57 research outputs found

    Igneous Rock Associations 13. Focusing on the Central American Subduction Zone

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    Central America has recently been an important focus area for investigations into the complex processes occurring in subduction zones.  Here we review some of the new findings concerning subduction input, magma production and evolution, and resultant volcanic output.  In the Nicaraguan portion of the subduction zone, subduction input is unusually wet, likely caused by extensive serpentinization of the mantle portion of the incoming plate associated with bending-related faulting seaward of the Middle America trench. The atypical influx of water into the Nicaraguan section of the subduction zone ultimately leads to a regional maximum in the degree of mantle melting.  In central Costa Rica, subduction input is also unusual in that it includes oceanic crust flavored by the Galapagos plume.  Both of these exotic subduction inputs are recognizable in the compositions of magmas erupted along the volcanic front.  In addition, Nicaraguan magmas bear a strong chemical imprint from subducting hemipelagic sediments.  The high-field-strength-element depletions of magmas from El Salvador through Costa Rica are related to local variations in the depth to the subducting Cocos plate, and, therefore, to segmentation of the volcanic front.  Minor phases, probably amphibole or rutile, control these variable depletions. Silicic magmas erupted along the volcanic front exhibit the same along-arc geochemical variations as their mafic brethren.  This and their mantle-like radiogenic isotopic compositions suggest the production of juvenile continental crust all along the Central American subduction zone.  Punctuated times of enhanced magmatic input from the mantle may aid in crustal development.SOMMAIREL’AmĂ©rique centrale a rĂ©cemment Ă©tĂ© le lieu de recherches sur les processus complexes se produisant dans les zones de subduction.  Ici nous passons en revue certaines dĂ©couvertes sur nature des intrants de subduction, la production et l’évolution des magmas, ainsi que les extrants volcaniques rĂ©sultants.  Dans le segment nicaraguayen de la zone de subduction, les intrants de subduction sont exceptionnellement humides, probablement Ă  cause de la serpentinisation gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de la portion mantĂ©lique de la plaque en subduction, fissurĂ©e par flexure dans partie marine de la fosse ocĂ©anique de l’AmĂ©rique centrale.  L'afflux atypique en eau dans le segment nicaraguayen de la zone de subduction induit ultimement un maximum rĂ©gional de la proportion de fusion du manteau.  Dans la portion centrale du Costa Rica l’intrant de subduction est lui aussi atypique en ce qu’il comprend une croĂ»te ocĂ©anique teintĂ©e par le panache des GalĂĄpagos.  Ces deux intrants de subduction atypiques sont rĂ©percutĂ©s dans la composition des magmas Ă©jectĂ©s le long du front volcanique.  En outre, les magmas nicaraguayens affichent une forte empreinte chimique hĂ©ritĂ©e des sĂ©diments hĂ©mipĂ©lagiques en subduction.  Les appauvrissements en Ă©lĂ©ments Ă  fortes liaisons atomiques des magmas, du El Salvador jusqu’au Costa Rica, sont liĂ©s Ă  des variations localisĂ©es de la profondeur de la plaque en subduction de Cocos, et donc, Ă  la segmentation du front volcanique.  Des phases mineures, probablement amphibole et rutile, dĂ©terminent ces appauvrissements variables.  Les magmas siliceux Ă©jectĂ©s le long du mĂȘme front volcanique montrent les mĂȘmes variations gĂ©ochimiques le long de l’arc que leur contrepartie mafique.  De plus, les compositions radiogĂ©niques de leurs contreparties mantĂ©liques Ă©voquent la production d’une croĂ»te continentale juvĂ©nile le long de la zone de subduction de l’AmĂ©rique centrale.  Des Ă©pisodes d’accroissements ponctuels des intrants magmatiques du manteau peuvent contribuer au dĂ©veloppement d’une croĂ»te

    Serpentinite-derived slab fluids control the oxidation state of the subarc mantle

