26 research outputs found

    Protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet determine lipid metabolism and response to high-fat feeding in rat progeny in an age-dependent manner

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    Maternal diet during gestation can exert a long-term effect on the progeny’s health by programming their developmental scheme and metabolism. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of maternal diet on lipid metabolism in 10- and 16-week-old rats. Pregnant dams were fed one of four diets: a normal protein and normal folic acid diet (NP-NF), a protein-restricted and normal folic acid diet (PR-NF), a protein-restricted and folic-acid-supplemented diet (PR-FS), or a normal protein and folic-acid-supplemented diet (NP-FS). We also tested whether prenatal nutrition determines the reaction of an organism to a postweaning high-fat diet. Blood biochemistry and biometrical parameters were evaluated. The expression patterns of PPARα, PPARγ, and LXRα in the liver and adipose tissue were examined by real-time PCR. In the 10-week-old, rats folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet was associated with reduced circulating glucose and total cholesterol concentrations (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Neither prenatal diets nor postnatal feeding affected blood insulin concentrations. In the 16-week-old rats, body weight, abdominal fat mass and central adiposity were reduced in the progeny of the folic acid–supplemented dams (P < 0.01, P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively). Maternal protein restriction had no effect on biometry or blood biochemical parameters. Folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet was associated with reduced expression of PPARα, PPARγ, and LXRα in the liver (P < 0.001). Reduced protein content in the maternal diet was associated with increased PPARα mRNA level in the liver (P < 0.001) and reduced LXRα in adipose tissue (P < 0.01). PPARα and PPARγ transcription in the liver, as well as LXRα transcription in adipose tissue, was also dependent on interaction effects between prenatal and postnatal diet compositions. PPARγ transcription in the liver was correlated with the abdominal fat mass, body weight, and calorie intake, while PPARγ transcription in adipose tissue was correlated with reduced body weight and calorie intake. Total serum cholesterol concentration was correlated with LXRα transcription in the liver. Folic acid supplementation of the maternal diet may have favorable effects for lipid metabolism in the progeny, but these effects are modified by the postnatal diet and age. Furthermore, the expression of LXRα, PPARα, and PPARγ in the liver and adipose tissue largely depends on the protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet during gestation. However, the altered transcription profile of these key regulators of lipid metabolism does not straightforwardly explain the observed phenotype

    Strawnosc skrobi natywnych i modyfikowanych

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    Artykuł przedstawia najważniejsze informacje na temat czynników wpływających na strawność skrobi. Ponadto w prezentowanym artykule podjęto próbę zebrania danych literaturowych dotyczących strawności in vitro i in vivo preparatów skrobi modyfikowanych.The paper shows the most important information on factors affecting starch digestibility. In addition this article reviews literature data on digestibility of modified starches in vitro and in vivo

    Beverage consumption habits among academic youth – initial studies

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    Celem podjętych badań było poznanie zwyczajów wybranej grupy studentów odnośnie spożywania napojów i ocena wynikających stąd ewentualnych zagrożeń zdrowotnych. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że płeć ma wpływ na zwyczaje studentów związane z napojami, dlatego powinna być ona brana pod uwagę przy dobieraniu próby do badań nad tym zagadnieniem.The investigations aimed at familiarizing with the habits of a selected group of students, concerning the beverage consumption and the assessment of possible health hazards resulting from the consumption. Researches, were made, show that sex has influence on students’ habits connected with drinks, so they should be taken into account for sample choice for studies of the problem

    The effect of selected pesticides from the group of carbamates on digestibility of diet

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