6,691 research outputs found

    Monitoring the Function of the P-glycoprotein Transporter at the Blood Brain Barrier

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    The P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporter located at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is an efflux transporter that pumps neurotoxic compounds out of the brain. Its main function is to protect the brain to ensure an appropriate neural function. Decreases in the P-gp function can result in increased accumulation of toxic compounds inside the brain such as beta-amyloid and this may cause the development of Alzheimer´s or other neurological disorders. By contrast, increases in the P-gp function can decrease the therapeutic drug concentration inside the brain and influence the efficacy of the treatment (drug resistance) as occurred in patients with intractable epilepsy. Thus, it is of interest to monitor the P-gp function in vivo to facilitate the early diagnosis of brain disorders and to monitor drug resistance. To this aim, we used Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging, a non-invasive technique that allows the quantification of biological processes in vivo, and the novel radiotracer [18F]MC225 which measures the P-gp function. The aim was to study the kinetic properties of the radiotracer in different species and prove its efficacy to measure increases and decrease in the P-gp function before its clinical evaluation. We conclude that the obtained results have broadened the knowledge of the P-gp function at the BBB. Moreover, the results highlight that [18F]MC225 may become the first radiofluorinated P-gp PET tracer able to measure both decreases and increases in the P-gp function in vivo. The radiolabeling with fluorine-18 would allow its distribution to other PET centers and improve the image quality

    Responsabilidad social en el sistema universitario español: compromisos de las universidades

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    Aportación a congresoEste trabajo, es fruto de la investigación desarrollada dentro del Programa de Estudios y Análisis del Ministerio de Educación de España, en el proyecto EA 2011-0027, un grupo de diecisiete investigadores, abogados, economistas, ingenieros y psicólogos, analizó el papel de la Responsabilidad Social en el Sistema Universitario Español (BENAVIDES y col. 2013). Se presenta el marco referencial en el que se desenvuelven las universidades españolas en relación con la denominada Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. Las universidades, tanto públicas como privadas, realizan numerosas acciones que pertenecen a diferentes dimensiones de la responsabilidad social y están conformando unas instituciones que se comprometen con la salud, sostenibilidad y solidaridad, tres ejes a lo largo de los cuales las universidades españolas, cada vez, de una forma más intensa desarrollan su dimensión social y responden a las necesidades y expectativas de sus grupos de interés.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cultivating the Guerrera Spirit: Forming Social Justice Warriors Through Latina Empowerment and Development

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    The presence of the Latina/x community in the U.S. is loud and powerful. Constituting over 18% of the entire U.S. population and the fast-growing numbers that reflect the changing face of the country calls for an examination of current leadership narratives and demands a commitment to elevate and empower Latina leadership (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022). In a society divided by power and discrimination, it is crucial that Latinas and Women of Color (WOC) have access to spaces that cultivate and celebrate their unique gifts and talents which are often overlooked and undervalued. This project gathered WOC from the Chica Project community to explore a new element of Latina leadership, the guerrera spirit, through community, storytelling, art, reflection, and meaningful discussion. Through a combination of data presentation, conversations, and interactive activities, participants engaged in dialogue over what the guerrera spirit looks like in their personal lives, how storytelling and art can be utilized as tools for leadership, and how this can be applied to the further advancement of Latina leadership. This project found that participants connected deeply with the element of guerrera leadership through collective, intimate, and creative lenses and adds to previous literature calling for revolutionary leadership narratives

    Intranasal melanoma treated with radiation therapy in three dogs

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    Three dogs were investigated for chronic unilateral nasal discharge. In all cases CT imaging showed an intranasal mass causing turbinate lysis and no evidence of metastasis. Cytology in cases 1 (a 14-year-old neutered male crossbreed dog) and 2 (a five-year-old neutered male German Shepherd dog) demonstrated a pleomorphic cell population with variable intracellular pigment suspicious of melanocytic neoplasia. Histopathology with immunohistochemistry (Melan-A and vimentin, plus PNL-2 in one case) confirmed the diagnosis of melanoma in all dogs. All dogs were treated with megavoltage radiotherapy using linear accelerators. Cases 1 and 3 (a nine-year-old neutered female beagle dog) received a hypofractionated (4 × 8 Gy) protocol and case 2 received a definitive (12 × 4 Gy) protocol. Complete remission was demonstrated on repeat CT scan five months after diagnosis in case 1 and seven months in case 2. Stable disease was documented on CT at four months for case 3; however, clinical signs in this dog remained controlled for 10 months in total. Case 1 died of unrelated causes five months after diagnosis, case 2 was euthanased due to the development of seizures 13 months after diagnosis, and case 3 was lost to follow-up 12 months after diagnosis. Melanoma should be considered as a rare differential diagnosis for primary nasal neoplasia in the dog and radiation therapy can be used as effective local therapy

    Optical signatures of the superconducting Goldstone mode in granular aluminum: experiments and theory

