577 research outputs found
Motivations for sevillian young people to abandon physical activity practice
Éste estudio analiza las razones que llevan a los jóvenes sevillanos (6-18 años) a abandonar la práctica físico-deportiva. Para ello hemos realizado un muestreo polietápico, con selección de las unidades primarias (centros escolares) por distritos municipales y tipología de centro, según un muestreo aleatorio simple, aplicando afijación proporcional. Las unidades secundarias (los individuos) se han seleccionado mediante un censo aplicando cuotas por género e intervalos de edad. Tras la aplicación de diversas técnicas estadísticas, la muestra debía componerse de 1.074 individuos asumiendo un margen de error del +2.97% para un nivel de confianza del 95%. El método de recogida de información consistió en cuestionarios/entrevista personal. Los resultados más relevantes, al igual que las diversas investigaciones consultadas, fueron que la mayoría de los jóvenes sevillanos abandonan debido a la desmotivación y a la falta de tiempo, por este orden, mientras que en la numerosa bibliografía consultada, estos motivos invierten su orden
Interferencias entre la estructura fónica y la gramática en andaluz
Aun admitiendo que las hablas andaluzas no presentan una gramática especial, distinta de la gramática castellana, se encuentran indudablemente en ellas ciertos rasgos o aspectos gramaticales bastante característicos, la mayoría de los cuales tiene relación con la peculiar fonética andaluza. Hay fenómenos de neutralización de contenidos donde está implicada la gramática, tanto en enunciados completos como en palabras aisladas, que se estudian detenidamente a partir de instancias reales de discurso. También hay mecanismos de terapéutica verbal, que mediante recursos varios -fónicos, o contextúales- suelen asegurar la inequivocidad de la comunicación.Même si on admet que les modalités du parler andalou ne présentent pas une grammaire spéciale, différente de la grammaire castillane, c'est bien possible de trouver là quelques traits grammatticaux très caractéristiques; et la plupart d'entre eux est en rapport avec la spécificité de la phonétique andalouse. Il y a des phénomènes de neutralisation des signifiés où la grammaire est affectée, aussi bien dans des énoncés complets que dans des mots isolés, qui sont étudiés ici à partir des instances réelles du discours. Il y a, en plus, des méchanismes de thérapie verbale, qui à l'aide des moyens divers -phoniques, ou contextuels- peuvent assurer la non-équivocité de la communication linguistique.If we agrée that Andalusian speech doesn't reveal a spécial grammar of its own, that is, a différent grammar from the standard Spanish, we do find, however, some grammatical features which are idiosyncratic enough. Most of thèse features are related to the peculiarity of Andalusian phonetics. There are some speech occurences where the linguistic differences are neutralized, not only in complete utterances but also in isolated words.
These occurrences are carefully studied here on the basis of a corpus of real examples. There are also some compensatory resources of verbal therapy, which through various devices -both phonic and contextual- tend to result in an inambiguous understanding
Anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure and crude glycerol derived from animal fat - Effect of hydraulic retention time
Crude glycerol (CG), an abundant by-product of bio-diesel production, has been identified as a suitable co-substrate for improving the biogas production of livestock manure through anaerobic digestion (AD). In this study, the potential of utilizing CG generated from the esterification of animal fats for biogas production was studied in both batch and continuous AD experiments, with emphasis on the importance of the hydraulic retention time (HRT). Batch experiments showed that the limiting step in the methane production rate during CG mono-digestion was the 1,3-propanediol uptake. Additionally, biochemical methane potential tests indicated that the addition of 1% w/w CG to swine manure-AD is more efficient in terms of percent of theoretical amount of methane obtained than the addition of 3% w/w. However, in continuous experiments, co-digestion of manure with 3% w/w CG did not exhibit any sign of inhibition within the HRTs tested (17–22 days). Moreover, a 222% increase of biogas productivity was observed with 3% CG supplementation at an HRT of 17 days, in contrast to a 146% increase at an HRT of 22 days. Based on this, and on the similar efficiency of soluble COD removal among the processes (ca. 93%), it was shown that it is possible to reduce the HRT without affecting negatively the efficiency of conversion of manure. Moreover, it was shown that CG from 2nd generation biodiesel based on animal fat, is a suitable feedstock for boosting the methane production of manure-based biogas plants
Anthropometric measures as predictive indicators of metabolic risk in a population of “holy week costaleros”
Preventive measures are a priority in those groups that perform intense physical efforts without physical preparation and that can also be overweight or obese. One of the groups that reflect these characteristics is the costaleros of the Holy Week of Andalusia, Spain. This paper aims to describe the effect of obesity on blood pressure. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 101 costaleros. The anthropometric measures were determined through segmental impedance. Cardiac
recovery and anaerobic power were measured through the Ruffier–Dickson test and the Abalakov test, respectively. Blood pressure was measured when the individuals were at rest. The Kruskal–Wallis test was applied for of continuous parameters and the X2 test for dichotomous measures. Binary logistic regression models were used for the subsequent analysis with R-square and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. The average population was 28 years of age, 173.7 cm tall, and 82.59 Kg weigh. The excess of body fat was 11.27 Kg and Body Mass Index was 27.33 Kg/m2. 72.3% showed abnormal blood pressure and 68.2% were overweight. 32.7% had a waist-hip ratio higher than 0.94. The probability of presenting abnormal blood pressure was higher among the subjects whose fat content was higher and muscle content was lower
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