57 research outputs found

    Edaphic characterization and distribution of 137Cs of representative soil profiles on mountainous Mediterranean agroecosystems

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    19 Pags.- 3 Tabls.- 5 Figs.[ES] Caracterizar los suelos y conocer sus propiedades fisicoquímicas es fundamental para interpretar los datos de 137Cs y evaluar las implicaciones que el tipo y uso de suelo, agrario, ganadero o forestal, tienen sobre el comportamiento del radioisótopo en el suelo. En este trabajo se han caracterizado suelos representativos de agrosistemas mediterráneos de montaña mediante la apertura de calicatas, el estudio detallado de sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, y el análisis por difracción de rayos X de perfiles de suelo. Asimismo, para evaluar la repercusión del uso del suelo sobre el contenido y distribución del radioisótopo, sus implicaciones sobre los procesos de pérdida de suelo, y la posible transferencia del 137Cs a las plantas, se han muestreado 13 perfiles seccionados de suelos agrícolas y forestales en Calcisoles, Leptosoles, Regosoles, Gypsisoles y Gleysoles. Se observó un amplio rango de variación tanto de las principales propiedades fisicoquímicas de suelo como del contenido de 137Cs, que se relacionó directa y significativamente con la materia orgánica. Los valores de 137Cs más altos se registraron en Leptosoles no cultivados en suelos forestales, en los que se observó una distribución del radioisótopo exponencialmente decreciente con la profundidad, mientras que los Gypsisoles y Regosoles cultivados registraron las concentraciones más bajas, con perfiles homogéneos en profundidad por efecto del laboreo. Los resultados de esta investigación evidencian el efecto del uso y tipo de suelo en la concentración de la actividad del radioisótopo, y son de interés para la correcta aplicación del 137Cs como técnica para cuantificar la pérdida de suelo en agrosistemas mediterráneos.[EN] An accurate characterization of soils and good knowledge of the soil physicochemical properties is the key to understanding 137Cs data and assesses the effect of soil type and different land uses on the behavior of the radionuclide 137Cs in the soils. In this research, representative soils of mountainous Mediterranean agroecosystems have been characterized through the study of soil pits, a detailed determination of physicochemical soil properties and the analysis by X-ray diffraction of soil profiles. Furthermore, to assess the impact of Iand use on the content and distribution of 137Cs, its implications on the soil Ioss processes, and the 137Cs transfer to plants, 13 sectioned soil profiles in agricultural and forestry soils, in Calcisois, Leptosois, Regosois, Gypsisols and Gleysois, have been sampled. The physicochemical soil properties varied widely and also the content of 137Cs, which was significantly positively correlated with organic matter. The highest values of 137Cs were found in uncultivated Leptosols under forest soils, with the highest concentration in the topsoil and a sharp decay with depth, while the lowest values of 137Cs were found in cultivated Gypsisols and Regosols, in which the radionuclide was distributed homogeneously throughout the soil profile by tillage effect. Information gained with this research demonstrated the effect of soil type and land use in the content of 137Cs on the soil, and is of interest for the correct application of the 137Cs technique to quantify soil loss in Mediterranean agroecosystems.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto de la CICYT, EROMED (CGL2O1 1 -25486/BTE).Peer reviewe

    Influence of Ceramic Recycled Aggregates on the Properties of Prestressed Precast Concrete Elements

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    This work presents the results of an experimental study performed on the mechanical behavior of concrete manufactured with ceramic recycled aggregates (CRA), from precast ventilation ducts, that once made have been rejected by defective. The ultimate objective is to use these wastes to manufacture prestressed concrete joists used in building floors. The coarse fraction and the fine fraction have been considered. The work has been carried out in three phases: characterization of the material, characterization of concrete with CRA and manufacturing and testing of prestressed joists. With the results obtained it is determined the influence of the ceramic recycled aggregate on the properties analyzed. There are not enough studies about prestressed elements that include the replacement of the aggregate in the fine fraction. In view of the results obtained could both of fine and coarse fraction can be used in these applications

    The influence of granite cutting waste on the properties of ultra-high performance concrete

