1,810 research outputs found

    Bistability in the Shape Transition of Strained Islands

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    The equilibrium shape of a monatomic strained island on a substrate depends on the step free energies and the difference in surface stress between the island and the substrate. For small island sizes the step free energies dominate, resulting in compact islands. Beyond a critical island size, however, the strain energy becomes dominant and the island maximizes its perimeter, resulting in elongated islands. Here we show that for strained islands with force monopoles pointing in opposing directions at neighboring steps, a regime exists near the critical island size where both compact and elongated shapes can coexist

    Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface II: Random walk theory

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    We develop a version of the vacancy mediated tracer diffusion model, which follows the properties of the physical system of In atoms diffusing within the top layer of Cu(001) terraces. This model differs from the classical tracer diffusion problem in that (i) the lattice is finite, (ii) the boundary is a trap for the vacancy, and (iii) the diffusion rate of the vacancy is different, in our case strongly enhanced, in the neighborhood of the tracer atom. A simple continuum solution is formulated for this problem, which together with the numerical solution of the discrete model compares well with our experimental results.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    De autonijverheid in België

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    This paper provides an extensive overview of the economic importance and evolution of the car manufacturing industry. In addition, it provides evidence that the car industry is still playing a vital role in process innovation. The currently widespread lean production method, under which companies focus on their core activities and develop a network of subcontractors, in fact originates from the Japanese car industry. The introduction of the "lean production" concept in Europe had a far-reaching impact on corporate relations. Important responsibilities - such as product development, quality control, innovation efforts and timely deliveries - have been/are passed on to the subcontractors. Company clusters have been formed, which often also have consequences in terms of geographical location due to the necessity of "just-in-time" or even "just-in-sequence"-deliveries. The mere fact that global companies have implemented this production method, also adds to the internationalization of the subcontracting companies. The latter conclusion fuelled/fuels the trend to anchor as it were the industrial core activities through an appropriate policy. Such a policy must be based upon reliable statistical observations. A major disadvantage, however, is that because of their network structure, the corporate clusters' importance is hard to measure. Since the input-output tables are not available for the very latest years, on the one hand, and are not sufficiently detailed, on the other hand, a method has been searched for which allows to gauge the importance of a specific branch. In this paper the method will be applied to the car manufacturing in Belgium. The proposed calculation method is based on the supply and use tables drawn up by the Bank within the framework of the National Accounts Institute.branch survey, car industry, subcontracting, indirect effects

    ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE BELGIAN PORTS: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels – Report 2014. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 299

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    This paper is an annual publication issued by the Microeconomic Analysis service of the National Bank of Belgium. The Flemish maritime ports (Antwerp, Ghent, Ostend, Zeebrugge), the Autonomous Port of Liège and the port of Brussels play a major role in their respective regional economies and in the Belgian economy, not only in terms of industrial activity but also as intermodal centers facilitating the commodity flow. This update paper1 provides an extensive overview of the economic importance and development of the Flemish maritime ports, the Liège port complex and the port of Brussels for the period 2009 - 2014, with an emphasis on 2014. Focusing on the three major variables of value added, employment and investment, the report also provides some information based on the social balance sheet and an overview of the financial situation in these ports as a whole. These observations are linked to a more general context, along with a few cargo statistics. Annual accounts data from the Central Balance Sheet Office were used for the calculation of direct effects, the study of financial ratios and the analysis of the social balance sheet. The indirect effects of the activities concerned were estimated in terms of value added and employment, on the basis of data from the National Accounts Institute. As a result of the underlying calculation method the changes of indirect employment and indirect value added can differ from one another. The developments concerning economic activity in the six ports in 2013 - 2014 are summarised in the table on the next page: In 2014 the growth of maritime traffic in the Flemish sea ports was once again due solely to developments in the port of Antwerp. However, that did not necessarily mean that direct value added followed the same trend: except for the port of Zeebrugge, all other Flemish ports recorded an increase. Direct employment is continuing to decline, except in the port of Ghent where it remains steady. Investment appears to be picking up, after last year’s weak figures. Cargo traffic in the ports of Liège and Brussels was up in 2014, but that did not result in any increase in value added. The decline in direct employment also persisted, certainly in the port of Liège. This report provides a comprehensive account of these issues, giving details for each economic sector, although the comments are confined to the main changes that occurred in 2014

    Wheat and barley seed system in Syria: farmers' varietal perceptions, seed sources and seed management

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    A total of 206 wheat and 200 barley farmers were interviewed in northeastern Syria to understand farmer perceptions and practice relating to modern varieties, seed sources and seed quality. Wheat farmers had better awareness and grew modern varieties (87%), applied fertilizers (99.5%), herbicides (93%), seed treatment (90%) or insecticides (41%). In contrast barley growers had low awareness (36%) and use (0.5%) of modern varieties, herbicides (4%), insecticides (3%) and fertilizers (56%). Grain yield, grain size, food quality and tolerance to lodging, drought and frost were the agronomic characteristics farmers sought from new wheat varieties. For barley, grain yield, grain size, grain color, feed quality, marketability and tolerance to diseases and drought were the key traits sought. The informal sector-seed retained from the previous harvest or obtained from neighbors or local traders/markets-was the main source of seed for both wheat and barley. Most farmers practiced onfarm seed selection, cleaning, treatment, separate storage or quality assessment of seed that was obtained locally. Farmers’ perceptions and preferences of new varieties/technologies and their seed sources and seed management practices must be taken into account in any efforts to develop or to strengthen seed sector developmen

    Helium Ion Microscopy

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    Helium Ion Microcopy (HIM) based on Gas Field Ion Sources (GFIS) represents a new ultra high resolution microscopy and nano-fabrication technique. It is an enabling technology that not only provides imagery of conducting as well as uncoated insulating nano-structures but also allows to create these features. The latter can be achieved using resists or material removal due to sputtering. The close to free-form sculpting of structures over several length scales has been made possible by the extension of the method to other gases such as Neon. A brief introduction of the underlying physics as well as a broad review of the applicability of the method is presented in this review.Comment: Revised versio
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