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    Recent advances in the experimental growth and control of disordered thin films, heterostructures, and interfaces provide a fertile ground for the observation and characterisation of the collective superconducting excitations emerging below TcT_c after breaking the U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. Here we combine THz experiments in a nano-structured granular Al thin film and theoretical calculations to demonstrate the existence of optically-active phase modes, which represent the Goldstone excitations of the broken gauge symmetry. By measuring the complex transmission trough the sample we identify a sizeable and temperature-dependent optical sub-gap absorption, which cannot be ascribed to quasiparticle excitations. A quantitative modelling of this material as a disordered Josephson array of nano-grains allows us to determine, with no free parameters, the structure of the spatial inhomogeneities induced by shell effects. Besides being responsible for the enhancement of the critical temperature with respect to bulk Al, already observed in the past, this spatial inhomogeneity provides a mechanism for the optical visibility of the Goldstone mode. By computing explicitly the optical spectrum of the superconducting phase fluctuations we obtain a good quantitative description of the experimental data. Our results demonstrate that nanograins arrays are a promising setting to study and control the collective superconducting excitations via optical means

    Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidadeds (NIIF para Pymes) : Implementación de las sección 7 de las normas internacionales de información financiera para pequeñas y medianas entidades (NIIF para Pymes) en la elaboración de flujo de efectivo de la Ferreteria Carrasco en el periodo 2015

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    El presente trabajo tienen como objetivo implementar la sección 7 de las NIIF para PYMES en la elaboración del estado de flujo de efectivo en la ferretería carrasco durante el periodo 2015, para ello se definirá que son Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera, así mismo que es estado de flujo de efectivo y la importancia que este tiene; se aplicará la sección 7 para elaborar dicho estado financiero y se determinará el efecto que tiene la implementación de esta sección en la elaboración del estado de flujo de efectivo en la ferretería Carrasco, S.A. La información financiera que se trabajó en este documento es un supuesto, es un trabajo descriptivo ya que podemos interpretar las variaciones que se presentaron en las cuentas contables de la entidad. Se presentara al lector aspectos claves en la ambiente laboral para la preparación e fines que tiene el estado de flujo de efectivo El estado de flujo de efectivo es muy importante elaborarlo, ya que podemos evaluar la capacidad que tiene la empresa en generar ingresos y conocer el propósito de los desembolsos de efectivo que se realizan, información relevante sobre la evaluación de los activos netos de la entidad, nos permite conocer la solvencia y la liquidez, de esta manera nos brinda información relevante para la toma de decisiones y para los usuarios externos de la contabilidad ya que permiten posibles inversiones en la entidad

    Do women panic more than men?

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    We report experimental evidence on gender differences in financial decision-making that involves three depositors choosing whether to keep their money deposited or to withdraw it. We find that one's position in the line, the fact that one is being observed and observed decisions are key determinants in explaining the subjects' behavior. Our main result is that men and women do not react differently to what is observed. However, there are gender differences regarding the effect of being observed: women value the fact of being observed more, while men value the number of subsequent depositors who observe them. Interestingly, risk aversion has no predictive power on depositors' behavior. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Supramolecular structure in the membrane of Staphylococcus aureus

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    The fundamental processes of life are organized and based on common basic principles. Molecular organizers, often interacting with the membrane, capitalize on cellular polarity to precisely orientate essential processes. The study of organisms lacking apparent polarity or known cellular organizers (e.g., the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus) may enable the elucidation of the primal organizational drive in biology. How does a cell choose from infinite locations in its membrane? We have discovered a structure in the S. aureus membrane that organizes processes indispensable for life and can arise spontaneously from the geometric constraints of protein complexes on membranes. Building on this finding, the most basic cellular positioning system to optimize biological processes, known molecular coordinators could introduce further levels of complexity. All life demands the temporal and spatial control of essential biological functions. In bacteria, the recent discovery of coordinating elements provides a framework to begin to explain cell growth and division. Here we present the discovery of a supramolecular structure in the membrane of the coccal bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, which leads to the formation of a large-scale pattern across the entire cell body; this has been unveiled by studying the distribution of essential proteins involved in lipid metabolism (PlsY and CdsA). The organization is found to require MreD, which determines morphology in rod-shaped cells. The distribution of protein complexes can be explained as a spontaneous pattern formation arising from the competition between the energy cost of bending that they impose on the membrane, their entropy of mixing, and the geometric constraints in the system. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a self-organized and nonpercolating molecular scaffold involving MreD as an organizer for optimal cell function and growth based on the intrinsic self-assembling properties of biological molecules

    Estimation of frequency support market indices using Monte Carlo Simulation for wind power generation

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    The foreseen high penetration levels of renewable energy sources into modern power system will force these green power plants to provide full range of ancillary services. Consequently, the schemes and mechanisms of the markets of such services should be adapted to accommodate the intermittent and uncertain nature of renewable power generation. This paper develops a novel probabilistic method to evaluate the key indices of frequency support according to the present market practices. Focus will be brought to wind power generation, where three different concepts of frequency support are compared through the proposed estimation algorithm, which is based on Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). This study also considers different ranges of wind speed. Results reflect the disability of current factors, which are used to calculate the incentives and rates of provided power and energy support, to deal with wind power. It also reveals the average deviations between the applied support methods from viewpoint of the estimated indices. Matlab/Simulink is the applied simulation environment, where supplementary controllers are integrated into the NREL 5MW benchmark to enable its provision for frequency support
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