82 research outputs found

    Manifestation of Confinement in the Gluon propagator

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    The gluon propagator in Landau gauge is calculated on the lattice for SU(2) gauge theory. In particular the manifestation of confinement in the gluon propagator is studied. Removing the confining center vortices from the Yang-Mills ensemble leads to a drastic reduction of the gluonic form factor in the intermediate momentum regime.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, talk presented by H. Reinhardt at the 19th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2001), Berlin, 19.-24.8.2001, to appear in the proceeding

    Design and Realization of a Collaborative Robotic Workplace with the Robot YuMi

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem kolaborativního pracoviště s robotem Yumi. V úvodu byl popsán robot Yumi včetně jeho parametrů. Dále bylo popsáno vzorové kolaborativní pracoviště realizované ve výrobním závodě společnosti ABB. Dále byly rozebrány jednotlivé možnosti kolaborace člověka s robotem. V další části byl specifikován požadavkový list, byly popsány objekty manipulace a představeny jednotlivé konstrukční části. Následně byl sestaven sled operací pro operátora a robot a jejich vzájemné propojení. Poté byla vytvořena simulace, která ověřila dostupnosti jednotlivých cílů. Na závěr byla daná úloha realizována na univerzitním centru Robotiky.Master thesis deals with the design of a collaborative workplace with a Yumi robot. The introduction describes the Yumi robot and its parameters. After that a model of a collaborative workplace realized in the ABB company was described. Furthermore, the individual possibilities of human-robot collaboration were discussed. In the next part, the request sheet was specified, the handling objects were described, and the individual structural parts were introduced. Subsequently, the sequence of operations for the operator and the robot and their interconnection were presented. Then a simulation was performed to verify the availability of each target. Finally, the given task was implemented at the University Robotics Centre.354 - Katedra robotikydobř

    The Structural Design of the Rotary Table With Rollers

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukčním řešením otočného stolu s válečky, který bude sloužit pro transport přepravek s ovocem. První část práce je věnována rešerši zaměřené na zhodnocení současného způsobu řešení přepravy. Následuje sestrojení čtyř variant řešení, ze kterých byla vybrána nejvhodnější varianta. Poté byl detailně vyhotoven 3D model celého stolu, byly provedeny všechny výpočty pro návrh pohonů a zpracována výrobní dokumentace. V příloze se nachází kompletní výkresová dokumentace vybraného řešení.The bachelor thesis is focused on the construction solution of rotary table with rollers that will be used for transport of crates of fruit. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the research which concerns with the analysis of actual ways of solution of transport. Further, the four variants of solution are constructed, from which the most appropriate one has been chosen. It has been drawn the 3D model of the whole table in detail later, the complete calculations for proposal of drive has been performed and the production documentation has been elaborated. The complete drawing documentation of the chosen solution is situated in the attachment of the thesis.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Vortex induced confinement and the IR properties of Green functions

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    Simulations of SU(2) lattice gauge theory are used to establish a relation between the IR properties of Green functions and confinement. Using Landau gauge where the gauge configurations are restricted to the first Gribov regime, results on the ghost-, gluon form-factor and the running coupling constant are presented. Finally, we discuss the behavior of the ghost form-factor of the de-confined phase at high temperatures.Comment: 3 pages, talk presented by K. Langfeld at "Confinement V" Gargnano, Garda Lake, 10-14 September 200

    Signals of confinement in Green functions of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    The vortex picture of confinement is employed to explore the signals of confinement in Yang-Mills Green functions. By using SU(2) lattice gauge theory, it has been well established that the removal of the center vortices from the lattice configurations results in the loss of confinement. The running coupling constant, the gluon and the ghost form factors are studied in Landau gauge for both cases, the full and the vortex removed theory. In the latter case, a strong suppression of the running coupling constant and the gluon form factor at low momenta is observed. At the same time, the singularity of the ghost form factor at vanishing momentum disappears. This observation establishes an intimate correlation between the ghost singularity and confinement. The result also shows that a removal of the vortices generates a theory for which Zwanziger's horizon condition for confinement is no longer satisfied.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Landau gauge ghost and gluon propagators and the Faddeev-Popov operator spectrum

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    In this talk we report on a recent lattice investigation of the Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators in pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory with a special emphasis on the Gribov copy problem. In the (infrared) region of momenta q20.3GeV2q^2 \le 0.3 \mathrm{GeV}^2 we find the corresponding MOM scheme running coupling αs(q2)\alpha_s(q^2) to rise in qq. We also report on a first SU(3) computation of the ghost-gluon vertex function showing that it deviates only weakly from being constant. In addition we study the spectrum of low-lying eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Faddeev-Popov operator as well as the spectral representation of the ghost propagator.Comment: talk given by M. M.-P. at the Workshop on Computational Hadron Physics, Cyprus, September 200

    Vortex dominance of the 0+ and 2+ glueball mass in SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    The c-vortex ensembles are constructed by means of the recently proposed cooling method which gradually removes the SU(2)/Z_2 coset fields from the SU(2) lattice configurations and which thus reveals the Z_2 vortex vacuum texture. Using Teper's blocking method, the screening masses of the 0+ and the 2+ glueball is calculated from these vortex ensembles and compared with the masses obtained from full configurations. The masses of either case agree within the achieved numerical accuracy of 10%. As a byproduct, we find that the overlaps of the Teper operators with the glueball wavefunctions are significantly larger in the case of the c-vortex ensembles.Comment: 9 pages, 4 PS figures, LaTeX using eps