6,337 research outputs found

    Estado de México y democracia en los albores del siglo XXI

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    El objetivo del presente capítulo es analizar la bibliografía1 encontrada en las bibliotecas del valle de Toluca en torno a la democracia (también se incluyeron textos con temas afines) en el Estado de México (independientemente de la editorial involucrada en el texto en cuestión) y a la democracia en general (aunque en este caso sólo se consideraron los textos publicados en el Estado de México)

    Magnetic-field control of near-field radiative heat transfer and the realization of highly tunable hyperbolic thermal emitters

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical study of the magnetic field dependence of the near-field radiative heat transfer (NFRHT) between two parallel plates. We show that when the plates are made of doped semiconductors, the near-field thermal radiation can be severely affected by the application of a static magnetic field. We find that irrespective of its direction, the presence of a magnetic field reduces the radiative heat conductance, and dramatic reductions up to 700% can be found with fields of about 6 T at room temperature. We show that this striking behavior is due to the fact that the magnetic field radically changes the nature of the NFRHT. The field not only affects the electromagnetic surface waves (both plasmons and phonon polaritons) that normally dominate the near-field radiation in doped semiconductors, but it also induces hyperbolic modes that progressively dominate the heat transfer as the field increases. In particular, we show that when the field is perpendicular to the plates, the semiconductors become ideal hyperbolic near-field emitters. More importantly, by changing the magnetic field, the system can be continuously tuned from a situation where the surface waves dominate the heat transfer to a situation where hyperbolic modes completely govern the near-field thermal radiation. We show that this high tunability can be achieved with accessible magnetic fields and very common materials like n-doped InSb or Si. Our study paves the way for an active control of NFRHT and it opens the possibility to study unique hyperbolic thermal emitters without the need to resort to complicated metamaterials.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Estado de México y democracia en los albores del siglo XXI

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    En este capítulo, que se divide en tres apartados principales, se presenta un marco conceptual que, pensamos, tiene importancia en sí mismo, aunque también ha tenido la utilidad práctica de orientar la elaboración e interpretación de la encuesta sobre la calidad de la democracia en el Estado de México que se incluye en este mismo libro

    Multiagent Systems in Automotive Applications

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    The multiagent systems have proved to be a useful tool in the design of solutions to problems of distributed nature. In a distributed system, it is possible that the data, the control actions or even both, be distributed. The concept of agent is a suitable notion for capturing situations where the global knowledge about the status of a system is complex or even impossible to acquire in a single entity. In automotive applications, there exist a great number of scenarios of distributed nature, such as the traffic coordination, routes load balancing problems, traffic negotiation among the infrastructure and cars, to mention a few. Even more, the autonomous driving features of the new generation of cars will require the new methods of car to car communication, car to infrastructure negotiation, and even infrastructure to infrastructure communication. This chapter proposes the application of multiagent system techniques to some problems in the automotive field

    Hydraulic Characterization of a Adjustable Spiral-shaped Evaporator

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    To ensure reliability in miniaturized devices or processes with increased heat fluxes, decreasing available cooling surfaces have to be met by novel cooling methods. In order to meet this challenge, a new type of evaporator, the swirl evaporator, was developed. The swirl evaporator is a screw-shaped cylindrical evaporator with an internal diameter between 1 – 3 mm, which is inserted as a blind hole in components with high heat generation. The refrigerant is fed into the blind hole via a capillary, deflected by 180° in the drilling base and flows out of the evaporator again in a helical way (twist flow) against the inflow direction. The refrigerant is pressed against the hot wall by centrifugal forces. This results in an increased critical heat flux. The evaporator\u27s design allows a compact size, making it suitable for a wide range of technical applications. To enable its design for industrial needs, a test stand has been developed. The hydraulic characterization was performed by varying the evaporator length. First experimental results show a linear relationship between swirl evaporator length and pressure loss

    Experiencias ocultas: sobre lo humano en la Capilla de San José en Sevilla

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    Resumen: Vivimos refugiados en mundos desdoblados que inventamos sin saberlo, en sus sombras naturales; y cuando la naturaleza no basta, lo corregimos con arquitectura, que es el arte y la técnica de las sombras arrojadas, un lugar al que sin duda pertenecemos de lleno. La luz nos es dada, la sombra no. El mundo que nos rodea se divide en dos mitades irreconocibles, la luz y las tinieblas, como inocente expresión de dos espacios aparentemente opuestos: el cielo y la tierra. Nacemos dándonos a la luz, pero vivimos refugiados en sus sombras negras. La humanidad busca con obsesión el encuentro con estas experiencias ocultas, para observar la vida desde el otro lado. Esta pequeña capilla del barroco sevillano, conserva oculta en el trasfondo de su masa un misterioso secreto. A través de los ojos de dos jóvenes estudiantes de arquitectura de los años 60, nos adentraremos en un mundo invisible y humano (figura 1).Abstract: We live as refugees in concentric worlds that we invent without know it, by their natural shadows; and when nature isn’t enough, we correct it with architecture which is the art and technique of those casting shadows, a place in which we undoubtedly belong to. Light is given to us, shadow is not. The world that surrounds us is divided into two unrecognizable halves, light and darkness, as an innocent expression of two opposing spaces: sky and earth. We are born giving ourselves to light, but we live sheltered in the darkness to which we belong, in their black shadows.

    Present and future ecological niche modeling of garter snake species from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt

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    Articulo producto parcial de tesis doctoralLand use and climate change are affecting the abundance and distribution of species. The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) is a very diverse region due to geological history, geographic position, and climate. It is also one of the most disturbed regions in Mexico. Reptiles are particularly sensitive to environmental changes due to their low dispersal capacity and thermal ecology. In this study, we define the important environmental variables (considering climate, topography, and land use) and potential distribution (present and future) of the five Thamnophis species present in TMVB. To do so, we used the maximum entropy modeling software (MAXENT). First, we modeled to select the most important variables to explain the distribution of each species, then we modeled again using only the most important variables and projected these models to the future considering a middle-moderate climate change scenario (rcp45), and land use and vegetation variables for the year 2050 (generated according to land use changes that occurred between years 2002 and 2011). Arid vegetation had an important negative effect on habitat suitability for all species, and minimum temperature of the coldest month was important for four of the five species. Thamnophis cyrtopsis was the species with the lowest tolerance to minimum temperatures. The maximum temperature of the warmest month was important for T. scalaris and T. cyrtopsis. Low percentages of agriculture were positive for T. eques and T. melanogaster but, at higher values, agriculture had a negative effect on habitat suitability for both species. Elevation was the most important variable to explain T. eques and T. melanogaster potential distribution while distance to Abies forests was the most important variable for T. scalaris and T. scaliger. All species had a high proportion of their potential distribution in the TMVB. However, according to our models, all Thamnophis species will experience reductions in their potential distribution in this region. T. scalaris will suffer the biggest reduction because this species is limited by high temperatures and will not be able to shift its distribution upward, as it is already present in the highest elevations of the TMVB.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México: 4047/2016SF. CONACY