12,564 research outputs found

    Parâmetros morfológicos e fisiológicos associados com a seca de ramos do cafeeiro.

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    A seca de ramos do cafeeiro é um dos principais problemas de diversas cultivares de café. A maioria das evidências indica que a causa primária deste distúrbio é o esgotamento de carboidratos da planta em decorrência de superprodução de frutos. Acredita-se que plantas mais sujeitas ao depauperamento possuam características que as predispõem a este distúrbio, como por exemplo, pequena área foliar e sistema radicular deficiente. Este trabalho foi elaborado como o objetivo de quantificar a área foliar, as relações folha/fruto e a partição de matéria das raízes, caule, ramos, folhas e frutos de genótipos de café com diferentes graus de suscetibilidade à seca de ramos, a fim de determinar parâmetros morfológicos e fisiológicos relacionados à seca de ramos e ao depauperamento precoce. Foram realizados dois ensaios comparando as progênies Sabiá Precoce 417, Sabiá Médio 708 e Catuacaí-açu, as quais são bastante suscetíveis à seca de ramos, com as cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e Catucaí Vermelho 19/8 (pouco suscetíveis à seca de ramos). Verificou-se que a cultivar Catuaí apresentou uma relação folha/fruto cerca de 20% maior que as relações das progênies Sabiá durante todo o período de frutificação, embora a produção de frutos, o crescimento vegetativo e a partição de matéria seca tivessem sido semelhantes. Concluiu-se que a pequena razão folha/fruto é uma característica intrínseca das progênies Sabiá

    Desempenho de novilhos Simental alimentados com silagem de sorgo, cana-de-açúcar e palhada de arroz tratada ou não com amônia anidra.

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de novilhos alimentados com dietas contendo palhada de arroz amonizada, palhada de arroz + uréia, cana-de-açúcar + uréia e silagem de sorgo. Utilizaram-se 16 novilhos, Simental PO, com peso vivo médio de 400 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O experimento teve duração de 88 dias, sendo 15 de adaptação e 61 dias de avaliação, divididos em três períodos de 21 dias. O consumo total de MS, que variou de 7,1 a 10,0 kg/dia, diferiu entre as dietas, registrando-se maiores consumos para os animais que receberam dietas contendo palhada de arroz amonizada e silagem de sorgo, que, por sua vez, não diferiram entre si. A conversão alimentar não diferiu entre as diferentes dietas, registrando-se valor médio de 6,6. Observou-se maior ganho de peso para os animais que receberam palhada de arroz amonizada (1,59 kg/dia) em relação à palhada mais uréia (1,25 kg/dia). O efeito da amonização, melhorando o valor nutritivo da palhada de arroz, resultou em maior consumo voluntário deste volumoso e, conseqüentemente, em maior ganho diário de peso vivo dos animais, em relação à palhada de arroz não-tratada e suplementada com uréia

    Linkage disequilibrium and population structure in wild and cultivated populations of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis).

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    Abstract: Among rubber tree species, which belong to the Hevea genus of the Euphorbiaceae family, Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr.de Juss.) Muell. Arg. is the main commercial source of natural rubber production worldwide. Knowledge of the population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) of this species is essential for the efficient organization and exploitation of genetic resources. Here, we obtained single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach and then employed the SNPs for the following objectives: (i) to identify the positions of SNPs on a genetic map of a segregating mapping population, (ii) to evaluate the population structure of a germplasm collection, and (iii) to detect patterns of LD decay among chromosomes for future genetic association studies in rubber tree. A total of 626 genotypes, including both germplasm accessions (368) and individuals from a genetic mapping population (254), were genotyped. A total of 77,660 and 21,283 SNPs were detected by GBS in the germplasm and mapping populations, respectively. The mapping population, which was previously mapped, was constructed with 1,062 markers, among which only 576 SNPs came from GBS, reducing the average interval between two adjacent markers to 4.4 cM. SNPs from GBS genotyping were used for the analysis of genetic structure and LD estimation in the germplasm accessions. Two groups, which largely corresponded to the cultivated and wild populations, were detected using STRUCTURE and via principal coordinate analysis. LD analysis, also using the mapped SNPs, revealed that non-random associations varied along chromosomes, with regions of high LD interspersed with regions of low LD. Considering the length of the genetic map (4,693 cM) and the mean LD (0.49 for cultivated and 0.02 for wild populations), a large number of evenly spaced SNPs would be needed to perform genome-wide association studies in rubber tree, and the wilder the genotypes used, the more difficult the mapping saturation

    A genome-wide association study identified loci for yield component traits in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.).

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) has a complex genome with variable ploidy and frequent aneuploidy, which hampers the understanding of phenotype and genotype relations. Despite this complexity, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may be used to identify favorable alleles for target traits in core collections and then assist breeders in better managing crosses and selecting superior genotypes in breeding populations. Therefore, in the present study, we used a diversity panel of sugarcane, called the Brazilian Panel of Sugarcane Genotypes (BPSG), with the following objectives: (i) estimate, through a mixed model, the adjusted means and genetic parameters of the five yield traits evaluated over two harvest years; (ii) detect population structure, linkage disequilibrium (LD) and genetic diversity using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers; (iii) perform GWAS analysis to identify marker-trait associations (MTAs); and iv) annotate the sequences giving rise to SSR markers that had fragments associated with target traits to search for putative candidate genes. The phenotypic data analysis showed that the broad-sense heritability values were above 0.48 and 0.49 for the first and second harvests, respectively. The set of 100 SSR markers produced 1,483 fragments, of which 99.5% were polymorphic. These SSR fragments were useful to estimate the most likely number of subpopulations, found to be four, and the LD in BPSG, which was stronger in the first 15 cM and present to a large extension (65 cM). Genetic diversity analysis showed that, in general, the clustering of accessions within the subpopulations was in accordance with the pedigree information. GWAS performed through a multilocus mixed model revealed 23 MTAs, six, three, seven, four and three for soluble solid content, stalk height, stalk number, stalk weight and cane yield traits, respectively. These MTAs may be validated in other populations to support sugarcane breeding programs with introgression of favorable alleles and marker-assisted selectio