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Zhang, Y., Gazel, E., Gaetani, G. A., & Klein, F. Serpentinite-derived slab fluids control the oxidation state of the subarc mantle. Science Advances, 7(48), (2021): eabj2515, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abj2515.Recent geochemical evidence confirms the oxidized nature of arc magmas, but the underlying processes that regulate the redox state of the subarc mantle remain yet to be determined. We established a link between deep subduction-related fluids derived from dehydration of serpentinite ± altered oceanic crust (AOC) using B isotopes and B/Nb as fluid proxies, and the oxidized nature of arc magmas as indicated by Cu enrichment during magma evolution and V/Yb. Our results suggest that arc magmas derived from source regions influenced by a greater serpentinite (±AOC) fluid component record higher oxygen fugacity. The incorporation of this component into the subarc mantle is controlled by the subduction system’s thermodynamic conditions and geometry. Our results suggest that the redox state of the subarc mantle is not homogeneous globally: Primitive arc magmas associated with flat, warm subduction are less oxidized overall than those generated in steep, cold subduction zones.Y.Z. acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation of China (91958213), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB42020402), and the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China (ZR2020QD068). This study was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation NSF EAR 1826673 to E.G. and G.A.G. and OCE 1756349 to E.G

    Post-Rift Magmatic Evolution of the Eastern North American “Passive-Aggressive” Margin

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    Understanding the evolution of passive margins requires knowledge of temporal and chemical constraints on magmatism following the transition from supercontinent to rifting, to post-rifting evolution. The Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) is an ideal study location as several magmatic pulses occurred in the 200 My following rifting. In particular, the Virginia-West Virginia region of the ENAM has experienced two postrift magmatic pulses at ∌152 Ma and 47 Ma, and thus provides a unique opportunity to study the long-term magmatic evolution of passive margins. Here we present a comprehensive set of geochemical data that includes new Ar/ Ar ages, major and trace-element compositions, and analysis of radiogenic isotopes to further constrain their magmatic history. The Late Jurassic volcanics are bimodal, from basanites to phonolites, while the Eocene volcanics range from picrobasalt to rhyolite. Modeling suggests that the felsic volcanics from both the Late Jurassic and Eocene events are consistent with fractional crystallization. Sr-Nd-Pb systematics for the Late Jurassic event suggests HIMU and EMII components in the magma source that we interpret as upper mantle components rather than crustal interaction. Lithospheric delamination is the best hypothesis for magmatism in Virginia/West Virginia, due to tectonic instabilities that are remnant from the long-term evolution of this margin, resulting in a “passive-aggressive” margin that records multiple magmatic events long after rifting ended

    Petrologic Relationship between Lamprophyres, Carbonatites, and Heavy Rare-Earth Element Enriched Breccias at Hicks Dome

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    New petrological, geochemical, and P–T modelling results from igneous samples clarify how carbonatite-lamprophyre magmatism, fluorite and rare earth element (REE) enrichment are petrogenetically related in southern Illinois. P–T modelling reveals that igneous rocks derive from a deep mantle carbonated source, that is consistent with trace element signatures for a fluorine-rich transition zone origin. Major element systematics suggests liquid-immiscibility with lamprophyric melts as the origin for Ca-carbonatites. Heavy REE (HREE) enrichments in Hicks Dome breccias likely formed through preferential partitioning and transport of HREE by brine-melts, exsolved from a deep carbonatite body. Brine-melts redistributed HREEs throughout the system along brecciated pathways where they reprecipitated as HREE-rich phosphate/fluorcarbonate minerals (e.g. xenotime, florencite, synchesite) in host bedrock. The diversity of igneous rocks in southern Illinois highlights the area as an excellent natural laboratory to study carbonated melt petrogenesis and evolution

    Middle to Late Miocene Contractional Deformation in Costa Rica Triggered by Plate Geodynamics

