16 research outputs found

    Hierarchization of priorities for an action plan for the protected flora in the Pyrénées National Park

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    In this paper we adapt a recently developed objective framework to assess which species may require monitoring, vigilance or enhanced prospection for the protected flora (124 taxa) present in the Pyrenees National Park (France). The method is based on three criteria : regional responsibility, local rarity and habitat vulnerability. The first two criteria were quantified by adapting classes according to previous work. The vulnerability criterion was quantified using three main parameters : the priority and conservation status of the habitat of each species combined with the proportion of known occurrences of the species in the « adhesion » area of the park which is not subject to regulatory control. Each species was ranked within a hierarchy developed in collaboration with the different park staff which allowed precise taxa to be selected for monitoring, vigilance and prospectionL'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une hiérarchisation des priorités pour la flore protégée du Parc national des Pyrénées (PNP). Une méthodologie objective basée sur trois critères, la responsabilité patrimoniale des taxons, leur rareté locale et la vulnérabilité de leur habitat, a donc été appliquée aux 124 taxons protégés présents sur ce territoire. Nous avons classé les taxons en adaptant les critères de responsabilité patrimoniale et de rareté au contexte biogéographique du PNP. Pour la vulnérabilité des habitats, nous avons mené un travail approfondi afin de quantifier ce critère en tenant compte de la priorité des habitats, de leur état de conservation et de la proportion de stations dans l'Aire Optimale d'Adhésion. Le renseignement de ces critères a permis d'élaborer une hiérarchisation qui, après avis des agents du PNP, met en évidence les taxons les plus pertinents en termes de suivis, de veille ou de prospection

    Ultrasonic partial glossectomy

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    Hiérarchisation des priorités pour un plan d’action pour la flore protégée du territoire du parc national des Pyrénées

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    In this paper we adapt a recently developed objective framework to assess which species may require monitoring, vigilance or enhanced prospection for the protected flora (124 taxa) present in the Pyrenees National Park (France). The method is based on three criteria : regional responsibility, local rarity and habitat vulnerability. The first two criteria were quantified by adapting classes according to previous work. The vulnerability criterion was quantified using three main parameters : the priority and conservation status of the habitat of each species combined with the proportion of known occurrences of the species in the «adhesion » area of the park which is not subject to regulatory control. Each species was ranked within a hierarchy developed in collaboration with the different park staff which allowed precise taxa to be selected for monitoring, vigilance and prospection.L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer une hiérarchisation des priorités pour la flore protégée du Parc national des Pyrénées (PNP). Une méthodologie objective basée sur trois critères, la responsabilité patrimoniale des taxons, leur rareté locale et la vulnérabilité de leur habitat, a donc été appliquée aux 124 taxons protégés présents sur ce territoire. Nous avons classé les taxons en adaptant les critères de responsabilité patrimoniale et de rareté au contexte biogéographique du PNP. Pour la vulnérabilité des habitats, nous avons mené un travail approfondi afin de quantifier ce critère en tenant compte de la priorité des habitats, de leur état de conservation et de la proportion de stations dans l’Aire Optimale d’Adhésion. Le renseignement de ces critères a permis d’élaborer une hiérarchisation qui, après avis des agents du PNP, met en évidence les taxons les plus pertinents en termes de suivis, de veille ou de prospection.Foulon Yoann, Gauthier Perrine, Jupille Olivier, Thompson John D. Hiérarchisation des priorités pour un plan d’action pour la flore protégée du territoire du parc national des Pyrénées. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 68, n°3-4, 2013. pp. 213-229

    Multilayer perceptron model vs charge comparison method for neutron/gamma discrimination in plastic scintillator according to sampling frequency and energy radiation

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    International audiencePulse shape discrimination algorithms have been commonly implemented on embedded systems to discriminate neutron/gamma radiations detected by organic scintillators in several applications. These algorithms have a number of limitations, especially when used with plastic scintillators, which have low intrinsic discriminating ability. Machine learning (ML) models have recently been explored as a way to improve discriminating performance. Most of these methods are proposed for liquid and stilbene scintillators and do not address the integrated implementation. Reducing the sampling frequency of a discrimination system helps to minimize the size and cost of the embedded implementation. The purpose of this study is to explore whether the use of ML tools, compared to the Tail-to-Total integral ratio algorithm, can lead to a reduction in the minimum required sampling frequency in EJ276 plastic scintillator, as well as an enhancement in the classification performance. The results obtained highlight the superior performance of the ML model

