5,841 research outputs found

    Theory of the Ramsey spectroscopy and anomalous segregation in ultra-cold rubidium

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    The recent anomalous segregation experiment of Lewandowski et al. (PRL, 88, 070403, 2002) shows dramatic, rapid internal state segregation for two hyperfine levels of rubidium. We simulate an effective one dimensional model of the system for experimental parameters and find reasonable agreement with the data. The Ramsey frequency is found to be insensitive to the decoherence of the superposition, and is only equivalent to the interaction energy shift for a pure superposition. A Quantum Boltzmann equation describing collisions is derived using Quantum Kinetic Theory, taking into account the different scattering lengths of the internal states. As spin-wave experiments are likely to be attempted at lower temperatures we examine the effect of degeneracy on decoherence by considering the recent experiment of Lewandowski et al. where degeneracy is around 10%. We also find that the segregation effect is only possible when transport terms are included in the equations of motion, and that the interactions only directly alter the momentum distributions of the states. The segregation or spin wave effect is thus entirely due to coherent atomic motion as foreseen in the experimental reportComment: 26 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys.

    AFES Circular 127

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    Unconditional two-mode squeezing of separated atomic ensembles

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    We propose schemes for the unconditional preparation of a two-mode squeezed state of effective bosonic modes realized in a pair of atomic ensembles interacting collectively with optical cavity and laser fields. The scheme uses Raman transitions between stable atomic ground states and under ideal conditions produces pure entangled states in the steady state. The scheme works both for ensembles confined within a single cavity and for ensembles confined in separate, cascaded cavities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Three-fold way to extinction in populations of cyclically competing species

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    Species extinction occurs regularly and unavoidably in ecological systems. The time scales for extinction can broadly vary and inform on the ecosystem's stability. We study the spatio-temporal extinction dynamics of a paradigmatic population model where three species exhibit cyclic competition. The cyclic dynamics reflects the non-equilibrium nature of the species interactions. While previous work focusses on the coarsening process as a mechanism that drives the system to extinction, we found that unexpectedly the dynamics to extinction is much richer. We observed three different types of dynamics. In addition to coarsening, in the evolutionary relevant limit of large times, oscillating traveling waves and heteroclinic orbits play a dominant role. The weight of the different processes depends on the degree of mixing and the system size. By analytical arguments and extensive numerical simulations we provide the full characteristics of scenarios leading to extinction in one of the most surprising models of ecology

    Opacity of electromagnetically induced transparency for quantum fluctuations

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    We analyze the propagation of a pair of quantized fields inside a medium of three-level atoms in Λ\Lambda configuration. We calculate the stationary quadrature noise spectrum of the field after propagating through the medium, in the case where the probe field is in a squeezed state and the atoms show electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We find an oscillatory transfer of the initial quantum properties between the probe and pump fields which is most strongly pronounced when both fields have comparable Rabi frequencies. This implies that the quantum state measured after propagation can be completely different from the initial state, even though the mean values of the field are unaltered

    Conformational transformations induced by the charge-curvature interaction at finite temperature

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    The role of thermal fluctuations on the conformational dynamics of a single closed filament is studied. It is shown that, due to the interaction between charges and bending degrees of freedom, initially circular aggregates may undergo transformation to polygonal shape. The transition occurs both in the case of hardening and softening charge-bending interaction. In the former case the charge and curvature are smoothly distributed along the chain while in the latter spontaneous kink formation is initiated. The transition to a non-circular conformation is analogous to the phase transition of the second kind.Comment: 23 pages (Latex), 10 figures (Postscript), 2 biblio file (bib-file and bbl-file

    Coherence time of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Temporal coherence is a fundamental property of macroscopic quantum systems, such as lasers in optics and Bose-Einstein condensates in atomic gases and it is a crucial issue for interferometry applications with light or matter waves. Whereas the laser is an "open" quantum system, ultracold atomic gases are weakly coupled to the environment and may be considered as isolated. The coherence time of a condensate is then intrinsic to the system and its derivation is out of the frame of laser theory. Using quantum kinetic theory, we predict that the interaction with non-condensed modes gradually smears out the condensate phase, with a variance growing as A t^2+B t+C at long times t, and we give a quantitative prediction for A, B and C. Whereas the coefficient A vanishes for vanishing energy fluctuations in the initial state, the coefficients B and C are remarkably insensitive to these fluctuations. The coefficient B describes a diffusive motion of the condensate phase that sets the ultimate limit to the condensate coherence time. We briefly discuss the possibility to observe the predicted phase spreading, also including the effect of particle losses.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; typos correcte

    Decoherence induced by a phase-damping reservoir

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    A phase damping reservoir composed by NN-bosons coupled to a system of interest through a cross-Kerr interaction is proposed and its effects on quantum superpo sitions are investigated. By means of analytical calculations we show that: i-) the reservoir induces a Gaussian decay of quantum coherences, and ii-) the inher ent incommensurate character of the spectral distribution yields irreversibility . A state-independent decoherence time and a master equation are both derived an alytically. These results, which have been extended for the thermodynamic limit, show that nondissipative decoherence can be suitably contemplated within the EI D approach. Finally, it is shown that the same mechanism yielding decoherence ar e also responsible for inducing dynamical disentanglement.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A practical scheme for error control using feedback

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    We describe a scheme for quantum error correction that employs feedback and weak measurement rather than the standard tools of projective measurement and fast controlled unitary gates. The advantage of this scheme over previous protocols (for example Ahn et. al, PRA, 65, 042301 (2001)), is that it requires little side processing while remaining robust to measurement inefficiency, and is therefore considerably more practical. We evaluate the performance of our scheme by simulating the correction of bit-flips. We also consider implementation in a solid-state quantum computation architecture and estimate the maximal error rate which could be corrected with current technology.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Minor typographic change

    Effects of Measurement back-action in the stabilization of a Bose-Einstein condensate through feedback

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    We apply quantum filtering and control to a particle in a harmonic trap under continuous position measurement, and show that a simple static feedback law can be used to cool the system. The final steady state is Gaussian and dependent on the feedback strength and coupling between the system and probe. In the limit of weak coupling this final state becomes the ground state. An earlier model by Haine et. al. (PRA 69, 2004) without measurement back-action showed dark states: states that did not display error signals, thus remaining unaffected by the control. This paper shows that for a realistic measurement process this is not true, which indicates that a Bose-Einstein condensate may be driven towards the ground state from any arbitrary initial state.Comment: 1 Tex, 4 PS pictures, 1 bbl fil
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