1,391 research outputs found

    Uma estratégia global para Portugal numa Europa em crise

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    O quadro específico da estratégia não tem de ser o conflito armado, mas implica sempre a competição entre diversos atores, cada qual com os seus próprios interesses, daí resultando inevitável fricção. As situações de crise podem tornar a estratégia mais difícil de definir e implementar, mas também mais necessária do que nunca. Este texto é uma reflexão sobre os elementos fundamentais para uma estratégia nacional. Irá abordar primeiro as capacidades – tangíveis e intangíveis – indispensáveis à concretização de qualquer estratégia, e respectivas vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de Portugal, por forma a apresentar recomendações quanto à melhor forma de procurar minorar essas vulnerabilidade e maximizar essas potencialidades. Depois olhará para os pilares da estratégia nacional – vontade, inteligência; e daí procurar extrair recomendações quanto à melhor forma de re-organizar a formulação da estratégia nacional para maximizar as suas capacidades a esse nível, destacando-se a sugestão de criação de um Secretariado de Segurança Nacional com funções indispensáveis de coordenação e acompanhamento da implementação do planeamento estratégico e sua revisão. O texto terminará com uma reflexão relativamente à Grande Estratégia Nacional

    Primary and secondary creep in aluminum alloys as a solid state transformation

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    Despite the massive literature and the efforts devoted to understand the creep behavior of aluminum alloys, a full description of this phenomenon on the basis of microstructural parameters and experimental conditions is, at present, still missing. The analysis of creep is typically carried out in terms of the so-called steady or secondary creep regime. The present work offers an alternative view of the creep behavior based on the Orowan dislocation dynamics. Our approach considers primary and secondary creep together as solid state isothermal transformations, similar to recrystallization or precipitation phenomena. In this frame, it is shown that the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation, typically used to analyze these transformations, can also be employed to explain creep deformation. The description is fully compatible with present (empirical) models of steady state creep. We used creep curves of commercially pure Al and ingot AA6061 alloy at different temperatures and stresses to validate the proposed model.This paper was funded by Project No. MAT2014-55415-C3-1-R from MINECO, Spain. The authors are thankful to R€udiger Jaenisch for useful discussion. BAM is acknowledged for travel support.Peer Reviewe

    Part 3 - Data acquisition and Communications

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    This paper presents the third part a new approach for embedded systems courses appropriate for both high school and undergraduate classrooms, that has been conceived and designed to accomplish these goals, while motivating and equipping this next generation of engineers to rise to future challenges.This 3rd part describes the MSP430 data acquisition and communication peripherals integrated in its family devices. It also presents the advanced laboratories that gather all the knowledge acquired during the course. The course structure was defined in order to be easy to understand and provide a logical flow along the topics, as it mostly progresses from simple topics to more advanced ones. The developed materials include slides for class room teaching, explanatory documents for student and educators future reference, laboratories, tests, programs and application examples after each chapter. Each module is dedicated to a specific aspect of the MSP430 device, including the description of a range of peripherals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MSP430 Microcontrollers Essentials - 2nd edition

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    The family of microcontrollers from TI has several low-power devices that include different peripherals for various applications. The architecture combined with the low power modes of operation makes this family very suitable for low- powered battery applications.The data sheet can be consulted to give more specific data. For information on the family the user guide should be consulted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Part 2 - System and Peripherals

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    This paper presents the second part of a new approach for embedded systems courses appropriate for both high school and undergraduate classrooms, that has been conceived and designed to accomplish these goals, while motivating and equipping this next generation of engineers to rise to future challenges. Part 1 of this paper presented the outline of the course, its structure, and the initial subjects covering an introductory overview in logic design and embedded processors and a description of the available software and hardware development tools for the MSP430. This second part describes the MSP430 Architecture, Device Systems and Operating Modes, General purpose Input/Output and all the peripherals integrated in the MSP430 family devices. The course structure was defined in order to be easy to understand and provide a logical flow along the topics, as it mostly progresses from simple topics to more advanced ones. The developed materials include slides for class room teaching, explanatory documents for student and educators future reference, laboratories, tests, programs and application examples after each chapter. Each module is dedicated to a specific aspect of the MSP430 device, including the description of a range of peripherals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Part 1 - Overview and tools

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    The embedded systems (ES) formation require a broader set of knowledge, abilities and skills including informatics and electronics concepts in order to develop highly creative and imaginative applications based in analytical studies. Moreover, in an effort to improve the education quality it needs to be followed with intense hands-on laboratories. This paper presents a new approach for embedded systems courses appropriate for both high school and undergraduate classrooms, that has been conceived and designed to accomplish these goals, while motivating and equipping this next generation of engineers to rise to future challenges. The course structure was defined in order to be easy to understand and provide a logical flow along the topics, as it mostly progresses from simple topics to more advanced ones. The developed materials include slides for class room teaching, explanatory documents for student and educators future reference, laboratories, tests, programs and application examples after each chapter. Each module is dedicated to a specific aspect of the MSP430 device, including the description of a range of peripherals. This is the first part of the paper presenting the outline of the course. Particularly, this paper identifies the course need, presents its structure, and the initial subjects covering an introductory overview in logic design and embedded processors and a description of the available software and hardware development tools for the MSP430.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Concertação, Desmobilização, Reconfiguração: Quinze anos de Trajetória do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Brasil (2003-2018)

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    O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (CDES), interface socioestatal criada no Brasil em 2003, teve sua trajetória nos anos Lula marcada por momentos de concertação, num governo de perspectiva desenvolvimentista no que se refere aos temas do desenvolvimento nacional, perspectiva não-liberal das relações entre Estado e sociedade e um presidente da República com perfil político amplamente negociador, sendo considerada relevante a atuação do colegiado em determinadas conjunturas, notadamente durante a crise internacional de 2008. Já nos anos Dilma, o Conselho viveu um período de desmobilização, tendo sido preservadas em linhas gerais as perspectivas anteriores de governo, agora associadas a um perfil tecnocrático da presidenta da República, com esvaziamento político e estratégico do mecanismo, mesmo em conjunturas delicadas como a crise de junho de 2013. Finalmente, os anos Temer marcaram uma fase de reconfiguração do Conselho, num governo de perspectivas pró-mercado de desenvolvimento e neoliberal das relações Estado e sociedade, um presidente da República com perfil político tradicional de negociação, tendo ocorrido um forte impacto na trajetória do colegiado em função da crise de maio de 2017.109 páginasGovernanç

    Stylomandibular false ankylosis: an unusual complication after vascularized lliac crest flap for mandibular reconstruction

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    Stylomandibular fusion is a poorly documented and rare complication of maxillofacial surgical procedures. This case report describes a patient presenting with stylomandibular false ankylosis following mandibular reconstruction. A 59-year-old female patient underwent segmental mandibular resection and reconstruction for a defect resulting from ameloblastoma surgery using an iliac crest free flap. A styloid fracture was detected postoperatively, and the patient was managed conservatively. In the third postoperative year, the patient presented with marked limitation of oral gape. A diagnosis of stylomandibular false ankylosis was made, and the patient underwent an ostectomy of the aberrant bone, with improved mouth opening. The abnormal union between the styloid process and the mandible is a previously unreported complication in the use of iliac crest free flaps. This case report emphasizes the importance of being vigilant for stylomandibular false ankylosis, especially when there is a restriction of oral aperture postoperatively following reconstructive procedures involving bone flaps.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio