1,252 research outputs found

    Social support in newly diagnosed people living with HIV: expectations and satisfaction along time, predictors, and mental health correlates

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    Social support usually decreases following HIV diagnosis, and decreased support is related to worsening mental health. We investigated the evolution of social support after HIV diagnosis and its relationship to anxiety, depression, and resilience, and sought to develop a social support prediction model. There were 119 newly diagnosed Spanish speakers who participated in this longitudinal study, completing measures of social support, internalized stigma, disclosure concerns, degree of disclosure, coping, anxiety, depression, and resilience. Bivariate associations and multiple regression analyses were performed. Results showed that the highest levels of support arose from friends, health care providers, and partners, and that social support decreased following diagnosis. Subsequent social support was negatively predicted by avoidance coping and positively by approach coping, steady partnership, and disclosure. It was significantly associated with decreased anxiety and depression and higher resilience. Interventions should seek to promote mental health in people living with HIV by increasing social suppor

    Evaluar para el aprendizaje. Evaluación de la comprensión de documentos no escritos

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    Introducción. Pese a que la comprensión de documentos no escritos (DNE) forma parte del currículo oficial español de Educación Secundaria, no existe investigación respecto a cómo se enseña y evalúa. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo los profesores consideran que debe evaluarse esta capacidad para ayudar a decidir qué apoyos dar al alumnado.Método. Se desarrolló en primer lugar un modelo de lo que implica la competencia de comprensión de DNE. A continuación, 148 profesores de Educación Primaria en España diseñaron tareas de evaluación de dos DNE con el fin señalado. Posteriormente, dos jueces evaluaron las tareas propuestas de acuerdo al modelo inicialmente especificado, y se analizó el grado en que la evaluación de los profesores se ajusta al modelo ideal propuesto mediante análisis porcentuales por categorías y un análisis loglineal jerárquico.Resultados. Las evaluaciones de los profesores fueron poco sistemáticas y se ciñeron a tareas de un nivel de complejidad generalmente muy bajo, incluyendo además casi siempre preguntas ambiguas e irrelevantes para identificar la comprensión. Las tareas propuestas por los profesores respondieron a perfiles diferentes, alguno de los cuales se ajusta al modelo ideal propuesto.Conclusión. La formación del profesorado debería introducir cambios curriculares para favorecer la adquisición de la competencia de comprender DNE, especialmente para poder detectar las dificultades de los alumnos y ayudarles a superarlas. </jats:p

    Psychological Impact and Associated Factors During the Initial Stage of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Among the General Population in Spain

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 in Spain started at the end of February. By 9th April 2020 Spain was the second country in confirmed cases and in deaths. On March 14, 2020, the Spanish Government declared the state of alarm to limit viral transmission. During such state, citizens must stay confined at home with few justified exceptions. This whole situation drastically changed the life of the population, which can cause a wide range of psychosocial impacts. This study explored the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the general adult population (N = 3055) during the first stages of the outbreak in Spain, as well as their anxiety, stress and depression levels. We also examined the extent to which the following variables were associated to participants’ mental health: (1) demographics; (2) degree of concern about the pandemic; (3) environmental conditions during the home confinement, (4) changes in daily life as a consequence of the pandemic; (5) contact with the COVID-19 disease; (6) actual and perceived severity of the crisis; (7) information about the COVID-19, (8) perceived health status and (9) leisure activities conducted within the last 24 h. Our results show that Spanish consider the current COVID-19 health crisis as fairly severe, and the majority felt that the COVID-19 crisis had greatly impacted on their daily life, including changes in their daily routines and cancelation of important activities. About 36% of the participants reported moderate to severe psychological impact, 25% showed mild to severe levels of anxiety, 41% reported depressive symptoms, and 41% felt stressed. Women, young, and those who that lost their job during the health crisis showed the strongest negative psychological symptoms. What worried Spaniards the most was the likelihood of suffering an economic crisis derived from the pandemic. We found factors associated with better mental health, such as being satisfied with the information received about the health crisis, conducting leisure activities, and the perception of being in good health. These findings can be used to design psychological interventions to help coping with COVID-19 pandemic, both in Spain and other countries