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    This study analyzes the effect of using waste by-products generated in the process of granite cutting as part of the granular structure of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). The manufactured concrete has a compressive strength greater than 115 MPa. This study substitutes 35%, 70% and 100% of the volume of micronized quartz powder (<40 m) with granite cutting waste. This is an innovative study where the feasibility of using waste from granite quarries as a replacement for micronized quartz in UHPC has been analyzed. The results show an improvement in the workability and compressive strength of UHPC, for all substitution ratios. The flexural strength and tensile strength increase when the substitution ratio is 35%, and even the values obtained for 100% substitution are acceptable. In view of the results obtained in this study, granite cutting waste, instead of the micronized quartz powder usually used, is a viable alternative for the manufacture of expectedly more sustainable UHPC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Renal brucelloma: A case report

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    Descripción del caso clínico: Paciente en contacto habitual con ganado ovino y bovino, astenia, anemia y fiebre de origen desconocido. En este contexto se realizan varias pruebas complementarias, entre ellas un TC abdominal que revela masa renal calcificada. Con la sospecha de brucelosis, tras obtenerse un resultado positivo en Rosa de Bengala, se comienza tratamiento antibiótico y se realiza nefrectomía simple derecha por lumbotomía, la pieza quirúrgica confirmó el diagnóstico con PCR positiva para Brucella Melitensis. Relevancia: Existen muy pocos casos de bruceloma renal descritos en la literatura, por ello, es importante divulgar los casos que surjan para ampliar el conocimiento sobre esta patología y su tratamiento. Implicaciones clínicas: En ocasiones las pruebas no invasivas no son suficientes para su diagnóstico y el tratamiento quirúrgico junto con la antibioterapia es de elección en la mayoría de los casos descritos en la literatura. Conclusiones: La brucelosis es una enfermedad poco frecuente pero endémica en algunas zonas. El diagnóstico suele darse en el contexto de un estudio por fiebre de origen desconocido. El tratamiento del bruceloma renal suele ser la combinación de antibioterapia y cirugía. Clinical case description: A patient in regular contact with cattle and sheep presented with asthenia, anemia, and fever of unknown origin. Among the complementary studies carried out, an abdominal CT scan revealed a calcified renal mass. Brucellosis was suspected, and after a positive Bengal Rose test, antibiotic therapy was begun. Right nephrectomy was performed through lumbotomy and the diagnosis was confirmed by the surgical specimen, with a PCR test positive for Brucella melitensis. Relevance: There are very few cases of renal brucelloma reported in the literature, thus the description of cases that arise is important to broaden the knowledge of the pathology and its treatment. Clinical implications: Noninvasive tests are often not sufficient for making the diagnosis. The surgical approach, together with antibiotic therapy, is the treatment of choice in the majority of the cases reported in the literature. Conclusions: Brucellosis is an uncommon disease, but endemic in certain areas. Diagnosis tends to be made in the context of evaluating cases of fever of unknown origin. The combination of antibiotic therapy and surgery is the usual treatment for renal brucelloma

    Breast cancer PAM50 signature: Correlation and concordance between RNA-Seq and digital multiplexed gene expression technologies in a triple negative breast cancer series

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    Background: Full RNA-Seq is a fundamental research tool for whole transcriptome analysis. However, it is too costly and time consuming to be used in routine clinical practice. We evaluated the transcript quantification agreement between RNA-Seq and a digital multiplexed gene expression platform, and the subtype call after running the PAM50 assay in a series of breast cancer patients classified as triple negative by IHC/FISH. The goal of this study is to analyze the concordance between both expression platforms overall, and for calling PAM50 triple negative breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in particular. Results: The analyses were performed in paraffin-embedded tissues from 96 patients recruited in a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized neoadjuvant triple negative breast cancer trial (NCT01560663). Pre-treatment core biopsies were obtained following clinical practice guidelines and conserved as FFPE for further RNA extraction. PAM50 was performed on both digital multiplexed gene expression and RNA-Seq platforms. Subtype assignment was based on the nearest centroid classification following this procedure for both platforms and it was concordant on 96% of the cases (N = 96). In four cases, digital multiplexed gene expression analysis and RNA-Seq were discordant. The Spearman correlation to each of the centroids and the risk of recurrence were above 0.89 in both platforms while the agreement on Proliferation Score reached up to 0.97. In addition, 82% of the individual PAM50 genes showed a correlation coefficient > 0.80. Conclusions: In our analysis, the subtype calling in most of the samples was concordant in both platforms and the potential discordances had reduced clinical implications in terms of prognosis. If speed and cost are the main driving forces then the preferred technique is the digital multiplexed platform, while if whole genome patterns and subtype are the driving forces, then RNA-Seq is the preferred method

