19 research outputs found

    Limb salvage in bone sarcomas in patients younger than age 10. A 20-year experience.

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    The authors present their experience over the last 20 years in limb salvage procedures of a consecutive series of 40 children under 10 years of age (range 2-10 years) with bone sarcomas. Nineteen were osteogenic sarcomas and 21 were Ewing sarcomas. Only one case, located in the distal phalanx of the toe, was treated by straightforward amputation. Intercalary allografts and Canadell's technique were used to preserve joints whenever possible, and prosthesis or osteoarticular allografts were used when the joint surface was involved. Survival rate in this series was 75%. There were four local recurrences. At the last follow-up (mean 11.2 years, range 5-19 years postop), 90% of the patients preserved their limbs. Eighty percent of the authors' results were excellent or good according to the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Scale. Limb salvage is a real possibility even in young children with bone sarcomas. The age of the patient itself is not a contraindication for limb salvage

    FDG-PET: a new diagnostic approach in hip prosthesis infection

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    Infection following hip arthroplasties can present a diagnostic challenge. No test is 100 % sensitive and 100 % specific; this prospective study was undertaken to evaluate the utility of FDG-PET imaging for diagnosing infected joint replacements. 24 hip joint replacements were studied prospectively and we have complete diagnoses with clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory test, radiography, joint aspiration, radionuclide imaging including FDG-PET, and histopathologic examination. 11 of 24 prostheses were infected. The sensitivity and specificity of PET for detecting infection associated with prostheses were 64,3 % and 64,7 % respectively, in our hands. FDG imaging is not useful in patients with suspected prosthetic infection like a screening tes

    Valoración radiológica del pie zambo congénito idiopático y su correlación clínica en la operación de Codivilla

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    Thirty-seven patients (52 idiopathic clubfeet) were treated with Codivilla's technique between 1971 and 1985. Radiological measurements and clinical evaluation before and after surgery were performed; a correlation was carried out between these evaluations and personal satisfaction. The results were rated as follows: poor in 4 feet (7.7%), fair in 18 feet (34.6%), good in 24 feet (46.2%) and excellent in 6 feet (11.5%) with a total percentage of satisfactory results amounting to 57.7%. Our conclusion is that when the indications are properly established, Codivilla's technique is a good procedure to correct clubfoot

    Espondilodiscitis cervicales

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    Se revisaron nueve casos de discitis infecciosas de localización cervical de una serie de ochenta pacientes con espondilodiscitis (10%). Se valoraron mediante historia clínica, analítica y radiología simple todos ellos. Además, seis de ellos se valoraron por Resonancia Magnética, tres por gammagrafía ósea, y un caso por punción-biopsia. Los factores predisponentes eran claros en seis de los pacientes, encontrando entre ellos tres sepsis por Stafilococcus aureus, dos intervenciones quirúrgicas previas sobre columna cervical y una insuficiencia renal crónica terminal en tratamiento con hemodiálisis. Sólo uno de los pacientes se complicó al presentar secundariamente afectación neurológica con resultado de tetraplejía flácida. Se llevó a cabo tratamiento médico con antibioterapia e inmovilización con collarín en siete casos; en dos casos se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico mediante limpieza del foco y artrodesis (uno de ellos con descompresión medular) además del tratamiento médico. En aquellos pacientes tratados conservadoramente mediante tratamiento médico y ortopédico la evolución fue hacia la curación con anquilosis vertebral (fusión) en cinco de ellos, y en uno hacia discopatía artrósica crónica. Los pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente evolucionaron hacia artrodesis estable, aunque uno de ellos, el que tenía comprometida la función neurológica con tetraplejía, no la recuperó. Mediante esta revisión pretendemos plantear la dificultad diagnóstica y el riesgo potencial de las infecciones cervicales.Eighty patients were treated for spondylodiscitis with the cervical spine involved in nine cases. Conservative treatment was applied in seven cases with Minerva jacket and antibiotics, and surgical treatment was applied in severe, rapidly, progressive, complicated cases and in patients with involvement of nervous system (two cases). The good and satisfactory results in both group were similar. These results show that when the indications are properly establised, both conservative and operative methods have satisfactory results

    Positive culture in allograft ACL-reconstruction: what to do?

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    The transmission of disease or infection from the donor to the recipient is always a risk with the use of allografts. We carried out a research study on the behavioural pattern of implanted allografts, which were initially stored in perfect conditions (all cultures being negative) but later presented positive cultures at the implantation stage. Because there is no information available on how to deal with this type of situation, our aim was to set guidelines on the course of action which would be required in such a case. We conducted a retrospective study of 181 patients who underwent an ACL reconstruction using BPTB allografts. All previous bone and blood cultures and tests for hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV were negative. An allograft sample was taken for culture in the operating theatre just before its implantation. The results of the cultures were obtained 3-5 days after the operation. We had 24 allografts with positive culture (13.25%) after the implantation with no clinical infection in any of these patients. Positive cultures could be caused by undetected contamination while harvesting, storing or during manipulation before implantation. The lack of clinical signs of infection during the follow-up of our patients may indicate that no specific treatment-other than an antibiotic protocol-would be required when facing a case of positive culture of a graft piece after its implantation

    Sinostosis congénitas del tarso: concepto, clasificación, diagnóstico y planteamiento terapéutico

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    incidencia de las sinostosis congénitas del tarso se estima en torno al 1% de la población, siendo una de las causas más comunes de pie plano rígido doloroso en la población pediátrica. La barra calcáneoescafoidea (50%) y el puente astragalocalcá¬neo (40%) son las formas de presentación más frecuentes. La restricción de la movilidad, el dolor mecánico en el lugar de la fusión y la deformidad del calzado referida en la anamnesis deben hacernos sospechar esta entidad. En la exploración física destaca la rigidez del retropié con limitación dolorosa característica de la pronosupinación que ha motivado clásicamente la errónea denominación de pie plano peroneo espástico. El diagnóstico radiológico se hace normalmente con radiografías simples (proyecciones laterales y oblicuas entre 35 y 45º), en las que observamos el osteofito anterior de la cabeza del astrágalo o la imagen de condensación en "media luna" del astrágalo superpuesto con el calcáneo, siendo necesario en ocasiones recurrir al TAC. Entre las posibilidades terapéuticas, el tratamiento quirúr¬gico es el único resolutivo del problema de base. La resección-artroplastia de interposición debe intentarse en pacientes jóvenes en los que se quiera preservar la biomecánica normal del pie, evitándose los problemas a largo plazo de la artrodesis. La triple artrodesis o la artrodesis subastragalina, se reservan para pacientes mayores con signos degenerativos, en casos de fusio¬nes tarsianas múltiples y tras fracaso de la resección¬-artroplasti