655 research outputs found

    Occupational Gender Segregation in Turkey: The Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions

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    Barriers to women’s employment and the extent of gender inequality in the labour market in Turkey

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    This thesis investigates gender inequalities in employment outcomes in Turkey in the context of low employment rates of women, occupational gender segregation and gender wage differentials. The first empirical chapter of the thesis sheds light on the role of traditional or conservative social norms and culture on women’s employment in Turkey based on the data for the years 1998 and 2008. It provides evidence that traditional and conservative values, increasingly, reduce women’s likelihood of waged employment and they are also associated with an increased probability of women being in the informal segment of the labour market, either as unpaid family workers or informal waged workers. The second substantive chapter of the thesis points to the extent of occupational gender segregation in Turkey. It shows that women are more likely to be employed in lower-paid jobs and in lower ranked occupations, whereas men remain at an advantaged position both in terms of pay levels or the positions of the occupations they hold in the social hierarchy. The final empirical analysis of the thesis investigates the gender wage gap in Turkey and its evolution between 2002 and 2012. The results present a positive selection into employment for women, indicating that a small portion of women who are in waged work are actually those who have higher productivity levels than average. The thesis, therefore, argues that the relatively low gender wage gap figures for Turkey can be misleading and should be interpreted cautiously. Moreover, although women appear to earn more than men after the 40th quantile, they are still at a disadvantaged position as the labour market does not reward them to the same extent as men. The unfavourable situation of women with high earnings potential is found to be more pronounced in 2012

    The impact of intimate partner violence on women’s labour market outcomes

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    This paper investigates the impact of intimate partner violence on the participation of women in the labour market and their access to employment in the form of being a wage worker, self-employed or unpaid family worker. To address the possibility of endogeneity, especially due to simultaneity, between intimate partner violence and female labour force participation, we use the history of violence, both of the woman and her partner, as instrumental variables. Our results provide evidence that intimate partner violence is associated with an increased probability of a woman participating in the labour market. Further analysis shows that the rent extraction mechanism is the most likely explanation for the positive relationship

    Köpük Dolgulu Kaynaklı Konik Tüplerin Enerji Sönümleme Özelliklerinin Optimizasyon Yöntemi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalışmada, farklı koniklik açısına sahip (0°, 5°, 10°, 15°), alüminyum metalik köpük dolgulu ve kaynaklı dikişli tüplerin (TWT) enerji sönümleme davranışı ileri beslemeli yapay sinir ağları yöntemi kullanılarak sayısal olarak araştırılmıştır. Analizlerde; Al6061 alüminyum alaşımı ve AISI1018 çelik malzemeleri, üç farklı kaynak bölgesi (L0/L=0.25, L0/L=0.50, L0/L=0.75 ) kullanılarak tasarlanmıştır. Kaynaklı tüplerde; alt parça (AISI1018) kalınlığı sabit (1.5 mm) tutulurken üst parça (Al6061) kalınlığı (0.5 mm-2.5 mm) ve dolgu malzemesi köpük yoğunluğu (100 kg/m3-800 kg/m3) değişken alınarak tanımlanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda 5° koniklik açısına sahip tüpler en iyi enerji sönümleme davranışı göstermişlerdir. Ayrıca minimum pik kuvvet ve maksimum SAE değerleri için optimum üst parça kalınlığı ve köpük yoğunluğu değerleri belirlenmiştir.In this study, we numerically evaluated the energy absorbing behavior of aluminum metal foam-filled tailor welded tubes (TWT) with different taper angles (0°, 5°, 10°, and 15°) by using the Feedforward Neural Network (FNN). Within the scope of the study, tubes composed of Al6061 and AISI1018 materials were designed by using three different weld zones (L0/L=0.25, L0/L=0.50, and L0/L=0.75). In the welded tubes, the thickness of the lower part (AISI1018) was held constant, while the thickness of the upper part (Al6061) and the foam density of the filler material were variable (0.5-2.5 mm and 100-800 kg/m3, respectively). Based on the analysis of the study results, it was determined that a 5° taper angle exhibited the best energy absorbing behavior. In addition, we also determined the optimum upper part thickness and foam density for obtaining the minimum peak power and maximum SEA values

    Strategic pathway determination for a state hospital in terms of an integrated facility management system

