611 research outputs found
Modelo morfodinâmico com transporte litorâneo longitudinal e transversal para aplicações de engenharia
Numerical Models are tools frequently used to study nearshore processes. Several strategies are employed by the various modelling systems to represent the longshore and cross-shore sediment transport in the surf zone. The calibration of these models is a challenge, especially for the case of beach profile evolution models. This work presents a 2DH coastal morphodynamic model for use in Engineering problems. This model consists of the coupling between a model of longshore transport model, already well established and based on the formula of Van Rijn (2007), and cross-shore transport model, which is based on the Kriebel & Dean (1984) formula and is the main subject here studied. The Kriebel & Dean (1984) formula provides the solid discharge, for a given sediment, from the knowledge of the water column at each point of the surf zone, of which values are previously calculated with a hydrodynamic model coupled with a wave model. The model was validated with results of physical model and tested for beach morphodynamics simulation of typical Coastal Engineering problems. One also presents a methodology for prescribing adequate boundary conditions in the open boundaries of coastal hydrodynamic models.Modelos numéricos são ferramentas utilizadas com frequência no estudo de processos litorâneos. Diferentes estratégias são empregadas pelos variados sistemas de modelagem para representação do transporte de sedimentos nas direções longitudinal e transversal à zona de arrebentação. A calibração destes modelos é um desafio, especialmente para o caso de modelos de evolução de perfis de praia. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo morfodinâmico costeiro 2DH para uso em problemas de Engenharia. Tal modelo consiste no acoplamento entre um modelo de transporte longitudinal, já bem estabelecido e baseado na fórmula de Van Rijn (2007), e um modelo de transporte transversal, que se baseia na fórmula de Kriebel Dean (1984) e é o principal objeto aqui estudado. Esta última fórmula fornece a descarga sólida, para um dado sedimento, a partir da coluna de água em cada ponto da zona de arrebentação, cujos valores são previamente calculados com um modelo hidrodinâmico acoplado a um modelo de propagação de ondas. Introduziu-se ainda um novo coeficiente na fórmula de Kriebel & Dean (1984), que permitiu uma melhor calibração da direção do transporte transversal. O modelo foi validado frente a resultados de modelo físico e testado para simulação de morfodinâmica praial para problemas típicos de Engenharia Costeira. Apresenta-se ainda uma metodologia para prescrição de condições de contorno adequadas em fronteiras abertas de modelos hidrodinâmicos costeiros
¿Positivismo o pospositivismo? Conversatorio entre Manuel Atienza y Antonio García Amado
On September 27, 2023, in the Red Room of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, the conversation took place between professors Manuel Atienza (professor at the University of Alicante, Spain) and Juan Antonio García Amado (professor at the University of León, Spain), called "Positivism or post-positivism?". The presentation was given by Dean Leandro Vergara and the meeting was moderated by Professor Juan Pablo Alonso.Fil: Atienza, Manuel. Universidad de Alicante. Cátedra Filosofía del Derecho. Alicante, EspañaFil: Garcia Amado, Antonio. Universidad de León. Cátedra Filosofía del Derecho. León, EspañaEl 27 de septiembre de 2023, en el Salón Rojo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, tuvo lugar el conversatorio entre los profesores Manuel Atienza (catedrático de la Universidad de Alicante, España) y Juan Antonio García Amado (catedrático de la Universidad de León, España), denominado "¿Positivismo o pospositivismo?". La presentación estuvo a cargo del decano Leandro Vergara del encuentro fue moderado por el profesor Juan Pablo Alonso
Mídias do conhecimento na autoconstrução de sujeitos complexos: um estudo de caso no Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2010Percebendo o ser humano como uma eco-geno-feno-auto-re-organização (MORIN, 2001; 2003), a pesquisa voltou-se para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de colaboração e compartilhamento de experiências estético-artísticas no Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia - MAM BA e em uma comunidade próxima ao museu. Compreendendo-se os meios de expressão visuais e meios de comunicação como mídias do conhecimento, o problema da pesquisa configurou-se na seguinte pergunta: Como desenvolver programas institucionais de mediação cultural em artes visuais com comunidades, para possibilitar a autoconstrução de sujeitos complexos? O estudo teve como objetivo geral desenvolver uma estrutura de referência para a mediação cultural em espaços museais, sob a perspectiva do pensamento complexo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação integral e sistêmica, que permeou as fronteiras das áreas do conhecimento que compõem o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento da UFSC, sendo seu enfoque principal as Mídias do Conhecimento. A metodologia foi utilizada como estratégia (MORIN, 2001), tendo sido configurado um Projeto