26 research outputs found

    Estaci贸n de invierno en Flaine, Francia

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    Within the first phase of the total plan for this new 芦mountain city禄, the following have been completed: a group of hotels, apartment blocks, stores and service buildings. The architectural style of these has been strongly influenced by the long duration of the winter season in this region: this means that the period of construction is reduced to four months per year. Consequently it was decided to build with prefabricated concrete units, which would greatly shorten the construction time. All the details of the elevations emphasize the three dimensional quality of the architecture, and their external texture and plasticity strengthen the light and shadow effects, which Breuer handles like a recognised master.<br><br>Dentro de la primera fase del Plan general redactado para esta nueva 芦ciudad de alta monta帽a禄, han sido construidos: un grupo de hoteles, bloques de apartamentos, tiendas y edificios para servicios. Influy贸, de modo decisivo, en las caracter铆sticas arquitect贸nicas de los mismos, la prolongada duraci贸n de la estaci贸n invernal en esta regi贸n, lo que reduce pr谩cticamente la actividad de la construcci贸n a los cuatro meses de verano. Es por lo que los arquitectos decidieron construir los edificios a base de elementos prefabricados de hormig贸n, con la consiguiente econom铆a de tiempo en obra que ello significaba. Sus fachadas presentan, en todos los detalles, un aspecto tridimensional; y la textura de sus superficies y la profundidad f铆sica de su tratamiento contribuyen a realzar los contrastes de luz y sombra, que Breuer trata como un acreditado maestro

    The qur'an and its exegesis : selected texts with classical and modern Muslim interpretations

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    Londonxiv, 313 p.; 21 c

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, atriu

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Exterior, courtyar

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, book stack

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, lobby with staircase and elevato

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, atriu

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, atriu

    Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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    Interior, atriu