20 research outputs found

    Historic Image Gallery for the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas

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    Historic images curated at the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT) have been digitized and uploaded to the collections of the Center for Regional Heritage Research in the institutional repository of Stephen F. Austin State University. Searchable metadata is included with each image, and metadata can be harvested through the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). All images are made available at three resolutions; full, medium, and thumbnail, and are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/). Data in the collection is compliant with the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation, ensuring compliance with the most recent privacy guidelines

    Developing ecosystem service indicators: experiences and lessons learned from sub-global assessments and other initiatives

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    People depend upon ecosystems to supply a range of services necessary for their survival and well-being. Ecosystem service indicators are critical for knowing whether or not these essential services are being maintained and used in a sustainable manner, thus enabling policy makers to identify the policies and other interventions needed to better manage them. As a result, ecosystem service indicators are of increasing interest and importance to governmental and inter-governmental processes, including amongst others the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Aichi Targets contained within its strategic plan for 2011-2020, as well as the emerging Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Despite this growing demand, assessing ecosystem service status and trends and developing robust indicators is o!en hindered by a lack of information and data, resulting in few available indicators. In response, the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), together with a wide range of international partners and supported by the Swedish International Biodiversity Programme (SwedBio)*, undertook a project to take stock of the key lessons that have been learnt in developing and using ecosystem service indicators in a range of assessment contexts. The project examined the methodologies, metrics and data sources employed in delivering ecosystem service indicators, so as to inform future indicator development. This report presents the principal results of this project

    Interlinkages: Governance for Sustainability Chapter 8

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    The Earth functions as a system: atmosphere, land, water, biodiversity and human society are all linked in a complex web of interactions and feedbacks. Environment and development challenges are interlinked across thematic, institutional and geographic boundaries through social and environmental processes. The state of knowledge on these interlinkages and implications for human well-being are highlighted in the following messages: Environmental change and development challenges are caused by the same sets of drivers. They include population change, economic processes, scientific and technological innovations, distribution patterns, and cultural, social, political and institutional processes

    A Ă©tica do silĂȘncio racial no contexto urbano: polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas e desigualdade social no Recife, 1900-1940

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    Mais de meio sĂ©culo apĂłs o preconceito racial ter se tornado o principal alvo dos movimentos urbanos pelos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos e na África do Sul, e dĂ©cadas depois do surgimento dos movimentos negros contemporĂąneos no Brasil, o conjunto de ferramentas legislativas criado no Brasil para promover o direito Ă  cidade ainda adere Ă  longa tradição brasileira de silĂȘncio acerca da questĂŁo racial. Este artigo propĂ”e iniciar uma exploração das raĂ­zes histĂłricas desse fenĂŽmeno, remontando ao surgimento do silĂȘncio sobre a questĂŁo racial na polĂ­tica urbana do Recife, Brasil, durante a primeira metade do sĂ©culo XX. O Recife foi eĂ© um exemplo paradigmĂĄtico do processo pelo qual uma cidade amplamente marcada por traços negros e africanos chegou a ser definida polĂ­tica e legalmente como um espaço pobre, subdesenvolvido e racialmente neutro, onde as desigualdades sociais originaram na exclusĂŁo capitalista, e nĂŁo na escravidĂŁo e nas ideologias do racismo cientĂ­fico. Neste sentido, Recife lança luzes sobre a polĂ­tica urbana que se gerou sob a sombra do silĂȘncio racial.More than half a century after racial prejudice became central to urban civil rights movements in the United States and South Africa, and decades after the emergence of Brazil’s contemporary Black movements, Brazil's internationally recognized body of rights-to-the-city legislation still adheres to the country's long historical tradition of racial silence. This article explores the historical roots of this phenomenon by focusing on the emergence of racial silence in Recife, Brazil during the first half of the 20th Century. Recife was and remains a paradigmatic example of the process through which a city marked by its Black and African roots came to be legally and politically defined as a poor, underdeveloped and racially neutral space, where social inequalities derived from capitalist exclusion rather than from slavery and scientific racism. As such, Recife'sexperience sheds light on the urban policies that were generated in the shadow of racial silence

    Rapid induction of functional and morphological continuity between severed ends of mammalian or earthworm myelinated axons

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    The inability to rapidly restore the loss of function that results from severance (cutting or crushing) of PNS and CNS axons is a severe clinical problem. As a novel strategy to help alleviate this problem, we have developed in vitro procedures using Ca21-free solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG solutions), which within minutes induce functional and morphological continuity (PEG-induced fusion) between the cut or crushed ends of myelinated sciatic or spinal axons in rats. Using a PEG-based hydrogel that binds to connective tissue to provide mechanical strength at the lesion site and is nontoxic to nerve tissues in earthworms and mammals, we have also developed in vivo procedures that permanently maintain earthworm myelinated medial giant axons whose functional and morphological integrity has been restored by PEG-induced fusion after axonal severance. In all these in vitro or in vivo procedures, the success of PEG-induced fusion of sciatic or spinal axons and myelinated medial giant axons is measured by the restored conduction of action potentials through the lesion site, the presence of intact axonal profiles in electron micrographs taken at the lesion site, and/or the intra-axonal diffusion of fluorescent dyes across the lesion site. These and other data suggest that the application of polymeric fusiogens (such as our PEG solutions), possibly combined with a tissue adherent (such as our PEG hydrogels), could lead to in vivo treatments that rapidly and permanently repair cut or crushed axons in the PNS and CNS of adult mammals, including humans.These studies were funded by National Institutes of Health Grants NS31256 and HD31484, a Texas Advanced Technology grant to G.D.B., personal funds of G.D.B., and National Science Foundation Grant BES-9696020 to J.A.H.Neuroscienc