Piloto, intitulado Linha do Abraço desenvolvido com moradores de uma comunidade próxima ao MAM BA. Os ambientes constituídos e o fazer artístico dos sujeitos da pesquisa foram investigados a partir do paradigma da complexidade (MORIN, 2001), da biologia do amor (MATURANA, 2002), da teoria da atuação (VARELA; THOMPSON; ROSCH, 2003) e dos entrelaçamentos entre cognição e arte (EFLAND, 2002; FIALHO, 2001). A observação participante, a escuta sensível (BARBIER, 2003) e o registro de atividades realizadas configuraram as técnicas de pesquisa utilizadas. Diagnosticaram-se possibilidades de mudanças nos sistemas de construção de significados, na percepção dos espaços da comunidade e do museu, assim como nos sentimentos e sensações dos participantes e da própria pesquisadora.By perceiving the human being as an eco-gen-feno-self-re-organization (Morin, 2001; 2003), the research focused on the establishment of a collaborative and aesthetic-artistic experience sharing environments at the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia # MAM/BA and a community of people who live near this museum. Understanding the visual expression and means of communication as knowledge media the research problem was designed from the question, #How can institutional programmes for cultural mediation in visual arts be developed with communities in order to enable the self-construction of complex individuals?# The research aimed at developing a frame of reference for cultural mediation in museum spaces, from the perspective of complex thinking. This case study permeated the boundaries of the knowledge areas that constitute the Knowledge Engineering and Management post graduation programme and it focused mainly on knowledge media. In this work, the approaching methodology was used as a strategy (Morin, 2001) to set a project to be developed with residents of a community close to the museum. The project itself was named The Embrace Line. Both the environment and the artistic performance of the research participants were approached from the points of view of the complexity paradigm (Morin, 2001), of the biology of love (Maturana, 2002), of the theory of action (Varela, Thompson, Rosch, 2003) and of the interlacement of art and cognition (Efland, 2002; Fialho, 2001) in the construction of meaning. The techniques chosen to be used in this research were participant observation, sensitive listening (Barbier, 2003) and the recording of performed activities. The possibility of changes in the meaning construction systems, in the perception of the community´s spaces as well as in the museum, and also in the participants and the researcher´s own feelings and sensations was diagnosed
[EN] Knowing about the importance of the exercising of creative imagination, memory, aesthetic experience and human values in the process and in the formation of complex subjects, this paper aims to present and reflect on the results of my doctoral research, conducted in the 2005H2010 period, in Salvador H Bahia, Brazil. The research was developed from the setting and achievement of the pilot project Linha do Abraço, becoming collaborative environments and sharing of aestheticHartistic experiences directed to the art education, at the Modern Art Museum of Bahia H MAM BA and the Community Solar do Unhão. The methodology was used as a strategy (MORIN, 2001) and an actionH research was realized, which used participant observation, sensitive listening and documentation of activities performed as research instruments. The study aimed to develop a frame of reference for cultural mediation in museum spaces, from the perspective of the complexity paradigm. From the development of the Linha do Abraço project, possibilities for changes in the construction of meaning systems in the perception of community spaces and the museum were noted, as well as the feelings and sensations of the participants and the researcher.[ES] Sabiendo-se acerca de la importancia del ejercicio de imaginación creadora, de la memória, de la experiencia estética y de los valores humanos en el caminar y en la formación de sujetos complejos, este trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar y refletir acerca de los resultados de mi investigación de doctorado, realizado en el periodo de 2005 hasta 2010, en Salvador - Bahia, Brasil. La investigación fué desarrolada desde la configuración y realización del Proyecto Piloto "Linha do Abraço", constituyendo ambientes de colaboración y de conpartir experiencias estético-artísticas dirigidas para la enseñanza del arte, en el Museo de Arte Moderna da Bahia - MAM BA y en la comunidad Solar do Unhão. La metodologia fué utilizada como estrategia (Edgar Morin, 2001), tienendo sido realizada una investigación participante, la escucha sensible y el registro de actividades realizadas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo general desarrollar una estructura de referencia para la mediación cultural en espacios museológicos, bajo la perspectiva del paradigma de la complejidad. Desde el desarrollo del proyecto "Linha do Abraço" han sido percebidas possibilidades de cambios en los sistemas de construcción de significados, en la percepción de los espacios de la comunidad y del museo.Amado Da Siva Garcia, R. (2015). PROYECTO “LINHA DO ABRAÇO”: EJERCICIOS POÉTICOS DE VER, SENTIR Y DE CONSTRUIR EN LA CONFLUENCIA MUSEO COMUNIDAD. En II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ARTE VISUALES. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 743-748. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV2015.1285OCS74374
