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    Abstract · Bird watching activities are increasing worldwide, allowing for a closer citizen-nature experience. These activities are considered to promote biodiversity conservation values. We assessed the economic value of the Caribbean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) at the Celestun Biosphere Reserve, Yucatan, Mexico. Celestun has become an important destination for birdwatching-based tourism because of the presence of flamingo flocks in its coastal lagoon. Flamingos at Celestun attract approximately 50,000 national and international visitors yearly. The human population of Celestun is approximately 6,800 inhabitants; their livelihoods mainly depend on fishing, and more recently on bird watching tourism. In order to assess the economic value of flamingo-watching at Celestun, we interviewed 427 visitor groups after they took a flamingo-watching motorboat tour. We conducted the interviews during three of the highest tourism seasons within a year period (2012–2013). The interview questions were directed towards the visitors’ place of origin, their main reasons for visiting Celestun, and how much money they spent traveling, using a direct questionnaire with a total of 37 items. We applied the Travel Cost Method in order to estimate the economic value for flamingo-watching at Celestun. For approximately 80% of the interviewed visitors, flamingos were the main reason to visit Celestun. We obtained a total of US16,542,004astheFlamingovalueplacedbyvisitors.ResumenValorrecreativodelaobservacioˊndeFlamencosdelCaribe(Phoenicopterusruber)enCelestuˊn,Yucataˊn,MeˊxicoLasactividadesdeobservacioˊndeaveshanaumentadoanivelmundial,permitiendounaexperienciamaˊscercanaentreciudadanosynaturaleza.Seconsideraqueestasactividadespromuevenlosvaloresdelaconservacioˊndelabiodiversidad.EstimamoselvaloreconoˊmicodelFlamencodelCaribe(Phoenicopterusruber)enlaReservadelaBiosferadeCelestuˊn,Yucataˊn,Meˊxico.Celestuˊnsehaconvertidoenunimportantedestinoparaelturismobasadoenlaobservacioˊndeaves,debidoalapresenciadeparvadasdeflamencosenlalagunacostera.LosflamencosdeCelestuˊnatraenaproximadamente50,000visitantesnacionaleseinternacionalesalan~o.LapoblacioˊnenCelestuˊnesdeaproximadamente6,800habitantes,quevivenprincipalmentedelapescaymaˊsrecientementedelturismodeobservacioˊndeaves.ParaestimarelvaloreconoˊmicodelaobservacioˊndeflamencosenCelestuˊn,entrevistamosa427gruposdevisitantesdespueˊsdequetomaronelrecorridoparaobservacioˊndeflamencosenlanchasdemotor.Cubrimostrestemporadasaltasdeturismoenunperiodoanual(20122013).Preguntamosacercadellugardeorigendelosvisitantes,principalrazoˊnparavisitarCelestuˊnycuaˊlfuelacantidaddedinerogastadaensuviaje,utilizandouncuestionariodirectoconuntotalde37ıˊtems.AplicamoselMeˊtododeCostodeViajeparaestimarelvaloreconoˊmicoparalaactividaddeobservacioˊndeflamencosenCelestuˊn.Paracercadel8016,542,004 as the “Flamingo value” placed by visitors.Resumen · Valor recreativo de la observación de Flamencos del Caribe (Phoenicopterus ruber) en Celestún, Yucatán, México Las actividades de observación de aves han aumentado a nivel mundial, permitiendo una experiencia más cercana entre ciudadanos y naturaleza. Se considera que estas actividades promueven los valores de la conservación de la biodiversidad. Estimamos el valor económico del Flamenco del Caribe (Phoenicopterus ruber) en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Celestún, Yucatán, México. Celestún se ha convertido en un importante destino para el turismo basado en la observación de aves, debido a la presencia de parvadas de flamencos en la laguna costera. Los flamencos de Celestún atraen aproximadamente 50,000 visitantes nacionales e internacionales al año. La población en Celestún es de aproximadamente 6,800 habitantes, que viven principalmente de la pesca y más recientemente del turismo de observación de aves. Para estimar el valor económico de la observación de flamencos en Celestún, entrevistamos a 427 grupos de visitantes después de que tomaron el recorrido para observación de flamencos en lanchas de motor. Cubrimos tres temporadas altas de turismo en un periodo anual (2012–2013). Preguntamos acerca del lugar de origen de los visitantes, principal razón para visitar Celestún y cuál fue la cantidad de dinero gastada en su viaje, utilizando un cuestionario directo con un total de 37 ítems. Aplicamos el Método de Costo de Viaje para estimar el valor económico para la actividad de observación de flamencos en Celestún. Para cerca del 80% de los visitantes entrevistados, los flamencos fueron la principal razón para visitar Celestún. Obtuvimos un total de US 16,542,004.00 como el “valor del flamenco” en función de la tasa de visitación

