191 research outputs found

    Deep optical imaging of the field of PC1643+4631A&B, II: Estimating the colours and redshifts of faint galaxies

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    In an investigation of the cause of the cosmic microwave background decrement in the field of the z = 3.8 quasar pair PC1643+4631, we have carried out a study to photometrically estimate the redshifts of galaxies in deep multi-colour optical images of the field taken with the WHT. To examine the possibility that a massive cluster of galaxies lies in the field, we have attempted to recover simulated galaxies with intrinsic colours matching those of the model galaxies used in the photometric redshift estimation. We find that when such model galaxies are added to our images, there is considerable scatter of the recovered galaxy redshifts away from the model value; this scatter is larger than that expected from photometric errors and is the result of confusion, simply due to ground-based seeing, between objects in the field. We have also compared the likely efficiency of the photometric redshift technique against the colour criteria used to select z>3 galaxies via the strong colour signature of the Lyman-limit break. We find that these techniques may significantly underestimate the true surface density of z>3, due to confusion between the high-redshift galaxies and other objects near the line of sight. We argue that the actual surface density of z=3 galaxies may be as much as 6 times greater than that estimated by previous ground-based studies, and note that this conclusion is consistent with the surface density of high-redshift objects found in the HDF. Finally, we conclude that all ground-based deep field surveys are inevitably affected by confusion, and note that reducing the effective seeing in ground-based images will be of paramount importance in observing the distant universe.Comment: 18 pages, 60 figures, submitted to MNRAS, 2 large figure avaliable at ftp://ftp.mrao.cam.ac.uk:/pub/PC1643/paper2.figure50.eps and ftp://ftp.mrao.cam.ac.uk:/pub/PC1643/paper2.figure51.ep

    Deep optical imaging of the field of PC1643+4631A&B, I: Spatial distributions and the counts of faint galaxies

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    We present deep optical images of the PC1643+4631 field obtained at the WHT. This field contains two quasars at redshifts z=3.79 & 3.83 and a cosmic microwave background (CMB) decrement detected with the Ryle Telescope. The images are in U,G,V,R and I filters, and are complete to 25th magnitude in R and G and to 25.5 in U. The isophotal galaxy counts are consistent with the results of Metcalde et al. (1996), Hogg et al. (1997), and others. We find an excess of robust high-redshift Ly-break galaxy candidates with 25.0<R<25.5 compared with the mean number found in the fields studied by Steidel et al. -we expect 7 but find 16 - but we do not find that the galaxies are concentrated in the direction of the CMB decrement. However, we are still not sure of the distance to the system causing the CMB decrement. We have also used our images to compare the commonly used object-finding algorithms of FOCAS and SExtractor: we find FOCAS the more efficient at detecting faint objects and the better at dealing with composite objects, whereas SExtractor's morphological classification is more reliable, especially for faint objects near the resolution limit. More generally, we have also compared the flux lost using isophotal apertures on a real image with that on a noise-only image: recovery of artificial galaxies from the noise-only image significantly overestimates the flux lost from the galaxies, and we find that the corrections made using this technique suffer a systematic error of some 0.4 magnitudes.Comment: 17 pages, 40 figures, submitted to MNRAS, 1 large figure avaliable at ftp://ftp.mrao.cam.ac.uk:/pub/PC1643/paper1.figure18.p

    Adsorption of As(V), As(III) and methyl arsenic by calcite and the impact of some groundwater species

