10 research outputs found

    Integrin alpha9 emerges as a key therapeutic target to reduce metastasis in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma

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    Dissemination; Paediatric cancer; Solid tumoursDiseminación; Cáncer pediátrico; Tumores sólidosDisseminació; Càncer pediàtric; Tumors sòlidsThe majority of current cancer therapies are aimed at reducing tumour growth, but there is lack of viable pharmacological options to reduce the formation of metastasis. This is a paradox, since more than 90% of cancer deaths are attributable to metastatic progression. Integrin alpha9 (ITGA9) has been previously described as playing an essential role in metastasis; however, little is known about the mechanism that links this protein to this process, being one of the less studied integrins. We have now deciphered the importance of ITGA9 in metastasis and provide evidence demonstrating its essentiality for metastatic dissemination in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma. However, the most translational advance of this study is to reveal, for the first time, the possibility of reducing metastasis by pharmacological inhibition of ITGA9 with a synthetic peptide simulating a key interaction domain of ADAM proteins, in experimental metastasis models, not only in childhood cancers but also in a breast cancer model.This research was supported by grants from: Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00398 and FI18/00178); ACCIÓ (COMRDI15-1-0014); Fundació la Marató de TV3; Fundació A. BOSCH; Rotary Clubs Barcelona Eixample, Barcelona Diagonal, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, München-Blutenburg, Deutschland Gemeindienst e.V. and others from Barcelona and province; Eric Abidal Foundation; Del Hospital a la catedral Initiative by Xavi Vallès; and Mi compañero de viaje Association

    MacroH2As regulate enhancer-promoter contacts affecting enhancer activity and sensitivity to inflammatory cytokines

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    MacroH2A histone variants have a function in gene regulation that is poorly understood at the molecular level. We report that macroH2A1.2 and macroH2A2 modulate the transcriptional ground state of cancer cells and how they respond to inflammatory cytokines. Removal of macroH2A1.2 and macroH2A2 in hepatoblastoma cells affects the contact frequency of promoters and distal enhancers coinciding with changes in enhancer activity or preceding them in response to the cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha. Although macroH2As regulate genes in both directions, they globally facilitate the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)-mediated response. In contrast, macroH2As suppress the response to the pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon gamma. MacroH2A2 has a stronger contribution to gene repression than macroH2A1.2. Taken together, our results suggest that macroH2As have a role in regulating the response of cancer cells to inflammatory signals on the level of chromatin structure. This is likely relevant for the interaction of cancer cells with immune cells of their microenvironment.This research project was supported by the national grants RTI2018-094005-B-I00 and BFU2015-66559-P from FEDER / Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (to M.B.); PI09/00751 , PI10/02082 , and PI13/02340 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (to C.A.); the MECD fellowship FPU14/06542 (to D.C.); AGAUR 2019 FI_B01024 and 2022 FI_B00528 fellowships (to J.C.-R. and A.D.R.-A., respectively); and predoctoral fellowships BES-2016-077251 (to M.-M.L.P.) and PRE2019-088529 (to O.M.). Research in the M.B. lab is further supported by the following grants: the Marie Skłodowska Curie Training network “ INTERCEPT-MDS ” H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020-953407 (to M.B.); MINECO-ISCIII PIE16/00011 (to M.B.); the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung DJCLS 14R/2018 (to M.B.); AGAUR 2017-SGR-305 (to M.B.); and Fundació La Marató de TV3 257/C/2019 (to M.B.). C.A.’s research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nos. 668596 ( ChiLTERN ) and 826121 ( iPC ) as well as from CIBERehd ( CB06/04/0033 ) and AGAUR ( 2017-SGR-490 ). C.A. was supported by Ramón y Cajal ( RYC-2010-07249 ) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Research at the IJC is supported by the “ La Caixa” Foundation , the Fundació Internacional Josep Carreras , Celgene Spain , and the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya

    Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspicion of PCD. Sixty-eight (91.9%) patients were evaluable for all tested antibodies. Thirty-three cases (44.6%) presented an absence or mislocation of protein in the ciliary axoneme (15 absent and 3 proximal distribution of DNAH5 in the ciliary axoneme, 3 absent DNAH5 and DNALI1, 7 absent DNALI1 and cytoplasmatic localization of GAS8, 1 absent GAS8, 3 absent RSPH9 and 1 absent RSPH4A). Fifteen patients had confirmed or highly likely PCD but normal immunofluorescence results (68.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In conclusion, immunofluorescence analysis is a quick, available, low-cost and reliable diagnostic test for PCD, although it cannot be used as a standalone test

    Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspicion of PCD. Sixty-eight (91.9%) patients were evaluable for all tested antibodies. Thirty-three cases (44.6%) presented an absence or mislocation of protein in the ciliary axoneme (15 absent and 3 proximal distribution of DNAH5 in the ciliary axoneme, 3 absent DNAH5 and DNALI1, 7 absent DNALI1 and cytoplasmatic localization of GAS8, 1 absent GAS8, 3 absent RSPH9 and 1 absent RSPH4A). Fifteen patients had confirmed or highly likely PCD but normal immunofluorescence results (68.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In conclusion, immunofluorescence analysis is a quick, available, low-cost and reliable diagnostic test for PCD, althouh it cannot be used as a standalone tes

    Implementation of a Gene Panel for Genetic Diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Introduction: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is characterized by an alteration in the ciliary structure causing difficulty in the clearance of respiratory secretions. Diagnosis is complex and based on a combination of techniques. The objective of this study was to design a gene panel including all known causative genes, and to corroborate their diagnostic utility in a cohort of Spanish patients. Methods: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study of patients with a high suspicion of PCD, according to European Respiratory Society criteria, designed around a gene panel for massive sequencing using SeqCap EZ capture technology that included 44 genes associated with PCD. Results: We included 79 patients, 53 of whom had a diagnosis of confirmed or highly probable PCD. The sensitivity of the gene panel was 81.1%, with a specificity of 100%. Candidate variants were found in some of the genes of the panel in 43 patients with PCD, 51.2% (22/43) of whom were homozygotes and 48.8% (21/43) compound heterozygotes. The most common causative genes were DNAH5 and CCDC39. We found 52 different variants, 36 of which were not previously described in the literature. Conclusions: The design and implementation of a tailored gene panel produces a high yield in the genetic diagnosis of PCD. This panel provides a better understanding of the causative factors involved in these patients and lays down the groundwork for future therapeutic approaches

    Distinct molecular profile of IRF4-rearranged large B-cell lymphoma.

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    Pediatric large B-cell lymphomas (LBCLs) share morphological and phenotypic features with adult types but have better prognosis. The higher frequency of some subtypes such as LBCL with IRF4 rearrangement (LBCL-IRF4) in children suggests that some age-related biological differences may exist. To characterize the genetic and molecular heterogeneity of these tumors, we studied 31 diffuse LBCLs (DLBCLs), not otherwise specified (NOS); 20 LBCL-IRF4 cases; and 12 cases of high-grade B-cell lymphoma (HGBCL), NOS in patients ≤25 years using an integrated approach, including targeted gene sequencing, copy-number arrays, and gene expression profiling. Each subgroup displayed different molecular profiles. LBCL-IRF4 had frequent mutations in IRF4 and NF-κB pathway genes (CARD11, CD79B, and MYD88), losses of 17p13 and gains of chromosome 7, 11q12.3-q25, whereas DLBCL, NOS was predominantly of germinal center B-cell (GCB) subtype and carried gene mutations similar to the adult counterpart (eg, SOCS1 and KMT2D), gains of 2p16/REL, and losses of 19p13/CD70. A subset of HGBCL, NOS displayed recurrent alterations of Burkitt lymphoma-related genes such as MYC, ID3, and DDX3X and homozygous deletions of 9p21/CDKN2A, whereas other cases were genetically closer to GCB DLBCL. Factors related to unfavorable outcome were age >18 years; activated B-cell (ABC) DLBCL profile, HGBCL, NOS, high genetic complexity, 1q21-q44 gains, 2p16/REL gains/amplifications, 19p13/CD70 homozygous deletions, and TP53 and MYC mutations. In conclusion, these findings further unravel the molecular heterogeneity of pediatric and young adult LBCL, improve the classification of this group of tumors, and provide new parameters for risk stratification

    Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency From COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury : A Study of 68 Cases With SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis From 12 Countries

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    Context: Perinatal death is an increasingly important problem as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues, but the mechanism of death has been unclear. Objective: To evaluate the role of the placenta in causing stillbirth and neonatal death following maternal infection with COVID-19 and confirmed placental positivity for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Design: Case-based retrospective clinicopathologic analysis by a multinational group of 44 perinatal specialists from 12 countries of placental and autopsy pathology findings from 64 stillborns and 4 neonatal deaths having placentas testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 following delivery to mothers with COVID-19. Results: Of the 3 findings constituting SARS-CoV-2 placentitis, all 68 placentas had increased fibrin deposition and villous trophoblast necrosis and 66 had chronic histiocytic intervillositis. Sixty-three placentas had massive perivillous fibrin deposition. Severe destructive placental disease from SARS-CoV-2 placentitis averaged 77.7% tissue involvement. Other findings included multiple intervillous thrombi (37%; 25 of 68) and chronic villitis (32%; 22 of 68). The majority (19; 63%) of the 30 autopsies revealed no significant fetal abnormalities except for intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia. Among all 68 cases, SARS-CoV-2 was detected from a body specimen in 16 of 28 cases tested, most frequently from nasopharyngeal swabs. Four autopsied stillborns had SARS-CoV-2 identified in internal organs. Conclusions: The pathology abnormalities composing SARS-CoV-2 placentitis cause widespread and severe placental destruction resulting in placental malperfusion and insufficiency. In these cases, intrauterine and perinatal death likely results directly from placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxic-ischemic injury. There was no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 involvement of the fetus had a role in causing these deaths

    Epigenetic footprint enables molecular risk stratification of hepatoblastoma with clinical implications

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    Background & aims: Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare disease. Nevertheless, it is the predominant pediatric liver cancer, with limited therapeutic options for patients with aggressive tumors. Herein, we aimed to uncover the mechanisms of HB pathobiology and to identify new biomarkers and therapeutic targets in a move towards precision medicine for patients with advanced HB. Methods: We performed a comprehensive genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic characterization of 159 clinically annotated samples from 113 patients with HB, using high-throughput technologies. Results: We discovered a widespread epigenetic footprint of HB that includes hyperediting of the tumor suppressor BLCAP concomitant with a genome-wide dysregulation of RNA editing and the overexpression of mainly non-coding genes of the oncogenic 14q32 DLK1-DIO3 locus. By unsupervised analysis, we identified 2 epigenomic clusters (Epi-CA, Epi-CB) with distinct degrees of DNA hypomethylation and CpG island hypermethylation that are associated with the C1/C2/C2B transcriptomic subtypes. Based on these findings, we defined the first molecular risk stratification of HB (MRS-HB), which encompasses 3 main prognostic categories and improves the current clinical risk stratification approach. The MRS-3 category (28%), defined by strong 14q32 locus expression and Epi-CB methylation features, was characterized by CTNNB1 and NFE2L2 mutations, a progenitor-like phenotype and clinical aggressiveness. Finally, we identified choline kinase alpha as a promising therapeutic target for intermediate and high-risk HBs, as its inhibition in HB cell lines and patient-derived xenografts strongly abrogated tumor growth. Conclusions: These findings provide a detailed insight into the molecular features of HB and could be used to improve current clinical stratification approaches and to develop treatments for patients with HB. Lay summary: Hepatoblastoma is a rare childhood liver cancer that has been understudied. We have used cutting-edge technologies to expand our molecular knowledge of this cancer. Our biological findings can be used to improve clinical management and pave the way for the development of novel therapies for this cancer