    Human environmental impact from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages: a pluridisciplinary approach focused on a small catchment area at the Kochersberg (Bas-Rhin, France)

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    International audienceThe Kochersberg loess area, west of Strasbourg (France), has been explored with the aim to reconstruct the Holocene landscape dynamics. Sediments, pollen and plant macro-remains were analysed from an organic rich sediment core, sampled in the thalweg of a small catchment. The several proxies are offering a multiscalar view of landscape evolution from the Neolithic to the Middle Age. At the catchment scale, major changes in the landscape are always associated with intense phases of occupation revealed by archaeological excavations. Résumé Impact anthropique du Néolithique au Moyen Âge : Approche pluridisciplinaire dans un bassin versant élémentaire du Kochersberg (Bas-Rhin, France) Le secteur loessique du Kochersberg, à l’ouest de Strasbourg, a été exploré dans le but de reconstruire les dynamiques du paysage au cours de l’Holocène. Les sédiments, le pollen et les macrorestes végétaux ont été extraits d’une carotte riche en matière organique prélevée dans le thalweg d’un bassin versant élémentaire. Les différentes archives offrent une vision multi-scalaire de l’évolution du paysage depuis le Néolithique jusqu’au Moyen Âge. A l’échelle du bassin versant, les changements importants du paysage sont toujours associés à des phases de forte implantation révélées par les fouilles archéologiques. http://quaternaire.revues.org/704

    Interactions gestuelles pour Strip’TIC, un environnement tangible pour les contrôleurs aériens

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    International audience; In this paper, we explore gesture-based interactions in a mixed interactive system for Air Traffic Controllers. This exploration lies on an analysis of controller gestures, that we were able to observe in a control tower and in a simulator centre. In our design, we focus on gesture-based interaction for the virtual objects associated with the physical objects.; Dans cet article nous décrivons une exploration des possibilités ouvertes par l’interaction gestuelle dans un système interactif mixte pour les contrôleurs aériens. Cette exploration repose sur une analyse des gestes des contrôleurs que nous avons pu observer en tour de contrôle et en simulateur. La conception exploratoire que nous proposons nous permet en particulier d'évaluer la pertinence de l’interaction gestuelle pour les objets virtuels associés aux objets physiques

    Specific activation of operculum 3 (OP3) brain region during provoked tinnitus-related phantom auditory perceptions in humans

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    International audienceThe phantom sound perception mechanism by which a sound perception occurs without any external sound source is still enigmatic. According to our previous fMRI study, a small region in the parietal operculum 3 was hyperactivated as a function of tinnitus periodicity in subjects with acoustic trauma tinnitus sequelae. This region was localized in the vicinity of neural correlates of middle-ear tympano-ossicular chain movements due to pressure variations. Disturbed proprioceptors are known to trigger illusory perceptions; therefore, we hypothesized that a disturbance of middle-ear proprioceptors may originate phantom sound perceptions. We designed an fMRI study that aimed to stimulate middle-ear proprioceptors by repetitive vibrations using various rates of click trains. In this study, we report that exposure to specific rates of stimuli for a few minutes at comfortable intensity level in healthy subjects distinctly triggered transient tinnitus-like aftereffects. The fMRI neural correlates of the aftereffects were unequivocally localized in the same parietal region as in acoustic trauma tinnitus sufferers. Our results strongly suggest that a middle-ear kinesthetic/proprioceptive illusion exists at the origin of acoustic trauma tinnitus via a somatosensory pathway encompassing the trigeminal system

    Picosecond acoustics: a new way to access elastic properties of materials at pressure and temperature conditions of planetary interiors

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    International audiencePicosecond acoustics is an optical pump-probe technique allowing to access thermoelastic properties and sound velocities of a large variety of materials under extreme conditions. Coupled with diamond anvil cells and laser heating, picosecond acoustics measurements offer the possibility to probe materials over a pressure and temperature range directly pertinent for the deep planetary interiors. In this paper we highlight the capabilities and versatility of this technique by presenting some recent applications on materials of geophysical interest. All the independent components of the elastic tensor of MgO are simultaneously determined by measurements on a single crystal at ambient conditions. Compressional sound velocity is measured at high pressure on an iron-carbon alloy and on polycrystalline argon. First laser heating test measurements performed on molybdenum at high pressure are also presented. These examples demonstrate that picosecond acoustics is a valuable alternative to already existing techniques for determining the physical properties of samples under extreme pressure and temperature conditions