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    The purpose of this study is to develop strategies to provide effective, efficient, and patient safety facility management in a public hospital. Exploratory sequential mixed method research design was employed. Quantitative approaches were used in the second stage of the investigation after qualitative methods in the first stage. The universe of the research consists of all the staff. The criterion sampling technique was applied during the qualitative phase. In the first phase 39 managers were interviewed individually as part of data collection process. To assess the priority of the need group, the AHP questionnaire was used to seven managers in ultimate decision-making positions during the second phase of data collecting. Finally, decision-makers should prioritize taking action to address the needs identified under the respective topics of emergency preparedness and business continuity, humanfactors, and communication, respectively. The environmental management and sustainability was determined as the last priority group

    Köpük Dolgulu Kare Kesitli Tailor-Welded Tüplerin Çarpma Performansının Sonlu Elemanlar Parçacık Hidrodinamiği Yöntemi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada köpük dolgulu tailor welded tüplerin eksenel yük altındaki dinamik davranışı sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle araştırıldı. Bu araştırmada optimizasyon modüllü (Ls-Opt) ticari sonlu elemanlar yazılımı LS-DYNA kullanıldı. Köpük dolgulu tüplerin enerji sönümleme kapasitelerini belirlemek için sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ve düzgün parçacık hidrodinamiği yöntemi birlikte kullanıldı. Analizler sonucunda özgül enerji absorbsiyonu (SEA), pik kuvveti, çarpma kuvveti verimliliği (CFE, ortalama kuvvetin pik kuvvete oranı) grafikleri elde edildi. Sonuçta tüp kalınlığı ve yoğunluğun artmasıyla tailor-welded tüplerin çarpma performansını artırdığı görülmüştür

    Kompozit Tüpün Yarılma Ve Deformasyonla Enerji Sönümleme Özelliklerinin Deneysel Ve Sayısal İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalışmada, statik eksenel yükleme şartları altında kompozit tüplerin yarılma ve deformasyon mekanizmaları ile enerji sönümleme özellikleri deneysel ve sayısal olarak araştırılmıştır. Kompozit tüpler Al6063 ve St52 malzemelerinden yapılmıştır. Tüplerin yırtılma davranışını etkisini incelemek amacıyla 0°, 15°, 30° ve 45° koniklik açısına sahip alt kalıplar kullanılmıştır. İlave olarak, sayısal analizler yapılarak deneysel sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmalar sonucunda alt kalıp açısının artması ve kompozit tüpün kullanımı ile pik kuvvetin düştüğü görülmüştür.In this study, energy absorption characteristics of composite tubes, with splitting and deformation mechanisms, numerically and experimentally were investigated under static conditions. The composit tubes were made of Al6063 and St52 materials. To investigate the splitting behaviour of the tubes, lower dies with different tapered angles of 0°, 15°, 30° and 45° were used. In addition to, numerical analyses were performed, and the results were compared with the experimental results. It was shown from the results that the initial peak forces decreased with increasing taper angle and by using the composite tubes

    The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Conventional and Islamic Stock Markets in Turkey

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    In order to reveal the macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, financial markets should also be handled in addition to the real sector. Investigating the changes in the stock market may give clues to analyze the effects of the pandemic on financial markets. The researches in question can be carried out for a country group or a single country. Studies that are conducted for a single country allow researchers to analyze problems more precisely and put forward more specific and convenient policy suggestions. Furthermore, while investigating the effect of the pandemic on stock markets, handling conventional and Islamic stock markets together can provide more comparative and realistic data in determining the policies regarding financial markets. The aim of the study is to examine the reaction of conventional and Islamic stock markets to the Covid-19 outbreak in Turkey. In the study, the DCC-GARCH method was applied by using the daily data from Feb 10, 2011 to Sep 02, 2020. The empirical results indicated that Islamic stock markets are more stable to the global Covid-19 outbreak shock than the conventional stock market in Turkey. Based on these findings it can be suggested that Turkey should take steps to support the development of the Islamic financial system to have a sounder financial system

    Konik Tailor-Welded Tüplerin Enerji Sönümleme Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada tailor-welded tüplerin (TWT) (AISI1018& AL6061), kalınlık (tüst=0.5-2.5 mm) ve koniklik açılarında (0, 5, 10 ve 15) enerji sönümleme karakteristikleri sayısal olarak incelendi. Analizler sonucunda özgül enerji, pik kuvvet ve çarpma kuvvet verimi gibi değerlerin grafikleri elde edildi ve sonuçlar birbirleriyle karşılaştırıldı. Anahtar kelimeler: Çarpışma, Konik ve silindirik tüpler, çarpışma dayanım