1,313 research outputs found

    The impact of superphosphate and surface-applied lime on the profitability and sustainability of wool production on the tablelands of NSW

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    Soil acidification is one of the major forms of soil degradation in higher rainfall areas of the tablelands of NSW. A grazing experiment was conducted near Sutton, NSW, to assess the effect of various rates of superphosphate, lime, sewage ash and stocking rates on wool production and sustainability between 1999 and 2008. The results from the discounted cash flow analysis show that the net present value of the treatment without lime, the lower rate of superphosphate and the lowest stocking rate returned the highest net present value of 266.30/ha.Raisingtheapplicationofsuperphosphatefrom125kg/haeverytwotothreeyearsto250kg/haeveryyearonunlimedandlimedsoilreducedthenetpresentvalueby266.30/ha. Raising the application of superphosphate from 125kg/ha every two to three years to 250kg/ha every year on un-limed and limed soil reduced the net present value by 278.70/ha and 249.30/ha,respectively.Theadditionoflimeattherateof4t/haonunlimedsoilatthelowsuperphosphatelevelreducedthenetpresentvaluebyabout249.30/ha, respectively. The addition of lime at the rate of 4t/ha on un-limed soil at the low superphosphate level reduced the net present value by about 234.60/ha. The net present value fell by $205.24/ha when the level of superphosphate rate increased to 250kg/ha every year. The net present value decreased as the level of stocking rate increased. We conclude that wool producers will be unlikely to use lime to ameliorate acid soil, even though production will not be sustainable, unless there are more favourable input and commodity prices in the market and government intervention.economic, acid soil, lime, superphosphate, sewage ash, stocking rate, policy,

    Thermal oxidation of reactively sputtered amorphous W_(80)N_(20) films

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    The oxidation behavior of reactively sputtered amorphous tungsten nitride of composition W_(80)N_(20) was investigated in dry and wet oxidizing ambient in the temperature range of 450 °C–575 °C. A single WO_3 oxide phase is observed. The growth of the oxide follows a parabolic time dependence which is attributed to a process controlled by the diffusivity of the oxidant in the oxide. The oxidation process is thermally activated with an activation energy of 2.5 ± 0.05 eV for dry ambient and 2.35 ± 0.05 eV for wet ambient. The pre‐exponential factor of the reaction constant for dry ambient is 1.1×10^(21) Å^2/min; that for wet ambient is only about 10 times less and is equal to 1.3×10^(20) Å^2/min

    Greater than the Sum of its Parts: A Heterodinuclear Polymerization Catalyst

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    Homodinuclear catalysts have good precedent for epoxide and carbon dioxide/anhydride copolymerizations; in contrast, so far pure heterodinuclear catalysts are unknown. The synthesis and properties of a heterodinuclear Zn­(II)/Mg­(II) complex coordinated by a symmetrical macrocyclic ligand are reported. It shows high polymerization selectivity, control, and significantly greater activity compared to either of the homodinuclear analogues or any combinations of them. Indeed, compared to a 50:50 mixture of the homodinuclear complexes, it shows 5 times (CO<sub>2</sub>/epoxide) or 40 times (anhydride/epoxide) greater activity

    Vegetation Changes in Southeast Australian Temperate Grasslands

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    In temperate areas of southeast Australia, the combined effects of tree clearing, grazing, application of fertilizer and the introduction of exotic species have modified the original grasslands. This paper describes these changes and attempts to explain them in terms of ecological principles derived from North American grasslands. Stability of the original grasslands appears to have been due to the lack of disturbance and the slow rates of nitrogen (N) cycling within them. Increased N cycling after disturbance has allowed invasion of species better adapted to higher N status, particularly exotic annual grasses and weeds. The present composition of grasslands, in terms of native perennial grasses and exotic species appears to be explainable by the ecological principles outlined

    Another determination of the quark condensate from an overlap action

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    I use the technique of Hernandez, et al (hep-lat/0106011) to convert a recent calculation of the lattice-regulated quark condensate from an overlap action to a continuum-regulated number. I find Sigma(MSbar)(mu = 2 GeV) = (282(6) MeV)-cubed times (a-inverse/1766 MeV)-cubed from a calculation with the Wilson gauge action at beta=5.9.Comment: 3 pages, Revtex, 1 postscript figure. References added. COLO-HEP-47

    Toward a More PERMA(nent) Conceptualization of Worker Well-Being? A Cross-Cultural Study of the Workplace PERMA Profiler

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    We examined the factor structure of the recently developed worker well-being measure the Workplace PERMA Profiler and relationships between PERMA dimensions (i.e., positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, accomplishment) and job performance (viz., task performance, organizational citizenship behaviors benefiting individuals and the organization at large). The measure exhibited metric (i.e., weak) invariance across samples of participants from the U.S. (N = 284) and China (N = 420). Additionally, for participants who responded to both the Workplace PERMA Profiler and the performance measures, there was a general pattern of positive PERMA–performance relationships across both samples (NU.S. = 147; NChina = 202). Overall, the Workplace PERMA Profiler may have problematic psychometric properties and item wordings and thus would benefit from further refinement

    The Potential and Peculiarities of PERMA: A Meta-Analysis of Two Well-Being Measures With Working Samples

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    In the first meta-analysis of the PERMA well-being framework (i.e., positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, accomplishment), we cumulated 692 effect sizes (k = 33 independent samples, N = 10,050 workers). Average reliability did not meet the conventional ɑ = .70 threshold for engagement measured with the PERMA-Profiler or the Workplace PERMA Profiler or for negative emotions measured with the former. Overall, PERMA dimensions were strongly intercorrelated, and model comparisons suggested multidimensionality. We also summarized PERMA’s relationships with some conceptual antecedents (conscientiousness, loneliness); correlates (happiness, negative emotions); and outcomes (physical health, depressive symptoms, overall job performance). Additionally, we used dominance analysis to examine PERMA dimensions’ incremental validity. Although the framework holds promise for organizational research, PERMA measurement must be refined


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    The title compound, C9H8Br2N2O3, is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.030 Å) with the exception of the terminal methyl group which lies out of the plane [1.219 (3) Å]. The conformation about the C=N double bond [1.268 (3) Å] is E. An intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond occurs. Linear supra­molecular chains along the b axis mediated by O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions feature in the crystal structure. These chains are also stabilized by weak C—H⋯N contacts