217 research outputs found


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    The article investigates the role of government in improving theliving standards of the population by creating and implementing a strategy of market development of affordable housing based onresidential mortgage lending, providing for the establishment of the institutional environment of the market mortgage lending and a system of direct government involvement in housing socially important sectors of the population

    Visiting Russia: Martin Amis's House of Meetings

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    House of Meetings refleja el conocimiento que Martin Amis tiene de Rusia. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el conocimiento de la lengua y la cultura rusas. Se examina y se explica el vocabulario ruso, los neologismos formados a partir de las palabras en ruso, referencias a la literatura rusa, datos históricos y elementos geográficos que tanto abundan en la novela. En obra se ve que Amis tiene un conocimiento profundo de la literatura rusa. En cuanto al léxico ruso, encontramos algunos errores de tipo ortográfico o conceptual que pueden ser hechos a propósito, o debido a la ausencia de tales estructuras en la lengua inglesa. Sin embargo, y en lo general, hemos llegado a la conclusión de que Amis es un gran experto en la cultura rusa. Algunos términos o detalles de tipo cultural o histórico pueden ser comprendidos solamente por los lectores rusos, ya que requieren un conocimiento cultural más profundo. Por esta razón la novela puede resultar difícil para un lector no iniciado.House ofMeetings shows the author's knowledge of Russia. The aim of this paper is to find out to what extent Martin Amis knows the Russian culture. In order to do so, we have analysed and explained some Russian words and English neologisms formed from Russian stems, allusions to Russian literatee, historical data and geographic references that are found in the novel. House ofMeetings reflects the author's great knowledge of the Russian literatee. As regards Russian vocabulary, there are some misspellings and incorrect proper ñames in the novel; probably Amis did that on purpose or due to the absence of some patterns in the English language. Nevertheless, the research shows that Amis is an excellent connoisseur of the Russian culture. Some of his remarks can be understood only by Russians, since a deeper cul- tural knowledge is required. That is why the novel could be difficult for an uninitiated reader. Keywords: culture, Russian legacy, uninitiated reader, fíction, knowledge

    Literatura y cine en la enseñanza secundaria: una propuesta didáctica para el aula de inglés

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    Esta propuesta muestra las ventajas de enseñar la literatura en la clase de inglés desde una perspectiva teórica y práctica, complementando la lectura de un texto literario con la correspondiente adaptación cinematográfica. Si consideramos el cine como uno de los mejores aliados de los profesores de lengua, cultura y literatura, las ventajas de esta propuesta didáctica son: el factor motivador; la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la literatura; el trabajo en grupo y la cooperación; el estímulo de la competencia analítica de obras literarias y fílmicas y el desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los alumnos. Este trabajo trata varias cuestiones como: los requisitos del texto literario en el aula de inglés y la elaboración y seguimiento de unas fases determinadas para el estudio conjunto de la literatura y el cine.This paper shows the advantages of teaching literature in the English class from a theoretical and practical perspective, combining the reading of a literary text and its film adaptation. If we consider the cinema as one of the best tools for teaching language, culture and literature, we distinguish several advantages of this pedagogical proposal: motivation; teaching and learning literature, working in groups and cooperation; encouragement of critical attitudes towards literary texts and films, and development of the basic competences of the students. The paper deals with such aspects as the requirements of a literary text, language in the classroom, the process and follow-up of several phases in order to carry out a combined study of literature and cinema

