One-third of the increase came from increasing cortical density, and two-thirds from increasing cortical thickness, relative to placebo. After 36 months, cortical mass surface density and thickness had increased by up to 12% at key locations such as the lateral femoral trochanter versus placebo. Most of the femoral cortex displayed a statistically significant relative difference by 36 months. Osteoporotic cortical bone responds rapidly to denosumab therapy, particularly in the hip trochanteric region. This mechanism may be involved in the robust decrease in hip fractures observed in denosumab-treated women at increased risk of fracture.This study was funded by Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, USA. Cambridge Bone Group is supported by Arthritis Research UK, The Evelyn Trust, and Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbmr.232

    Cortical thickness mapping to identify focal osteoporosis in patients with hip fracture.

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals with osteoporosis are predisposed to hip fracture during trips, stumbles or falls, but half of all hip fractures occur in those without generalised osteoporosis. By analysing ordinary clinical CT scans using a novel cortical thickness mapping technique, we discovered patches of markedly thinner bone at fracture-prone regions in the femurs of women with acute hip fracture compared with controls. METHODS: We analysed CT scans from 75 female volunteers with acute fracture and 75 age- and sex-matched controls. We classified the fracture location as femoral neck or trochanteric before creating bone thickness maps of the outer 'cortical' shell of the intact contra-lateral hip. After registration of each bone to an average femur shape and statistical parametric mapping, we were able to visualise and quantify statistically significant foci of thinner cortical bone associated with each fracture type, assuming good symmetry of bone structure between the intact and fractured hip. The technique allowed us to pinpoint systematic differences and display the results on a 3D average femur shape model. FINDINGS: The cortex was generally thinner in femoral neck fracture cases than controls. More striking were several discrete patches of statistically significant thinner bone of up to 30%, which coincided with common sites of fracture initiation (femoral neck or trochanteric). INTERPRETATION: Femoral neck fracture patients had a thumbnail-sized patch of focal osteoporosis at the upper head-neck junction. This region coincided with a weak part of the femur, prone to both spontaneous 'tensile' fractures of the femoral neck, and as a site of crack initiation when falling sideways. Current hip fracture prevention strategies are based on case finding: they involve clinical risk factor estimation to determine the need for single-plane bone density measurement within a standard region of interest (ROI) of the femoral neck. The precise sites of focal osteoporosis that we have identified are overlooked by current 2D bone densitometry methods

    Beyond deficit-based models of learners' cognition: Interpreting engineering students' difficulties with sense-making in terms of fine-grained epistemological and conceptual dynamics

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    Researchers have argued against deficit-based explanations of students' troubles with mathematical sense-making, pointing instead to factors such as epistemology: students' beliefs about knowledge and learning can hinder them from activating and integrating productive knowledge they have. In this case study of an engineering major solving problems (about content from his introductory physics course) during a clinical interview, we show that "Jim" has all the mathematical and conceptual knowledge he would need to solve a hydrostatic pressure problem that we posed to him. But he reaches and sticks with an incorrect answer that violates common sense. We argue that his lack of mathematical sense-making-specifically, translating and reconciling between mathematical and everyday/common-sense reasoning-stems in part from his epistemological views, i.e., his views about the nature of knowledge and learning. He regards mathematical equations as much more trustworthy than everyday reasoning, and he does not view mathematical equations as expressing meaning that tractably connects to common sense. For these reasons, he does not view reconciling between common sense and mathematical formalism as either necessary or plausible to accomplish. We, however, avoid a potential "deficit trap"-substituting an epistemological deficit for a concepts/skills deficit-by incorporating multiple, context-dependent epistemological stances into Jim's cognitive dynamics. We argue that Jim's epistemological stance contains productive seeds that instructors could build upon to support Jim's mathematical sense-making: He does see common-sense as connected to formalism (though not always tractably so) and in some circumstances this connection is both salient and valued.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Engineering Educatio