4,618 research outputs found

    Awareness towards Chikungunya virus infection risk by general practitioners in Rome: a questionnaire based survey before the 2017 outbreak

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    Autochthonous cases of Chikungunya (CHIKV) have been recently detected in Rome. A survey was conduct- ed prior to the 2017 outbreak to assess knowledge, attitude, and practices towards CHIKV infections on 103 randomly selected general practitioners (GPs), practicing in the centre of Rome. Only 24.3% were aware of CHIKV and completed the interview. Among completers, the knowledge of basic elements of CHIKV in- fection was insufficient. Only two thirds of them were able to identify possible CHIKV cases in hypothetical clinical scenarios presented by the interviewer. Our study highlights the need to improve GP knowledge to- wards CHIKV, as a necessary step to establish an efficacious epidemic surveillance

    Thermodynamics of the Massive Gross-Neveu Model

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    We study the thermodynamics of massive Gross-Neveu models with explicitly broken discrete or continuous chiral symmetries for finite temperature and fermion densities. The large NN limit is discussed bearing attention to the no-go theorems for symmetry breaking in two dimensions which apply to the massless cases. The main purpose of the study is to serve as analytical orientation for the more complex problem of chiral transition in 44-dimensional QCD with quarks. For any non-vanishing fermion mass we find, at finite densities, lines of first order phase transitions. For small mass values traces of would-be second order transitions and a tricritical point are recognizable. We study the thermodynamics of these models, and in the model with broken continuous chiral symmetry we examine the properties of the pion like state.Comment: 34 pages (+18 figures, available upon request to [email protected]), LATEX file, uses art12a.sty, macro included, UGVA-DPT 1994/06-85

    Meissner masses in the gCFL phase of QCD

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    We calculate the Meissner masses of gluons in neutral three-flavor color superconducting matter for finite strange quark mass. In the CFL phase the eissner masses are slowly varying function of the strange quark mass. For large strange quark mass, in the so called gCFL phase, the Meissner masses of gluons with colors a=1,2,3a=1,2,3 and 8 become imaginary, indicating an instability.Comment: New Fig. 1 shows that also the masses of the gluons 3 and 8 are imaginar

    Enforced neutrality and color-flavor unlocking in the three-flavor Polyakov-loop NJL model

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    We study how the charge neutrality affects the phase structure of three-flavor PNJL model. We point out that, within the conventional PNJL model at finite density the color neutrality is missing because the Wilson line serves as an external ``colored'' field coupled to dynamical quarks. In this paper we heuristically assume that the model may still be applicable. To get color neutrality one has then to allow non vanishing color chemical potentials. We study how the quark matter phase diagram in (T,ms2/μ)(T,m_s^2/\mu)-plane is affected by imposing neutrality and by including the Polyakov loop dynamics. Although these two effects are correlated in a nonlinear way, the impact of the Polyakov loop turns out to be significant in the TT direction, while imposing neutrality brings a remarkable effect in the ms2/μm_s^2/\mu direction. In particular, we find a novel unlocking transition, when the temperature is increased, even in the chiral SU(3) limit. We clarify how and why this is possible once the dynamics of the colored Polyakov loop is taken into account. Also we succeed in giving an analytic expression for TcT_c for the transition from two-flavor pairing (2SC) to unpaired quark matter in the presence of the Polyakov loop.Comment: 11 pages, REVTex4, 10 eps figures; v2: added two notes, added a reference; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The s-sbar and K-Kbar nature of f_0(980) in D_s decays

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    We examine the D_s -> f_0(980) pi amplitude through a constituent quark-meson model, incorporating heavy quark and chiral symmetries, finding a good agreement with the recent E791 data analysis of D_s -> 3pi via f_0(980). The f_0(980) resonance is considered at the moment of production as an s sbar state, later evolving to a superposition of mainly s sbar and K Kbar. The analysis is also extended to the more frequent process D_s -> phi pi.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Dressed Polyakov loop and phase diagram of hot quark matter under magnetic field

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    We evaluate the dressed Polyakov loop for hot quark matter in strong magnetic field. To compute the finite temperature effective potential, we use the Polyakov extended Nambu-Jona Lasinio model with eight-quark interactions taken into account. The bare quark mass is adjusted in order to reproduce the physical value of the vacuum pion mass. Our results show that the dressed Polyakov loop is very sensitive to the strenght of the magnetic field, and it is capable to capture both the deconfinement crossover and the chiral crossover. Besides, we compute self-consistently the phase diagram of the model. We find a tiny split of the two aforementioned crossovers as the strength of the magnetic field is increased. Concretely, for the largest value of magnetic field investigated here, eB=19mπ2eB=19 m_\pi^2, the split is of the order of 10%10\%. A qualitative comparison with other effective models and recent Lattice results is also performed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX4-1 styl

    Effective Lagrangian for Heavy and Light Mesons: Semileptonic Decays

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    We introduce an effective lagrangian including negative and positive parity heavy mesons containing a heavy quark, light pseudoscalars, and light vector resonances, with their allowed interactions, using heavy quark spin-flavour symmetry, chiral symmetry, and the hidden symmetry approach for light vector resonances. On the basis of such a lagrangian, by considering the allowed weak currents and by including the contributions from the nearest unitarity poles we calculate the form factors for semileptonic decays of BB and DD mesons into light pseudoscalars and light vector resonances. The available data, together with some additional assumptions, allow for a set of predictions in the different semileptonic channels, which can be compared with those following {}from different approaches. A discussion of non-dominant terms in our approach, which attempts at including a rather complete dynamics, will however have to wait till more abundant data become available.Comment: LaTeX (style article), 19 pages, UGVA-DPT 1992/11-790, BARI-TH/92-12