12,411 research outputs found


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    Plenty of people’s consumption is referred to necessary products used every day, and the cultural products are classified as sumptuary groceries used aside the people’s basic necessities. But those cultural consumptions are the ones that cause great difference among people. Those frequent books consumers are more demanded in the labor market and those classic music listeners are clearly different from those who listen tropical music. Towards this phenomenon, understand the Colombian cultural consumption would let us know more about the population and see how prepared it is to face cultural and social changes, because those who consume more cultural products are more prone to cultural transformations.Cultural Consumption, books, video.

    Unexplored documentary sources to assess climate variability in the Mediterranean sea

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    The CLIWOC project has recently shown the potential of 18th and 19th century logbooks to reconstruct wind climatology in the open oceans. This paper examines the availability of non-digitised logbooks covering the Mediterranean Sea during the same period. It is shown that the combination of logbooks kept in British, French and Spanish archives would provide a high density of observations which could result in a significant wind climatology for the Maditerranean Sea

    Enhancing entrepreneurial innovation through industry-led accelerators: corporate-new venture dynamics and organizational redesign in a port maritime ecosystem

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    This PhD dissertation studies the management and design of corporate accelerators, in particular, industry-led value chain corporate accelerators. I addressed a multi-faceted research question about the novelty, corporate impact, dynamics and design of industry-led accelerators. Using a longitudinal, inductive, multiple-case embedded research design that analyses the industrial accelerator interface, the relationships between incumbent firms and external new ventures and the R&D/innovation units of established firms in a port maritime complex, this dissertation addresses this multi-faceted research question and it makes five core contributions. First, it positions, for the first time, the corporate accelerator phenomena at the intersection of fundamental management research streams, including organizational design, dynamic capabilities and corporate entrepreneurship. Second, it conducts the first study of the promising model of industry-led accelerator by inductively generating a four-step framework of how these accelerators work: i) co-define a broad innovation remit, ii) generate an innovation funnel to attract start-ups and scale-ups, iii) mutual sensing via flexible matching iv) select for scale and investment. Third, it finds striking counter-intuitive evidence in that the industry-led accelerator not only accelerates external new ventures but rather the corporate partners themselves by triggering them to internalize the lean start-up method and redesign their R&D/innovation processes and routines. To explain this, I inductively developed a four-phases process model of corporate entrepreneurial capability-building, comprising: a) attracting, b) strategic fit sensing, c) shaping and d) internalizing. Fourth, this dissertation uncovers three novel tensions—internalization, implementation and role—at the incumbent - new venture interface and develops a new ecological and symbiotically-inspired framework for tension identification and mitigation in industrial acceleration contexts. Fifth, and finally, using the frameworks and process models developed, this dissertation proposes a new toolkit (industrial acceleration design canvas and workshops) to orient practitioners when strategizing, designing and sustaining corporate new venture ecosystem acceleration initiatives.Open Acces

    A comparative analysis between two statistical deviation–based consensus measures in group decision making problems

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    The mean absolute deviation and the standard deviation, two statistical measures commonly used in quantifying variability, may become an interesting tool when defining consensus measures. Two consensus indexes which obtain the level of consensus in some problems of Group Decision Making are introduced in this paper by expanding the aforementioned statistical concepts. A comparative analysis reveals that the levels of consensus derived from these indexes are close to those obtained employing distance functions when a fuzzy preference relations frame is considered, so they turn out to be a useful tool in this context. In addition, these indexes are different from each other and with the distance functions considered. Thus, they are applicable tools in the calculation of consensus in our context and are different from those commonly used

    Design, Development and Implementation of Intelligent Algorithms to Increase Autonomy of Quadrotor Unmanned Missions

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    This thesis presents the development and implementation of intelligent algorithms to increase autonomy of unmanned missions for quadrotor type UAVs. A six-degree-of freedom dynamic model of a quadrotor is developed in Matlab/Simulink in order to support the design of control algorithms previous to real-time implementation. A dynamic inversion based control architecture is developed to minimize nonlinearities and improve robustness when the system is driven outside bounds of nominal design. The design and the implementation of the control laws are described. An immunity-based architecture is introduced for monitoring quadrotor health and its capabilities for detecting abnormal conditions are successfully demonstrated through flight testing. A vision-based navigation scheme is developed to enhance the quadrotor autonomy under GPS denied environments. An optical flow sensor and a laser range finder are used within an Extended Kalman Filter for position estimation and its estimation performance is analyzed by comparing against measurements from a GPS module. Flight testing results are presented where the performances are analyzed, showing a substantial increase of controllability and tracking when the developed algorithms are used under dynamically changing environments. Healthy flights, flights with failures, flight with GPS-denied navigation and post-failure recovery are presented

    Use Case Oriented Medical Visual Information Retrieval & System Evaluation

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    Large amounts of medical visual data are produced daily in hospitals, while new imaging techniques continue to emerge. In addition, many images are made available continuously via publications in the scientific literature and can also be valuable for clinical routine, research and education. Information retrieval systems are useful tools to provide access to the biomedical literature and fulfil the information needs of medical professionals. The tools developed in this thesis can potentially help clinicians make decisions about difficult diagnoses via a case-based retrieval system based on a use case associated with a specific evaluation task. This system retrieves articles from the biomedical literature when querying with a case description and attached images. This thesis proposes a multimodal approach for medical case-based retrieval with focus on the integration of visual information connected to text. Furthermore, the ImageCLEFmed evaluation campaign was organised during this thesis promoting medical retrieval system evaluation

    New Genes Born-In or Invading Vertebrate Genomes

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    Which is the origin of genes is a fundamental question in Biology, indeed a question older than the discovery of genes itself. For more than a century, it was uneven to think in origins other than duplication and divergence from a previous gene. In recent years, however, the intersection of genetics, embryonic development, and bioinformatics, has brought to light that de novo generation from non-genic DNA, horizontal gene transfer and, noticeably, virus and transposon invasions, have shaped current genomes, by integrating those newcomers into old gene networks, helping to shape morphological and physiological innovations. We here summarized some of the recent research in the field, mostly in the vertebrate lineage with a focus on protein-coding novelties, showing that the placenta, the adaptative immune system, or the highly developed neocortex, among other innovations, are linked to de novo gene creation or domestication of virus and transposons. We provocatively suggest that the high tolerance to virus infections by bats may also be related to previous virus and transposon invasions in the bat lineage