166 research outputs found

    Tomboys and Little Vikings: A Comment on Ben Raffield's Article

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    Study of gan, can and beginnen in the Northern English and Scots of the late fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries

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    In Middle English and Scots, instances of gan and can behave differently from etymologically related beginnen in that they are mainly, or exclusively, found with the plain infinitive and with a non-ingressive meaning. They also occur in narrative verse (rhymed and non-alliterative), where they have a metrical, intensive-descriptive or textual function. All of this suggests that gan and can are more advanced in the divergence of their development towards auxiliation than the verb beginnen. Earlier studies mainly concentrate on the meaning and/or function of gan and can in verse (Wuth 1915, Beschorner 1920, Funke 1922, Mustanoja 1960, Kerkhof 1966, Visser 1969 and Brinton 1981; 1983; 1988 amongst others), whereas investigations by Brinton (1981; 1988; 1996), Ogura (1997; 1998; 2013) and Sims (2008; 2014) address the divergence in the development of this verb and its variant in terms of grammaticalization, but with references to Middle English in general. Studies by Los (2000; 2005), on the other hand, deal with the grammaticalization of onginnan and beginnan with the plain infinitive in Ælfric’s works. However, no studies have been carried out on whether gan and can, as well as beginnen develop differently in terms of grammaticalization in the ‘English’ of the six northern counties of England and of Scotland in the late 14th and the 15th centuries, conventionally referred to as Northern Middle English and Early Scots, respectively. With the aid of Northern Middle English and Early Scots texts from computerised corpora (The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts, The Innsbruck Corpus of Middle English Prose and The Teaching Association for Medieval Studies, as well as The Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots and A Linguistic Atlas of Older Scots), this study looks into whether: a) gan and can, as well as beginnen differ with respect to their morphological paradigms, in view of what we know about grammaticalization and the development of invariant forms? b) these verbs differ with respect to their complements, in view of claims in the literature that the more grammaticalized variant takes the plain infinitive; and c) gan and can are a development from onginnan and aginnan, originally expressing ingression but shown in the literature to have undergone semantic bleaching in Old English and in early Middle English period? This study shows that in Northern Middle English and Early Scots, gan and can display characteristics of grammaticalization, while beginnen participates in global language changes affecting the category of the verb in ME and Scots

    Inducció d'una proteïna d'estrès per fred en cèl·lules del cúmulus : un nou pas per a la millora de la vitrificació d'oòcits?

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    La vitrificació preserva les funcions de cèl·lules, com els oòcits, a temperatures properes a -196ºC, però la tolerància a aquestes temperatures extremes es encara reduïda. Per enfortir-los i que puguin resistir, el grup ERPAW/GRI-BCN de la UAB ha estudiat si el tractament previ amb fred (estrès cel·lular) pot servir com a preparació. A més, ha observat que les baixes temperatures indueixen una proteïna d'estrès per fred (CIRBP) en la capa de cèl·lules del cúmulus que envolten l'oòcit, les quals podrien ajudar a incrementar la tolerància dels oòcits al procés de vitrificació.La vitrificación preserva las funciones de células, como los oocitos, a temperaturas cercanas a -196ºC, pero la tolerancia a estas temperaturas extremas es todavía reducida. Para fortalecerlos y que puedan resistir, el grupo ERPAW/GRI-BCN de la UAB ha estudiado si el tratamiento previo con frío (estrés celular) puede servir como preparación. Además, ha observado que las bajas temperaturas inducen una proteína de estrés por frío (CIRBP) en la capa de células del cúmulos que rodean el ovocito, las cuales podrían ayudar a incrementar la tolerancia de los ovocitos al proceso de vitrificación.Vitrification preserves the functions of cells at -196ºC, but the tolerance of these extreme temperatures is still insufficient for the oocytes. To increase the vitrification tolerance, the group ERPAW/GRI-BCN of the UAB has studied if the pre-treatment with cold (cellular stress) could induce and increase the oocyte resistance to the process. Besides, the group has observed that the low temperatures induce a cold-inducible protein (CIRBP) in the layer of cumulus cells that surround the oocyte, which could help to increase the oocyte tolerance towards the vitrification process

    Espacios de descubrimiento de geometría fractal utilizando el software matemático Geogebra

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    Este taller consiste en desarrollar espacios de aprendizaje de la geometría fractal por medio del software matemático GeoGebra. Además, se pretende seguir una metodología constructivista en la que los participantes lograrán, a través de sus propias elaboraciones en GeoGebra, descubrir el concepto y algunas propiedades de la geometría fractal. Como eje adicional, se dan recomendaciones de cómo desarrollar algunos temas del programa de matemáticas de secundaria utilizando construcciones fractales

    Canvis en l'expressió gènica del receptor de glucocorticoides en el tracte reproductiu femení en conill : un nou paper en la fisiologia de la reproducció?

