142 research outputs found

    How sports clubs decide to adopt an outdoor smoke-free policy:A qualitative study applying the Garbage Can Model

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    Background Outdoor smoke-free policies (SFPs) at sports clubs can contribute to protecting people from second-hand smoke (SHS). However, in absence of national legislation, it is uncertain whether and how sports clubs decide to adopt an SFP. The aim of this study was to explore the decision-making process at sports clubs in relation to the adoption of an outdoor SFP. Methods Semi-structured interviews were held with key stakeholders at 20 Dutch sports clubs (in field hockey, football, tennis, or korfball) with an outdoor SFP. Thematic analysis was applied, and themes were defined in line with the four streams of the Garbage Can Model (GCM). Results We identified four motivating factors for sports clubs to start the decision-making process: 1) SHS as a problem, 2) intolerance of smoking behavior, 3) advantages of an outdoor SFP, and 4) external pressure to become smoke-free. The decision-making process involved a variety of participants, but the board, influential club members, and smokers usually played major roles. Decisions were discussed during both formal and informal choice opportunities, but only made during formal choice opportunities. With regard to solutions, sports clubs adopted a partial or total outdoor SFP. In addition, sports clubs followed different strategies with regard to the decision-making process, which we classified along two dimensions: 1) autocratic vs. democratic and 2) fast vs. slow. Conclusion A number of factors motivated sports clubs to start the decision-making process. These factors were mainly linked to a strong non-smoking norm. Decision-making involved different participants, with a key role for the board, influential club members, and smokers. Governments and other external organizations may contribute to SFP adoption at sports clubs in several ways. They may advise clubs on strategies of decision-making and how to involve smokers in this process

    Association between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people:A systematic review

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    Introduction: While evaluations of indoor smoke-free legislation have demonstrated major public health benefits among adults, their impact on the smoking behavior of young people remains unclear. Therefore, we performed a systematic review of the association between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people. Aims and Methods: A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Embase in June 2020. We searched for studies that assessed the association of any form of smoke-free legislation in any hospitality venue (eg, bar and restaurant) with a smoking behavior outcome (eg, initiation and current smoking) among young people (aged 10-24 years). Results: Our search yielded 572 articles of which 31 were screened based on full-text and 9 were included in the analysis. All studies were published between 2005 and 2016. The majority of studies used a quasi-experimental design. Four studies evaluated smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues specifically. Two studies reported that comprehensive, but not weaker, smoke-free legislation decreases progression to established smoking. Two other studies provided mixed results on which level of comprehensiveness of legislation would be effective, and which smoking outcomes would be affected. Five studies evaluated legislation that also included other workplaces. Out of these five studies, three studies found significant decreases in current smoking, smoking frequency, and/or smoking quantity, whereas two other studies did not. Conclusions: Most of the studies found that smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues is associated with a decrease in smoking behavior among young people. Their results indicate the need for comprehensive smoke-free legislation without exemptions. Implications: This is the first systematic review to provide insight into the relationship between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people. Our findings show that there is a need for comprehensive smoke-free legislation without exemptions (such as designated smoking areas)

    Novel multiparameter correlates of \u3cem\u3eCoxiella burnetii\u3c/em\u3e infection and vaccination identified by longitudinal deep immune profiling

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    Q-fever is a flu-like illness caused by Coxiella burnetii (Cb), a highly infectious intracellular bacterium. There is an unmet need for a safe and effective vaccine for Q-fever. Correlates of immune protection to Cb infection are limited. We proposed that analysis by longitudinal high dimensional immune (HDI) profiling using mass cytometry combined with other measures of vaccination and protection could be used to identify novel correlates of effective vaccination and control of Cb infection. Using a vaccine-challenge model in HLA-DR transgenic mice, we demonstrated significant alterations in circulating T-cell and innate immune populations that distinguished vaccinated from naïve mice within 10 days, and persisted until at least 35 days post-vaccination. Following challenge, vaccinated mice exhibited reduced bacterial burden and splenomegaly, along with distinct effector T-cell and monocyte profiles. Correlation of HDI data to serological and pathological measurements was performed. Our data indicate a Th1-biased response to Cb, consistent with previous reports, and identify Ly6C, CD73, and T-bet expression in T-cell, NK-cell, and monocytic populations as distinguishing features between vaccinated and naïve mice. This study refines the understanding of the integrated immune response to Cb vaccine and challenge, which can inform the assessment of candidate vaccines for Cb

    We’ve Been Down this Road Before: Evidence on the Health Consequences of Precarious Employment in Industrial Societies, 1840-1920