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    Contractional deformation in Costa Rica is usually attributed to the subduction of the aseismic Cocos Ridge. In this work, we review the evidences for contraction in the middle to late Miocene, prior to the arrival of the Cocos Ridge at the Middle America Trench. We find that the Miocene phase of contractional deformation is found in all of Costa Rica, probably extending to Nicaragua as well. The widespread distribution of this event requires a regional or plate geodynamic trigger. We analyze the possible mechanisms that could produce the onset of contractional deformation, using the better known case of subduction orogeny, the Andes, as an analog. We propose that a change in the direction of the Cocos plate since ∌19 Ma led to a change from oblique to orthogonal convergence, producing contractional deformation of the upper plate.Fil: Mescua, Jose Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Porras, Hernan. Observatorio VulcanolĂłgico y SismolĂłgico de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Duran, Patrick. Universidad de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Giambiagi, Laura Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de NivologĂ­a, GlaciologĂ­a y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: de Moor, Maerten. Observatorio VulcanolĂłgico y SismolĂłgico de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Cascante, Monserrat. Observatorio VulcanolĂłgico y SismolĂłgico de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Salazar, Esteban. Servicio Nacional de GeologĂ­a y MinerĂ­a; ChileFil: Protti, Marino. Observatorio VulcanolĂłgico y SismolĂłgico de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Poblete, Fernando. Universidad de O’Higgins; Chil

    Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Long, M. D., Wagner, L. S., King, S. D., Evans, R. L., Mazza, S. E., Byrnes, J. S., Johnson, E. A., Kirby, E., Bezada, M. J., Gazel, E., Miller, S. R., Aragon, J. C., & Liu, S. Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10), (2021): e2021JB022571, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022571.The eastern margin of North America has been shaped by a series of tectonic events including the Paleozoic Appalachian Orogeny and the breakup of Pangea during the Mesozoic. For the past ∌200 Ma, eastern North America has been a passive continental margin; however, there is evidence in the Central Appalachian Mountains for post-rifting modification of lithospheric structure. This evidence includes two co-located pulses of magmatism that post-date the rifting event (at 152 and 47 Ma) along with low seismic velocities, high seismic attenuation, and high electrical conductivity in the upper mantle. Here, we synthesize and evaluate constraints on the lithospheric evolution of the Central Appalachian Mountains. These include tomographic imaging of seismic velocities, seismic and electrical conductivity imaging along the Mid-Atlantic Geophysical Integrative Collaboration array, gravity and heat flow measurements, geochemical and petrological examination of Jurassic and Eocene magmatic rocks, and estimates of erosion rates from geomorphological data. We discuss and evaluate a set of possible mechanisms for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the region. Taken together, recent observations provide compelling evidence for lithospheric loss beneath the Central Appalachians; while they cannot uniquely identify the processes associated with this loss, they narrow the range of plausible models, with important implications for our understanding of intraplate volcanism and the evolution of continental lithosphere. Our preferred models invoke a combination of (perhaps episodic) lithospheric loss via Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and subsequent small-scale mantle flow in combination with shear-driven upwelling that maintains the region of thin lithosphere and causes partial melting in the asthenosphere.The authors acknowledge support from the U.S. National Science Foundation EarthScope and GeoPRISMS programs via grants EAR-1460257 (R. L. Evans), EAR-1249412 (E. Gazel), EAR-1249438 (E. A. Johnson), EAR-1250988 (S. D. King), EAR-1251538 (E. Kirby), and EAR-1251515 (M. D. Long). The collection and dissemination of most of the geophysical data and models discussed in this study were facilitated by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The facilities of the IRIS Consortium are supported by the United States National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EAR-1261681

    Classic and spatial shift-share analysis of state-level employment change in Brazil