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the retention of arsenate (iAsV), arsenite (iAsIII), monomethyl arsenate (MMAsV) and dimethyl arsenate (DMAsV) by calcite and assess the impact of dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, phosphate and sulfate on arsenic solubility, adsorption and precipitation phenomena. Adsorption kinetics of iAsV, evaluated at a low and high concentration, was a relatively rapid process, with a fast initial reaction rate within the first few minutes and a subsequent slower reaction rate as equilibrium was approached. The relative adsorption of arsenicals decreased in the following order: iAsV > iAsIII > DMAV > MMAV. In no case was a clear adsorption maximum observed with increasing dissolved arsenic concentration. Dissolved 0.01 M Ca2+ resulted in an increase in iAsV adsorption; however, in the presence of 0.1 M Ca2+ adsorption of iAsV was decreased. The presence of Mg2+ as 0.01 M Mg(NO3)2 resulted in decreased iAsV adsorption probably the result of a lower iAsV affinity for adsorbed Mg2+ as compared to Ca2+. Phosphate and sulfate were highly competitive with iAsV in adsorption to calcite and both resulted in decreased iAsV adsorption. The total prevention of iAsV adsorption at initial equimolar arsenic/phosphate concentrations > 88 µM each could be from the consumption of available calcite surface sites by the specific adsorption of phosphate. Equilibrium modeling, using the geochemical and mineral speciation of equilibrium model (MINTEQA2), indicated that at low concentrations of arsenate or phosphate solid-phase precipitation was not likely and adsorption processes likely controlled solubility. At high concentrations of arsenate Ca3(AsO4)2 · 3 2/3 H2O and Ca3(AsO4)2 · 4 1/4 H2O solid phases could be controlling arsenate solubility. This study indicates that arsenic adsorption response by calcite was different than that of phosphate suggesting that arsenic may not be specifically adsorbed to calcium at the calcite surface. Reduction and biomethylation of arsenic decreased adsorption, suggesting that processes which could affect the speciation of arsenic in the environment, could increase arsenic mobility in environmental systems where calcite and dissolved aqueous calcium play a predominant role in controlling arsenic solubility. Dissolved aqueous concentrations of magnesium, phosphate and sulfate generally reduced the ability of arsenic to be adsorbed to calcite

    A Model of Farm Transition Planning for the U.S. Plains

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    Farm transition planning continues to be a significant challenge for U.S. agricultural owner/producers. Past and ongoing research points to an aging farm population with little or no planning to transition farms to succeeding farming family members, despite documented goals of continued family ownership and operation. This study developed and analyzed alternative farm asset transition strategies using a representative farm for Oklahoma. The simulations considered equity issues, family living requirements, and cash flow pre- and post-transition. Strategies analyzed considered off-farm investments and life insurance tools to even bequests between an on-farm and an off-farm heir, and also modeled splitting inheritance into an operating entity that owns machinery and other operating assets and a landholding entity that leases real estate to the on-farm heir. The simulations assumed a 20-year transition period. Results indicate that early planning is essential for success. In addition, the use of life insurance tools and/or the implementation of equitable, but unequal treatment of heirs improve the likelihood of successful farm transition between generations

    Detection of a CMB decrement towards a cluster of mJy radiosources

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    We present the results of radio, optical and near-infrared observations of the field of TOC J0233.3+3021, a cluster of milliJansky radiosources from the TexOx Cluster survey. In an observation of this field with the Ryle Telescope (RT) at 15 GHz, we measure a decrement in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) of 675±95μ-675 \pm 95 \muJy on the RT's \approx 0.65 kλ\lambda baseline. Using optical and infrared imaging with the McDonald 2.7-m Smith Reflector, Calar Alto 3.5-m telescope and UKIRT, we identify the host galaxies of five of the radiosources and measure magnitudes of R24R \approx 24, J20J \approx 20, K18K \approx 18. The CMB decrement is consistent with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect of a massive cluster of galaxies, which if modelled as a spherical King profile of core radius θC=20\theta_C = 20^{\prime\prime} has a central temperature decrement of 900μ900 \muK. The magnitudes and colours of the galaxies are consistent with those of old ellipticals at z1z \sim 1. We therefore conclude that TOC J0233.3+3021 is a massive, high redshift cluster. These observations add to the growing evidence for a significant population of massive clusters at high redshift, and demonstrate the effectiveness of combining searches for AGN `signposts' to clusters with the redshift-independence of the SZ effect.Comment: Six pages; accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version with full-resolution UV plot available from http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~garret/MB185.p

    Optogenetic versus electrical stimulation of dopamine terminals in the nucleus accumbens reveals local modulation of presynaptic release