    Breast cancer PAM50 signature: correlation and concordance between RNA-Seq and digital multiplexed gene expression technologies in a triple negative breast cancer series

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    [Background]: Full RNA-Seq is a fundamental research tool for whole transcriptome analysis. However, it is too costly and time consuming to be used in routine clinical practice. We evaluated the transcript quantification agreement between RNA-Seq and a digital multiplexed gene expression platform, and the subtype call after running the PAM50 assay in a series of breast cancer patients classified as triple negative by IHC/FISH. The goal of this study is to analyze the concordance between both expression platforms overall, and for calling PAM50 triple negative breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in particular.[Results]: The analyses were performed in paraffin-embedded tissues from 96 patients recruited in a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized neoadjuvant triple negative breast cancer trial (NCT01560663). Pre-treatment core biopsies were obtained following clinical practice guidelines and conserved as FFPE for further RNA extraction. PAM50 was performed on both digital multiplexed gene expression and RNA-Seq platforms. Subtype assignment was based on the nearest centroid classification following this procedure for both platforms and it was concordant on 96% of the cases (N = 96). In four cases, digital multiplexed gene expression analysis and RNA-Seq were discordant. The Spearman correlation to each of the centroids and the risk of recurrence were above 0.89 in both platforms while the agreement on Proliferation Score reached up to 0.97. In addition, 82% of the individual PAM50 genes showed a correlation coefficient > 0.80.[Conclusions]: In our analysis, the subtype calling in most of the samples was concordant in both platforms and the potential discordances had reduced clinical implications in terms of prognosis. If speed and cost are the main driving forces then the preferred technique is the digital multiplexed platform, while if whole genome patterns and subtype are the driving forces, then RNA-Seq is the preferred method.M.M was supported by two research grants from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ISCIII-FIS grants (PI 12/02684): “Predictores genómicos de respuesta a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante con docetaxel-carboplatino en pacientes con cáncer de mama triple negativo”/“Genomic predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with docetaxel-carboplatin in patients with triple negative breast cancer”; and (PI 15/00117): “Cáncer de mama triple negative: Predicción de respuesta a docetaxel-carboplatino neoadyuvante mediante caracterización de TILs y firmas inmunes basadas en secuenciación masiva de RNA”/” Triple negative breast cancer: Prediction of response to neoadjuvant docetaxel-carboplatin by characterization of TILs and immune signatures based on massive RNA sequencing”. C.M.P was supported by funds from the NCI Breast SPORE program (P50-CA58223).Peer reviewe

    La infección del tracto urinario como causa principal de ingreso en pacientes cistectomizados

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    Introducción y objetivos La cistectomía radical con derivación urinaria asociada a linfadenectomía pélvica ampliada continúa siendo el tratamiento de elección en el cáncer vesical musculoinvasivo. Un 64% de los pacientes presentan complicaciones postoperatorias, siendo la infección urinaria responsable en un 20-40% de los casos. El objetivo del presente proyecto es valorar la tasa de infección urinaria como causa de reingreso tras cistectomía, e identificar factores protectores y predisponentes de infección urinaria en nuestro medio. Por último, conocer los resultados obtenidos al aplicar el protocolo de profilaxis antibiótica tras la retirada de los catéteres ureterales. Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de pacientes cistectomizados en el Servicio de Urología del Hospital Clínico Universitario desde enero de 2012 hasta diciembre de 2018. Desde octubre de 2017, de forma estandarizada, a todo paciente se le aplica un protocolo de prevención de infección del tracto urinario (ITU) tras la retirada de catéteres. Resultados La ITU es responsable del 54, 7% de los reingresos, siendo un 55, 1% de estos por causa de una ITU tras la retirada de los catéteres ureterales. El 9, 5% de los pacientes con profilaxis presenta ITU tras la retirada, frente a un 10, 6% en el grupo de pacientes sin profilaxis. El paciente que reingresa por ITU tras la retirada tiene un tiempo de catéteres medio de 24, 3 ± 7, 2 días, frente a los 24, 5 ± 7, 4 días en el grupo sin ITU (p = 0, 847). Conclusiones El tipo de derivación urinaria empleada no guarda relación con la tasa de infección urinaria. El modelo de regresión no identifica la profilaxis antibiótica, ni tampoco el tiempo de catéteres, como factores independientes de ITU tras la retirada de los catéteres. Introduction and objectives: Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion associated with extended pelvic lymphadenectomy continues to be the treatment of choice in muscle invasive bladder cancer. Sixty-four percent of patients submitted to this procedure present postoperative complications, with urinary infection being responsible in 20-40% of cases. The aim of this project is to assess the rate of urinary infection as a cause of re-admission after cystectomy, and to identify protective and predisposing factors for urinary infection in our environment. Finally, we will evaluate the outcomes after the establishment of a prophylactic antibiotic protocol after removal of ureteral catheters. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of cystectomized patients in the Urology Service of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Zaragoza, from January 2012 to December 2018. A urinary tract infection (UTI) prevention protocol after catheter removal is established for all patients since October 2017. Results: UTI is responsible for 54.7% of readmissions, with 55.1% of these being due to UTI after removal of ureteral catheters. Of the patients who received with prophylaxis, 9.5% presented UTIs after withdrawal, compared to 10.6% in the group of patients without prophylaxis. The patient who is re-admitted for UTI after withdrawal has a mean catheter time of 24.3 ± 7.2 days, compared to 24.5 ± 7.4 days for patients in the group without UTI (P =.847). Conclusions: The type of urinary diversion performed is not related to the rate of urinary infection. The regression model does not identify antibiotic prophylaxis, nor catheter time, as independent factors of UTI after catheter removal