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    This paper combines classic and spatial shift-share decompositions of 1981 to 2006 employment change across the 27 states of Brazil. The classic shift-share method shows higher employment growth rates for underdeveloped regions that are due to an advantageous industry-mix and also due to additional job creation, commonly referred to as the competitive effect. Alternative decompositions proposed in the literature do not change this broad conclusion. Further examination employing exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) shows spatial correlation of both the industry-mix and the competitive effects. Considering that until the 1960s economic activities were more concentrated in southern regions of Brazil than they are nowadays, these results support beta convergence theories but also find evidence of agglomeration effects. Additionally, a very simple spatial decomposition is proposed that accounts for the spatially-weighted growth of surrounding states. Favourable growth in northern and centre-western states is basically associated with those states’ strengths in potential spatial spillover effect and in spatial competitive effect

    The 2021 eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge on La Palma, Canary Islands

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    Almost exactly half a century after the eruption of the Teneguía Volcano on La Palma (26 October to 28 November 1971), a new eruption occurred on the island and lasted for 85 days from 19 September until 13 December 2021. This new eruption opened a volcanic vent complex on the western flank of the Cumbre Vieja rift zone, the N-S elongated polygenetic volcanic ridge that has developed on La Palma over the last c. 125 ka. The Cumbre Vieja ridge is the volcanically active region of the island and the most active one of the Canary Islands, hosting half of all the historically recorded eruptive events in the archipelago. The 2021 La Palma eruption has seen no direct loss of human life, thanks to efficient early detection and sensible management of the volcanic crisis by the authorities, but more than 2800 buildings and almost 1000 hectares of plantations and farmland were affected by lava flows and pyroclastic deposits. Satellite surveillance enabled accurate mapping of the progressive buildup of the extensive and complex basaltic lava field, which together with monitoring of gas emissions informed the timely evacuation of local populations from affected areas. Lava flows that reached the sea constructed an extensive system of lava deltas and platforms, similar to events during earlier historical eruptions such as in 1712, 1949 and 1971. Long-term challenges in the aftermath of the eruption include protection of drainage systems from potential redistribution of tephra during high rainfall events, the use of the large surplus quantities of ash in reconstruction of buildings and in agriculture, and the crucial concerns of where and how rebuilding should and could occur in the aftermath of the eruption. Finally, there remain strong financial concerns over insurance for properties consumed or damaged by the eruption in the light of future volcanic hazards from the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge.Peer reviewe

    Galapagos-OIB signature in southern Central America: mantle refertilization by arc-hot spot interaction

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    [1] Although most Central American magmas have a typical arc geochemical signature, magmas in southern Central America (central Costa Rica and Panama) have isotopic and trace element compositions with an ocean island basalt (OIB) affinity, similar to the Galapagos-OIB lavas (e.g., Ba/La 10, 206Pb/204Pb > 18.8). Our new data for Costa Rica suggest that this signature, unusual for a convergent margin, has a relatively recent origin (Late Miocene ∌6 Ma). We also show that there was a transition from typical arc magmas (analogous to the modern Nicaraguan volcanic front) to OIB-like magmas similar to the Galapagos hot spot. The geographic distribution of the Galapagos signature in recent lavas from southern Central America is present landward from the subduction of the Galapagos hot spot tracks (the Seamount Province and the Cocos/Coiba Ridge) at the Middle American Trench. The higher Pb isotopic ratios, relatively lower Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, and enriched incompatible-element signature of central Costa Rican magmas can be explained by arc–hot spot interaction. The isotopic ratios of central Costa Rican lavas require the subducting Seamount Province (Northern Galapagos Domain) component, whereas the isotopic ratios of the adakites and alkaline basalts from southern Costa Rica and Panama are in the geochemical range of the subducting Cocos/Coiba Ridge (Central Galapagos Domain). Geological and geochemical evidence collectively indicate that the relatively recent Galapagos-OIB signature in southern Central America represents a geochemical signal from subducting Galapagos hot spot tracks, which started to collide with the margin ∌8 Ma ago. The Galapagos hot spot contribution decreases systematically along the volcanic front from central Costa Rica to NW Nicaragua