    Estudi de viabilitat pel reaprofitament de contenidors marítims per a la reconversió en habitatges focalitzat en la part de normativa i d’obra civil

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    El transport marítim ha permès el moviment de càrregues i mercaderies de grans dimensions arreu del món, gràcies a l’ús dels contenidors marítims. Tot i això, aquests entren en desús després d’un cert període de vida útil i queden abandonats i desaprofitats. Per aquest motiu, l’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és analitzar la viabilitat del reaprofitament i la reconversió d’aquests contenidors en habitatges. Al llarg d’aquesta memòria, es presentaran i s’explicaran de manera detallada diverses tècniques i metodologies que permeten dur a terme el procés constructiu esmentat, tot tenint en compte la normativa corresponent del Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació i la normativa d’habitabilitat, entre d’altres. És a dir, s’exposaran diferents procediments per a cadascuna de les etapes del procés constructiu per, posteriorment, de totes les tècniques esmentades seleccionar-ne només una i realitzar-ne una proposta d’estandardització per, si fos necessari, poder reproduir aquest estudi a gran escala. També es presentarà una proposta de distribució acompanyada d’un plec de plànols, en els quals no només es presentaran les dimensions de cada estança, d’acord amb la normativa corresponent, sinó que també contindrà el mobiliari convenient. Addicionalment, també s’inclouen els plànols dels detalls constructius de les fusteries, de la unió entre els contenidors així com de l’estructura de reforç necessària on es recolza el primer pis de l’habitatge. Finalment, s’estudiarà la viabilitat econòmica de l’esmentada reconversió i es compararà amb una casa prefabricada per tal de saber si realment és un procediment en el que val la pena invertir i quins avantatges aporten aquesta tipologia de construccions. Tot i que aquest estudi es centra en la construcció d’un únic habitatge, tal i com s’anirà comentant al llarg d’aquesta memòria, aquest procediment es pot aprofitar per a altres finalitats com bé són la construcció d’hospital temporals o de refugis en cas de catàstrofes climàtiques. La realització d’aquest estudi ha permès analitzar la viabilitat del procés de reconversió d’un contenidor marítim en un habitatges des de diferents punts de vista, és a dir, tant a nivell tècnic, econòmic com ambiental.Maritime transport has enabled the movement of large cargoes and goods around the world, thanks to the use of sea containers. However, these containers fall into disuse after a certain period of useful life and are abandoned and wasted. For this reason, the main objective of this study is to analyse the feasibility of reusing and converting these containers into housing. Throughout this report, several techniques and methodologies will be presented and explained in detail that allow the aforementioned construction process to be carried out, taking into account the corresponding regulations of the Technical Building Code and habitability regulations, among others. In other words, different procedures will be presented for each of the stages of the construction process and, later on, of all the techniques mentioned, only one will be selected and a standardisation proposal will be made in order, if necessary, to be able to reproduce this study on a large scale. A layout proposal will also be presented together with a set of plans, which will not only show the dimensions of each room, in accordance with the corresponding regulations, but will also contain the appropriate furnishings. In addition, plans of the construction details of the carpentry, of the union between the containers as well as the necessary reinforcement structure where the first floor of the house is supported are also included. Finally, the economic viability of the aforementioned conversion will be studied and compared with a prefabricated house to find out if it is really a procedure worth investing in and what advantages this type of construction offers. Although this study focuses on the construction of a single house, as will be discussed throughout this report, this procedure can be used for other purposes such as the construction of temporary hospitals or shelters in the event of climatic catastrophes. This study has made it possible to analyse the viability of the process of converting a sea container into a home from different points of view, that is, from a technical, economic and environmental point of view

    Drama-Based Activities for STEM Education: Encouraging Scientific Aspirations and Debunking Stereotypes in Secondary School Students in Spain and the UK

