9 research outputs found

    The effect of family environment and psychiatric family history on psychosocial functioning in first-episode psychosis at baseline and after 2 years

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    Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of family environment styles and psychiatric family history on functioning of patients presenting first-episode psychosis (FEP). Patients with FEP and healthy controls (HC) were assessed at baseline and after 2 years. The Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST) was used to assess functional outcome and the Family Environment Scale (FES) to evaluate family environment. Linear regressions evaluated the effect that family environment exerts on functioning at baseline and at 2-year follow-up, when FEP patients were diagnosed according to non-affective (NA-PSYCH) or affective psychoses (APSYCH). The influence of a positive parents' psychiatric history on functioning was evaluated through one-way between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models, after controlling for family environmental styles. At baseline, FEP patients presented moderate functioning impairment, significantly worse than HC (28.65±16.17 versus 3.25±7.92; p<0.001, g = 1.91). At 2-year follow-up, the functioning of NA-PSYCH patients was significantly worse than in A-PSYCH (19.92±14.83 versus 12.46±14.86; p = 0.020, g = 0.50). No specific family environment style was associated with functioning in FEP patients and HC. On the contrary, a positive psychiatric father's history influenced functioning of FEP patients. After 2 years, worse functioning in NA-PSYCH patients was associated with lower rates of active-recreational and achievement orientated family environment and with higher rates of moral-religious emphasis and control. In A-PSYCH, worse functioning was associated with higher rates of conflict in the family. Both family environment and psychiatric history influence psychosocial functioning, with important implications for early interventions, that should involve both patients and caregivers

    Prodromal phase: Differences in prodromal symptoms, risk factors and markers of vulnerability in first episode mania versus first episode psychosis with onset in late adolescence or adulthood

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    Objective: This study was aimed at identifying differences in the prodromal symptoms and their duration, risk factors and markers of vulnerability in patients presenting a first episode mania (FEM) or psychosis (FEP) with onset in late adolescence or adulthood in order to guide tailored treatment strategies. Methods: Patients with a FEM or FEP underwent a clinical assessment. Prodromes were evaluated with the Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale-Retrospective (BPSS-R). Chi-squared tests were conducted to assess specific prodromal symptoms, risk factors or markers of vulnerability between groups. Significant prodromal symptoms were entered in a stepwise forward logistic regression model. The probabilities of a gradual versus rapid onset pattern of the prodromes were computed with logistic regression models. Results: The total sample included 108 patients (FEM = 72, FEP = 36). Social isolation was associated with the prodromal stage of a FEP whilst Increased energy or goal-directed activity with the prodrome to a FEM. Physically slowed down presented the most gradual onset whilst Increased energy presented the most rapid. The presence of obstetric complications and difficulties in writing and reading during childhood were risk factors for FEP. As for markers of vulnerability, impairment in premorbid adjustment was characteristic of FEP patients. No specific risk factor or marker of vulnerability was identified for FEM. Conclusion: Early characteristics differentiating FEP from FEM were identified. These findings might help shape early identification and preventive intervention programmes

    Exploring digital biomarkers of illness activity in mood episodes:Hypotheses generating and model development study

