44 research outputs found

    Nanoscale textured superconductivity in Ru-substituted BaFe2As2 : a challenge to a universal phase diagram for the pnictides

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    75As NMR experiments were performed in Ba(Fe1-xRux)2As2 for x=0 to 80%. Magnetic fractions and NMR lineshapes demonstrate that Ru substitution destroys the antiferromagnetic (AF) order inhomogeneously with a magnetic moment distributed from 0.9 to 0 uB. Superconductivity emerges at intermediate Ru doping and coexists with AF order only in the regions where moments are smaller than ~0.3uB, resulting in an original nanoscale texture. This situation contrasts with that of Co substitution, challenging the apparent universality of the phase diagram in Fe-based superconductors

    From Guayaquil to Ballina

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    Structure de La6Cu2Si2S14

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    Collin Gaston, Laruelle Pierre. Structure de La6Cu2Si2S14. In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 94, 2, 1971. pp. 175-176

    Structure cristalline du sulfure La2Fe2S5

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    Description of the structure of orthorhombic La₂Fe₂S₅ of space group A2₁am with parameters : a = 11.40 Å, b = 16.55 Å, c = 4.055 Å (Z = 4). The rare earth atoms occupy two equivalent sites of coordination number 7, while the iron atoms are distributed between two very different types of sites : one associated with a deformed octahedral structure and the other with a tetragonal structure. The final factor R is 0.068.Description de la structure de La₂Fe₂S₅ orthorhombique du groupe spatial A2₁am dont les paramĂštres sont : a = 11,40 Å, b = 16,55 Å, c = 4,055 Å (Z = 4). Les atomes de terres rares occupent deux sites sensiblement Ă©quivalents de coordinence 7, alors que les atomes de fer sont rĂ©partis dans deux types de sites trĂšs diffĂ©rents : l'un octaĂ©drique dĂ©formĂ© et le second tĂ©traĂ©drique. Le facteur R final est de 0,068.Collin Gaston, Laruelle Pierre. Structure cristalline du sulfure La2Fe2S5. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 94, 2, 1971. pp. 113-117

    Landolt-Börstein. Numerical data and functionnal relationships in science and technology, 1971

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    Étienne J.-J., Collin Gaston. Landolt-Börstein. Numerical data and functionnal relationships in science and technology, 1971. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 95, 1, 1972. RĂ©union annuelle de l'Association Française de Cristallographie, Lille, 6-8 mai 1971

    Landolt-Börstein. Numerical data and functionnal relationships in science and technology, 1971

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    Étienne J.-J., Collin Gaston. Landolt-Börstein. Numerical data and functionnal relationships in science and technology, 1971. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 95, 1, 1972. RĂ©union annuelle de l'Association Française de Cristallographie, Lille, 6-8 mai 1971

    Composés hexagonaux L6B2C2X14 lacunaires ordonnés

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    Several series of compounds L₆(B₂₋ₓ ⃞ₓ) C₂X₁₄ have been prepared. Ordering in vacancies appears only when the vacancy-cation ratio on the B site is greater than one. The superstructure unitcell parameters are a₀√3 and 2 c₀ for L₆ (B₁/₂ ⃞₃/₂) C₂X₁₄ compounds, a₀√3 and 3 c₀ for L₆ (B₂/₃ ⃞₄/₃) C₂X₁₄. The distribution of vacancies and cations are given for both superstructure patterns.Plusieurs sĂ©ries de composĂ©s L₆(B₂₋ₓ ⃞ₓ) C₂X₁₄ sont prĂ©parĂ©es. La mise en ordre des lacunes apparaĂźt quand le rapport lacune sur cation sur le site B est supĂ©rieur Ă  1. Les mailles de sur-structure ont pour paramĂštres a₀√3 et 2 c₀ pour les composĂ©s L₆ (B₁/₂ ⃞₃/₂) C₂X₁₄, a₀√3 et 3 c₀ pour les composĂ©s L₆ (B₂/₃ ⃞₄/₃) C₂X₁₄. Les rĂ©partitions des lacunes et des cations sur les sites B sont dĂ©terminĂ©es pour les deux types de sur-structure.Collin Gaston, Etienne Jean, Laruelle Pierre. ComposĂ©s hexagonaux L6B2C2X14 lacunaires ordonnĂ©s. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 96, 1, 1973. pp. 12-17

    DĂ©fauts planaires et non˗stƓchiomĂ©trie dans les composĂ©s NiAs lacunaires

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    The two compounds Fe₇S₈ (2a2a3c) and Ni₀.₉₁S are studied using the Cowley's theory. It is shown that they are both characterized on one hand : by microtwins due to planar defects interchanging along c⃗ the M and S chains and one calculates the fault rates α, and on the other hand : by imbricated sequences with different types either 3c — 4c in Fe₇S₈ at constant stoichiometry, or 3a3a3c — 2a2a3c in Ni₀.₉₁S with different stoichiometries.On Ă©tudie Ă  l'aide de la thĂ©orie de Cowley les deux composĂ©s Fe₇S₈ (2a2a3c) et Ni₀,₉₁S. On montre qu'ils sont tous deux caractĂ©risĂ©s par : d'une part des micromacles dues Ă  des dĂ©fauts planaires interchangeant selon c⃗ les chaĂźnes M et S et on calcule les taux de fautes α, et d'autre part par des sĂ©quences imbriquĂ©es de types diffĂ©rents, soit 3c — 4c dans Fe₇S₈ Ă  stƓchiomĂ©trie constante, soit 3a3a3c — 2a2a3c dans Ni₀,₉₁S avec des stƓchiomĂ©tries diffĂ©rentes.Collin Gaston, Chavant Chistiane, Keller-Besrest Françoise. DĂ©fauts planaires et non˗stƓchiomĂ©trie dans les composĂ©s NiAs lacunaires. In: Bulletin de MinĂ©ralogie, volume 103, 3-4, 1980. PropriĂ©tĂ©s des solides minĂ©raux. I. Dissolution. II. Ordre-dĂ©sordre


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    We show that, contrary to previous belief, the transition to the antiferromagnetic state of Sr2IrO4 in zero magnetic field does show up in the transverse resistivity. We attribute this to a change in transverse integrals associated to the magnetic ordering, which is evaluated considering hopping of the localized charge. The evolution of the resistivity anomaly associated to the magnetic transition under applied magnetic field is studied. It tracks the magnetic phase diagram, allowing to identify three different lines, notably the spin-flip line, associated with the reordering of the ferromagnetic component of the magnetization, and an intriguing line for field induced magnetism, also corroborated by magnetization measurements