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    This study presents findings from testing an innovative student-centred drama-based teaching methodology for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) disciplines for secondary school students. The method, based on performances, was tested in two case studies, Spain and the UK, on a sample of 2,089 students. These performances have been shown to be an effective way of generating a two-way dialogue between students and researchers, and prompting student reflections about researchers as role models, gender inequalities in science, and ethical issues in STEM careers and scientific research. Furthermore, they have enhanced young people's positive attitudes and interest in science, scientists and scientific careers and have debunked science-related stereotypes. This indicates that the performances evaluated in this study are supporting the aspirations of young people, but not limiting their inclination to critically assess the relative benefits and risks of scientific development for themselves

    Adoption of sustainability reporting and assurance: a study among the top 300 cooperative and mutual organizations

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    [EN] The relevance of sustainability reporting has greatly increased in recent decades, but the need to gain credibility has promoted companies to adopt assurance on sustainability reports. Prior research has analyzed these practices among stock companies. However, very few efforts have been made to develop a non-stock firm perspective. Social enterprises (e.g. cooperatives) have a special link with sustainability. Given the lack of previous studies, we aimed to analyze sustainability reporting and assurance among top cooperative and mutual organizations to find out whether adoption of reporting and assurance, and choice of assuror, were associated with factors country and sector. Our findings indicated that the cooperative and mutual organizations domiciled in stakeholder-orientated countries were more likely to adopt sustainability reporting and assurance, and to choose an accountant as their assurance provider. It seems that adoption of sustainability reporting and choice of assuror is associated with sector, with organizations in more sensitive sectors more likely to issue sustainability reports, and to hire non-accounting providers.Bollas-Araya, HM.; Polo-Garrido, F.; Seguí-Mas, E. (2016). Adoption of sustainability reporting and assurance: a study among the top 300 cooperative and mutual organizations. Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Reporting. 4(1):59-78. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/108344S59784

    Determinants of CSR Reporting and Assurance: An Analysis of Top Cooperative and Mutual Organisations

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    [EN] Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has greatly influenced business communication. CSR reporting has become the main tool through which organisations worldwide communicate their economic, social and environmental performance. Just as this practice is consolidated, the need for credible information in this area is critical. As a result, some companies subject their CSR reports to an assurance process. Several studies have analysed CSR reporting and assurance among stock companies, but few authors have developed a non-stock firm perspective. Given the shortage of prior research, we analyse these practices, focusing on cooperative and mutual organisations because, as social enterprises, they have a special link with CSR, and they represent another kind of firm with different transaction costs. By combining statistical and content analysis methods, we aim to identify the determinants that influence the adoption of CSR reporting and assurance, the choice of assuror and the quality of assurance statements. The findings reveal that size is positively but non-linearly related to reporting, while country and sector significantly affect the adoption of reporting and assurance. Assurance statements substantially differ across providers and their quality depends on size, sector and assuror, exhibiting interactions between size and assuror and between sector and assuror.The authors would like to thank the Centre of Excellence in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives (CEARC) of Saint Mary’s University (Research Grant 2014), for their financial support for this research.Bollas-Araya, HM.; Polo-Garrido, F.; Seguí-Mas, E. (2018). Determinants of CSR Reporting and Assurance: An Analysis of Top Cooperative and Mutual Organisations. Australian Accounting Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/auar.1224