    Análisis bioeconómico del cultivo de dorada en Canarias y en el Mediterráneo

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    [EN] Aquaculture is an expanding industry, which represents an altemative to the limited fishing resources. This paper develops a bioeconomic model for the production of gilthead seabream, a species with large market potential. The model is based on a biological growth submodel, where fish growth is related to fish weight, ration size, and temperature. Random factors are introduced through the functions for temperatura and market price. A dynamic system methodology is utilised for analysing the temporal evolution of the biological and economic relationships. Since plant localisation is determined by environmental factors, and therefore has an influence on firm retums, the model is utilised for evaluating the impact of two altemative scenarios: the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands. As a main conclusion, it is obtained that competitiveness in the Canaries depends on the production of 750g. extralarge size, which is not profitable in the Mediterranean sea due to large costs. The results also show increasing retums to scale, and the efficient plant capacity for the representative firm.[ES] La acuicultura es una industria en continua expansión, representando una alternativa a los limitados recursos pesqueros. En este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo bioeconómico para la producción de dorada, la cual es una de las especies con mayor potencial de mercado. El modelo incorpora un submodelo biológico de crecimiento, que relaciona el crecimiento del pez con su peso, la ración alimentaria, y la temperatura. Los factores aleatorios entran a formar parte del modelo a través de la temperatura y el precio de mercado. Se utiliza la metodología de la dinámica de sistemas para representar la evolución temporal de las relaciones biológicas y económicas. Dado que la localización de la empresa determina los factores ambientales y, por tanto, influye significativamente en los resultados, el modelo se utiliza para analizar el impacto de dos escenarios alternativos: el Mediterráneo y Canarias. Como principal conclusión, se obtiene que la competitividad en Canarias depende de la producción de la talla súper de 750 g, la cual no es viable en aguas del Mediterráneo debido a los altos costes incurridos. También se obtienen rendimientos de escala crecientes, así como el tamaño de planta eficiente para la empresa representativa.Gasca-Leyva, E.; León, C.; Hernández, JM.; Vergara, JM. (2001). Análisis bioeconómico del cultivo de dorada en Canarias y en el Mediterráneo. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 1(1):55-76. doi:10.7201/earn.2001.01.03SWORD55761

    The Economics of Kappaphycus Seaweed Cultivation in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Farming Systems

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    The farming of the red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and related species as raw material for the hydrocolloid carrageenan rapidly spread from the Philippines in the late 1960s to Indonesia, Tanzania, and other tropical countries around the world. Although numerous studies have documented positive socioeconomic impacts for seaweed farming, factors such as diseases and distance to export markets have led to an uneven development of the industry. Using standard budgeting techniques, this study adapted production and market data from a FAO-led global review of seaweed farming to develop comparative enterprise budgets for eight farming systems in six countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, Tanzania, India, Solomon Islands, and Mexico). Although the basic technology package is the same across countries, the study revealed large differences in the economic performance of systems due to wide variations in farm prices and the scale of operations. Although seaweed farming is a suitable activity for small-scale producers, a minimum of 2,000m of cultures lines are still necessary to ensure adequate economic returns. Greater farming plots may be needed if farm prices are well below the average farm prices paid in Indonesia and the Philippines. Policy recommendations are made to improve the economic potential of underperforming systems

    Bioeconomic Evaluation of Substitution of Balanced Feed with Chaya (Cnidoscolus Chayamansa) Leaves in Tilapia Production

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    In Mexico, the culture of tilapia has developed in rural areas, where the main problem is low producer income. The state of Yucatan also experiences this situation, and scarcity of money needed to purchase inputs results in complementary feeding with chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa), whose leaves are edible for humans and animals. In this situation, CINVESTAV conducted experiments to determine the optimal level of substitution of balanced feed with ray chaya leaves. The test with 25% and 50% reduced balanced feed complemented with chaya (ad libitum) did not show significant differences (P>0.05) in growth compared to fishes fed with a complete ration of balanced feed (100% feed table). A bioeconomic model was developed, including a submodel of growth according to observed results in each test. The model was developed in Excel, considering economic and management components. In addition, the analysis was completed using the Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS) to evaluate cost minimization. According to the MRTS results, it is necessary to add 2.4 units of chaya for each reduced unit of balanced feed, in order to maintain the same level of production. Substituting 50% of the recommended ration (feed table) with chaya resulted in lower production costs, generating profit maximization