Características y evolución de pacientes con litiasis urinaria en emergencia de un hospital terciario: Characteristics and evolution of patients with urinary lithiasis in a tertiary hospital emergency
Background: The symptoms and complications of urinary lithiasis are a frequent cause of emergency care. Objectives: To determine characteristics and evolution of patients with urinary lithiasis attended in the emergency room of a tertiary social security hospital. Methods: Observational study carried out at the Rebagliati hospital Lima-Peru, during the first quarter of 2019. Sociodemographic variables, time and emergency indicators of the institutional statistical system were evaluated, performing descriptive statistics with IBM SPSS 25.0. Results: 583 attentions for urinary lithiasis (194 per month) were registered, corresponding to 14% of the genito-urinary pathology seen in the evaluated service. 55% male, average age 48 years (range 14 to 92). Mainly attended by surgical topic and priority 3, most frequent causes pain, infection and hematuria. Time of first attention 4.8 hours, leaving 70% of discharge. Observation rooms were admitted to 10.5% with an average stay of 77 hours (3.2 days), with 51% hospitalized, discharge 31%, operated 3% and 2% died. Conclusion: Urinary lithiasis occurs in 1 out of 7 genitourinary pathologies of the emergency room evaluated, predominantly in middle-aged men, 10% are admitted to the observation room, with a short stay and low mortality.Antecedentes: La sintomatología y complicaciones de litiasis urinaria son una causa frecuente de atención en emergencia. Objetivos: Determinar características y evolución de pacientes con litiasis urinaria atendidos en el servicio de emergencia de un hospital terciario de la seguridad social. Métodos: Estudio observacional realizado en el hospital Rebagliati Lima-Perú, durante el primer trimestre 2019. Se evaluó variables sociodemográficas, de tiempo e indicadores de emergencia del sistema estadístico institucional, realizando estadística descriptiva con IBM SPSS 25.0. Resultados: Se registraron 583 atenciones por litiasis urinaria (194 por mes), correspondiendo al 14% de la patología genito-urinaria vista en el servicio evaluado. 55% de sexo masculino, edad promedio 48 años (rango 14 a 92). Atendidos principalmente por tópico de cirugía y de prioridad 3, causas más frecuentes dolor, infección y hematuria. Tiempo de primera atención 4,8 horas, saliendo de alta el 70%. Se admitió a salas de observación 10,5% con estancia promedio de 77 horas (3,2 días), siendo hospitalizada 51%, de alta 31%, operada 3% y falleció 2%. Conclusión: La litiasis urinaria se presenta en 1 de cada 7 atenciones de patología genitourinaria del servicio de emergencia evaluado, predominando en varones, de edad media, el 10% es admitido a sala de observación, con corta estancia y baja mortalidad
Thermoelectric Cooling: The Thomson Effect in Hybrid Two- Stage Thermoelectric Cooler Systems with Different Leg Geometric Shapes
This chapter aims to analyse the performance of hybrid two-stage thermoelectric cooler systems [two-stage thermoelectric cooling devices (TEC)], which are composed of different thermoelectric materials in each stage with different leg geometric shapes. If we consider a temperature gradient inside a two-stage TEC, then, besides Joule heat, also Thomson heat has to be taken into account. We discuss the out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics equations of a one-dimensional model to provide the performance expressions that govern the system. TEC system performance is analysed in function of the Thomson coefficients ratio of both stages. We describe a recent geometric optimization procedure that includes leg geometry parameters such as ratio of cross-sectional area and length of legs for each stage of the two-stage TEC
Inhabiting temporariness: the agency-in-waiting of Eritrean refugees in the city
Protracted displacement turns what should be a temporary protection status, asylum, into a long-term process that defines the existence of millions of people. The unresolved causes of displacement, a flawed asylum system and restrictive refugee policies all force refugees to inhabit a state of temporariness in cities. We discuss the unfulfilled potential of Eritrean refugees in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and show how urban migration becomes part of a waiting game on a journey towards the realization of this potential. Using Brun’s concept of agency-in-waiting, we illustrate how Eritrean refugees use their agency in cities, finding ways to remain hopeful, circumvent restrictions and prepare for unpredictable futures. Our findings challenge the dominant discourse on Addis Ababa as a transit space where Eritreans remain inactive and unproductive, idly waiting for resettlement. Rather, they work towards their ultimate goal – to establish a secure life with full rights, wherever this might be
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