679 research outputs found

    Level crossings in a cavity QED model

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    In this paper I study the dynamics of a two-level atom interacting with a standing wave field. When the atom is subjected to a weak linear force, the problem can be turned into a time dependent one, and the evolution is understood from the band structure of the spectrum. The presence of level crossings in the spectrum gives rise to Bloch oscillations of the atomic motion. Here I investigate the effects of the atom-field detuning parameter. A variety of different level crossings are obtained by changing the magnitude of the detuning, and the behaviour of the atomic motion is strongly affected due to this. I also consider the situation in which the detuning is oscillating in time and its impact on the atomic motion. Wave packet simulations of the full problem are treated numerically and the results are compared with analytical solutions given by the standard Landau-Zener and the three-level Landau-Zener models.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    New spin squeezing and other entanglement tests for two mode systems of identical bosons

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    For any quantum state representing a physical system of identical particles, the density operator must satisfy the symmetrization principle (SP) and conform to super-selection rules (SSR) that prohibit coherences between differing total particle numbers. Here we consider bi-partitite states for massive bosons, where both the system and sub-systems are modes (or sets of modes) and particle numbers for quantum states are determined from the mode occupancies. Defining non-entangled or separable states as those prepared via local operations (on the sub-systems) and classical communication processes, the sub-system density operators are also required to satisfy the SP and conform to the SSR, in contrast to some other approaches. Whilst in the presence of this additional constraint the previously obtained sufficiency criteria for entanglement, such as the sum of the ˆSx and ˆSy variances for the Schwinger spin components being less than half the mean boson number, and the strong correlation test of |haˆm (bˆ†)ni|2 being greater than h(aˆ†)maˆm (bˆ†)nbˆni(m, n = 1, 2, . . .) are still valid, new tests are obtained in our work. We show that the presence of spin squeezing in at least one of the spin components ˆSx , ˆSy and ˆSz is a sufficient criterion for the presence of entanglement and a simple correlation test can be constructed of |haˆm (bˆ†)ni|2 merely being greater than zero.We show that for the case of relative phase eigenstates, the new spin squeezing test for entanglement is satisfied (for the principle spin operators), whilst the test involving the sum of the ˆSx and ˆSy variances is not. However, another spin squeezing entanglement test for Bose–Einstein condensates involving the variance in ˆSz being less than the sum of the squared mean values for ˆSx and ˆSy divided by the boson number was based on a concept of entanglement inconsistent with the SP, and here we present a revised treatment which again leads to spin squeezing as an entanglement test

    Sudden death and sudden birth of entanglement in common structured reservoirs

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    We study the exact entanglement dynamics of two qubits in a common structured reservoir. We demonstrate that, for certain classes of entangled states, entanglement sudden death occurs, while for certain initially factorized states, entanglement sudden birth takes place. The backaction of the non-Markovian reservoir is responsible for revivals of entanglement after sudden death has occurred, and also for periods of disentanglement following entanglement sudden birth.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Molecular heat pump for rotational states

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    In this work we investigate the theory for three different uni-directional population transfer schemes in trapped multilevel systems which can be utilized to cool molecular ions. The approach we use exploits the laser-induced coupling between the internal and motional degrees of freedom so that the internal state of a molecule can be mapped onto the motion of that molecule in an external trapping potential. By sympathetically cooling the translational motion back into its ground state the mapping process can be employed as part of a cooling scheme for molecular rotational levels. This step is achieved through a common mode involving a laser-cooled atom trapped alongside the molecule. For the coherent mapping we will focus on adiabatic passage techniques which may be expected to provide robust and efficient population transfers. By applying far-detuned chirped adiabatic rapid passage pulses we are able to achieve an efficiency of better than 98% for realistic parameters and including spontaneous emission. Even though our main focus is on cooling molecular states, the analysis of the different adiabatic methods has general features which can be applied to atomic systems

    Time-dependent tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The influence of atomic interactions on time-dependent tunneling processes of Bose-Einstein condensates is investigated. In a variety of contexts the relevant condensate dynamics can be described by a Landau-Zener equation modified by the appearance of nonlinear contributions. Based on this equation it is discussed how the interactions modify the tunneling probability. In particular, it is shown that for certain parameter values, due to a nonlinear hysteresis effect, complete adiabatic population transfer is impossible however slowly the resonance is crossed. The results also indicate that the interactions can cause significant increase as well as decrease of tunneling probabilities which should be observable in currently feasible experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement Sudden Death in Band Gaps

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    Using the pseudomode method, we evaluate exactly time-dependent entanglement for two independent qubits, each coupled to a non-Markovian structured environment. Our results suggest a possible way to control entanglement sudden death by modifying the qubit-pseudomode detuning and the spectrum of the reservoirs. Particularly, in environments structured by a model of a density-of-states gap which has two poles, entanglement trapping and prevention of entanglement sudden death occur in the weak-coupling regime

    Observing the spin of a free electron

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    Long ago, Bohr, Pauli, and Mott argued that it is not, in principle, possible to measure the spin components of a free electron. One can try to use a Stern-Gerlach type of device, but the finite size of the beam results in an uncertainty of the splitting force that is comparable with the gradient force. The result is that no definite spin measurement can be made. Recently there has been a revival of interest in this problem, and we will present our own analysis and quantum-mechanical wave-packet calculations which suggest that a spin measurement is possible for a careful choice of initial conditions

    Quantum metrology at the Heisenberg limit with ion traps

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    Sub-Planck phase-space structures in the Wigner function of the motional degree of freedom of a trapped ion can be used to perform weak force measurements with Heisenberg-limited sensitivity. We propose methods to engineer the Hamiltonian of the trapped ion to generate states with such small scale structures, and we show how to use them in quantum metrology applications.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Wave packet methods in cavity QED

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    The Jaynes-Cummings model, with and without the rotating wave approximation, is expressed in the conjugate variable representation and solved numerically by wave packet propagation. Both cases are then cast into systems of two coupled harmonic oscillators, reminiscent of coupled bound electronic potential curves of diatomic molecules. Using the knowledge of such models, this approach of the problem gives new insight of the dynamics. The effect of the rotating wave approximation is discussed. The collapse-revival phenomenon is especially analyzed in a non-standard manner. Extensions of the method is briefly mentioned in terms of a three-level atom and the Dicke model.Comment: Proceedings for "Time dependent phenomena in quantum mechanics" (Blaubeuren, 2007). 14 pages, 6 figures, uses jpconf.cl