    Women in Nabokov’s Russian novels

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    This article examines the presence of female characters in the Nabokov’s novels of the Russian period (1925-1939). There is a pattern in the use of female characters that illuminates the novels studied. It clarifies our understanding of Nabokov’s literary techniques and contributes to the comprehension of two major themes seen in all his works: the passionate yearning for his beloved Russia and the satiric perception of an imperfect world. Thus, two categories of Nabokov’s women can be distinguished: the bearers of the Russian culture and the unfaithful vamps. The so called bearers of the Russian culture, presented and described in a positive way, function as guiding stars for their lovers: they help them to survive in the hostile surroundings of their exile. These characters represent the nature of the Russian womanhood; they are kind, tender, pure and supportive, and at the same time they are strong and powerful. Their descriptions allude to the heroines of the Russian literature and they share the author’s passion for the Russian literature and culture. The so called unfaithful vamps represent the world of the poshlost’, vulgarity and deceit. These female characters have common characteristics that make them unpleasant: they are ignorant in the world of art and literature, and they are greedy owners representing passion and lust. After this classification of Nabokov’s women we see that his two main modes of presenting female characters reflect his two major themes: they function as the personification of the lost paradise of the past Russia and as an embodiment of human fallibility and weakness

    Borehole Resistivity Inversion

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    In this paper we perform the inversion of borehole resistivity data using the software package developed by Western Atlas Logging Services, Houston, TX. Direct current resistivity methods, namely lateral sounding and conventional laterolog methods, are the main interest in this paper. In resistive formations drilled with a conductive mud, where induction methods are not logged, it becomes imperative to combine these two methods in order to provide a reliable solution to the inversion problem. Lateral sounding provides comprehensive information about the resistivity distribution away from the borehole, while the higher resolution of the laterolog allows for detailed delineation of the formation. We perform the inversion computationally using the constrained least-squares Marquardt algorithm combined with singular value decomposition. The nonlinear inversion problem is linearized after each iteration of the Marquardt method. One of the main benefits of the algorithm is its ability to incorporate all resistivity/conductivity methods into a unique solution that is able to explain and satisfy all measurements. Several levels of inversion analysis are considered, from one-dimensional inversion to a rigorous and comprehensive two-dimensional approach. We demonstrate the method with multiple synthetic examples in which the algorithm successfully recovers the formation parameters. Different noise levels, resistivity contrasts, borehole conditions, and initial guesses are considered. We then apply the method to field data consisting of lateral sounding logs and laterologs. The inversion results are then checked against the available sampling data

    Revisiting perfect fluid dark matter: Observational constraints from our galaxy

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    We revisit certain features of an assumed spherically symmetric perfect fluid dark matter halo in the light of the observed data of our galax


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    Abstract. Health care as a set of measures of a political, socio-economic, scientific, medical and legal nature is aimed at preserving, maintaining and improving the health of each person, providing highly qualified and specialized therapeutic and preventive care. The article is devoted to the history of the development of medical law in Russia since the beginning of the 20th century. Scientific research is based on the materials recorded in the domestic and foreign legislative and doctrinal sources. When writing this paper, we used general scientific methods and private scientific (special) methods. We emphasized the importance of progressive development of the legislation in the field of healthcare during the Soviet period of historical development. We noted the influence of changes in the public and political life of the state on the legal doctrine and legislation. We substantiated the establishment of medical law as an independent branch of Russian law with regard to the formation of the World Health Organization as a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1946. We confirmed that many special laws were adopted in the field of health care in Russia due to the multifaceted political and socio-economic changes in the society as a whole, as well as the need for Russia's integration into the world community in the 1990s of the 20th century. We indicated that the acceleration in theformation of modern regulatory framework was put by the law enforcement practice with regard to an increase in the number of civil lawsuits for injury to health when seeking medical assistance, as well as improvement of the legal literacy of the population in the provision of medical services. We described the current state of Russian legislation in the field of health care and public health, consisting of a whole complex of the regulatory legal acts (federal laws (general and special), laws of the constituent entities of Russia and secondary legislation) determining the state policy in the field of health care and public health.Key words: medical law, health care, history, public health, medical assistance, legislation, the state