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    Els glucocorticoides modulen funcions essencials dels animals, entre elles la reproducció. Un nou estudi sobre els seus mecanismes de senyalització, en concret sobre els canvis en l'expressió gènica del receptor NR3C1/GR en conills davant de diferents estímuls, podria tenir aplicacions potencials en l'ús de les tècniques de reproducció assistida en aquesta espècie i també en altres mamífers.Los glucocorticoides modulan funciones esenciales de los animales, entre ellas la reproducción. Un nuevo estudio sobre sus mecanismos de señalización, en concreto sobre los cambios en la expresión génica del receptor NR3C1/GR en conejos ante diferentes estímulos, podría tener aplicaciones potenciales en el uso de las técnicas de reproducción asistida en esta especie y también en otros mamíferos.Glucocorticoids modulate essential animal functions, including reproduction. A new study on their signaling mechanisms, specifically on the changes in gene expression of the NR3C1/GR receptor in rabbits in response to different stimuli, could have potential applications in the use of assisted reproduction techniques in this species and also in other mammals

    NR3C1 and glucocorticoid-regulatory genes mRNA and protein expression in the endometrium and ampulla during the bovine estrous cycle

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    Altres ajuts: acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe bovine reproductive tract exhibits changes during the estrous cycle modulated by the interplay of steroid hormones. Glucocorticoids can be detrimental when stress-induced but are relevant at baseline levels for appropriate reproductive function. Here, an analysis of quantitative real-time PCR was performed to study the bovine glucocorticoid-related baseline gene transcription in endometrial and ampullar tissue samples derived from three time points of the estrous cycle, stage I (Days 1-4), stage III (Days 11-17) and stage IV (Days 18-20). Our results revealed expression differences during stages, as expression observed in the ampulla was higher during the post-ovulatory phase (stage I), including the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1, and some of its regulators, involved in glucocorticoid availability (HSD11B1 and HSD11B2) and transcriptional actions (FKBP4 and FKBP5). In contrast, in the endometrium, higher expression of the steroid receptors was observed during the late luteal phase (stage III), including ESR1, ESR2, PGRMC1 and PGRMC2, and HSD11B1 expression decreased, while HSD11B2 increased. Moreover, at protein level, FKBP4 was higher expressed during the late luteal phase, and NR3C1 during the pre-ovulatory phase (stage IV). These results suggest that tight regulation of the glucocorticoid activity is promoted in the ampulla, when reproductive events are taking place, including oocyte maturation. Moreover, most expression changes in the endometrium were observed during the late luteal phase, and may be related to the embryonic maternal recognition. In conclusion, the glucocorticoid regulation changes across the estrous cycle and may be playing a role on the reproductive events occurring in the bovine ampulla and endometrium

    Semen Modulates the Expression of NGF, ABHD2, VCAN, and CTEN in the Reproductive Tract of Female Rabbits

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    Semen changes the gene expression in endometrial and oviductal tissues modulating important processes for reproduction. We tested the hypothesis that mating and/or sperm-free seminal plasma deposition in the reproductive tract affect the expression of genes associated with sperm-lining epithelium interactions, ovulation, and pre-implantation effects (nerve growth factor, NGF; α/β hydrolase domain-containing protein 2, ABHD2; C-terminal tensin-like protein, CTEN or TNS4; and versican, VCAN) in the period 10-72 h post-mating. In Experiment 1, does (n = 9) were treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (control), GnRH-stimulated, and vaginally infused with sperm-free seminal plasma (SP-AI), or GnRH-stimulated and naturally mated (NM). In Experiment 2, does (n = 15) were GnRH-stimulated and naturally mated. Samples were retrieved from the internal reproductive tracts (cervix-to-infundibulum) 20 h post-treatment (Experiment 1) or sequentially collected at 10, 24, 36, 68, or 72 h post-mating (Experiment 2, 3 does/period). All samples were processed for gene expression analysis by quantitative PCR. Data showed an upregulation of endometrial CTEN and NGF by NM, but not by SP-AI. The findings suggest that the NGF gene affects the reproductive tract of the doe during ovulation and beyond, influencing the maternal environment during early embryonic development