33 research outputs found

    Multiple phases in stochastic dynamics: geometry and probabilities

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    Stochastic dynamics is generated by a matrix of transition probabilities. Certain eigenvectors of this matrix provide observables, and when these are plotted in the appropriate multi-dimensional space the phases (in the sense of phase transitions) of the underlying system become manifest as extremal points. This geometrical construction, which we call an \textit{observable-representation of state space}, can allow hierarchical structure to be observed. It also provides a method for the calculation of the probability that an initial points ends in one or another asymptotic state

    Ratcheting up energy by means of measurement

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    The destruction of quantum coherence can pump energy into a system. For our examples this is paradoxical since the destroyed correlations are ordinarily considered negligible. Mathematically the explanation is straightforward and physically one can identify the degrees of freedom supplying this energy. Nevertheless, the energy input can be calculated without specific reference to those degrees of freedom.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Imaging geometry through dynamics: the observable representation

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    For many stochastic processes there is an underlying coordinate space, VV, with the process moving from point to point in VV or on variables (such as spin configurations) defined with respect to VV. There is a matrix of transition probabilities (whether between points in VV or between variables defined on VV) and we focus on its ``slow'' eigenvectors, those with eigenvalues closest to that of the stationary eigenvector. These eigenvectors are the ``observables,'' and they can be used to recover geometrical features of VV

    Path integral in a magnetic field using the Trotter product formula

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    The derivation of the Feynman path integral based on the Trotter product formula is extended to the case where the system is in a magnetic field.Comment: To appear in the American Journal of Physics, 200

    Relative momentum for identical particles

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    Possible definitions for the relative momentum of identical particles are considered

    Violation of the zeroth law of thermodynamics for a non-ergodic interaction

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    The phenomenon described by our title should surprise no one. What may be surprising though is how easy it is to produce a quantum system with this feature; moreover, that system is one that is often used for the purpose of showing how systems equilibrate. The violation can be variously manifested. In our detailed example, bringing a detuned 2-level system into contact with a monochromatic reservoir does not cause it to relax to the reservoir temperature; rather, the system acquires the reservoir's level-occupation-ratio

    Slow relaxation, confinement, and solitons

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    Millisecond crystal relaxation has been used to explain anomalous decay in doped alkali halides. We attribute this slowness to Fermi-Pasta-Ulam solitons. Our model exhibits confinement of mechanical energy released by excitation. Extending the model to long times is justified by its relation to solitons, excitations previously proposed to occur in alkali halides. Soliton damping and observation are also discussed

    Efficiency of a thermodynamic motor at maximum power

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    Several recent theories address the efficiency of a macroscopic thermodynamic motor at maximum power and question the so-called "Curzon-Ahlborn (CA) efficiency." Considering the entropy exchanges and productions in an n-sources motor, we study the maximization of its power and show that the controversies are partly due to some imprecision in the maximization variables. When power is maximized with respect to the system temperatures, these temperatures are proportional to the square root of the corresponding source temperatures, which leads to the CA formula for a bi-thermal motor. On the other hand, when power is maximized with respect to the transitions durations, the Carnot efficiency of a bi-thermal motor admits the CA efficiency as a lower bound, which is attained if the duration of the adiabatic transitions can be neglected. Additionally, we compute the energetic efficiency, or "sustainable efficiency," which can be defined for n sources, and we show that it has no other universal upper bound than 1, but that in certain situations, favorable for power production, it does not exceed 1/2