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    Background: Depressive and manic episodes within bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) involve altered mood, sleep, and activity, alongside physiological alterations wearables can capture. Objective: Firstly, we explored whether physiological wearable data could predict (aim 1) the severity of an acute affective episode at the intra-individual level and (aim 2) the polarity of an acute affective episode and euthymia among different individuals. Secondarily, we explored which physiological data were related to prior predictions, generalization across patients, and associations between affective symptoms and physiological data.Methods: We conducted a prospective exploratory observational study including patients with BD and MDD on acute affective episodes (manic, depressed, and mixed) whose physiological data were recorded using a research-grade wearable (Empatica E4) across 3 consecutive time points (acute, response, and remission of episode). Euthymic patients and healthy controls were recorded during a single session (approximately 48 h). Manic and depressive symptoms were assessed using standardized psychometric scales. Physiological wearable data included the following channels: acceleration (ACC), skin temperature, blood volume pulse, heart rate (HR), and electrodermal activity (EDA). Invalid physiological data were removed using a rule-based filter, and channels were time aligned at 1-second time units and segmented at window lengths of 32 seconds, as best-performing parameters. We developed deep learning predictive models, assessed the channels’ individual contribution using permutation feature importance analysis, and computed physiological data to psychometric scales’ items normalized mutual information (NMI). We present a novel, fully automated method for the preprocessing and analysis of physiological data from a research-grade wearable device, including a viable supervised learning pipeline for time-series analyses.Results: Overall, 35 sessions (1512 hours) from 12 patients (manic, depressed, mixed, and euthymic) and 7 healthy controls (mean age 39.7, SD 12.6 years; 6/19, 32% female) were analyzed. The severity of mood episodes was predicted with moderate (62%-85%) accuracies (aim 1), and their polarity with moderate (70%) accuracy (aim 2). The most relevant features for the former tasks were ACC, EDA, and HR. There was a fair agreement in feature importance across classification tasks (Kendall W=0.383). Generalization of the former models on unseen patients was of overall low accuracy, except for the intra-individual models. ACC was associated with “increased motor activity” (NMI&gt;0.55), “insomnia” (NMI=0.6), and “motor inhibition” (NMI=0.75). EDA was associated with “aggressive behavior” (NMI=1.0) and “psychic anxiety” (NMI=0.52).Conclusions: Physiological data from wearables show potential to identify mood episodes and specific symptoms of mania and depression quantitatively, both in BD and MDD. Motor activity and stress-related physiological data (EDA and HR) stand out as potential digital biomarkers for predicting mania and depression, respectively. These findings represent a promising pathway toward personalized psychiatry, in which physiological wearable data could allow the early identification and intervention of mood episodes

    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona: manual de pràctica clínica

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    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona; Pràctica clínica; DrogodependènciesTratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona; Práctica clínica; DrogodependenciasMethadone maintenance treatment; Clinical practice; Drug addictionsEl Manual pretén ser una eina útil per disminuir la variabilitat de la pràctica clínica i garantir un nivell òptim de qualitat i millora de l'atenció sanitària en el tractament de manteniment amb metadona (TMM). Aplica les normes bàsiques utilitzades per a la preparació de guies de pràctica clínica; en primer lloc, incloent-hi la millor evidència possible sobre la base de revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura, en segon lloc, amb recomanacions clares i curtes, i en tercer lloc, en absència d’una evidència fiable en la literatura, incorporant-hi la opinió d’experts per mitjà de tècniques de consens com el mètode Delphi

    The impact of the Catalonia Suicide Risk Code (CSRC) in a tertiary hospital: Reduction in hospitalizations and emergency room visits for any reason but not for suicide attempt

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    Introduction: Suicide attempts represent a public health concern. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical characteristics of patients visiting an emergency room for a suicide attempt and included in a suicide prevention program, the Catalonia Suicide Risk Code (CSRC), particularly focusing on the follow-up evaluations. Materials and methods: The CSRC program is divided in 3 phases: (1) alert and activation, (2) proactive telephone and face-to-face follow-up and (3) comprehensive preventive health monitoring. This is the analysis of the sample of patients attempting or intending suicide who were seen at a tertiary hospital in Barcelona, and their 1-year follow-up outcome. Results: Three hundred and sixty-five patients were included. In 15% of the cases, there was no previous psychiatric history but in the majority of cases, a previous psychiatric diagnosis was present. The most common type of suicide attempt was by drug overdose (84%). Up to 66.6% of the patients attended the scheduled follow-up visit in the CSRC program. A significant reduction in the proportion of patients visiting the emergency room for any reason (but not specifically for a suicide attempt) and being hospitalized in the first semester in comparison with the second six months after the CSRC activation (30.1% versus 19.9%, p=0.006; 14.1% versus 5.8%, p=0.002) was observed. Conclusions: The clinical risk factors and the findings of the CSRC helped in the characterization of suicide attempters. The CSRC may contribute to reduce hospitalizations and the use of mental health care resources, at least in the short-term