    Alkylation of the Tumor Suppressor PTEN Activates Akt and β-Catenin Signaling: A Mechanism Linking Inflammation and Oxidative Stress with Cancer

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    PTEN, a phosphoinositide-3-phosphatase, serves dual roles as a tumor suppressor and regulator of cellular anabolic/catabolic metabolism. Adaptation of a redox-sensitive cysteinyl thiol in PTEN for signal transduction by hydrogen peroxide may have superimposed a vulnerability to other mediators of oxidative stress and inflammation, especially reactive carbonyl species, which are commonly occurring by-products of arachidonic acid peroxidation. Using MCF7 and HEK-293 cells, we report that several reactive aldehydes and ketones, e.g. electrophilic α,β-enals (acrolein, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal) and α,β-enones (prostaglandin A2, Δ12-prostaglandin J2 and 15-deoxy-Δ-12,14-prostaglandin J2) covalently modify and inactivate cellular PTEN, with ensuing activation of PKB/Akt kinase; phosphorylation of Akt substrates; increased cell proliferation; and increased nuclear β-catenin signaling. Alkylation of PTEN by α,β-enals/enones and interference with its restraint of cellular PKB/Akt signaling may accentuate hyperplastic and neoplastic disorders associated with chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, or aging

    Pathological response in a triple-negative breast cancer cohort treated with neoadjuvant carboplatin and docetaxel according to Lehmann's refined classification

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    Purpose: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) requires the identification of reliable predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). For this purpose, we aimed to evaluate the performance of the TNBCtype-4 classifier in a cohort of patients with TNBC treated with neoadjuvant carboplatin and docetaxel (TCb). Methods: Patients with TNBC were accrued in a nonrandomized trial of neoadjuvant carboplatin AUC 6 and docetaxel 75 mg/m2 for six cycles. Response was evaluated in terms of pathologic complete response (pCR, ypT0/is ypN0) and residual cancer burden by Symmans and colleagues. Lehmann's subtyping was performed using the TNBCtype online tool from RNAseq data, and germline sequencing of a panel of seven DNA damage repair genes was conducted. Results: Ninety-four out of the 121 patients enrolled in the trial had RNAseq available. The overall pCR rate was 44.7%. Lehmann subtype distribution was 34.0% BL1, 20.2% BL2, 23.4% M, 14.9% LAR, and 7.4% were classified as ERþ. Response to NACT with TCb was significantly associated with Lehmann subtype (P ¼ 0.027), even in multivariate analysis including tumor size and nodal involvement, with BL1 patients achieving the highest pCR rate (65.6%), followed by BL2 (47.4%), M (36.4%), and LAR (21.4%). BL1 was associated with a significant younger age at diagnosis and higher ki67 values. Among our 10 germline mutation carriers, 30% were BL1, 40% were BL2, and 30% were M. Conclusions: TNBCtype-4 is associated with significantly different pCR rates for the different subtypes, with BL1 and LAR displaying the best and worse responses to NACT, respectively