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    The nucleus accumbens is highly heterogeneous, integrating regionally distinct afferent projections and accumbal interneurons, resulting in diverse local microenvironments. Dopamine (DA) neuron terminals similarly express a heterogeneous collection of terminal receptors that modulate DA signaling. Cyclic voltammetry is often used to probe DA terminal dynamics in brain slice preparations; however, this method traditionally requires electrical stimulation to induce DA release. Electrical stimulation excites all of the neuronal processes in the stimulation field, potentially introducing simultaneous, multi-synaptic modulation of DA terminal release. We used optogenetics to selectively stimulate DA terminals and used voltammetry to compare DA responses from electrical and optical stimulation of the same area of tissue around a recording electrode. We found that with multiple pulse stimulation trains, optically stimulated DA release increasingly exceeded that of electrical stimulation. Furthermore, electrical stimulation produced inhibition of DA release across longer duration stimulations. The GABAB antagonist, CGP 55845, increased electrically stimulated DA release significantly more than light stimulated release. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, dihydro-β-erythroidine hydrobromide, inhibited single pulse electrically stimulated DA release while having no effect on optically stimulated DA release. Our results demonstrate that electrical stimulation introduces local multi-synaptic modulation of DA release that is absent with optogenetically targeted stimulation

    The Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX) pilot study: Understanding downslope windstorms in the Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara, California

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    Sundowner winds are downslope gusty winds often observed on the southern slopes of the Santa Ynez Mountains (SYM) in coastal Santa Barbara (SB), California. They typically peak near sunset and exhibit characteristics of downslope windstorms through the evening. They are SB\u27s most critical fire weather in all seasons and represent a major hazard for aviation. The Sundowner Winds Experiment Pilot Study was designed to evaluate vertical profiles of winds, temperature, humidity, and stability leeward of the SYM during a Sundowner event. This was accomplished by launching 3-hourly radiosondes during a significant Sundowner event on 28-29 April 2018. This study showed that winds in the lee of the SYM exhibit complex spatial and temporal patterns. Vertical profiles showed a transition from humid onshore winds from morning to mid-afternoon to very pronounced offshore winds during the evening after sunset. These winds accompanied mountain waves and a northerly nocturnal lee jet with variable temporal behavior. Around sunset, the jet was characterized by strong wind speeds enhanced by mountain-wave breaking. Winds weakened considerably at 2300 PDT 29 April but enhanced dramatically at 0200 PDT 29 April at much lower elevations. These transitions were accompanied by changes in stability profiles and in the Richardson number. A simulation with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model at 1-km grid spacing was examined to evaluate the skill of the model in capturing the observed winds and stability profiles and to assess mesoscale processes associated with this event. These results advanced understanding on Sundowner\u27s spatiotemporal characteristics and driving mechanisms

    Antagonist HIV-1 Gag Peptides Induce Structural Changes in HLA B8

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    In the cellular immune response, recognition by CTL-TCRs of viral antigens presented as peptides by HLA class I molecules, triggers destruction of the virally infected cell (Townsend, A.R.M., J. Rothbard, F.M. Gotch, G. Bahadur, D. Wraith, and A.J. McMichael. 1986. Cell. 44:959–968). Altered peptide ligands (APLs) which antagonise CTL recognition of infected cells have been reported (Jameson, S.C., F.R. Carbone, and M.J. Bevan. 1993. J. Exp. Med. 177:1541–1550). In one example, lysis of antigen presenting cells by CTLs in response to recognition of an HLA B8–restricted HIV-1 P17 (aa 24–31) epitope can be inhibited by naturally occurring variants of this peptide, which act as TCR antagonists (Klenerman, P., S. Rowland Jones, S. McAdam, J. Edwards, S. Daenke, D. Lalloo, B. Koppe, W. Rosenberg, D. Boyd, A. Edwards, P. Giangrande, R.E. Phillips, and A. McMichael. 1994. Nature (Lond.). 369:403– 407). We have characterised two CTL clones and a CTL line whose interactions with these variants of P17 (aa 24–31) exhibit a variety of responses. We have examined the high resolution crystal structures of four of these APLs in complex with HLA B8 to determine alterations in the shape, chemistry, and local flexibility of the TCR binding surface. The variant peptides cause changes in the recognition surface by three mechanisms: changes contributed directly by the peptide, effects transmitted to the exposed peptide surface, and induced effects on the exposed framework of the peptide binding groove. While the first two mechanisms frequently lead to antagonism, the third has more profound effects on TCR recognition


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    We review theoretical and experimental results relevant to charm and bottom physics. In particular, we consider charmonium and open heavy-flavour production at Tevatron, LEP and HERA colliders, and in heavy-ion scattering. We study the prospect of future b-physics measurement at the LHC with the ATLAS and CMS detectors