291 research outputs found

    Bray, M. (2009). Confronting the shadow education system: what government policies for what private tutoring? Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning. [Book review]

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    Book review of: Bray, M. (2009). Confronting the shadow education system: what government policies for what private tutoring? Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning. 134 p., ISBN 978-92-803-1333-8

    Shear Bond Strength in Zirconia Veneered Ceramics Using Two Different Surface Treatments Prior Veneering

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    Aim of the study was to assess the effect of different surface treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) of the veneering ceramics to zirconia core. In a shear test the influence of grinding and sandblasting of the zirconia surface on bonding were assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS statistical package (version 17.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA). There was a significant difference between the groups considering shear bond strength (SBS) values, i.e. ground and sandblasted samples had significantly higher SBS values than only ground samples (mean difference=–190.67; df=10, t=–6.386, p<0.001). The results of the present study indicate that ground and sandblasted cores are superior to ground cores, allowing significantly higher surface roughness and significantly higher shear bond strength between the core and the veneering material

    IDE Interaction Support With Command Recommender Systems

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    Software developers' knowledge of integrated development environment (IDE) directly impacts on their productivity. IDE command recommender systems aim at identifying and convincingly presenting to software developers functionality that can help them to accomplish their daily tasks, without overloading them with well known or useless information. Command recommendation requires the estimation of both the utility of commands and the acceptance of the user for new command recommendations. In this paper, we focus on how and when such recommendations should be presented. We performed a long-term user study and our results show that IDE command recommendation must be presented with adequate descriptions of the commands and good usage examples. It seems that a higher frequency of recommendation notifications could be useful, but it should not be too intrusive, especially while developers are focusing on more demanding tasks. To improve recommendation acceptance rate, researchers should also focus on context-aware algorithms and tailor command recommendation timing

    Širenje, masovna pojava i štete od vrste Ophraella communa LeSage, 1986 na vrsti Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj

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    Based on targeted faunistic surveys, 34 new occurrences of ragweed leaf beetles (Ophraella communa, LeSage) in ten counties of continental Croatia are presented. From mid-July to the end of September 2022, the 34 locations, where ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) regularly occurs, were visually inspected. All developmental stages of the insect were found at all locations during July and August, while only adults were found at all locations in September. At 12 locations, ragweed infestation was estimated to be less than 10%. At 10 locations, damage caused by feeding ranged from 10 to 50%, and at seven locations from 50 to 80%. The mass occurrence of ragweed leaf beetles and complete destruction of common ragweed plants in Croatia was recorded at five monitored locations in four counties. A high level of foliar damage indicates that the species has been well established in the monitored area. The ragweed leaf beetle appears to be spreading rapidly over large areas and is capable of effectively controlling invasive common ragweed. Future work should focus on monitoring the spread, establishment, and impact of this species in Croatia and its inclusion in biological ragweed control measures.Na temelju ciljanih faunističkih istraživanja prikazane su 34 nove pojave ambrozije zlatice (Ophraella communa, LeSage) u deset županija kontinentalne Hrvatske. Od sredine srpnja do kraja rujna 2022. vizualno su pregledane 34 lokacije na kojima se ambrozija (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) redovito pojavljuje. Na svim lokacijama pregledanim u srpnju i kolovozu pronađeni su svi razvojni stadiji kukca, dok su na svim lokacijama pregledanim u rujnu pronađene samo odrasle jedinke. Na 12 lokacija oštećenje ambrozije uzrokovano ishranom ambrozijinom zlaticom procijenjena je na manje od 10%. Na 10 lokaliteta oštećenje uzrokovano ishranom se kretalo od 10 do 50%, a na sedam lokaliteta od 50 do 80%. U Hrvatskoj je, na pet praćenih lokaliteta u četiri županije, zabilježena prva masovna pojava ambrozijine zlatice i potpuno uništenje biljaka ambrozije. Visoka razina oštećenja lišća ukazuje na to da je vrsta već neko vrijeme prisutna na promatranom području. Ambrozijina zlatica se ubrzano širi na velikim površinama i sposobna je vrlo učinkovito suzbiti invazivnu biljnu vrstu ambrozije. Budući rad trebao bi biti usmjeren na praćenje širenja, uspostavljanja populacije i utjecaja ove vrste u Hrvatskoj te njezino uključivanje u biološke mjere suzbijanja ambrozije

    Sredstva za zaštitu bilja na poljoprivrednim površinama – rezidue u gujavicama i procjena potencijalno toksičnih učinaka na okoliš