    The effect of family environment and psychiatric family history on psychosocial functioning in first-episode psychosis at baseline and after 2 years

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació "La Caixa" (ID 100010434, LCF/PR/GN18/50310006); European Social Fund; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); CIBER of Mental Health (CIBERSAM); Generalitat de Catalunya (CERCA Programme); Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya (PERIS SLT006/17/00357, SLT006/17/00345); Project B2017/BMD-3740 Ayudas I + D en Biomedicina de la Comunidad de Madrid.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of family environment styles and psychiatric family history on functioning of patients presenting first-episode psychosis (FEP). Patients with FEP and healthy controls (HC) were assessed at baseline and after 2 years. The Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST) was used to assess functional outcome and the Family Environment Scale (FES) to evaluate family environment. Linear regressions evaluated the effect that family environment exerts on functioning at baseline and at 2-year follow-up, when FEP patients were diagnosed according to non-affective (NA-PSYCH) or affective psychoses (A-PSYCH). The influence of a positive parents' psychiatric history on functioning was evaluated through one-way between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models, after controlling for family environmental styles. At baseline, FEP patients presented moderate functioning impairment, significantly worse than HC (28.65±16.17 versus 3.25±7.92; p<0.001, g = 1.91). At 2-year follow-up, the functioning of NA-PSYCH patients was significantly worse than in A-PSYCH (19.92±14.83 versus 12.46±14.86; p = 0.020, g = 0.50). No specific family environment style was associated with functioning in FEP patients and HC. On the contrary, a positive psychiatric father's history influenced functioning of FEP patients. After 2 years, worse functioning in NA-PSYCH patients was associated with lower rates of active-recreational and achievement orientated family environment and with higher rates of moral-religious emphasis and control. In A-PSYCH, worse functioning was associated with higher rates of conflict in the family. Both family environment and psychiatric history influence psychosocial functioning, with important implications for early interventions, that should involve both patients and caregivers

    Shaped before birth: Obstetric complications identify a more severe clinical phenotype among patients presenting a first affective or non-affective episode of psychosis

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    Obstetric complications (OCs) may contribute to the heterogeneity that characterizes psychiatric illness, particularly the phenotypic presentation of first episode psychoses (FEP). Our aim was to examine the relationship between OCs and socio-demographic, clinical, functioning and neuropsychological characteristics in affective and non-affective FEP. We performed a cross-sectional,study where we recruited participants with FEP between 2011 and 2021, and retrospectively assessed OCs using the Lewis-Murray scale. OCs were used as a dichotomous variable and further stratified into three subtypes: complications of pregnancy, abnormal fetal growth and development, and difficulties in delivery. We performed a logistic stepwise forward regression analysis to examine variables associated with the presence of OCs. Of the 104 participants (67 affective FEP and 37 non-affective FEP), 31.7% (n = 33) had experienced OCs. Subjects with OCs showed a more gradual emergence of prodromal symptoms as well as higher negative and total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) scores. In the multivariate analysis, the presence of OCs was independently associated with a younger age at first episode of any type (OR = 0.904, p = 0.003) and slower emergence of prodromal symptoms (OR = 0.274, p = 0.011). When considering specific types of OCs, those related with fetal growth were associated with worse neuropsychological performance, while OCs at delivery were related to earlier onset of illness and more severe symptoms. In conclusion, OCs signaled a specific FEP phenotype characterized by earlier and more protracted onset of illness as well as more burdensome symptoms, independently of FEP type (i.e., affective vs non-affective). These results indicate a potential target of early intervention in FEP