    Distribution of Acoustic Power Spectra for an Isolated Helicopter Fuselage

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    The broadband aerodynamic noise can be studied, assuming isotropic flow, turbulence and decay. Proudman’s approach allows practical calculations of noise based on CFD solutions of RANS or URANS equations at the stage of post processing and analysis of the solution. Another aspect is the broadband acoustic spectrum and the distribution of acoustic power over a range of frequencies. The acoustic energy spectrum distribution in isotropic turbulence is non monotonic and has a maximum at a certain value of Strouhal number. In the present work the value of acoustic power peak frequency is determined using a prescribed form of acoustic energy spectrum distribution presented in papers by S. Sarkar and M. Y. Hussaini and by G. M. Lilley. CFD modelling of the flow around isolated helicopter fuselage model was considered using the HMB CFD code and the RANS equations

    "The Original of Laura": a Great Novel that Never Was

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    Perhaps no book has ever produced so much interest and impatience as Nabokov's last novel, The Original of Laura. The purpose of this paper is to set The Original of Laura into Nabokov's 'metanovel' and to weigh it on its own merits, considering features such as themes, images, characters and style that make his prose so outstanding or, simply, Nabokovian. The themes and images of the novel have been developed by Nabokov since the very beginning of his literary career. The Original of Laura has a complex 'matreshka-type' of narrative, thus resembling his previous novels such as The Gift and Ada. One can easily recognize a web of metatexts and intertextual allusions to masterpieces of other writers, as well as Nabokov's own previous works. The style of the novel can also be identified as typically Nabokovian: the text abounds in puns, alliterations and intense vocabulary, including French expressions, and mixing up different registers.Due to its fragmental form, one can hardly follow the plot development of the novel and the least one can do is to treat it as the last reflection of Nabokov's pure art.Quizás, ningún libro haya despertado jamás tanto interés e impaciencia como la última novela incompleta de Vladimir Nabokov, The Original of Laura. El objetivo de este artículo es identificar The Original of Laura como una parte del canon literario de Nabokov, considerando algunas características como las ideas, los conceptos, los personajes y el estilo, que hace que su prosa sea tan original, o tan nabokoviana. Las ideas y los motivos de esta novela ya habían sido tratados por Nabokov ya en sus primeras obras. Por otro lado, la novela tiene una estructura compleja (una narración dentro de otra), que se parece a las novelas anteriores, como The Gift o Ada. Otra de las características claves de la prosa de Nabokov es la intertextualidad. The Original of Laura introduce alusiones a la literatura universal y también alude a obras previas de Nabokov. El estilo de la novela también se puede identificar como típicamente nabokoviano. Su texto abunda en juegos de palabras, aliteraciones y asonancias. La novela presenta un léxico variado: aparecen los extranjerismos, las palabras y las expresiones procedentes de diferentes estilos y registros, entre otras características.Debido a la forma fragmentaria de la novela, resulta difícil analizar su argumento y su desarrollo. Tratándose de la última obra de Nabokov, The Original of Laura nos invita a verla como el último reflejo del arte puro de Nabokov

    Sagnac delay in the Kerr-dS space-time: Implications for Mach's principle

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    Relativistic twin paradox can have important implications for Mach's principle. It has been recently argued that the behavior of the time asynchrony (different aging of twins) between two flying clocks along closed loops can be attributed to the existence of an absolute spacetime, which makes Mach's principle unfeasible. In this paper, we shall revisit, and support, this argument from a different viewpoint using the Sagnac delay. This is possible since the above time asynchrony is known to be exactly the same as the Sagnac delay between two circumnavigating light rays re-uniting at the orbiting source/receiver. We shall calculate the effect of mass MM and cosmological constant Λ\Lambda on the delay in the general case of Kerr-de Sitter spacetime. It follows that, in the independent limits M0M\rightarrow 0, spin a0a\rightarrow 0 and Λ0\Lambda\rightarrow 0, while the Kerr-dS metric reduces to Minkowski metric, the clocks need not tick in consonance since there will still appear a non-zero observable Sagnac delay. While we do not measure spacetime itself, we do measure the Sagnac effect, which signifies an absolute substantive Minkowski spacetime instead of a void. We shall demonstrate a completely different limiting behavior of Sagnac delay, heretofore unknown, between the case of non-geodesic and geodesic source/observer motion.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0841