12 research outputs found

    Sex, Subdivision, and Domestic Dispersal of Trypanosoma cruzi Lineage I in Southern Ecuador

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is transmitted by blood sucking insects known as triatomines. This protozoan parasite commonly infects wild and domestic mammals in South and Central America. However, triatomines also transmit the parasite to people, and human infection with T. cruzi is known as Chagas disease, a major public health concern in Latin America. Understanding the complex dynamics of parasite spread between wild and domestic environments is essential to design effective control measures to prevent the spread of Chagas disease. Here we describe T. cruzi genetic diversity and population dynamics in southern Ecuador. Our findings indicate that the parasite circulates in two largely independent cycles: one corresponding to the sylvatic environment and one related to the domestic/peridomestic environment. Furthermore, our data indicate that human activity might promote parasite dispersal among communties. This information is the key for the design of control programmes in Southern Ecuador. Finally, we have encountered evidence of a sexual reproductive mode in the domestic T. cruzi population, which constitutes a new and intriguing finding with regards to the biology of this parasite

    On the Origin of Tibetans and Their Genetic Basis in Adapting High-Altitude Environments

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    Since their arrival in the Tibetan Plateau during the Neolithic Age, Tibetans have been well-adapted to extreme environmental conditions and possess genetic variation that reflect their living environment and migratory history. To investigate the origin of Tibetans and the genetic basis of adaptation in a rigorous environment, we genotyped 30 Tibetan individuals with more than one million SNP markers. Our findings suggested that Tibetans, together with the Yi people, were descendants of Tibeto-Burmans who diverged from ancient settlers of East Asia. The valleys of the Hengduan Mountain range may be a major migration route. We also identified a set of positively-selected genes that belong to functional classes of the embryonic, female gonad, and blood vessel developments, as well as response to hypoxia. Most of these genes were highly correlated with population-specific and beneficial phenotypes, such as high infant survival rate and the absence of chronic mountain sickness

    Data from: Molecular proxies for climate maladaptation in a long-lived tree (Pinus pinaster Aiton, Pinaceae)

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    Understanding adaptive genetic responses to climate change is a main challenge for preserving biological diversity. Successful predictive models for climate-driven range shifts of species depend on the integration of information on adaptation, including that derived from genomic studies. Long-lived forest trees can experience substantial environmental change across generations, which results in a much more prominent adaptation lag than in annual species. Here, we show that candidate-gene SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) can be used as predictors of maladaptation to climate in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton), an outcrossing long-lived keystone tree. A set of 18 SNPs potentially associated with climate, five of them involving amino acid-changing variants, were retained after performing logistic regression, latent factor mixed models and Bayesian analyses of SNP-climate correlations. These relationships identified temperature as an important adaptive driver in maritime pine and highlighted that selective forces are operating differentially in geographically discrete gene pools. The frequency of the locally advantageous alleles at these selected loci was strongly correlated with survival in a common garden under extreme (hot and dry) climate conditions, which suggests that candidate-gene SNPs can be used to forecast the likely destiny of natural forest ecosystems under climate change scenarios. Differential levels of forest decline are anticipated for distinct maritime pine gene pools. Geographically-defined molecular proxies for climate adaptation will thus critically enhance the predictive power of range-shift models and help establishing mitigation measures for long-lived keystone forest trees in the face of impending climate change

    <i>KIR</i> and <i>HLA</i> Genotypes Implicated in Reduced Killer Lymphocytes Immunity Are Associated with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease

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    <div><p>Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cells are killer lymphocytes that provide defense against viral infections and tumor transformation. Analogous to that of CTL, interactions of killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) with specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I ligands calibrate NK cell education and response. Gene families encoding KIRs and HLA ligands are located on different chromosomes, and feature variation in the number and type of genes. The independent segregation of <i>KIR</i> and <i>HLA</i> genes results in variable KIR-HLA interactions in individuals, which may impact disease susceptibility. We tested whether <i>KIR-HLA</i> combinations are associated with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease, a bilateral granulomatous panuveitis that has strong association with HLA-DR4. We present a case control study of 196 VKH patients and 209 controls from a highly homogeneous native population of Japan. <i>KIR</i> and <i>HLA</i> class I genes were typed using oligonucleotide hybridization method and analyzed using two-tailed Fisher’s exact probabilities. The incidence of <i>Bx</i>-<i>KIR</i> genotypes was decreased in VKH patients (odds ratio [OR] 0.58, P = 0.007), due primarily to a decrease in centromeric <i>B-KIR</i> motif and its associated <i>KIRs 2DS2</i>, <i>2DL2</i>, <i>2DS3</i>, and <i>2DL5B</i>. HLA-B22, implicated in poor immune response, was increased in VKH (OR = 4.25, P = 0.0001). HLA-Bw4, the ligand for KIR3DL1, was decreased in VKH (OR = 0.59, P = 0.01). The KIR-HLA combinations 2DL2+C1/C2 and 3DL1+Bw4, which function in NK education, were also decreased in VKH (OR = 0.49, P = 0.012; OR = 0.59, P = 0.013). Genotypes missing these two inhibitory <i>KIR-HLA</i> combinations in addition to missing activating <i>KIRs 2DS2</i> and <i>2DS3</i> were more common in VKH (OR = 1.90, P = 0.002). These results suggest that synergistic hyporesponsiveness of NK cells (due to poor NK education along with missing of activating KIR<i>s</i>) and CTL (due to HLA-B22 restriction) fail to mount an effective immune response against viral-infection that may trigger VKH pathogenesis in genetically susceptible individuals, such as HLA-DR4 carriers.</p></div