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    The environmental risk assessment of plant protection products for soil organisms is mainly based on the results of laboratory and extended laboratory studies while the link from the laboratory to realistic field conditions over several seasons is not well established. The current environmental risk assessment is applied to a single active ingredient and does not consider that soil organisms are exposed to varying degrees to a mixture of active ingredients from different pesticides. In this study, earthworm samples were collected from eight fields in Croatia during two growing seasons and analyzed for 300 active ingredients. The concentrations of 26 analyzed active ingredients ranged between 0.000 and 0.247 mg/kg earthworm fresh weight with a mean of 0.005 mg/kg earthworm fresh weight. The percentage of samples with values below the limit of detection (LOD = ½ LOQ), values below the limit of quantification (LOQ = 0.001 mg/kg) and values above LOQ were 33, 44 and 23 %, respectively. Based on publicly available draft assessment reports from European Commission and European Food Safety Authority, degradation parameters (DT50, DT90) were used to calculate degradation curves and the current concentration in soil at the date of earthworm sampling. Subsequently, compoundspecific bioconcentration factors in soil were determined by dividing the analyzed pesticide residues in earthworms by the calculated concentrations in soil. The results of the study showed that most active ingredients do not pose a risk to earthworms and have no secondary poisoning potential to birds and mammals that feed on them. The retrospective analysis method of analytically measured neonicotinoid residues in earthworm samples can be reliably used to calculate degradation and concentration curves in soil at the time of sampling.Procjena ekološkog rizika sredstava za zaštitu bilja za organizme u tlu uglavnom se temelji na rezultatima laboratorijskih i proširenih laboratorijskih studija dok veza između laboratorija i realnih poljskih uvjeta tijekom nekoliko sezona nije dobro utvrđena. Trenutna procjena rizika za okoliš primjenjuje se na pojedinačne aktivne tvari i ne uzima u obzir da su organizmi u tlu izloženi mješavini mješavini aktivnih tvari različitih pesticida. U istraživanju su prikupljeni uzorci gujavica s osam polja u Hrvatskoj tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone. Analizirani su na 300 aktivnih tvari. Koncentracije 26 analiziranih aktivnih tvari kretale su se od 0,000 do 0,247 mg/kg svježe mase gujavica sa srednjom vrijednosti od 0,005 mg/kg svježe mase gujavica. Postotak uzoraka s vrijednostima ispod granice detekcije (LOD = ½ LOQ), vrijednosti ispod granice kvantifikacije (LOQ = 0,001 mg/kg) i vrijednosti iznad LOQ iznosio je 33, 44 and 23%. Na temelju javno dostupnih nacrta izvješća o procjeni Europske komisije i Europske agencije za sigurnost hrane, parametri degradacije (DT50, DT90) korišteni su za izračunavanje krivulja razgradnje i koncentracije u tlu u vrijeme uzorkovanja gujavica. Potom su određeni faktori biokoncentracije specifičnih za spoj u tlu dijeljenjem analiziranih ostataka pesticida u gujavicama s izračunatim koncentracijama u tlu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da većina aktivnih tvari ne predstavlja rizik za gujavice i nema sekundarni potencijal trovanja za ptice i sisavce koji se njima hrane. Metoda retrospektivne analize analitički izmjerenih rezidua neonikotinoida u uzorcima gujavica može se pouzdano koristiti za izračunavanje krivulja razgradnje i koncentracije u tlu u vrijeme uzorkovanja

    development tools usage inside out

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    The software engineering community is continuously producing tools to tackle software construction problems. This paper presents a research study to identify which tools, artifacts, and commands developers use during task solving and how one can design software that can suggest and convince the developer to use specific software construction techniques. We want to understand under which conditions developers accept suggestions for a more efficient and effective usage of the available instruments, and if observed usage patterns correlate with observable improvements in the process or product. The expected results include detailed logs of how developers construct software during XP 2016, their preferences for software construction recommendations, and which effects accepted suggestions have on task execution and outcome

    Measurements of scattering observables for the pdpd break-up reaction

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    High-precision measurements of the scattering observables such as cross sections and analyzing powers for the proton-deuteron elastic and break-up reactions have been performed at KVI in the last two decades and elsewhere to investigate various aspects of the three-nucleon force (3NF) effects simultaneously. In 2006 an experiment was performed to study these effects in p+d\vec{p}+d break-up reaction at 135 MeV with the detection system, Big Instrument for Nuclear polarization Analysis, BINA. BINA covers almost the entire kinematical phase space of the break-up reaction. The results are interpreted with the help of state-of-the-art Faddeev calculations and are partly presented in this contribution.Comment: Proceedings of 19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Bonn University, 31.08 - 05.09.2009, Bonn, GERMAN

    European corn borer and its parasites overwintering abundance and damages on different corn FAO maturity groups

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    European corn borer (ECB) is one of the most significant maize pests in the world and also in Croatia. ECB causes yield reduction from 2 to 25%, even more in years favorable for its development. According to estimations, these losses are around 7%. About 90% of the hybrids had some resistance to whorl-leaf feeding (first-generation ECB) and 75% had some resistance to sheath and sheath-collar feeding (second-generation ECB). Along with resistance, modern maize hybrids possess certain level of tolerance. The main aim of this paper was to determine moth eclosion of the overwintering generation and presence of the parasites of ECB larvae during the overwintering as well as to estimate population density of ECB on maize growing area in Croatia. Also, we aimed to establish the differences among different maize FAO maturity groups in damage caused by ECB larvae. Estimated overwintering population was over 8,000 moths/ha i.e. more than 4 million larvae of first generation. During the overwintering four different parasites attacked the larvae. Two species belong to the order Hymenoptera (Cotesia marginiventris Cresson and Eriborus terebrans Gravenhorst) and two species belong to the order Diptera (Ramonda spathulata Fallén and Lydella thompsoni Herting). One caterpillar predator species Paragymnomerus spiricornis Spinola (Hymenopetra) overwinters in maize stalks as well. The highest attack of the first ECB generation was recorded on FAO maturity group 500. The damage from second ECB generation was the highest on FAO groups 400 and 500. The maize of the higher FAO groups has high and robust stems with large number of big leaves. That intensive vegetative growth is a biological characteristic that attracts first generation of ECB to intensifying egg lying. High population level of the first generation also leads to high level of second ECB generation which ultimately caused yield reduced on the hybrids of longer vegetation period (medium-late FAO maturity groups)

    Simulation studies of a NeuLAND VETO wall

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