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    A large body of international scientific research now indicates that the growth of job insecurity, flexible/temporary work and precarious forms of self-employment have had significant negative consequences for occupational health and safety. What is often overlooked in debates over the ‘changing world of work’ is that today’s widespread use insecure and short term work is not new but represents a return to something more resembling labour markets in Australia, Europe and North America in the 19th and early 20th century. As this paper will seek to show, not only were precarious and exploitive working arrangements common during this period but the adverse effects of these on the health, safety and wellbeing was well documented in government inquiries, medical research, press reports and a variety of other sources. Drawing primarily on Australian and British sources, attention here will focus on casual labourers, sweated garment workers, the self-employed and merchant seamen. The paper highlights the valuable role historical research can play in shedding light on contemporary problems and policy debates.The symposium is organised on behalf of AAHANZBS by the Business and Labour History Group, The University of Sydney, with the financial support of the University’s Faculty of Economics and Business

    Promiscuous \u3cem\u3eCoxiella burnetii\u3c/em\u3e CD4 Epitope Clusters Associated With Human Recall Responses Are Candidates for a Novel T-Cell Targeted Multi-Epitope Q Fever Vaccine

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    Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, is a Gram-negative intracellular bacterium transmitted via aerosol. Regulatory approval of the Australian whole-cell vaccine Q-VAX® in the US and Europe is hindered by reactogenicity in previously exposed individuals. The aim of this study was to identify and rationally select C. burnetii epitopes for design of a safe, effective, and less reactogenic T-cell targeted human Q fever vaccine. Immunoinformatic methods were used to predict 65 HLA class I epitopes and 50 promiscuous HLA class II C. burnetii epitope clusters, which are conserved across strains of C. burnetii. HLA binding assays confirmed 89% of class I and 75% of class II predictions, and 11 HLA class II epitopes elicited IFNγ responses following heterologous DNA/DNA/peptide/peptide prime-boost immunizations of HLA-DR3 transgenic mice. Human immune responses to the predicted epitopes were characterized in individuals naturally exposed to C. burnetii during the 2007–2010 Dutch Q fever outbreak. Subjects were divided into three groups: controls with no immunological evidence of previous infection and individuals with responses to heat-killed C. burnetii in a whole blood IFNγ release assay (IGRA) who remained asymptomatic or who experienced clinical Q fever during the outbreak. Recall responses to C. burnetii epitopes were assessed by cultured IFNγ ELISpot. While HLA class I epitope responses were sparse in this cohort, we identified 21 HLA class II epitopes that recalled T-cell IFNγ responses in 10–28% of IGRA+ subjects. IGRA+ individuals with past asymptomatic and symptomatic C. burnetii infection showed a comparable response pattern and cumulative peptide response which correlated with IGRA responses. None of the peptides elicited reactogenicity in a C. burnetii exposure-primed guinea pig model. These data demonstrate that a substantial proportion of immunoinformatically identified HLA class II epitopes show long-lived immunoreactivity in naturally infected individuals, making them desirable candidates for a novel human multi-epitope Q fever vaccine

    Engineering New Bone via a Minimally Invasive Route Using Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cell Aggregates, Microceramic Particles, and Human Platelet-Rich Plasma Gel

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    There is a rise in the popularity of arthroscopic procedures in orthopedics. However, the majority of cell based bone tissue engineered constructs rely on solid pre-formed scaffolding materials, which require large incisions and extensive dissections for placement at the defect site. Thus, they are not suitable for minimally invasive techniques. The aim of this study was to develop a clinically relevant, easily moldable, bone tissue engineered construct (TEC), amenable to minimally invasive techniques, using human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSC) and calcium phosphate micro particles in combination with an in-situ forming platelet rich plasma (PRP) gel obtained from human platelets. Most conventional TECs rely on seeding and culturing single cell suspensions of hMSCs on scaffolds. However, for generating TECs amenable to the minimally invasive approach, it was essential to aggregate the hMSCs in vitro prior to seeding them on the scaffolds as unaggregated MSCs did not generate any bone. 24 hours of in vitro aggregation was determined to be optimal for maintaining cell viability in vitro and bone formation in vivo. Moreover, no statistically significant difference was observed in the amount of bone formed when the TECs were implanted via an open approach or a minimally invasive route. TECs generated using MSCs from three different human donors generated new bone through the minimally invasive route in a reproducible manner, suggesting that these TECs could be a viable alternative to pre-formed scaffolds employed through an open surgery for treating bone defects
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