    A saúde dos detentos no sistema penitenciário brasileiro: uma análise de um Instituto Penal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo geral analisar as necessidades de saúde da população condenada a uma pena privativa de liberdade, sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da saúde no Sistema Carcerário. E como objetivos específicos: Verificar como funciona a assistência à saúde dos presos. Identificar as parcerias intersetoriais na promoção da qualidade da saúde dos presos. Identificar quais são os desafios que a equipa de saúde enfrenta na rotina presidiária. Verificar como ocorre o sistema de informação sobre o serviço de atenção à saúde no Sistema Penitenciário. Identificar as principais doenças enfrentadas pelos detentos e a forma do seu tratamento dentro do presídio. Quanto a metodologia da pesquisa, foi necessário primeiramente efetuar a pesquisa bibliográfica com o intuito de aprofundarmos sobre a temática proposta na investigação. Para a coleta dos dados, foi utilizado um questionário que foi respondido pela equipa multidisciplinar de saúde de um Instituto Penal no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação, permitiu verificar como se encontra a saúde dos reclusos no Sistema Penitenciário Brasileiro, em especial, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, objeto da pesquisa. Diante dos resultados, se faz necessário propor projetos de políticas pública que possam viabilizar o apoio e a mudança desse triste cenário que se encontra a saúde dos reclusos. Há a necessidade da efetivação dos direitos que são inerentes a pessoa humana, bem como a concretização de ações emergenciais, frente a realidade encontrada pela pesquisa.The present research aims at analyzing the health needs of the population condemned to a custodial sentence, from the point of view of health professionals in the prison system. And as specific objectives: To verify how the health care of the inmates works. Identify the intersectorial partnerships in the promotion of the quality of the prisoners' health. Identify what are the challenges that the health team faces in the prison routine. Check how the information system occurs about the health service in the Penitentiary System. Identify the main diseases faced by the prisoners and the form of their treatment inside the prison. Regarding the methodology of the research, it was necessary to carry out the bibliographic research first, in order to deepen the topic proposed in the research. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, which was answered by the multidisciplinary health team of the Penal Institute in the city of Niterói - RJ. The results obtained in this investigation allowed us to verify the health of prisoners in the Brazilian Penitentiary System, in particular, the object of the research. Given the results, it is necessary to propose public policy projects that can support the support and change of this sad scenario that is the health of prisoners. There is a need for the realization of the rights that are inherent to the human person, as well as the implementation of emergency actions, against the reality found by the research

    A saúde dos detentos no sistema penitenciário brasileiro: uma análise de um Instituto Penal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo geral analisar as necessidades de saúde da população condenada a uma pena privativa de liberdade, sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da saúde no Sistema Carcerário. E como objetivos específicos: Verificar como funciona a assistência à saúde dos presos. Identificar as parcerias intersetoriais na promoção da qualidade da saúde dos presos. Identificar quais são os desafios que a equipa de saúde enfrenta na rotina presidiária. Verificar como ocorre o sistema de informação sobre o serviço de atenção à saúde no Sistema Penitenciário. Identificar as principais doenças enfrentadas pelos detentos e a forma do seu tratamento dentro do presídio. Quanto a metodologia da pesquisa, foi necessário primeiramente efetuar a pesquisa bibliográfica com o intuito de aprofundarmos sobre a temática proposta na investigação. Para a coleta dos dados, foi utilizado um questionário que foi respondido pela equipa multidisciplinar de saúde de um Instituto Penal no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação, permitiu verificar como se encontra a saúde dos reclusos no Sistema Penitenciário Brasileiro, em especial, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, objeto da pesquisa. Diante dos resultados, se faz necessário propor projetos de políticas pública que possam viabilizar o apoio e a mudança desse triste cenário que se encontra a saúde dos reclusos. Há a necessidade da efetivação dos direitos que são inerentes a pessoa humana, bem como a concretização de ações emergenciais, frente a realidade encontrada pela pesquisa.The present research aims at analyzing the health needs of the population condemned to a custodial sentence, from the point of view of health professionals in the prison system. And as specific objectives: To verify how the health care of the inmates works. Identify the intersectorial partnerships in the promotion of the quality of the prisoners' health. Identify what are the challenges that the health team faces in the prison routine. Check how the information system occurs about the health service in the Penitentiary System. Identify the main diseases faced by the prisoners and the form of their treatment inside the prison. Regarding the methodology of the research, it was necessary to carry out the bibliographic research first, in order to deepen the topic proposed in the research. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, which was answered by the multidisciplinary health team of the Penal Institute in the city of Niterói - RJ. The results obtained in this investigation allowed us to verify the health of prisoners in the Brazilian Penitentiary System, in particular, the object of the research. Given the results, it is necessary to propose public policy projects that can support the support and change of this sad scenario that is the health of prisoners. There is a need for the realization of the rights that are inherent to the human person, as well as the implementation of emergency actions, against the reality found by the research

    A justiciabilidade dos direitos económicos e sociais: o espaço de capacidades e funcionamentos como parâmetro decisório

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 342.7 F383